The Guardian for this meeting was Bruce Mowbray. The comments are by Bruce Mowbray.
ElanVitalo Resident: Hello, Qt!
Qt Core: Hi Elan, Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Qt.
Bruce Mowbray: How goes it today?
Qt Core: could be better, you know, one of those that when some things go wrong, you get angry them distracted so more go wrong and so on
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, I know exactly what you mean.
Bruce Mowbray: one thing builds upon another . . .
Qt Core: ended up with an escalator trying to eat my shoes (it got only a piece of the shoelace
Bruce Mowbray: Inevitably, when more and more things go wrong, it's possible that we displace our anger . . . often upon persons who don't deserve it, too.
Bruce Mowbray: I got my shoelace caught in an escalator once...
Qt Core: luckily i got hold of myself just when starting to do that
Bruce Mowbray: it set off the alarm . . . and people came running from all over the store!
Qt Core: no, just a couple of curse words on my part and almost no one around (i was almost at the parking area)
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Bruce Mowbray: Would it be possible for you to get actively involved in something else -- something very different, perhaps -- in order to shake the angry mood?
Qt Core: it is already gone, i was angry some 10 hours ago, now i'm just tired and wanting this day to end
Bruce Mowbray: Oh, good!
Bruce Mowbray: Then Elan and I don't need to worry about displaced anger, huh?
Qt Core: :-)
Bruce Mowbray: let's see it's about 10 o'clock at night where you are....
Qt Core: having to type I,t i think i would recognize it
Bruce Mowbray: actually after ten o’clock by about 18 minutes...
Qt Core: yes
Bruce Mowbray: I think that good healthy anger is warranted, sometimes.
Bruce Mowbray: I don't mean a temper tantrum, of course.
Bruce Mowbray: But there are things that deserve getting upset about, I feel.
Qt Core: i agree
Bruce Mowbray: of course, anything that has that sort of "power" -- I mean anything that can push our buttons like that -- is worth looking at.
Bruce Mowbray: Do you know that expression? "push our buttons"?
Qt Core: yes, same one in Italian too
Bruce Mowbray: Ahhh!
Bruce Mowbray: before this session started, I was listening to a reading of Plato's "Gorgias" --- and finding Socrates to be downright annoying.
Bruce Mowbray: In fact, I think one of the characters actually gets into a physical fight with Socrates during the dialogue.
Bruce Mowbray: I don't know if you're familiar with it, but it's a diatribe against orators . . .
Qt Core: i forced myself to read the dialogues at about 20, don't think i really understood anything ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: Ha ha. Me too.
Bruce Mowbray: now in my old age, though, I can relax with them and enjoy them more.
Bruce Mowbray: It's especially fun if you can find of reading... (audio version) then sit back and listen to it.
Qt Core: for me it has the same issue as Don Quixote... how one people could talk for a full couple pages... and get an three page answer ? ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: !!
Bruce Mowbray: that sounds more like a lecture than a dialogue!
Qt Core: obviously they are "just" a little different in form and nature, but still some part bored me the same way
Bruce Mowbray: Have you been back to the Expo?
Qt Core: no, I plan to go tomorrow afternoon if my plans hold
Bruce Mowbray: ahhh! A fine Sunday outing.
Bruce Mowbray: Is the Expo getting a good attendance -- I mean, are as many people coming to it as hoped for?
Qt Core: sadly it is the busiest moment, but can't find another without taking days off from work
Bruce Mowbray nods, understands.
Bruce Mowbray: I suppose that's how it is with most of the people that will be there tomorrow.
Qt Core: I think they are a little under that, they planned for 20 million visitor in 6 months and got only 2.7 million in May
Bruce Mowbray: hmmmm.
Bruce Mowbray: almost 3,000,000 in one month seems like a lot.
Bruce Mowbray: wb!
Qt Core: ty
ElanVitalo Resident: :)
Qt Core: they say that the russian//chinese invasion of Expo should start soon
Bruce Mowbray: I see.
Bruce Mowbray: well as the summer comes on, I'm sure that attendance will pick up.
Bruce Mowbray: so they expect to average about 4 million every month...?
Qt Core: the place is sized for a maximum of 250.000 visitors a day
Bruce Mowbray: ahhhh.
Bruce Mowbray: Does the Expo have any form of mass transportation? -- I mean trolleys, buses, or vehicles to move people around?
Qt Core: there is a bus that circles it
Bruce Mowbray: ahhh.
Qt Core: this is the Rai (Italian state tv) webcam live from the north end of the Decumano (the main street): this is the Rai (italian state tv
Qt Core:
Bruce Mowbray clicks on link....
Bruce Mowbray: "in questo momento...."
Qt Core: = in this moment
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Qt Core: as you can see people are going toward the exit (on the left) that would bring them toward the subway station and the train station
Bruce Mowbray: "Video non supportato" -- too bad.
Bruce Mowbray: Informativa breve Il sito Rai utilizza cookie tecnici o assimiliati e cookie di profilazione di terze parti in forma aggregata, per rendere più agevole la navigazione, garantire la fruizione dei servizi e se vuoi saperne di più o negare il consenso a tutti o ad alcuni cookie clicca qui - Chiudendo questo banner, scorrendo questa pagina o cliccando qualunque suo elemento acconsenti all'uso dei cookie.
Qt Core: = do you accept cookies ?
Bruce Mowbray: sure!
Bruce Mowbray: Oh I see the place to click on to get the cookie now.
Qt Core: we just have a new law about cookies so all Italian websites are asking (again and again) if you accept them with a verbose question
Bruce Mowbray: nope, didn't work.
Bruce Mowbray: I'm going to Google a live video cam from Milano, and see what happens.
Qt Core: as for now i only found this
Bruce Mowbray: Here's one from the cathedral.
Qt Core: (even if i think is a little strange that no pavilion has a webcam)
Bruce Mowbray: Me too.
Bruce Mowbray:
Bruce Mowbray: Expo grounds:
Bruce Mowbray: I don't think that one is live, though.
Bruce Mowbray: Wow! It's DARK over there!
Qt Core: almost 11pm, after all
Bruce Mowbray nods.
Bruce Mowbray: 27-6-2015 - 22:42
Bruce Mowbray: No wonder I can't see anything!
Qt Core: that reminds me i have to go see an exhibit about Leonardo da Vinci in that building on the center of the duomo webcam view
Bruce Mowbray: Great!
Qt Core: (the so called Palazzo Reale, Royal Palace
Bruce Mowbray: I see people moving around now.
Bruce Mowbray: The cathedral looks ENORMOUS!
Bruce Mowbray: There is some sort of I light show going on . . . I think it's on the building you were referring to earlier.
Bruce Mowbray: it seems to have stopped now though.
Qt Core: inside it feels even bigger, just outside of the view, on the right there is an exit of the subway, i love exiting from it and being almost hit by the duomo size every time
Qt Core: i just found myself trying to zoom on the webcam page like we do in SL...
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Bruce Mowbray: There is some kind of music . . . or something . . . in the background. You know what that is?
Bruce Mowbray: the sounds I mean?
Qt Core: no idea
Bruce Mowbray: I can hear people's voices too, but I cannot make out what they're saying.
Bruce Mowbray: I couldn't understand their language anyway, of course.
Qt Core: this past week a couple of Koreans crashed their drone on one of the sires of the duomo...
Bruce Mowbray: oh my!
Bruce Mowbray: drones everywhere!
Qt Core: it seems they destroyed a spotlight ... and were arrested
Bruce Mowbray: Wow.
Bruce Mowbray: my farmer has a drone . . . he demonstrated it to me last year when they planted our fields with soybeans.
Bruce Mowbray: he uses it to photograph the entire field in very high resolution.
Qt Core: they can be extremely useful or extremely annoying... like almost everything
Bruce Mowbray: I made a video of the entire demonstration and put it on my website.
Bruce Mowbray: once his drone is in the air, it is entirely autonomous.
Bruce Mowbray: it compensates for wind direction and velocity, and when it runs out of battery power, it returns and lands from exactly the same place that it was launched.
Qt Core: using a drone for super-selfies:
Qt Core: it basically follows a remote you take with you and follow a scheme of flying around you
Bruce Mowbray: Here's the video of my farmer flying his drone on our farm:
Bruce Mowbray:
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Bruce Mowbray: That's actually my farmer's son, Robbie.
Bruce Mowbray: a brilliant lad.
Qt Core: one could use it to fly the fields daily and with some image processing automatically discover problems in the crops...
Bruce Mowbray: SO COOL - your video of the guy skiing with the drone following him!
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, that's the idea -- (with Robbie's drone.)
Qt Core: don't know, it feels a little lonely
Bruce Mowbray: everything they do with the planting is entirely automated.
Bruce Mowbray: It feels a bit strange sitting in the tractor -- which is driving itself...
Bruce Mowbray: I've not seen the "Lily" drone before now.
Bruce Mowbray: Looks really cool.
Bruce Mowbray: kk. I need to be going now.
Qt Core: ( i would find it strange sitting in any tractor (never been in one))
Bruce Mowbray: Have a great time at the Expo, Qt.
Qt Core: ok, i'll try , have fun you too
Bruce Mowbray: Thanks!
Bruce Mowbray: bye for now.
Qt Core: watching Bruce video, what a sky there
ElanVitalo Resident: Yes, it's a nice farm.
Qt Core: bye
ElanVitalo Resident: can see the horizon in all 360 degrees.
ElanVitalo Resident: Brucie likes it that way.
ElanVitalo Resident: I need to go too.
ElanVitalo Resident: Bye for now, Qt.