The Guardian for this meeting was Bruce Mowbray. The comments and illustrations are by Bruce Mowbray.
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Riddle.
Riddle Sideways: Hi
Riddle Sideways: taking a break . . . that should not be taken :}
Bruce Mowbray: Did you get the upstairs cleaned up?
Riddle Sideways: Riddle Sideways: yep
Bruce Mowbray: Great!
Riddle Sideways: not the way desired
Riddle Sideways: had great plans on that project
Riddle Sideways: and they didn't work when linked
Bruce Mowbray: We had our warmest day in a week yesterday, so I washed my car...
Riddle Sideways: learned why and how
Riddle Sideways: ha, good
Bruce Mowbray: and today I found that birds had pooped all over it.
Bruce Mowbray: So, I moved it to a better location.
Riddle Sideways: it has been raining here, but that did not wash car good enough
Bruce Mowbray: Well, my car is black, so it shows everything.
Riddle Sideways: our car is black also
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Bruce Mowbray: Funny, since buying it two weeks ago,
Riddle Sideways: and the only place to park is under the bird feeder
Bruce Mowbray: I notice all the black cars on the road.
Riddle Sideways: that is what happens
Bruce Mowbray: I never noticed there were so many!
Riddle Sideways: the Flying carpet returned
Riddle Sideways: Stormie
Riddle Sideways: the good ol flying carpet taxi
Bruce Mowbray: yes, Stormy will be reading a poem at PaB's anniversary party.
Riddle Sideways: and the friendly red monk
Bruce Mowbray: Heya, Stormy.
Storm Nordwind: Greetings friends!
Riddle Sideways: welcome friend
Riddle Sideways: going through the ol inventory?
Storm Nordwind: yes indeed!
Bruce Mowbray: Stormy, did you understand that all of us reading poems are to be present at Tuesday's rehearsal?
Storm Nordwind: Amazing what you find in the old box of mementos
Bruce Mowbray: Or just those who were not able to come to the first rehearsal.
Riddle Sideways: remembering that flying carpet
Storm Nordwind: There's another rehearsal?!
Bruce Mowbray: Yes.
Bruce Mowbray: Aphrodite sent out an email just a few moments ago.
Storm Nordwind turns round to another computer to check email
Riddle Sideways: Storm don't need to rehearse
Bruce Mowbray: Tuesday at noon slt.
Bruce Mowbray: I'm going to go to it anyway.
Bruce Mowbray: I've been having trouble with my camera and I need to practice. . .
Bruce Mowbray: also I have made a notecard dispenser that I want to test out.
Bruce Mowbray: I sure hope Calvino's microphone works.
Storm Nordwind: Noon? I can probably make that if needed. But not in the evening, I have a prior commitment
Riddle Sideways: works (referring to Bruce’s notecard dispenser)
Riddle Sideways: the giver - gave
Storm Nordwind: I have no email from Aph, so I assume it was directed to people who couldn't make it before.
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, it has been confirmed for noon slt.
Bruce Mowbray: I specifically asked that she include me in the email, so maybe it's a rehearsal just for those who could not make the other one.
Bruce Mowbray: did the note card dispenser work for you, Riddle?
Storm Nordwind: yes perhaps. I'll sit quietly at the back if needed then ;)
Riddle Sideways: yes, answered that
Bruce Mowbray: oh, I see it now.
Riddle Sideways: the blue box note giver gave
Bruce Mowbray: thank you.
Storm Nordwind: And for me too
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Bruce Mowbray: Great.
Riddle Sideways: (just re-memorized a Robin Trower song) “and the Giver gets the blues”
Bruce Mowbray: that will save me having to copy/paste my poem into the chat box.
Storm Nordwind: An alternative is to have a separate slideshow with the poem in - though I don't think yours is that long. (Just in case people have problems with notecards.)
Riddle Sideways: what could be the problem with notecards ;)
Storm Nordwind: All these oddities of Second Life come flooding back (after three years away)!
Riddle Sideways: 3 years? ... wow
Storm Nordwind: Finding them, Riddle, after receiving them!
Riddle Sideways: time is flying again
Storm Nordwind: Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
Riddle Sideways: giggles
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Storm Nordwind: I apologize for interrupting whatever was going on. Is this an official meeting? (I don't know times nor content of meetings nowadays.)
Riddle Sideways: well, that was a deep thought for 90-sec
Riddle Sideways: yes, only Deep Thoughts can happen now
Riddle Sideways: and you interrupted none of those
Storm Nordwind: Apart from a fictional computer, what is a Deep Thought?
Riddle Sideways: by Jack Handy
Bruce Mowbray: I tried to find that Trower song on YouTube, but couldn't . . . I found this, though.
Riddle Sideways: think that was the name
Riddle Sideways: sorry Bruce, the song is Too Rolling Stoned
Riddle Sideways: the line is "Givers get the Blues"
Bruce Mowbray: Ahhh. Thanks. saw that one.
Bruce Mowbray:
“Oh a stitch in time, just about saved me
From going through the same old moves
And this cat is nine
He still suffers
He's going through the same old grooves
But that stone just keeps on rolling
Bringing me some real bad news
Takers get the honey
Givers sing the blues”
Riddle Sideways: always wondered if Storm liked all those north England rockers
Bruce Mowbray: Tuesday's poetry rehearsal is not an "official meeting" - if that's what you were asking Riddle.
Storm Nordwind: You mean the ones I used to follow around the north of England around 1970?
Riddle Sideways: yeah those
Riddle Sideways: riddle was not asking ㋡
Bruce Mowbray: I loved going to pubs with live music when I was in Scotland
Storm Nordwind: I knew some of them personally, Riddle. For example, Mick Ronson used to play at my youth club at the end of my road.
Riddle Sideways: one of the spiders
Storm Nordwind: Indeed.
Bruce Mowbray:
Storm Nordwind: And I went to school with (and went to rock festivals with) another, who played keyboards in a few famous bands.
Bruce Mowbray: Didn't you also have a radio station broadcasting job, Storm?
Storm Nordwind: It was a prolifically creative time. But perhaps all times are like that.
Riddle Sideways: Ronnie Lane?
Bruce Mowbray:
Storm Nordwind: Yes Bruce. I had a weekly show on Hospital Radio in the southeast of England. Hospital Radio is not a concept that carries over to the US, sadly. And I used to broadcast occasionally on the BBC.
Bruce Mowbray nods, remembers.
Riddle Sideways: what is the meaning of Hospital in this context?
Bruce Mowbray listens...
Storm Nordwind thinks of the movie Airplane ;)
Riddle Sideways: ok, googled it
Bruce Mowbray: "And don't call me Shirley."
Storm Nordwind: Simply a group of large hospitals where people were in-patients.
Storm Nordwind: Right Bruce!
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Bruce Mowbray:
Storm Nordwind: The routine was to visit one or two wards a week and collect requests and dedications from patients. Then on the show these requests would be broadcast.
Riddle Sideways: ah
Bruce Mowbray: A nice concept.
Storm Nordwind: Yes. Good for patient morale. Created a great atmosphere.
Bruce Mowbray nods.
Storm Nordwind: All beds had individual headsets and patients could pick up the hospital radio channels there
Bruce Mowbray: How long did you do that, Storm?
Storm Nordwind: No idea what they do now. It's 15 years since my last broadcast when I moved to Scotland.
Bruce Mowbray: Ahhh. Scotland!
Storm Nordwind: Can't remember Bruce. A few years.
Bruce Mowbray: Which town?
Bruce Mowbray: Glasgow? Edinburgh?
Bruce Mowbray: Inverness?
Riddle Sideways: google/BBC thinks the MP3 players replaced the hospital radios
Storm Nordwind: Where I broadcast in England? Or where I lived in Scotland?
Bruce Mowbray: Pitlockry?
Bruce Mowbray: in Scotland.
Bruce Mowbray: Oban?
Bruce Mowbray: Sterling?
Bruce Mowbray: Aberdeen?
Storm Nordwind: Ah... well bear in mind that when I got my US Visa, the people at the embassy wanted all my addresses since I was 16 years old. And I asked, "What?! All 27 of them?"
Bruce Mowbray: OMG.
Storm Nordwind: But in the time immediately prior to moving to Colorado, the closest large city was Glasgow.
Bruce Mowbray: Ahhh.
Bruce Mowbray: Did they put the traffic cone on the equestrian statue when you lived in Glasgow?
Storm Nordwind: Though of course I know and have visited many of the other places you mention.
Riddle Sideways: had trouble living with people very long ㋡
Bruce Mowbray nods.
Storm Nordwind: Absolutely they did that traffic cone thing!
Bruce Mowbray: Seems that's been done for years!
Bruce Mowbray: I have photos of it.
Storm Nordwind: As long as there have been traffic cones and drunken Glaswegians, yes.
Bruce Mowbray: (although I was only in Glasgow a few hours on my way back from Greenock.)
Storm Nordwind: I know Greenock too.
Bruce Mowbray: on my way back to Edinburgh.
Storm Nordwind: Right
Bruce Mowbray: Have you seen the movie "Dear Frankie"?
Bruce Mowbray: It was filmed in Greenock and Glasgow.
Storm Nordwind: I'm not a big movie buff.
Bruce Mowbray: My all-time favorite Scottish movie....
Storm Nordwind: Really? Nice.
Bruce Mowbray: right up there with "Local Hero"
Storm Nordwind: I only lived there 6 years. Actually, 6 years in one place is a long time for me.
Bruce Mowbray: (starring Burt Lancaster)
Bruce Mowbray: I've lived in my present home for 47 years....
Storm Nordwind: Nice. And me here for nearly 9.
Bruce Mowbray: and will soon be selling it.
Riddle Sideways: hmmm, about 31 years in this house
Storm Nordwind: And by the way, I'm glad I didn't have to list the 13 addresses I had *before* I was 16 years old! :/
Bruce Mowbray: Ahhh.
Bruce Mowbray: The Bay Area is SUCH a fine place to live. although expensive.
Riddle Sideways: need to sell this one
Riddle Sideways: aging out of the number of stairs in this house
Storm Nordwind: I say that about Colorado, though not the expensive bit.
Bruce Mowbray nods.
Bruce Mowbray: The Rockies are wonderful, too.
Riddle Sideways: Son has no thoughts of leaving Boulder
Storm Nordwind: I doubt I will ever move again (at least not voluntarily! ;-))
Bruce Mowbray:
Riddle Sideways: there is that having kids move ya into an old age home
Storm Nordwind: Bruce that's the country equivalent of rick-rolling!
Bruce Mowbray: Ha ha.
Riddle Sideways: yes, that link hurt
Bruce Mowbray: Beautiful singing voice.
Riddle Sideways: he died in our little bay
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, in his airplane.
Bruce Mowbray: sad, indeed.
Bruce Mowbray: Icarus.
Bruce Mowbray: "Take Me Home, Country Roads" was popular when I first moved to Ohio.
Bruce Mowbray:
Riddle Sideways: had forgotten how fast you are with links, Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Ha ha.
Storm Nordwind now hesitates to click Bruce's links - and with some justification. ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: I have three hands, didn't you know?
Riddle Sideways: yep
Bruce Mowbray didn't mean to make you sad.
Storm Nordwind: So please tell me - without directing me to the wiki! - what do people talk about at these sessions these days?
Bruce Mowbray: Whatever's on our minds, I guess.
Bruce Mowbray: QT and I used to talk astronomy.
Storm Nordwind: Nice
Bruce Mowbray: and solar eclipses.
Bruce Mowbray: He's seen several.
Storm Nordwind: Saw the one last year
Bruce Mowbray: Total.
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, I saw it in Kentucky.
Riddle Sideways: Adams and Riddle are talking about Love in religions
Riddle Sideways: and not in them
Storm Nordwind: That was my first and perhaps only total solar.
Bruce Mowbray listens.
Bruce Mowbray: My first, too.
Riddle Sideways: saw it in Wyoming
Bruce Mowbray: hhh.
Bruce Mowbray: ahhhh.
Storm Nordwind: That's interesting Riddle - about love that is.
Riddle Sideways: first total, seen a few partials
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, I remember two partials.
Riddle Sideways: oh and Patriarchy
Storm Nordwind nods
Riddle Sideways: Adams is all over that
Riddle Sideways: has been reading a lot of bell hooks
Bruce Mowbray:
Riddle Sideways: and bringing topics
Riddle Sideways: the book club Thursdays are starting a new book
Storm Nordwind: Interesting
Riddle Sideways: on Sufis
Bruce Mowbray:
Riddle Sideways: mentioned in emails
Storm Nordwind: That must need a lot of commitment with the book club
Bruce Mowbray nods.
Bruce Mowbray: I need to be off. Have a beautiful weekend, Storm and Riddle.
Storm Nordwind: Good to see you Bruce!
Riddle Sideways: bye Bruce
Riddle Sideways: ok, taking a few minutes off turned into an hour
Riddle Sideways: was looking at the photos from the recent Amsterdam retreat and thinking about "those are not the avis"
Storm Nordwind: haha!
Storm Nordwind: Which are the better looking?
Riddle Sideways: how the first impression of somebody sticks
Storm Nordwind: Which have the most credibility?
Riddle Sideways: hmmm
Riddle Sideways: of Wol?
Storm Nordwind: Choose anyone
Riddle Sideways: or Pema, Eliza
Riddle Sideways: the avs in these sessions seem the deepest
Storm Nordwind: Actually, it's a terrible question. Please don't feel you have to answer!
Riddle Sideways: is an ok question... just hard to answer
Storm Nordwind smiles
Riddle Sideways: credibility is hard
Storm Nordwind: Subjective and variable?
Riddle Sideways: any of us can be lying all the time
Storm Nordwind: I was actually echoing a comment you made about my monk outfit in email! ;-)
Riddle Sideways: did not mean much by it
Storm Nordwind: I know!
Riddle Sideways: yet, am just stuck in first impressions
Storm Nordwind: But I shall still wear it for the recital. Plus Eliza liked it
Riddle Sideways: the having known that av first
Storm Nordwind: Understandable
Riddle Sideways: even over the RL one met
Storm Nordwind: That can often be true too.
Riddle Sideways: spent enough time with the RL you that can see/hear that person now
Storm Nordwind: I'm just rather thinner nowadays!
Riddle Sideways: none of them are credible :)))
Storm Nordwind: Great answer :)
Riddle Sideways: ya got thinner?
Riddle Sideways: how?
Storm Nordwind: Then I shall be like Bokonon. :)
Storm Nordwind: I lost 85 pounds
Riddle Sideways: how? /need to know and do
Riddle Sideways: on Curries
Storm Nordwind: Just watched my diet. I do all the cooking. It's all controllable. Used a weight watchers point plus system. Didn't buy any of their stuff, subscribe or go to meetings, but my wife found the system convenient and I joined her on it.
Riddle Sideways: Ah! did that system years ago
Storm Nordwind: Oh... I have to go make the curry now!
Riddle Sideways: ha
Storm Nordwind: Otherwise it will be too late
Riddle Sideways: GTSY
Storm Nordwind: Fresh naan takes three hours
Storm Nordwind: You too my friend. Hope to see you again soon! :))
Riddle Sideways: fresh Matza takes 18 minutes
Riddle Sideways: yes
Riddle Sideways: soon
Storm Nordwind waves
Riddle Sideways: Bruce: you could take some of this out ... or not
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Dear_Frankie.png No description | 295.35 kB | 21:54, 7 Apr 2018 | Bruce Mowbray | Actions | ||
glasgow.png No description | 467.9 kB | 22:01, 7 Apr 2018 | Bruce Mowbray | Actions | ||
Local_Hero.png No description | 252.91 kB | 21:54, 7 Apr 2018 | Bruce Mowbray | Actions |