Attending today were Qt, Bruce, Tura, Zen, Wol, Xiri, San, and Eliza, who also posted this session. It was a bit of an odd session arising-theme wise, and I remembered a few topics that may have been raised, after signing off. However, an area of needed attention became more clear just at the end. We can follow up soon. :) We seemed to be drawn to darker topics...
[:48:44] Eliza Madrigal: Hi Qt!
[:48:45] Qt Core: Hi Eliza
[:49:02] Eliza Madrigal: How are you doing? Get some rest?
[:49:33] Qt Core: a little
[:49:46] Eliza Madrigal: Good to hear it.
[:50:03] Qt Core: life is still interfering
[:50:28] Eliza Madrigal: I relate to that
[:50:36] Eliza Madrigal: 'what happens when you are busy making other plans'
[:51:09] Eliza Madrigal: I did manage to nap today, which was refreshing...
[:51:24] Eliza Madrigal: dreamt that many little birds were filling up the house
[:51:41] Eliza Madrigal: one was half pink and half white, not sure what that was about :)
[:51:41] Qt Core: me too, but then does not really help night sleep
[:52:06] Eliza Madrigal: true, unless you were up too late the night before :D
[:52:29] Eliza Madrigal: I read a session with Wol, where you are planning travel?
[:52:57] Qt Core: if all goes well in the USA next august for the total solar eclipse
[:53:07] Eliza Madrigal: that is *wonderful*
[:53:14] Eliza Madrigal: are you going with your group?
[:53:46] Qt Core: yes, at the moment six or seven
[:53:57] Eliza Madrigal: Hi Bruce :)
[:54:07] Qt Core: hi Bruce
[:54:15] Eliza Madrigal: Qt is telling me about traveling, perhaps,to see the solar eclipse next August
[:54:19] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Hi, Eliza and Qt.
[:55:08] Eliza Madrigal: It is sad, but due to light pollution here I have to travel to see the stars... at least a few hours
[:55:19] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Yes! That means he'd be coming to the US....
[:55:25] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Qt and I have discussed this before.
[:55:31] Qt Core: a bus tour from L.A. to Las vegas to Yellowston to Madras, OR for the eclipse and ending in S. Francisco, my only doubt, too many miles too few days
[:55:50] Eliza Madrigal: does seem quite a bit, although somewhat close
[:55:54] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Sounds wonderful, Qt.
[:56:38] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): afk for a sec.....
[:56:49] Eliza Madrigal: sure :)
[:57:42] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): [back] :)
[:57:56] Eliza Madrigal: I can't seem to get my preferences back, not to record timestamps... thought it might fix when updating, but alas, so am just clicking everything and saving now :)
[:58:20] Eliza Madrigal: hoping something sticks!
[:58:33] Eliza Madrigal: How are you doing Bruce?
[:58:37] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) nods, empathizes.
[:58:46] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Pretty well, thanks.
[:58:57] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): A cool windy day here.
[:59:08] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Have put of my walk until after this meeting.
[:59:10] Eliza Madrigal: So nice! Here too, just beautiful today
[:59:17] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): hoping for the warmest part of the day.
[:59:41] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Yes, a beautiful fall day --- Loved your photo of George on FB, btw.
[:59:54] Eliza Madrigal: thank you :))) We had a wonderful walk this morning
[:00:01] Eliza Madrigal: Did you see the rooster? hhaa
[:00:08] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): George looks SOOOOO much like Bear Dog did... although a bit thinner.
[:00:12] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Heya, Tura.
[:00:19] Eliza Madrigal: (someone brought their pet rooster to play at the park)
[:00:22] Eliza Madrigal: Hi Tura :))
[:00:22] Tura Brezoianu: hi all
[:00:32] Qt Core: Hi Tura
[:00:44] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I'll bet George had a good time with the rooster! Ha ha.
[:00:57] Eliza Madrigal: haha, not as much fun as he would have liked to!
[:01:12] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): ooops. :(
[:01:14] Eliza Madrigal: I like just going with where his nose leads....unless he finds something too questionable ... reminds me of forest practice, makes me slow down
[:01:17] Eliza Madrigal: Hi Zen :))
[:01:25] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Heya, Zen.
[:01:46] Eliza Madrigal: Doing well today, Tura and Zen?
[:01:46] Zen (zen.arado): H Eliza, Bruce, Qt, Tura
[:02:00] Zen (zen.arado): just watchig a scary video
[:02:08] Qt Core: Hi Zen
[:02:15] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): What's the title, Zen?
[:02:18] Eliza Madrigal: do I want to click this?
[:02:19] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Oh,my TY!
[:02:27] Zen (zen.arado): Hypernormalization by Adam Curtis
[:02:53] Zen (zen.arado): it's about modern society and how we got here
[:03:05] Eliza Madrigal: Oh, I see... almost 3 hrs as well
[:03:08] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): THREE hours?!
[:03:16] Zen (zen.arado): yeh very long
[:03:34] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I will download it....
[:03:37] Zen (zen.arado): but interesting
[:04:05] Zen (zen.arado): I have only got to 1'38
[:04:17] Eliza Madrigal: Hi Xiri!
[:04:19] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Heya, Xir.
[:04:22] Zen (zen.arado): Hi Xirana :)
[:04:32] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): (am downloading/saving it now)
[:04:39] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hello everyone! :)
[:04:50] Qt Core: Hi Xirana
[:04:55] Tura Brezoianu: From the comments it sounds like it's a crackpot being condemned by crackpots for not being crackpot enough :)
[:05:05] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Aha!
[:05:15] Eliza Madrigal: I glanced at the lizard counsel comment....hehe
[:05:31] Zen (zen.arado): he's a pretty reputable journalist I believe
[:05:34] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): "Those who can't hear the music imagine the dancers to be mad."
[:05:44] Eliza Madrigal: :)
[:05:59] Zen (zen.arado): making deep documentaries commenting on the modernworld
[:06:37] Eliza Madrigal: thanks Zen, honestly commenters on Youtube are often not too dependable :)
[:06:59] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): ty Zen :)
[:06:59] Eliza Madrigal: Did anyone see the news of the AI girl who became suicidal?
[:07:01] Zen (zen.arado): I am watching it on BC iPlayer
[:07:10] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I did not, Eliza.
[:07:20] Zen (zen.arado): just searched for it on YuTube to give you link
[:07:24] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Do you have a link to that?
[:07:25] Zen (zen.arado): BBC
[:07:33] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Thank you.
[:08:28] Eliza Madrigal: one wonders whether she will break through somehow.... I thought of it because imagine if you were taking in lots and lots of data from you tube comments... what you might 'feel' like
[:08:57] Eliza Madrigal: and though projection on to her, it is fascinating to consider also
[:09:03] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Perhaps temporary suicidal depression is not that uncommon for high school girls... even those who are actually AI's.
[:09:06] Zen (zen.arado): yes
[:09:15] Eliza Madrigal: indeed not Bruce
[:09:31] Zen (zen.arado): none of us understand what is going on in the world any more
[:09:38] Eliza Madrigal: I wrote the most miserable poetry as a young girl...sigh
[:09:40] Eliza Madrigal: :)
[:09:48] Zen (zen.arado): if we ever did
[:09:55] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Palo Alto High School (Silicon Valley) has had several suicides, actually.
[:10:46] Eliza Madrigal: Okay... well this is guardian meeting, but I don't have a particular agenda
[:11:08] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Please go on.
[:11:15] Eliza Madrigal: ty Bruce.... very sad
[:11:22] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): sry, Eliza.
[:11:34] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) listens.
Art Project
[:11:46] Eliza Madrigal: Bleu will soon announce the next project.... and has everyone seen the set up near the pavilion?
[:11:59] Zen (zen.arado): nope
[:12:02] Tura Brezoianu: not yet
[:12:11] Eliza Madrigal: That gives a great feel for the concept, so recommend exploring
[:12:12] Qt Core: me neither
[:12:22] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Yes! It's beautiful!
[:12:22] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Reminds me of the snote circles in Celtic lands.
[:12:31] Eliza Madrigal: Bleu's been experimenting with ways to make this practical and easy for most
[:13:28] Zen (zen.arado): stone?
[:13:43] Eliza Madrigal: yes neat typo :)
[:13:44] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Yes, stone.... but tremendous lag today,
[:13:47] Zen (zen.arado): :)
[:13:56] Eliza Madrigal: snote sounds like a small animal
[:14:32] Tura Brezoianu thought "snot circles"
[:14:34] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) wonders about the little faces on the stones.
[:14:39] Eliza Madrigal: oooh ahhh, ick
[:14:41] Eliza Madrigal: haha
[:14:53] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): nope, s'not snot.... stone.
[:15:19] Eliza Madrigal: I'm not sure Bruce, but I think Bleu is trying that as a way to be able to lay our images on stones...
[:15:26] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Is Bleu coming today?
[:15:36] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): ahhhh. I see.
[:15:51] Zen (zen.arado): you can select a face and put an image on it
[:15:53] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): "What we honor?"
[:15:55] Eliza Madrigal: doesn't seem so, but she'll email when ready
[:16:01] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): kk.
[:16:08] Eliza Madrigal: The dates are going to be through December
[:16:17] Eliza Madrigal: with an event on or around Solstice
[:16:24] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): coooool.
[:16:26] Eliza Madrigal: Let me get the link to the WG meeting....
[:16:54] Eliza Madrigal:
[:17:07] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) wonders if there will ever be enough guardians to fill this ampitheater....
[:17:19] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): ty, Eliza.
[:17:28] Eliza Madrigal: yw
[:17:45] Eliza Madrigal: It has been a long time since I've attended a big event in SL... remember all the astronomy talks?
[:17:55] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Oh yes!
[:18:22] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): MIRA.... or something....?
[:18:27] Eliza Madrigal: MICA
[:18:32] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): oh yes, MICA.
[:18:32] Zen (zen.arado): a virtual reality stonehenge
[:18:40] Zen (zen.arado): something strange about that
[:18:50] Eliza Madrigal: :) go on, Zen?
[:19:10] Zen (zen.arado): what goes around comes around or something
[:19:34] Zen (zen.arado): what is relationship with SL I wonder?
[:19:36] Eliza Madrigal: ancient + ultramodern = timeless
[:19:54] Zen (zen.arado): were those builders like us?
[:20:04] Eliza Madrigal: Hi Wol!
[:20:08] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hi Wol :)
[:20:08] Zen (zen.arado): sitting in little groups discussing being?
[:20:12] Wol Euler: sorry I'm late
[:20:16] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Heya, Wol.
[:20:16] Zen (zen.arado): Hi Wol
[:20:23] Eliza Madrigal: no worries, glad you made it
[:20:25] Qt Core: hi Wol
[:20:36] Wol Euler: good evening, all
[:20:38] Eliza Madrigal: we're musing about the art project... stonehenge and virtual reality mixing
[:20:54] Eliza Madrigal: What did Bruce say this week.... time is empty? :)
[:21:01] Zen (zen.arado): imagine the effort to get those stones in place
[:21:03] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Yikes!
[:21:44] Eliza Madrigal: boggles me
[:21:52] Zen (zen.arado): must have been some powerful motivation
[:22:02] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): There is a replica of STonehenge on the Columbia River in eastern Oregon-- actually a World War I memorial.
[:22:10] Wol Euler: odd concept
[:22:18] Eliza Madrigal: huh
Crossing the Ocean
[:23:14] Eliza Madrigal: suggesting a retreat Bruce? :)
[:23:25] Wol Euler: :)
[:23:32] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Perhaps--- maybe next year for the solar eclipse?
[:23:35] Wol Euler: oh I would love another retreat
[:23:39] Eliza Madrigal: wow what an idea
[:23:44] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Qt will be in town!
[:24:03] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): next August... HOT in eastern Oregon, though.
[:24:10] Qt Core: ;-)
[:24:16] Wol Euler cheers!
[:24:17] Eliza Madrigal: surely no hotter than Miami in August :P
[:24:25] Bruce (bruce.mowbray):
[:24:48] Eliza Madrigal: agree that another retreat would be wonderful
[:25:25] Eliza Madrigal: Xiri how do you like the project idea btw? Seem interesting?
[:25:46] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): There are some really fine places west of there on the COlumbia River, in the Columbia Gorge.
[:26:18] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I have not read all details Eliza :) today's chat goes quick with links and info :) But I am sure it will be great :)
[:26:25] Eliza Madrigal: :)
[:26:39] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) nods.
[:26:44] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): and I start to save money to cross the ocean :))
[:26:49] Eliza Madrigal: :)))
[:26:56] Tura Brezoianu pencils in an eclipse-watching trip to the US
[:26:57] Wol Euler smiles.
[:27:18] Eliza Madrigal: little seeds of ideas
[:27:44] Zen (zen.arado): I'm staying in cyberspace
[:27:46] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) Googles "Madras, Oregon"
[:28:19] Zen (zen.arado): physical travel is too difficult
[:28:42] Wol Euler nods.
[:28:50] Eliza Madrigal nods... tbh it would be a tall order for me to plan that right now as well, but I try not to close the possibility
[:29:01] Eliza Madrigal: stranger things have come to pass
[:29:14] Eliza Madrigal clicks
[:29:19] Zen (zen.arado): possibilities narrow as we age :(
[:29:48] Zen (zen.arado): there are meteor showers to watch atm?
[:29:59] Zen (zen.arado): tail of Haley's comet?
[:30:25] Zen (zen.arado): heard on radio
[:30:28] Eliza Madrigal: yes
[:30:50] Qt Core: ops
[:30:56] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Orionid Meteor SHower.
A few threads...
[:31:01] Zen (zen.arado): heard interesting little R4 series on American 'robber barons'
[:31:22] Wol Euler: " In the case of the 2017 eclipse, the Greatest Duration is 2 minutes 40.2 seconds. This prediction does not take into account the mountains and valleys along the edge of the Moon." wow.
[:31:26] Zen (zen.arado): Vanderbilt, Jay Gould, Carnegie, JP Morgan
[:31:32] Zen (zen.arado): Rockerfeller
[:31:50] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Jay Gould!!?
[:31:57] Zen (zen.arado): yes
[:32:06] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Stephen Jay Gould?!
[:32:15] Eliza Madrigal: mountains and valleys along the edge of the moon.... sighs...
[:32:15] Tura Brezoianu: I heard a bit of that as well
[:32:23] Zen (zen.arado): not sure Bruce
[:32:31] Qt Core: and the weather too, they said me that in the greatest eclipse area is pretty cloudy in late august
[:32:33] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): (evolutionary biologist)
[:33:14] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): East of the Cascade Mts. it's not so cloudy, though.
[:33:21] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): (in the desert, actually).
[:34:08] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): My relatives lived in Oregon for 40 years... brother's widow still lives near Portland.
[:35:02] Eliza Madrigal: Brb... let me see what I am maybe forgetting to bring up today....
[:35:09] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Hmmmm. looks interesting, Zen.
[:35:25] Eliza Madrigal: the eclipse is interesting material to add to art inspirations for sure
[:35:31] Zen (zen.arado): yes I found it so
[:35:55] Zen (zen.arado): TRump in same mold I guess
[:36:18] Zen (zen.arado): (mould) in English :)
[:36:20] Wol Euler: well no, they were successful capitalitsts
[:36:22] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): fungus/mold....
[:36:25] Wol Euler: and philanthropists
[:36:32] Wol Euler: trump is a thief and a fraud
[:36:44] Zen (zen.arado): pretty ruthless guys too though
[:37:15] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): At least the Rockefellers and Carnegie were philanthropists.
[:37:17] Eliza Madrigal: widespread article this week about the US oligarchy
[:37:37] Zen (zen.arado): those guys shaped society too
[:37:40] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Most of the libraries in America are named after Carnegie.
[:37:46] Zen (zen.arado): they were so powerful
[:37:57] Wol Euler: agreed
[:38:00] Zen (zen.arado): in N.Ireland too Bruce
[:38:10] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): wow. Didn't know that, Zen.
[:38:25] Zen (zen.arado): I went to local one as a kid
[:38:34] Bruce (bruce.mowbray):
[:38:50] Eliza Madrigal: I'll resist posting links about it, but our time, being aware of the powerlessness of average citizens in the supposedly 'most free' country , is quite a challenge -- again trying to fathom what to do with all this knowledge....
[:39:34] Zen (zen.arado): we're hypernormalized I guess
[:39:41] Zen (zen.arado): :)
[:39:45] Eliza Madrigal: :P
Ignorance and Knowledge
[:40:02] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Unfortunately, the "average citizen" (or many of them) thinks the sun revolves areound the earth and the earth revolves aroud NASCAR....
[:40:25] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): anti-intellectual Americans.
[:40:47] Zen (zen.arado): need somebody powerful to trust
[:40:49] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): or maybe pro football.
[:40:56] Zen (zen.arado): father figure I guess
[:41:19] Eliza Madrigal: radical ignorance, someone calls that...but I think we need to be careful not to equate culture with that automatically. I'm trying not to, increasingly... because it just sets up an automatic dialog wall...
[:41:36] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I'm trying not to, too, Eliza....
[:41:50] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): unfortunately, there is MUCH writing on the wall, so to speak.
[:42:08] Eliza Madrigal nods.. I know Bruce.... it is hard to try to dialog with such barriers
[:42:10] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): So, back to stone circles?
[:42:15] Eliza Madrigal: many relationships suffering in the strain
[:42:16] Zen (zen.arado): hah
[:42:23] Qt Core:
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” - Isaac Asimov
[:42:30] Wol Euler nods.
[:42:41] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): WOW.. Great quote, Qt.
[:42:49] Zen (zen.arado): yep Qt
[:42:51] Eliza Madrigal: definitely
[:43:01] Zen (zen.arado): Isaac Asimov my teenage hero
[:43:12] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): more ingnorant...more easy to manipulate
[:43:18] Zen (zen.arado): 'Foundation series
[:43:21] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) nods. A fine hero, too.
[:43:27] Zen (zen.arado): and I Robot
[:43:31] Eliza Madrigal: yes Xiri
[:43:43] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) ponders the 3 Laws of Robotics.
[:43:45] Eliza Madrigal: btw I don't see other PaB things of great priority this week, but if anyone has a guardian item or question, please do share
[:43:49] Zen (zen.arado): wonder if they could stand rereading
[:43:58] Eliza Madrigal: otherwise fun to just chat :)
[:44:11] Zen (zen.arado): yep Bruce..becoming relevant now
[:44:12] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): :-)
[:44:51] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Indeed, it is.... Remembers, HER, EX MACHINA, and others...
[:45:11] Zen (zen.arado): bleak warnings of AI becoming more intelligent than us
[:45:19] Eliza Madrigal: beyond amazing
[:45:43] Eliza Madrigal: scary.... maybe we're all looking around at ourselves and each other and thinking, "can we be trusted?"
[:45:59] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): My typist's winter project will be to write several AI programs in JAVA, but I don't think he will reach the Singularity by spring...
[:46:08] Eliza Madrigal grins at Bruce
[:46:09] Zen (zen.arado): aw
[:46:12] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): :)
[:46:14] Zen (zen.arado): :)
[:46:14] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) dies from laughing....
[:46:15] Eliza Madrigal: hahaha
[:46:21] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): :)
[:46:35] Zen (zen.arado): we're running out of time Bruce
[:46:40] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): kk, sry.
[:46:52] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): 15 minutes left?
[:46:52] Zen (zen.arado): :)
[:47:06] Zen (zen.arado): I mean for transhuman phase
[:47:10] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): ahhhh.
[:47:13] Tura Brezoianu: or was that a statement about the present situation of humanity
[:47:22] Eliza Madrigal: mhmmmm
[:47:25] Tura Brezoianu: ah, it was
[:47:29] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): not to worry. Global warming will get us before the robots do.
[:47:46] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): + (
[:47:50] Eliza Madrigal: this is making me remember the film Melancholia
[:47:51] Wol Euler nods.
[:48:00] Qt Core: even Hawking is warming to AI, he always said it was going to kill all of us, now he said it can be the worst or the best thing
[:48:00] Zen (zen.arado): we'll leave the young guys to sort it out
[:48:02] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): never heard of it, Eliza...
[:48:10] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): say more?
[:48:13] Zen (zen.arado): yes Qt
[:48:31] Eliza Madrigal: The world is about to be destroyed.... and the film starts off with a wedding...
[:48:42] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): (hopeful....)
[:48:47] Eliza Madrigal: the end gets nearer and nearer and one character sort of gets happier and happier...
[:48:53] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): :)))
[:49:00] Wol Euler listens.
[:49:01] Eliza Madrigal: because before, she was the 'off' one....
[:49:16] Eliza Madrigal: but now the world is looking like she's perhaps always seen it to be....
[:49:19] Eliza Madrigal: or something like that :)
[:49:36] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) nods, will look it up.
[:49:56] Eliza Madrigal: I had friends, a couple, who were very divided in their interpretation of the film
[:49:59] Eliza Madrigal: was fascinating
Loss and Peace
[:50:22] Zen (zen.arado): I watched a little video about a friend who died with cancer early this year
[:50:35] Zen (zen.arado): he was a prominent political journalist
[:50:47] Zen (zen.arado): said he felt happy getting near death
[:51:53] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) is now downloading a copy of MELANCHOLIA.
[:52:14] Eliza Madrigal: will be interested to hear what you think about it Bruce
[:52:15] Wol Euler: that sounds great, Eliza/bruce
[:52:17] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) listens for more from Zen.
[:52:33] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): did he explain why, Zen?
[:52:34] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I can understand that, Zen.
[:52:34] Zen (zen.arado): he was a Zen practitioner
[:52:45] Zen (zen.arado): only 60
[:52:55] Eliza Madrigal: so young
[:52:56] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): oooooh. too young.
[:52:59] Wol Euler listens.
[:53:48] Zen (zen.arado): can't find link
[:53:51] Eliza Madrigal: did his meditative practice somehow make him more accepting?
[:53:58] Zen (zen.arado): he had a Zen funeral
[:53:58] Eliza Madrigal: or at peace?
[:54:02] Zen (zen.arado): I was at it
[:54:06] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Reminder: We're talking about the Heart Sutra on Thursdays a 1 p.m. at the fountain.
[:54:17] Zen (zen.arado): he was a pretty stroppy guy
[:54:31] Zen (zen.arado): attacked IRA etc fearlessly
[:54:31] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Form is precisely formlessness and formlessness is precisely form...."
[:54:59] Zen (zen.arado): I found I had Red Pine commentary on Kindle
[:55:19] Zen (zen.arado): a commentary useful for this I think
[:55:25] Zen (zen.arado): ?
[:55:34] Eliza Madrigal: sorry for your loss, Zen... must be comforting to know he was okay
[:55:50] Wol Euler nods.
[:55:57] Zen (zen.arado): he wasn't clsoe friend but I liked him
Heart Sutra and Commentaries? Talking Sticks?
[:56:16] Eliza Madrigal: The thing with commentaries is that we're not studying in a particular way, re the Heart Sutra... so hope to allow for a range of impressions, some bran new
[:56:20] Zen (zen.arado): he started a Zen centre in a small N.Irish town
[:56:27] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): From suicides in Palo Alto, through stone circles, through welcoming death, through Heart Sutra... SOME AGENDA, today, folks.
[:56:29] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): !!
[:56:41] Eliza Madrigal: Oh, nice Zen!
[:56:51] Eliza Madrigal: indeed, Bruce :)
[:56:54] Zen (zen.arado): it is a bit impenetrable without a commentary though Eliza?
[:57:06] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): :)
[:57:07] Eliza Madrigal: why start off thinking that?
[:57:12] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Sounds like a fascinating fellow, Zen. You were fortunate to have known him.
[:57:34] Eliza Madrigal: I do get your feedback though....
[:57:40] Eliza Madrigal: the session on Thursday was fast and furious
[:57:41] Eliza Madrigal: :)
[:57:49] Eliza Madrigal: so we will need some organization for sure
[:57:56] Eliza Madrigal: and to take turns, mostly :)
[:58:00] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I'm curious now...will read it :))
[:58:03] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Maybe we should take just a few lines at a time, huh?
[:58:13] Eliza Madrigal: I think so, Bruce
[:58:31] Eliza Madrigal: Hi San :)
[:58:31] Wol Euler: hello san
[:58:32] Zen (zen.arado): talking stick?
[:58:34] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Heya, San-ji.
[:58:37] Zen (zen.arado): Hi San
[:58:44] Zen (zen.arado): we find that useful
[:58:45] San (santoshima): sorry so late ~ hello all
[:58:48] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hello San
[:58:51] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Yes, talking stick is also good.
[:59:23] Eliza Madrigal: I don't think talking stick, in our format.... for some reason that makes me feel very or more formal?
[:59:30] Eliza Madrigal: but I'd be open if others wanted that
[:59:50] Eliza Madrigal: I know Original Face operates well that way
[:59:58] Zen (zen.arado): makes people think more about what they will say perhaps
[:00:03] Zen (zen.arado): ?
[:00:08] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I don't like it either..... but maybe it is useful
[:00:15] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): another way might be for folks to IM Eliza or Mick if they wished to speak, and then they could call on them....
[:00:19] Zen (zen.arado): might scare some though
[:00:29] Eliza Madrigal: Didn't we do OK with sharing in a circle for TSK
[:00:31] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): TS would scare some, for sure.
[:00:31] Eliza Madrigal: ?
[:01:08] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I thought it went well, Eliza, but one person spoke to me personally and said folks were talking over each other too much...
[:01:08] Zen (zen.arado): depends on group size too
[:01:08] Eliza Madrigal is honestly asking ^.^
[:01:29] Eliza Madrigal nods....
[:01:31] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I didn't feel that way, though.
[:01:43] Eliza Madrigal: our recurring challenge, individually and collectively
[:01:51] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I replied, folks will take whatever threads are appropriate for themselves.
[:02:06] Eliza Madrigal: also our kind of magic sometimes...that first thoughts come to fore
[:02:14] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Yes, agree, Eliza.
[:02:16] Zen (zen.arado): yes you get 2 0r 3 separate threads sometimes
[:02:22] Zen (zen.arado): can be confusing
[:02:28] Eliza Madrigal: If we share in turns, I think it calms down
[:02:28] Bruce (bruce.mowbray) nods, yes, confusing.
[:02:39] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): especially if one is interested in ALL the threads.
[:03:01] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I must be out of here now. My typists insists on walking before it gets too cold.
[:03:03] Zen (zen.arado): yes
[:03:06] Eliza Madrigal: Aph said her head was spinning on Thursday
[:03:09] San (santoshima): bye Bruce
[:03:14] Bruce (bruce.mowbray): THANKS, Eliza and everyone!
[:03:19] Eliza Madrigal: but when I read back the session, it was all so interesting and cohesive
A quote from the film that ties in with our art project rather well:
Daigo Kobayashi:
Long ago, before writing, you'd send someone a stone that suited the way you were feeling. From its weight and touch, they'd know how you felt. From a smooth stone they might get that you were happy, or from a rough one that you were worried about them.
[:03:22] Zen (zen.arado): bye Bruce
[:03:23] Eliza Madrigal: Thank you Bruce!
[:03:36] Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I go too, take care all and see you soon!
[:03:46] Eliza Madrigal: bye Xiri, thanks :)
[:03:46] San (santoshima): bye Xir
[:03:51] Wol Euler: bye all
[:03:53] Qt Core: Bye Bruce
[:04:01] Zen (zen.arado): bye Xiri
[:04:03] Zen (zen.arado): Wol
[:04:04] Wol Euler: I should head off too, it's gone midnight
[:04:04] Qt Core: Bye XIr
[:04:15] Wol Euler: take care, be happy and well-fed
[:04:16] Eliza Madrigal: Okay Wol, ntsy, rest well :)
[:04:18] San (santoshima): so long, Wol
[:04:26] Qt Core: yes, here too ;-)
[:04:29] Qt Core: bye all
[:04:34] Eliza Madrigal: :) Night Qt, Zen
[:04:35] San (santoshima): :) & Qt
[:04:39] Zen (zen.arado): bye everyone
[:04:43] San (santoshima): and everyone
[:05:11] Tura Brezoianu: goodnight all ... both
[:05:13] Eliza Madrigal: yes, everyone, tc and thanks :) We could have started with the chat format question... seems a needed discussion again
[:05:18] Eliza Madrigal: Night Tura :))
[:05:49] Eliza Madrigal: nice to see you San, hope my late sending of notice didn't delay your arrival
[:06:02] San (santoshima): oh no, was out getting firewood
[:06:04] San (santoshima): per usual
[:06:15] San (santoshima): bye for now
[:06:19] Eliza Madrigal: wonderful :)
[:06:28] Eliza Madrigal waves
[:06:32] San (santoshima): :)
[:06:35] San (santoshima): see ya