The Guardian for this meeting was Bruce Mowbray. The comments are by Bruce Mowbray.
Note: This link may come in handy later -- BBC's Complete Guide to streaming Dr. Who in the US:
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Riddle.
Riddle Sideways: hi Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Eliza.
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Bruce, Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: hi Eliza
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Qt.
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Riddle Sideways: hi QT
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Qt :)
Qt Core: Hi all!
Riddle Sideways: ok, finished lunch
Bruce Mowbray: I hope you folks are able to stay warm.... We just had the coldest night of the winter, so far.
Riddle Sideways: couple weeks ago you were toooo warm
Bruce Mowbray: Right.
Eliza Madrigal: cold here today, but so refreshing. Our cold is not your cold, Bruce :)
Bruce Mowbray: It's like a roller coaster.
Riddle Sideways: nothing is just right
Bruce Mowbray: I hope your cold is not, Eliza.
Qt Core: same here, i saw -4.5C this morning (23,9F)
Eliza Madrigal: sorry for fidgeting on cushion ^^
Eliza Madrigal: brr
Riddle Sideways: find the 'just right' one
Bruce Mowbray: We got down to 2 degrees (F.) last night with winds that dropped the "read feel" temp. to minus 10 (F.)
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: yikes
Bruce Mowbray: Yikes!
Riddle Sideways: think it was down to 45F last night
Bruce Mowbray: A "three-dog night," as they say.
Qt Core: i fear that with such temps if/when snow will come it would "stick"
Bruce Mowbray: Fortunately, the 'roller coaster effect' means that if we wait about 48 hours, the temps go back to normal.
Qt Core: but then with such temps i'm finally able to see some snow on the nearest mountains, a nice view
Riddle Sideways: was reading a previous session. Bruce can you give a link to model train pics?
Eliza Madrigal smiles
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, Qt. I understand that in northern New York state, the snows "stuck" into June last year....
Bruce Mowbray: Ahhh. Delicious!
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, but I'm on the wrong computer to give you the latest ones.
Riddle Sideways: California now has some snow pack
Bruce Mowbray: Just a sec.... I think I uploaded it yesterday to SL. Checking.....
Riddle Sideways: will help against draught
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, there it is (the photo).
Riddle Sideways: ty
Eliza Madrigal: oooh, nice. This is your home, Bruce?
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, that is my living room, actually.
Eliza Madrigal: wonderful
Bruce Mowbray: and the train is about nine inches below the ceiling.
Eliza Madrigal: maybe paint little trees and scenes behind the tracks....
Bruce Mowbray: Note that there is a Plexiglas barrier all the way around - so the train can't fall off onto someone's head.
Eliza Madrigal: good thinking
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, I was thinking of buying some ready-made scenic views.
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Riddle Sideways: can the train pick up mashed potatoes in the kitchen and deliver to the table depot?
Eliza Madrigal laughs
Eliza Madrigal: or the gin car
Riddle Sideways: ahhhh, a gin car
Bruce Mowbray: The train is only in the living room, actually.
Riddle Sideways: a tonic tanker car
Bruce Mowbray: I vetoed the plan to have it run through the kitchen also.
Eliza Madrigal: 5pm cocktail station
Riddle Sideways: how many voters?
Bruce Mowbray: and then I returned all of that extra stuff for the track, etc. back to the store...
Eliza Madrigal: my question too....
Bruce Mowbray: Just one voter. (not quite a quorum).
Eliza Madrigal: so you proposed and vetoed
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, I moved, seconded, voted, and vetoed.
Riddle Sideways: right brain out votes the left
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Bruce Mowbray: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches all in one brain.
Bruce Mowbray: btw, if you open that photo and pull the corner way down, you can get pretty much the original sized photo...
Bruce Mowbray: It's getting harder and harder to fit the whole train into one photo.
Riddle Sideways: oh cool
Riddle Sideways: 3 engines
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, and unfortunately, they are all made by different manufacturers.
Bruce Mowbray: Which means that the couplings are all slightly different.
Riddle Sideways: sleeper cars for the Legislators, execs and judgers
Qt Core: even there The Standards War ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: There is one baggage car, one observation car, one club-car . . . and two sleepers, and one regular passenger car.
Bruce Mowbray: Do you guys remember playing with model trains?
Bruce Mowbray: ooops, Riddle and Eliza just checked out.
Qt Core: i never played with trains
Bruce Mowbray: Hmmmm.
Bruce Mowbray: Now that I'm retired, I'm enjoying a second childhood.
Qt Core: i was more a little cars player (more freedom and faster setup)
Bruce Mowbray: Ahhh!
Bruce Mowbray: Well, it literally took WEEKS to get this layout set up, so I can understand what you mean, Qt.
Bruce Mowbray: wb, Riddle.
Riddle Sideways: crash issues
Riddle Sideways: it seems
Bruce Mowbray: wb, Eliza.
Eliza Madrigal: apologies
Eliza Madrigal: thanks
Bruce Mowbray: np.
Qt Core: wb Riddle, Eliza
Bruce Mowbray: Qt and I were chatting about toys and second childhoods.
Eliza Madrigal: :))
Bruce Mowbray: He preferred playing with cars as a child.
Bruce Mowbray: (as opposed to model trains).
Riddle Sideways: do you have to finish the first childhood before going to the second?
Eliza Madrigal: and now? still interested in cars?
Bruce Mowbray: I didn't finish mine, Riddle....
Riddle Sideways: don't have to finish first life to play in second life
Bruce Mowbray: and have no intention of finishing either my first or second childhood.
Qt Core: not really, but just this weekend my car reached 100.000 Km
Riddle Sideways: good going
Bruce Mowbray: That's a LOT of mileage.... and I assume you mean your RL car.
Eliza Madrigal: today I saw a car in my favorite color of blue, with a "tardis" license plate
Riddle Sideways: :)
Eliza Madrigal: I thought, "there goes a friend"
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Bruce Mowbray: What does a 'tardis' plate mean, Eliza?
Qt Core: yes, got saddened by the idea that some 80% of them are just home - office - home
Eliza Madrigal: It is a Dr Who reference
Bruce Mowbray: ahhh, I see.
Eliza Madrigal: he flies around in a machine that is larger on the inside
Eliza Madrigal: and seems small on the outside
Bruce Mowbray: (never watched Dr. Who, myself).
Riddle Sideways: lol
Bruce Mowbray: cool!
Riddle Sideways: an English phone booth
Eliza Madrigal thinking of where this idea has been played with before... tents in Harry Potter
Eliza Madrigal: yes :)))
Riddle Sideways: that time and space travels
Riddle Sideways: Dr. Who goes way back
Qt Core: the tardis is way older than harry potter:
Bruce Mowbray: So, one enters the car and the world gets bigger?
Eliza Madrigal nods
Bruce Mowbray: clicks....
Eliza Madrigal: yes, inside of the phone booth is enormous
Eliza Madrigal: and the tardis is kind of alive :)
Riddle Sideways: wasn't there a Charlie and the magic elevator
Eliza Madrigal: there was! but it was without outer limits
Bruce Mowbray: 'Larger on the inside than on the outside, Able to manipulate and expand its internal and external dimensions and architectural features if in working order, to the point where it can grow to the size of a solar system on the inside, Is sentient and able to think, understand and feel, to the point where it can communicate to its user, Can be telepathically interfaced with its occupants,. . . '
Riddle Sideways: Novatech sells a tardis
Eliza Madrigal: nice description, mhm
Bruce Mowbray: (from Wikipedia -- the link provided above).
Eliza Madrigal: Doctor Who is a bit of a winter time tradition around here... daughter is a fanatic
Bruce Mowbray: tk, Qt.
Riddle Sideways: and can be the center of over 20 years of plot lines for the show
Eliza Madrigal: inexhaustible it seems
Bruce Mowbray: wow.
Qt Core: and i even had a Dr Who (the 12th one) dream just a few days ago
Bruce Mowbray: OH! Say more, Qt, please.
Riddle Sideways: Eliza's winters have them locked inside watching TV
Eliza Madrigal: yay
Eliza Madrigal: hahah Riddle
Qt Core: being a very British series, i dreamed that he was going undercover as a golf player on a big tournament
Bruce Mowbray nods... probably in Scotland....?
Qt Core: but that he had no idea about the game and keep inventing excuses not to play to the Chinese mafia ringleader that organized the tournament
Eliza Madrigal giggles
Qt Core: (the actor that plays the 12th doctor IS Scottish)
Riddle Sideways: e.g. his plaids did not match
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, golf is very Scottish.
Eliza Madrigal: what a peculiar dream Qt
Riddle Sideways: St. Andrews is birthplace
Qt Core: (obviously Clara was noth amused: she is the current doctor companion)
Riddle Sideways: is the robot dog still in the show?
Bruce Mowbray: So, how would you suggest that someone who has never watched Dr. Who get started? --- Is there a website, YouTube, or something for it?
Eliza Madrigal: (she likes to make souffle's)
Eliza Madrigal: If you stream Netflix, lots there
Eliza Madrigal: No dog this season
Bruce Mowbray: Well, I canceled my subscription to Nexflix a couple of months ago.
Bruce Mowbray: sry.
Qt Core: the question is if to go see the first years (the series started in the '60 i think
Eliza Madrigal: not the most current episode, but lots before that... so not sure where to find, although daughter has links :)
Bruce Mowbray: , should I try to find the first years, then?
Qt Core: or if to start with the '00 reboot
Eliza Madrigal: I have seen from about the point Qt is mentioning
Bruce Mowbray: hmnmm, '00 reboot sounds cool.
Bruce Mowbray: the 12th ?
Qt Core: maybe start with the 10th
Eliza Madrigal: let me see....
Bruce Mowbray: kk, I will google that later. Thanks.
Eliza Madrigal: 9th is good...
Bruce Mowbray: kk, 9th.
Bruce Mowbray: I'm guess that each of those refers to a year....of the show.
Eliza Madrigal: they can be quite over the top, but so fun
Bruce Mowbray: like 12th year...
Eliza Madrigal: well, a doctor can last a few seasons... before he regenerates.
Bruce Mowbray: I'm looking forward to it.
Eliza Madrigal: Qt Core: the idea that when approaching death or exhaustion the doctor can "reincarnate" is how they can easily change the main actor (and that's the origin of the numbers)
Bruce Mowbray: ahhh! Ingenious method.
Qt Core: yes regeneration is a better word
Riddle Sideways: always liked the Colin Baker doctor
Eliza Madrigal: don't think I've seen those
Bruce Mowbray:, does the "tardis" thing include the capacity to regenerate?
Qt Core: not into it enough to know if it is the tardis or just time lord biology
Eliza Madrigal nods
Bruce Mowbray nods.
Riddle Sideways: sorry, meant Tom Baker
Eliza Madrigal: oh, you may have seen the most, Riddle
Riddle Sideways: nope
Bruce Mowbray: kk. I will read the Wikipedia summary of "tardis" more thoroughly later, then.
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: a story universe that taps childlike places
Qt Core: Douglas Adams of Hitchhiker fame wrote a lot for the doctor, just to have an idea of its craziness
Bruce Mowbray: Hmmm... so, Eliza saw my model train, and that caused her to remember the license plate "Tardis", and that let to Dr. Who discussion... ?
Riddle Sideways: many famous BBC writers have worked on it
Eliza Madrigal: hahah, well you mentioned Qt enjoying cars
Eliza Madrigal: as a child
Eliza Madrigal: which flashed the tardis car before me
Bruce Mowbray: Oh yes, I did mention that. ty.
Bruce Mowbray: I left out one step...
Eliza Madrigal: because the tardis feels like a toy in some ways... a model indeed
Riddle Sideways: are you keeping a score card?
Bruce Mowbray: Nope, just trying to watch my brain at work, or what's left of it.
Eliza Madrigal loves trains too :)
Bruce Mowbray: Asking myself, "Why am I now thinking about Dr. Who #12? How did I arrive at this mental state?"
Eliza Madrigal: slippery slopes
Bruce Mowbray: yeppers.
Riddle Sideways: mind and machines
Bruce Mowbray: sort of like dreams, actually.
Qt Core: speaking of train do you like only models or even RL ones ?
Riddle Sideways: TSK
Eliza Madrigal: timey wimey
Bruce Mowbray: I love all kinds of trains.
Bruce Mowbray: rl and sl and living room.
Qt Core: So you may like this, The Bernina train:
Qt Core:
Bruce Mowbray: Loved riding the sleeper to Chicago overnight when I was a child.
Eliza Madrigal: ooohs and aaaahs
Riddle Sideways: Trainspotting?
Bruce Mowbray: Loved the movie Trainspotting.
Bruce Mowbray: That was one of the two movies that motivated me to go to Scotland, actually.
Qt Core: no, but is quite famous in the area (with a 200km radius)
Bruce Mowbray: Were those photos of the Dolomites, Qt?
Qt Core: no Alps
Bruce Mowbray: or the Alps... kk, ty.
Bruce Mowbray: Have you ridden on it?
Qt Core: no
Bruce Mowbray: hmmmm.
Bruce Mowbray: My brain is a bit tired today -- I spent the whole afternoon doing the paperwork for farm taxes, then made copies, then wrote letters to the other two owners.... and finally mailed the whole works to the IRS.
Bruce Mowbray: but at least it's done for another year!
Eliza Madrigal: tedium extraordinaire
Eliza Madrigal: but yes, congrats!
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, tedium -- because MUCH repetition -- but inescapable, even with computers.
Bruce Mowbray: I set aside one day in January every year to do it.
Bruce Mowbray: and today was that day!
Riddle Sideways: maybe fun to play office worker for one day
Riddle Sideways: and be done
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, you nailed it Riddle.
Qt Core: just so near the Blue Monday ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: Now I'll need to do my personal taxes... but some other day.
Riddle Sideways: MLK day
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, that was yesterday, Qt.
Bruce Mowbray: VERY cold, too.
Bruce Mowbray: Anyone who went outside turned blue instantly.
Qt Core:
Eliza Madrigal covers ears and refuses to think about doing taxes for a few months
Bruce Mowbray: And all of the schools in this area were closed, fortunately.
Bruce Mowbray clicks on Blue Monday link.
Riddle Sideways: was just reading that
Bruce Mowbray: Wow. I'd never heard of that, Qt.
Riddle Sideways: there was a song "Blue Monday"
Bruce Mowbray: There was "Ruby Tuesday"...
Eliza Madrigal: good to know that is a day to tread lightly around due to mass hypnosis/suggestion? :)
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Bruce Mowbray: OK, everyone on the count of three: GET DEPRESSED!
Bruce Mowbray: I don't think many would follow.
Eliza Madrigal giggles
Bruce Mowbray: onigokko
Qt Core: cold, the credit card expenses are just notified, the new year resolution just broken... ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: stop
Eliza Madrigal: ^.^
Riddle Sideways: oops
Qt Core: (the december expenses i mean)
Riddle Sideways: no tail on
Bruce Mowbray nods.
Eliza Madrigal: good to get virtual blood pumping
Bruce Mowbray: I wear my oni on the left eye.
Eliza Madrigal: yes
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Eliza Madrigal: everyone but Mick I think, who still wears a tail
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, Mick still has that oni tail.
Bruce Mowbray: I suggested that he rotate it up inside his body, but I don't think he ever did.
Eliza Madrigal: we're all really silly
Riddle Sideways: for some until reason it appears on the right lower screen
Bruce Mowbray: from what I'm hearing, Dr. Who is also a bit silly, Eliza.
Eliza Madrigal grins
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Bruce Mowbray: My kind of guy.
Riddle Sideways: however, it does have really cheap sets and props
Bruce Mowbray: Hmmm.
Eliza Madrigal: but it has gotten quite sophisticated...
Riddle Sideways: ok
Eliza Madrigal: only in recent seasons can you see inside of tardis from outside
Eliza Madrigal: things like that
Bruce Mowbray: I will search for it on the Internet.... and post a link or two for the earlier shows, if I find them .
Eliza Madrigal: but the main appeal is just the whimsical story-telling I think
Bruce Mowbray nods, cool.
Qt Core: but then, beside the sonic screwdriver it never is a texhnogadted that solves the week drama
Eliza Madrigal: and daleks
Qt Core: *technogadget
Bruce Mowbray ponders sonic screwdriver and texhnogadted....
Eliza Madrigal: ty, was trying to decypher ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: ahhh, TECHNOGADGET!
Riddle Sideways: having a Time Lord helps plots too
Bruce Mowbray: oh my....
Eliza Madrigal: hahah
Bruce Mowbray: Is Dr. Who the Time Lord?
Qt Core: the last one alive
Bruce Mowbray: (don't give away the plot, though).
Bruce Mowbray: Oh...
Bruce Mowbray: you mean people DIE?
Bruce Mowbray: I thought tardis took care of that.
Eliza Madrigal: :) no way to... always changes and going back and forth in time
Bruce Mowbray: kk,.... I see.
Bruce Mowbray: Like infinite loops in computer code ////
Riddle Sideways: well, need to go
Qt Core: no plot spoilt here... his entire planet is no more or even better no one know where it went
Riddle Sideways: bye All
Bruce Mowbray: Bye for now, Riddle.
Eliza Madrigal: :) thank you Bruce and Riddle and Qt :)
Eliza Madrigal: happy tuesday
Bruce Mowbray: Me too, actually.
Bruce Mowbray: Thanks, everyone.
Bruce Mowbray: Happy Tuesday, blue or otherwise.
Eliza Madrigal waves happily
Qt Core: bye all!
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train1.png No description | 746.86 kB | 22:28, 19 Jan 2016 | Bruce Mowbray | Actions |