I was surprised that I arrived a bit nervous about starting guardian duties again.
Adams Rubble: Good morning Eden :)
Eden Haiku: Good morning hippie Adams :)
Eden Haiku: Wearing a past self?
Adams Rubble: not quite-my other hair was there at the beginning :)
Eden Haiku: smiles
Adams Rubble: something different today
Adams Rubble gets beginning and end all mixed up :)
Eden Haiku: Congratulations on hosting your first new session (which will be either Wednesdays or Thursdays I think?)
Adams Rubble: nice of you to come to my first session in a while
Eden Haiku: A pleasure :)
Adams Rubble: yes, will wait until I get a better idea of the new RL schedule
Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle :)
Eden Haiku: Hi Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: Sorry, late, completely forgot
Adams Rubble: it is only 7:02 :)
Eden Haiku: 2 minutes is not late :)
Riddle Sideways: oh! ok
Adams Rubble can fix the time clock so you won;t get docked
Eden Haiku: phew!
Riddle Sideways: take back the sorry and put it a bag for anytime
Riddle Sideways: another time
Eden Haiku: :)
Adams Rubble doesn;t know where to start
Eden Haiku: At the end?
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: like the Hippie look-outfit
Riddle Sideways: Alt has been looking for that outfit
Eden Haiku: Read in your blog; "My eyes are damp.Must be raining in here." or something like that, Loved the sentence so much!
Adams Rubble: It is pieces of this and pieces of that :)
Eden Haiku: Patcwork of selves :)
Eden Haiku: *patchwork
Riddle Sideways: Patches
Adams Rubble: I worked on a summaru in my blog this morning but it needs work
Riddle Sideways: are those bellbottoms?
Adams Rubble: actually no
Riddle Sideways: ok, thanks
Adams Rubble gets beginning and end all mixed upme models jeans
Eden Haiku: Riddle is very interested in hippie fashion :)
Riddle Sideways: yes, actually
Eden Haiku: LOL
Adams Rubble: the pants are Yak & Yeti, found in her Afghanistan shop
Adams Rubble: The shirt is bright orange with flared sleeves
Riddle Sideways: and Yes, beginnings and endings are getting confused (yet agani)
Eden Haiku: What an interesting name for a boutique: Yak & Yeti!
Adams Rubble: the vest is just a grey vest freebie
Adams Rubble: the flower is a daisy found in the Clothing-Assessories-Flowers sections of my inventory
Eden Haiku: The vest looks good on the orange shirt!
Adams Rubble: the necklace is a Buddhist mala
Adams Rubble giggles
Eden Haiku: Thanks for standing up so we can see the outfit better Adams!
Adams Rubble: I did not brush my hair after washing it :)
Riddle Sideways: and the sitting anim?
Riddle Sideways: giggles
Riddle Sideways: have same issue with hair
Eden Haiku: Likes the tricolor shades of brown :)
Riddle Sideways: brush and comb after washing... an hour later - frizzzz
Adams Rubble: I thought if I added a flower no one would notice :)
Eden Haiku: It's the dampness of the air
Adams Rubble: wow, am I procrastinating this morning
Eden Haiku: Nice flower appearance of appearance :)
Eden Haiku: Flowering
Adams Rubble: flowers make inspiring appearances
Eden Haiku: Proscrastinating Adams?
Adams Rubble: The blogs I have read in the past 48 hours have been all over the place
Adams Rubble: hard to focus
Riddle Sideways: anybody that has an inventory Clothing-Assessories-Flowers section is not procrastinnating
Eden Haiku: True!
Adams Rubble: I am cursed with the soul of a librarian
Adams Rubble: :)
Eden Haiku: I look like the hoopoe with that lotus flower on my crown chakra :)
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: We are having a very hot couple of days here in RL
Riddle Sideways: a purple crown
Eden Haiku: Remember the hoopoe from "The Conference of the Birds"? I never finished the book...
Adams Rubble: It was almost 80 when I woke up
Riddle Sideways: alas, never finished it either
Eden Haiku: Yes, here too Adams. We had 98% of humidity yesterday...
Adams Rubble never started it :(
Adams Rubble: ohh, people must be suffering there
Riddle Sideways: only 59F here. Hi should be 73
Eden Haiku: Yep! especially people with asthma are having problems...
To get things started I post a piece from my blog today:
Adams Rubble:
In the beginning was the End,
And the End was completely empty.
And This beginning was Empty;
And the emptiness was without void,
Except when the void was called space.
The beginning was not the Beginning.
In the Beginning was Being.
Some people called Being God,
or Allah, or Shiva, or Vishnu, or Devi;
Some people see Christ, or Krishnu,
or Avalokitesvara, or Manjusri,
or Samantabhadra.
Some call Being "Nature";
Some just scratch their heads
And say "What does it matter
If we have not Love In our hearts.
We are perfect as we are,
Except when we need improvement.
Adams Rubble: that is from my blog this morning
Eden Haiku: Love, yes, at the center of it all.
Riddle Sideways: Except when we need improvement ;)
Riddle Sideways: thinking of Babble - all the languages for the same thing
Riddle Sideways: yet in using a different word that same thing gets a slightly different meaning
Riddle Sideways: so generations go off on that slight differences
Riddle Sideways: and come back to have a war
Riddle Sideways: Sorry, went someplace
Riddle Sideways: with wild typing
Adams Rubble: no, you went where it goes Riddle
Adams Rubble: That is the needing improvament part, Riddle :)
Birthday for Eden:
Eden Haiku: Little kiddies were over yesterday, for my birthday, in this damp damp weather. Running and making wheels and splits under the garden shower, giving me wet hugs, laughing mischievouslly. So much LOVE.
Riddle Sideways: HHHHHappy Birdday
Adams Rubble: oh yes, happy birthday eden :)
Riddle Sideways: So much Love
Eden Haiku: Hoopoe is bowing with thanks :)
Eden Haiku: A birday makes you lighter: you fly like an angel :)
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: Yes ㋡
Eden Haiku: A birth-day seems much more work :)
Adams Rubble: amazing that we knew what to do on our birth day
Riddle Sideways: labor
Eden Haiku: And this is the birth day of your new session hosting Adams!
Eden Haiku: Labor, amazing that we knew yes...
Adams Rubble: yes, I guess that is what inpired my summary but then I got tired out
Adams Rubble: after writing it
Adams Rubble: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I lay down behind the cushion for a cat nap; meanwhile Riddle tells of internet woes which were to manifest at the end of the session.
Riddle Sideways: have always been amazed about a single cell knowing to get it together and divide
Eden Haiku: My niece was telling me about the delivering of her six-months old little girl and I was very impressed. How much LABOR it is...
Riddle Sideways: giggles at drifting off Adams
Eden Haiku: smiles
Riddle Sideways: write your heart out, then nothing left to do... maybe take a nap
Riddle Sideways: in the last 2 days, have lost Internet 5 times. yesterday was 2pm-5. looked at website, said they were possibly doing scheduled maintainance. Talked with 1st level support.
Riddle Sideways: told it was on this side, so a tech would come out
Riddle Sideways: in a day or tow
Riddle Sideways: two
Eden Haiku: Chewing Thrills gum, a leftover from yesterday's treats; it still tastes like soap!
Eden Haiku: oh no Riddle...
Riddle Sideways: later got a call from Advanced Support. service was now restored to my area
Eden Haiku: listening
Adams Rubble: yes, sorry to hear that Riddle. We get so dependent on the connections
Riddle Sideways: end of story. leaves questions of what support group about themselves
Riddle Sideways: Yes, stare at monitor and wonder what can be done without connections
Riddle Sideways: +knows about
Adams Rubble: can draw pictures and tape them to the monitor?
Eden Haiku: giggles
Riddle Sideways: Yes!!!! ㋡
Riddle Sideways: had to do a strange thing ...
Adams Rubble: I do much of my computer work offline
Riddle Sideways: go outside
Adams Rubble: :)))
Eden Haiku: When on a roadtrip with about 30 kilometers without cellular network, I felt quite insecure...
Adams Rubble: wow Eden
Riddle Sideways: no safety Net
Eden Haiku: Not even able to log on Twitter to complain about it...
Riddle Sideways: how did we live before
Adams Rubble is still in the dark ages concerning cell phones
Adams Rubble uses maps :)
Riddle Sideways: paper maps ?
Adams Rubble: yes - but they are hard to find now
Riddle Sideways: have some of those ... someplace
Adams Rubble: they are getting out of date
Eden Haiku: My niece's GPS sent her 30 kilometers north of here yesterday :(
Riddle Sideways: ha
Adams Rubble: We got a gps thingy for the car and it got mad at us and told up to make a left turn from the right lane
Eden Haiku: Yep, it does things like that.. I talk back to mine :)
Adams Rubble: it was a busy intersection
Adams Rubble: tring to kill us
Riddle Sideways: had the dashboard GPS arguing with the backseat cell phone GPS
Eden Haiku: AI is taking over!!!
Adams Rubble: hehe
Riddle Sideways: 2 women's voice telling to turn diff ways
Eden Haiku: Nice :)
Adams Rubble: back sear driver
Adams Rubble: seat
Eden Haiku: A new hell
Riddle Sideways: well, plus a couple RL women
Eden Haiku: hehe
Eden Haiku: Even worse
Back Seat Driving Duscussion Leads to Voices in our Head Telling Us What to Do; Giving Birth is Weaved into the Thread
Eden Haiku: Wondering about the "back seat driver" of her consciousness
Adams Rubble wonders what will happen when driverless cars are following the directions of the gps advisors
Riddle Sideways: in A beginning (which was not The Beginning) there was emptiness and no void until the GPS came along
Adams Rubble: say more Eden, sounds interesting
Eden Haiku: indeed...
Eden Haiku: About the back seat driver of consciousness... hummm....
Riddle Sideways: /listens, yes
Adams Rubble: yes
Eden Haiku: A feeling that there is a witness behind the neocortex
Riddle Sideways: that little cartoon angel on our shoulder back seat
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: In my typist's head, that is me :)
Riddle Sideways: dazzling
Eden Haiku: That I often treat like an annoying back seat driver/GPS
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: and in hindsight
Riddle Sideways: was maybe correct directions
Riddle Sideways: of course ignore that other voice "You can't get there from here"
Riddle Sideways: that little devil
Eden Haiku: During the pause, that GPS/ back seat driver/ cartoon angel/withness/SL alt was shouting: DO NOT TYPE ON THE BELL and it was hypnotized into obedience
Adams Rubble: and the one that says "How can you be in two places at once when you are not anywhere at allll-lllllll"
Eden Haiku: "I" was hypnotized into obedience
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: love Firesign
Eden Haiku: Firesign?
Riddle Sideways: wondering about the "I" that was hypnotized
Eden Haiku: The good Catholic girl?
Adams Rubble: Firesign Theater a sort of comedy group that was not mainstream
Riddle Sideways: Firesign Theater, a long ago comedy group Adams and Riddle liked
Riddle Sideways: snap
Eden Haiku: Ah! Thanks :)
Riddle Sideways: with a twist
Adams Rubble compares Riddle's and Adam's descriptiosn
Adams Rubble: most people listen to them and hate them
Adams Rubble: some us twisted souls li=ove the humor
Eden Haiku: But hippies like you too dig them!
Riddle Sideways: "Barkeep, I have a snap with a twist"
Adams Rubble giggles
Riddle Sideways: giddes
Riddle Sideways: or giggles
Eden Haiku: Just bited my tongue: not used to chewing gum anymore :(
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Adams Rubble: ouch
Eden Haiku: Yep, it hurts. Apparently much less than giving birth but I wouldn't know about that ...
Adams Rubble: My RL self had voices in the head; it was one of the things that were dropped in PaB explorations
Riddle Sideways: am told passing a kidney stone is somewhat close
Eden Haiku: My niece gave birth in a birthing house, in a bath but after 11 hours or so she felt so incredibly exhausted she felt alone in the world...
Adams Rubble: knew what should be done but the voices kept telling to do something else
Riddle Sideways: good thing to drop
Adams Rubble: very negative voices
Adams Rubble not ignoring Eden
Eden Haiku: How interesting Adams...
Eden Haiku: Would like to hear more Adams :)
Adams Rubble: We can be grateful to those who gave us birth
Eden Haiku: Experience seems similar to the back seat driver I was mentioning
Riddle Sideways: the tough sorting out of the negative and positive voices
Eden Haiku: The key might be to understand all the inner voices mean well. Sometimes they are ill-inspired though...
Riddle Sideways: backseat driver/GPS says turn, but the driver still decides which path
Riddle Sideways: the where did each get their data
Riddle Sideways: seeming to be driving a car with a very large back seat
Adams Rubble remembers her Christmas selves all babbling
Eden Haiku: Christmas selves elves?
Adams Rubble: fighting among themselves
Adams Rubble: pictured my selves as elves
Eden Haiku: Cute :)
Adams Rubble: I addeded a quote about that to yesterday's blog
Adams Rubble: December 2008
Eden Haiku: Used to follow some French therapist who suggests we address all the voices one by one until there is no one left. It takes a long while...
Eden Haiku: Will look it up Adams!
Adams Rubble: we lost Roddle :(
Eden Haiku: Used to do that exercise with a little figurine representing each voice.
Adams Rubble: Riddle too
Eden Haiku: Riddle, Riddle ?
Adams Rubble: I spent a long time trying to figure where all the vloices were coming from
Eden Haiku: He vanished, poofed into the netherworld, in a no Internet connection world...
Adams Rubble pictures Riddle drawing pictures and pasting them to his monitor
Eden Haiku: And I'm daring silencing the back seat driver, talking LOUDLY over the bell which shoooing me...
Adams Rubble: I noticed :)
Eden Haiku: Pictures of you and I sitting at the fountain :)
Eden Haiku: With flowers in our hair :)
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble sings "If we are going to San Fran Cisco...:
Eden Haiku: is now chewing a pink bubble gum
Adams Rubble: I hope you stay comfortable until the heat breaks
Eden Haiku: Yep, you too Adams...
Adams Rubble: Should be late tomorrow here
Eden Haiku: pheww, it will be relief :)
Adams Rubble: yes, a bit too arm
Eden Haiku: Thank you so much for this new session Adams :)
Adams Rubble: warm
Adams Rubble: thank you for coming Eden :)
Eden Haiku: It had a good start :)
Adams Rubble: thanks :)
Eden Haiku: Will try to attend as often as I can. And have fun with the blog, what an impressive body of work!
Eden Haiku: I'm happy to be following you now :)
Adams Rubble: it keeps me sailin :)
Adams Rubble: sailing
Eden Haiku: Good!
Adams Rubble: bye for now :)
Eden Haiku: Have a great day Adams !
Adams Rubble: you too :)
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![]() | 2018_08_21_020.png No description | 1081.88 kB | 01:46, 30 Aug 2018 | Adams Rubble | Actions |