The guardian at this meeting was Pema Pera and the comments are his.
It was another morning in Rieul, and Maxine and I met in the tea house.
Maxine Walden: hi, Pema
Pema Pera: Hi Maxine!
Maxine Walden: more rested?
Pema Pera: Isn’t it nice to meet here in the very same place as always, even though I’m at such a different place in RL?
Pema Pera: Yes, rested more, thank you!
Maxine Walden: it is very nice, really extraordinary
Maxine Walden: there, had to sit down
Maxine Walden: saw the maps Storm created…quite nice
At this moment, Stargate joined us. I had met her the day before, when talking with a neighbor who introduced here to me.
Pema Pera: Hi * !
Pema Pera: Maxine, this is Stargate
Maxine Walden: hello Stargate
Pema Pera: Stargate, Maxine!
Pema Pera: please make yourself comfortable
Stargate Tone: Hello Pema and Maxine
Pema Pera: I love your royal dress
Maxine Walden: yes, very regal
Stargate Tone: oh thank You
Stargate Tone: it was my partner…Ed; as we r partners; not a couple
Stargate Tone: he wanted us to have this outfits *
Stargate Tone: we both are knowingly working for ppl in SL
Stargate Tone: and we sometimes went to dance…
Stargate Tone: wanted to feel well…kind of vacation…
Maxine Walden: very nice
I asked a bit more about her activities.
Pema Pera: working for people sounds great!
Pema Pera: in which ways?
Stargate Tone: well…my ‘role’ has been many ways
Stargate Tone: Ed’s ‘role’ has been more clear; he’s helping ppl with pc prods
Stargate Tone: and he built market place for newbies, 1l price a week
Stargate Tone: I have given lands for ppl to express there creativity
Stargate Tone: many ppl had home on my lands untill them LIndens ‘created’ them taxes
Stargate Tone: then I went far off my limits
Stargate Tone: as I had asked for that many times
Pema Pera: you mean the tier, the real estate tax
Pema Pera: where you have to pay for how much land you have?
Stargate Tone: answering to ppls questions
Stargate Tone: them tiers to Linden
Stargate Tone: I have one and half sim, but them lands are on different sims; not in one
Pema Pera: yes, that is a lot of money every month, I know, I know own one and a half sim too
Stargate Tone: so You know
Stargate Tone: I was at first supported by ppl who know me in RL
Stargate Tone: the taxes is always that about 20 %
Stargate Tone: 19 and something
We talked more about SL land as well as our RL locations.
Stargate Tone: U live in USA ?
Pema Pera: Maxine, something like $300/month or thereabouts for the tiers
Pema Pera: yes, in New York
Pema Pera: Right now I am in Japan
Pema Pera: and you?
Pema Pera: For me it is late at night now
Stargate Tone: **
Stargate Tone: my earthly body do live in Finland
Pema Pera: ah, Finland!
Pema Pera: I am from Holland oriiginally
Stargate Tone: oh great *
Pema Pera: I am an astronomer
Pema Pera: so I really live in the Universe :-)
Stargate Tone: oh how lovely *
Stargate Tone: …there’s ‘come’ - by time - ’some’ distance to my AV…but not to the ppl’s spriits I am within *
Stargate Tone: but…well; I’ve talked a lot of myself
We continued to talk for a while, and then I spoke a bit more about PaB.
Pema Pera: thank you for sharing so much with us, Stargate!
Pema Pera: I have to meet some other people now soon
Pema Pera: but we are here four times a day
Stargate Tone: **
Pema Pera: so please feel free to come back
Pema Pera: Also
Pema Pera: did you get a chance to look at my blog?
Stargate Tone: I can create LM here ?
Pema Pera:
Pema Pera: of course you can *
Pema Pera: please
Stargate Tone: no…I do not much look at them profiles either…as I wanna ’see’ more :)***
Pema Pera: also the LM and times are in the blog
Pema Pera: (*^_^*)
Pema Pera: yes, seeing is the best
Pema Pera: more direct
Stargate Tone: it’s so little one can express with words
Pema Pera: yes
Pema Pera: so I am going to sleep soon, it is almost midnight in Tokyo :-)
Stargate Tone: so am I
Pema Pera: nice seeing you both!
Stargate Tone: and You two ‘make’ a Great Team *
Stargate Tone: **
Pema Pera: Thank you, * : we have a team of seven people besides me
Pema Pera: one for each day of the week ;>)
Pema Pera: Maxine is one of them
Pema Pera: the afternoon sessions, at 1 pm SL time
Pema Pera: one of the seven will be here.
Pema Pera: Maxine, your day is Sunday, right?
Stargate Tone: That’s good; Sun Day * with Maxine * Yes *
Pema Pera: Sunday is Maxday :>)
Stargate Tone: I also need to go…
Pema Pera: have a nice trip!
Pema Pera: I will be leaving too.
Pema Pera: see you soon!
Maxine Walden: yes, I need to go as well
Stargate Tone: be well
Stargate Tone: Sayonara
Pema Pera: sayonara!