The Guardian for this meeting was Eden Haiku. The comments are by Eden Haiku.
Bleu Oleander: 's current display-name is "Bleu".
Eden Haiku: Good morning Bleu :)
Bleu Oleander: good morning Eden :)
Bleu Oleander: how are you?
Eden Haiku: Fine, thanks. How are you?
Bleu Oleander: great thanks!
Bleu Oleander: just listened to a fascinating conversation on the epic "Gilgamesh"
Eden Haiku: Your hair is so beautiful, fluffy and colorful. I have been wanting to take a picture for weeks. Now I did!
Bleu Oleander: hehe ty!
Eden Haiku: Yes, one of the oldest stories, if not the oldest :)
Bleu Oleander: still worth reading today!
Eden Haiku: Never did....did you?
Bleu Oleander: yes, a few times
Bleu Oleander: I really love it
Bleu Oleander: there are many translations of course
Eden Haiku: What is it about?
Bleu Oleander: love, loss, immortality, legacy ... has a bit of everything in it
Bleu Oleander: friendship, hubris
Eden Haiku: Ah!!!
Bleu Oleander: very rich
Eden Haiku: A Mesopotamian tale is it?
Bleu Oleander: yes
Bleu Oleander: Uruk
Bleu Oleander: Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk
Eden Haiku: So many books and stories still to read :)
Bleu Oleander: yes!
Eden Haiku: What was the point of the conversation you listened to?
Bleu Oleander: one point was about the quest for immortality
Bleu Oleander: and how heroes achieve that
Eden Haiku: Oh! Interesting...
Bleu Oleander: for Gilgamesh, he ultimately builds a wall for his city
Eden Haiku: Went to a conference a few weeks ago in Montreal
Bleu Oleander: and so lives by his legacy
Bleu Oleander: on what?
Eden Haiku: I was making a link with immortality. t was a few days ago in fact, Friday
Eden Haiku: By the Dr Michael Greger
Eden Haiku: He wrote a book called "How not to Die"
Eden Haiku: ;)
Bleu Oleander: oh interesting
Bleu Oleander: what was his main point?
Eden Haiku: Eating fruits, veggies, grains, beans no meat, no dairy keeps death at bay :)
Bleu Oleander: ah so mainly dietary?
Eden Haiku: Yes, about nutrition. The hall was full, more than a thousand people...
Eden Haiku: He sold out his book
Bleu Oleander: we have a salon coming up in february on "ending aging"
Eden Haiku: I bought a paper copy for mu niece, a kindle one and audible one for myself.
Bleu Oleander: update on current research
Bleu Oleander: I'll look it up
Eden Haiku: oh, wonderful!
Eden Haiku: He's on the Times best-seller list., A very convincing speaker.
Bleu Oleander: one of my favorite books on immortality is by Stephen Cave, "Immortality"
Eden Haiku: I have been a vegetarian for decades, no dairy products for years but I skipped a lot in Paris (cheese!) and gained weight...:(
Bleu Oleander: we also have a salon on vegetarian diet next month
Eden Haiku: Dr Greger says vegetarian is not enough vegan is the way to go. But it's ok to cook grains and beans and veggies...I tried the "raw" only way of eatin g but it's tough here, with the cold...
Eden Haiku: Aging is connected to the shortening of the telemeres it seems and this can be reversed with the right foods :)
Bleu Oleander: it depends on which foods ... some are more nutritious raw and some cooked
Eden Haiku: TRue
Bleu Oleander: cooking can bring our and make accessible some nutrients
Bleu Oleander: *bring out
Eden Haiku: How is your art going Bleu?
Eden Haiku: Are you still creating videos?
Bleu Oleander: I haven't done any lately
Bleu Oleander: not sure where my art interests are going
Eden Haiku: I see..,
Bleu Oleander: I'm not as drawn to the virtual world for art at the moment
Eden Haiku: To you still paint?
Eden Haiku: *Do
Bleu Oleander: yes and may go back to doing more of that
Bleu Oleander: got stuck in the world of ancient literature :)
Bleu Oleander: so much to explore
Eden Haiku: After so many months away from SL, I could tell how it can pull you in and then you have to find your way in RL again :)
Eden Haiku: Ancient literature hum....
Bleu Oleander: wonderful class from Harvard
Eden Haiku: A MOOC?
Bleu Oleander: yes
Bleu Oleander: the "hero in 24 hours"
Eden Haiku: Started one last year., can'T even remember the subject now :)
Bleu Oleander: the class is just starting again
Eden Haiku: Was too busy finishing my novel. Now it's completed. I'm experiencing a kind of "baby blues'
Bleu Oleander: when will your novel be released?
Bleu Oleander: you will have to let us know!
Eden Haiku: In a few months :)
Bleu Oleander: wonderful
Eden Haiku: Yes, I will. But it will take about a year to be translated into English:)
Bleu Oleander: ah ok
Bleu Oleander: I wish I had paid better attention in my French classes!!
Eden Haiku: I was thinking of making videos of me reading the book online, like 10 minutes at a time.
Bleu Oleander: oh nice idea!
Eden Haiku: But that would be in French...And I have many skills to acquire before I can do that :)
Bleu Oleander: you could record an audio version of the book?
Eden Haiku: And I have to ask permission to the publisher to do that. Pretty sure he will grant it though.
Bleu Oleander: I have a friend who does that ... tedious work!
Bleu Oleander: maybe will do it for you?
Bleu Oleander: so many books have audio versions now
Bleu Oleander:
Eden Haiku: Yes, I have Greger"s book on audible. It's very nice to listen to.
Eden Haiku: So many many projects....
Eden Haiku: The publisher does both paper and digital publishing of the book.
Bleu Oleander: great
Eden Haiku: But that takes a while,
Eden Haiku: I'm kind of afraid the world will change so much in the lapse my book will be out of sync :(
Bleu Oleander: things change so fast
Eden Haiku: As it's a book about time I wrote on a span of 6 years...
Eden Haiku: It does change so fast...
Bleu Oleander: but look at "Gilgamesh" 4,000 year later :)
Eden Haiku: Right, it's reassuring...
Bleu Oleander: time is a timeless topic
Eden Haiku: There were 6 persons from Quebec who died in Ouagadoudou terrorist attacks...
Bleu Oleander: we will talk about time in the TSK sessions soon
Eden Haiku: Teachers who went helping build a school during their winter holidays....
Bleu Oleander: yes I saw that
Eden Haiku: Time yes, in TSK, I will read the sessions.
Bleu Oleander: did you find your copy yet?
Eden Haiku: Nope :(
Bleu Oleander: I hate to lose a book
Eden Haiku: I think I gave it away...
Bleu Oleander: I write so many notes in many of my books
Bleu Oleander: hard to give them away for me
Eden Haiku: Thinking "Ah those TSK days are over at PaB..." How wrong I was :)
Eden Haiku: Yes, I have much too many books for the space I have but I keep buying them. Sometimes, I brace myself to part with some of them then I always regert it :)
Bleu Oleander: hehe
Eden Haiku: I could get a Kindle copy but then, I,m not sure if I want to wet my toes in these waters
Bleu Oleander: :)
Eden Haiku: Sorry bell, I have been very talkative:(
Bleu Oleander: ha ha!
Bleu Oleander: well I must get going
Bleu Oleander: busy day here
Bleu Oleander: fun talking with you!
Bleu Oleander: take care
Eden Haiku: Was nice to see you Bleu. Have a greart day!
Bleu Oleander: you too!
Eden Haiku: Thank you
Bleu Oleander: byeee
Eden Haiku: Bye dear