2008.05.26 07:00 - Causes and Conditions

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    The Guardian for this session was Pema, the comments are his.

    That morning, I met Dakini in the tea house, in yet another new set of good looking clothes.

    Pema Pera: Hi Dakini!
    Pema Pera: nice outfit!!
    Dakini Rhode: hi Pema :-)
    Dakini Rhode: thanks!
    Dakini Rhode: I have discovered shopping!
    Pema Pera: recently?
    Dakini Rhode: i never used slexchange until now
    Dakini Rhode: can now spend lots of lindens very fast!
    Pema Pera: I tried
    Pema Pera: but didn’t make it over the first hurdle
    Pema Pera: :-)
    Pema Pera: you have to get into SL and say that you are real
    Pema Pera: at a cashiers place
    Pema Pera: and that didn’t seem to work
    Dakini Rhode: hmm i don’t think i did that
    Pema Pera: have had no time to figure out why not
    Pema Pera: ??
    Dakini Rhode: i thought i just dumped some money in there
    Pema Pera: on the web site?
    Dakini Rhode: yes
    Dakini Rhode: unless… i started to set it up a long time ago and never used it
    Dakini Rhode: that is possible
    Dakini Rhode: maybe i went to one of those kiosks when i was new
    Pema Pera: so you did your shopping on the web site?
    Dakini Rhode: yes!
    Dakini Rhode: just click and new clothes!
    Pema Pera: seems more efficient — like amazon vs. book store
    Dakini Rhode: yes - no need to find the store and wait for everything to rez
    Pema Pera: and how do you get your stuff?
    Pema Pera: automatically into your inventory?
    Dakini Rhode: you need to be in SL - and it is delivered to you
    Dakini Rhode: the same as shopping in SL
    Pema Pera: delivered? how?
    Dakini Rhode: like if i give something to you - you will get the blue panel
    Dakini Rhode: you accept and it’s in your inventory

    SLexchange does sound like a good idea. I will have to try it out, soon(ish).

    Pema Pera: ah, I see
    Pema Pera: well, if I ever get some time
    Pema Pera: or stop sleeping
    Pema Pera: I’ll look into it :-)
    Dakini Rhode: :-)
    Dakini Rhode: still catching up on your sleep?
    Pema Pera: yes, better now
    Dakini Rhode: you need a vacation
    Pema Pera: 6 to 7 hours in May vs. 4 to 5 in April
    Pema Pera: yes, I do!
    Pema Pera: but all in due time
    Pema Pera: when we have 28 guardian slots, I’ll celebrate and take a weeks vacation
    Dakini Rhode: :-)
    Pema Pera: perhaps even in a place without internet
    Dakini Rhode: SL is not good for sleep
    Pema Pera: did you see the emails I sent?
    Pema Pera: indeed
    Dakini Rhode: when did you send?
    Pema Pera: oh, eight hours ago
    Pema Pera: ah, you were sleeping of course
    Pema Pera: these time zones are so confusing!
    Pema Pera: haha
    Dakini Rhode: lol did not read those emails yet

    We talked about some of our neighbors.

    Pema Pera: I met our neighbor today, in RL here in Tokyo, who has her place next to your Kalachakra garden!
    Dakini Rhode: wow!
    Dakini Rhode: How wonderful you could meet IRL!
    Pema Pera: Very nice person, very much like her SL persona again
    Dakini Rhode: great
    Pema Pera: yes, it is amazing how people’s personality shine through in SL
    Pema Pera: as we often said
    Pema Pera: She was the second person, I think, whom I first met in SL then in RL
    Dakini Rhode: who was the first?
    Pema Pera: She was he one who did an interview with me a few months ago, let me get the URL
    Pema Pera: http://www.ugotrade.com/2008/01/15/exploring-reality-in-virtual-worlds-with-piet-hut/
    Pema Pera: and guess what: during our interview I was in Japan and she in the US
    Pema Pera: and then we found out that we were living not too far from each other
    Dakini Rhode: this is the way of the future
    Pema Pera: (^_^)
    Dakini Rhode: global communities, virtual meetings… this is the future, i believe
    Dakini Rhode: already doing that in my business with India

    Dakini turned to the PaB blog.

    Dakini Rhode: you and Maxine had an amazing chat
    Dakini Rhode: you talked about time, so many things…
    Pema Pera: sometimes inspiration just wells up here . . . .
    Dakini Rhode: I was curious how you came to realize this
    Pema Pera: realize what?
    Dakini Rhode: we are in reality beyond time, beyond the limitations of time
    Pema Pera: ah!
    Dakini Rhode: we are in reality beyond these separate bodies
    Dakini Rhode: or i would say we are in both realities at once
    Pema Pera: well, in the course of the last 2/3 of my life with the help of many great teachers, meeting then in person or through books or sometimes actually in dreams
    Pema Pera: I learned to see a bit
    Pema Pera: you can say, I mean
    Pema Pera: that I have started PaB as a way to help create a circle of people with whom I can finally talk about what I have learned to see
    Dakini Rhode: you know, my mode is to feel more than to see
    Dakini Rhode: i feel these things, if that makes sense
    Dakini Rhode: I want to learn to see
    Pema Pera: sees feels knows I mean it in a very wide way
    Dakini Rhode: when i hear “seeing” i think of a certain thing
    Pema Pera: in short
    Pema Pera: what I now see is a tiny part of what Stim sees
    Pema Pera: and what I have been able to say so far is a very tiny part of what I see
    Pema Pera: and I hope that both very tiny parts can grow here
    Pema Pera: that I can see more and that I can convey more of what I see
    Dakini Rhode: As one of my teachers said, “does everything look solid to you?”
    Dakini Rhode: “then you are not enlightened”
    Pema Pera: nice, yes
    Dakini Rhode: and that made me curious, b/c only rarely do things not look solid to me
    Pema Pera: oh, yes, most people have absolutely no idea!
    Pema Pera: no idea at all
    Pema Pera: of what there is
    Pema Pera: they enjoy the initial relaxation of meditation
    showshow Camel: hi all

    At that moment Showshow walked in.

    Pema Pera: hi Showshow!
    Dakini Rhode: hello showshow!
    Pema Pera: but no-time and no-identity is just words initially
    Pema Pera: no way to even begin to get a flavor
    Dakini Rhode: this must be my work for PaB
    Pema Pera: or even to sense that you don’t get the flavor at all
    Dakini Rhode: i must get this into my mindstream
    Pema Pera: the funny thing is, it is sooooo simple
    Pema Pera: amazingly
    Dakini Rhode: yes I know
    Pema Pera: laughingly
    Pema Pera: yes
    Dakini Rhode: it is already here
    Pema Pera: yes
    Dakini Rhode: it is a shift of perception
    Pema Pera: and yet you have to see it :-)
    Pema Pera: yes
    Dakini Rhode: or vantage point perhaps
    Dakini Rhode: simple, but the causes and conditions must ripen

    And Rajah joined us as well.

    Pema Pera: Hi Rajah
    Rajah Yalin: hi everyone
    Dakini Rhode: hi Rajah
    Pema Pera: Have you all met?
    Dakini Rhode: yes, we have met!
    Dakini Rhode: and you?
    Pema Pera: yes
    Dakini Rhode: we’re now enjoying this SL night
    Rajah Yalin: I think i met a good portion the other day following around the guardians
    Dakini Rhode: yes, you were with us yesterday :-)
    Rajah Yalin: yeah, sittin there walking around looking official :P
    Pema Pera: hahaha
    Dakini Rhode: is that how we looked?
    Dakini Rhode: i thought it was fun to see the avs running thru the forest
    Dakini Rhode: oh and Pema!
    showshow Camel: By the way………Do you read Japanese?
    showshow Camel: あいうえお
    Rajah Yalin: brb
    showshow Camel: 禅
    Pema Pera: はい、読めますよ
    showshow Camel: What do you think about 禅?
    showshow Camel: 座禅
    Pema Pera: I am interested in zazen yes
    Pema Pera: and I used to do quite a bit of that
    Pema Pera: but also of other meditation forms
    Pema Pera: and I have learned a lot from many
    showshow Camel: Can you meditate here?
    Pema Pera: Here? Sure.
    Dakini Rhode: the avatar can appear to meditate
    Dakini Rhode: and you can meditate in RL
    Dakini Rhode: at the same time
    Pema Pera: But maybe because I have quite a bit of experience in RL
    Pema Pera: yes
    Dakini Rhode: you can “be in meditation” while your avatar is here

    Showshow asked me further about emptiness and other aspects of zen, including Soto Zen, in reply of which I mentioned Dogen’s Shobogenzo.

    showshow Camel: Do you inderstand 無の境地????
    Pema Pera: well, I have some familiarity with it, yes
    Rajah Yalin: where can I get the zazen mats for SL?
    Rajah Yalin: the animations
    Pema Pera: and understanding can go deeper and deeper and deeper . . . .
    Dakini Rhode: i got the animations at Panda Mall
    Dakini Rhode: if you search zazen at panda mall, you can find the exact location of the box
    Pema Pera: 座禅の興味がありますか?
    showshow Camel: there are some religious parties in Japan named 禅宗
    showshow Camel: 臨済宗
    showshow Camel: 曹洞宗
    Pema Pera: Yes, I like the Soto school
    Pema Pera: but not only Soto
    showshow Camel: wow
    Pema Pera: 道元
    Pema Pera: とか
    Pema Pera: 正法現像
    showshow Camel: すごいですね?
    Pema Pera: thank you :)
    showshow Camel: 私は、禅のことは、あまり良く知りません
    Pema Pera: I started zazen about 35 years ago
    Pema Pera: amazing, come to think of it, how time flies
    Pema Pera: :)
    Pema Pera: Showshow asked me about Soto zen
    Pema Pera: sorry to slide into Japanese sometimes
    Dakini Rhode: is ok
    Pema Pera: one of the pleasures of SL

    Talking about languages . . .

    Pema Pera: Today my avatar spoke Finnish!
    Dakini Rhode: i can actually see the little pictograms on this computer
    Dakini Rhode: your RL avatar?
    Pema Pera: but that was because our neighbor here in Rieul, from Finland, was having dinner with me in RL in Tokyo
    Pema Pera: and she used my account to type to another Finn in SL
    showshow Camel: ただ、禅…….茶道、華道、香道などは、根底に流れている思想が良く似ています。
    Pema Pera: a friend of hers
    Pema Pera: so they typed to each other in Finnish
    Pema Pera: and the words flowed from Pema’s mouth of course
    showshow Camel: わび、さびの心ですが
    Pema Pera: since I had opened my laptop during dinner to let her type
    Pema Pera: all very multi-virtual :)
    Pema Pera: そうですね
    Pema Pera: 本当に
    Pema Pera: 思想から流れる。。。。
    showshow Camel: 皆さんは、書道の経験がありますか?
    showshow Camel: caligraphy
    Rajah Yalin: 私には分からない。
    Pema Pera: haha, Rajah!
    Rajah Yalin: :P
    Pema Pera: I have a little experience with calligraphy, but not much
    Pema Pera: actually, I have to leave now for an astronomy meeting, my apologies, also in SL — hope to see you all again soon!
    Pema Pera: And nice meeting you again, Rajah and Showshow
    showshow Camel: See you
    Rajah Yalin: take care Pema
    Rajah Yalin: Namaste
    Pema Pera: Dakini, I’ll leave you as the guardian for now :-)
    Dakini Rhode: tc Pema
    Pema Pera: see you all soon again!
    Dakini Rhode: bye…

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