2015.01.15 13:00 - Thoughts Wafting, Buddhas Rafting, Welcoming the Winds

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    The Guardians for this meeting were Storm and Shinju. The comments are by the same.


    ShinjuJin Resident considers making a "yellow dot" tag
    Storm Nordwind: hehe. hello Shinju!
    ShinjuJin Resident: Hi Storm :)

    ShinjuJin Resident: And hi Curious :)
    CuriousBeing Resident: hi Shinju and Storm :)
    Storm Nordwind: Hello CuriousBeing :)
    ShinjuJin Resident: purple boots ^^
    CuriousBeing Resident: hehe yes!
    ShinjuJin Resident smiles
    Storm Nordwind: With red soles - even better.
    ShinjuJin Resident: fancy pants
    CuriousBeing Resident: :D
    CuriousBeing Resident: lol
    CuriousBeing Resident: a fashion risk!

    ShinjuJin Resident: I was thinking of announcing the session beforehand, but without a particular topic , opted not to
    ShinjuJin Resident: with so few sessions now it is really easy to forget the times though
    Storm Nordwind: They are listed on the wiki front page though, are they not?
    CuriousBeing Resident: I find its easy to remember one session ... so here I am :)
    ShinjuJin Resident: :) both true
    ShinjuJin Resident: but when getting out of the habit, sometimes it is good to find a fish hook dangling

    ShinjuJin Resident: how are you both today? what are you thinking about?
    CuriousBeing Resident: pretty good thanks, you?
    ShinjuJin Resident: getting over a terrible migraine, so feeling great
    Storm Nordwind: I'm well, thank you. As for thought, it is just wafting on the wind. ;)
    CuriousBeing Resident: nice to get over those!
    ShinjuJin Resident: :) wafting on the wind
    CuriousBeing Resident: no wind here today so just wafting :)

    ShinjuJin Resident: some alts I know had a discussion recently, on another planet, about whether buddhism has a similar potential for dogmatism and abuse as other forms of thought, but not sure that's interesting anymore
    CuriousBeing Resident: :)
    ShinjuJin Resident: (forms of thought isn't the right category either :P) the word then was philosophies
    CuriousBeing Resident: was actually discussing that this am over coffee :)
    Storm Nordwind: Buddhism sure does have a potential for dogmatism. But so do so many things.
    ShinjuJin Resident: you were, Curious?
    CuriousBeing Resident: yes
    CuriousBeing Resident: this article came up
    CuriousBeing Resident: http://www.globalbuddhism.org/13/batchelor12.pdf
    CuriousBeing Resident: and we discussed it
    ShinjuJin Resident: oh, isn't Steven Bachelor who wrote Buddhism Without Beliefs? Secular Buddhist Network was really big here in SL for a while
    ShinjuJin Resident: what brought Zen into SL I think I remember
    CuriousBeing Resident: yes
    CuriousBeing Resident: I thought the article made some interesting points
    Storm Nordwind: It is fitting that that article finishes with the parable of the raft. That parable is ignored by so so many "Buddhists in high places".

    CuriousBeing Resident: hi Agatha :)
    ShinjuJin Resident: thanks, I'll read it
    ShinjuJin Resident: Hi Agatha!
    Agatha Macbeth: Hello PaBers and PaBettes
    ShinjuJin Resident: all dressed up...speaking of fancy

    CuriousBeing Resident: yes, I particularly like that parable
    ShinjuJin Resident: what do you mean Storm?
    Storm Nordwind: Hello Aggers!
    Storm Nordwind: Are you familiar with Buddha's parable of the raft?
    ShinjuJin Resident: I am, others?
    Agatha Macbeth: Didn't know he had one
    Storm Nordwind: haha!
    ShinjuJin Resident grins
    CuriousBeing Resident: I know it now from the article
    CuriousBeing Resident: I like the question "does it float?"
    Storm Nordwind: If has stuck with me for some years. Buddhism exists (as implies by the parable and good common sense) as a means to an end, not an end in itself.
    Storm Nordwind: It is the raft.
    CuriousBeing Resident: yes I really like that idea
    Storm Nordwind: To carry the raft on your back after you have crossed the river and escaped danger is not necessarily wise!
    ShinjuJin Resident: me too... I think that's why it has been hard for me to fit in with the little temple I keep trying to return to.. am spoiled by pab I think
    Storm Nordwind: Easy to be spoiled by PaB!
    ShinjuJin Resident: :)
    CuriousBeing Resident: indeed!
    Agatha Macbeth: Little temple?
    ShinjuJin Resident: a nice group of practitioners that I enjoy, but there is this barrier that comes up
    CuriousBeing Resident: I take for granted the openness here and expect to find that everywhere ...
    Agatha Macbeth: Maybe there's an entrance fee
    ShinjuJin Resident: yes
    ShinjuJin Resident: lol


    ShinjuJin Resident: the point to me isn't to be a buddhist
    ShinjuJin Resident: so raft parable is apt
    Storm Nordwind: Having compassion for those still crossing the river - and to whom the raft is very valuable - doesn't mean you have to jump back in the river yourself! :)
    CuriousBeing Resident: :)
    Storm Nordwind: Buddhism is A raft. Not necessarily THE raft.
    ShinjuJin Resident: so where do you go? haha
    CuriousBeing Resident: agree that
    CuriousBeing Resident: you be ... I think
    Storm Nordwind: Or you sit by the riverbank and throw mooring lines to incoming craft. If you want to. There's plenty of other things to do. :)
    Agatha Macbeth: Or fish
    ShinjuJin Resident: sometimes I feel like I've been in college a long time and have never finished a major cause I keep switching
    Storm Nordwind: That's OK
    ShinjuJin Resident: keep watching friends get their diplomas, feel a little left out
    CuriousBeing Resident: that's good I think
    Storm Nordwind: You have something they never will have
    Storm Nordwind: You have a breadth of experience, and are not dependent on one single thing for knowledge, or fun, or satisfaction, or service.

    Being Second

    Storm Nordwind: It is part of a book I am writing. It has a working title of "The Joy of Being Second". ;-)
    ShinjuJin Resident: please say more?
    Storm Nordwind: Many people strive (or at least pay lip service to) the idea of being the best at something, or at least excelling at one thing.
    Storm Nordwind: That takes a huge amount of time and focus.
    Storm Nordwind: And the probability of success can be small.
    Storm Nordwind: The potential for disappointment can be great.
    Storm Nordwind: Why not, instead, accept a lesser achievement status, a level that can be achieved with far less time, effort, and risk?
    Storm Nordwind: That way you preserve your resources for other subjects. You can repeat the exercise with successful achievements to that level in other subjects.
    Agatha Macbeth: I think that's a concept most Americans would struggle with :p
    Storm Nordwind: It's not so much being a jack or jill of all trades.
    Storm Nordwind: Instead you can gain pleasure from so many more things than most other people are used to.
    Storm Nordwind: Yes Agatha, I agree.
    Storm Nordwind: And that's why I am writing it.
    Storm Nordwind: There are lots of side channels to that subject, that'll I'll cover in the book. But that is the basic theme.
    ShinjuJin Resident: In part, that's because of introductions perhaps.. the way we might say "here is so n so, and they ____" I think most people would like to give a clear impression
    ShinjuJin Resident: whether that's possible, I don't know. we may intend to give one impression but people around us glean other things
    Storm Nordwind: "And what do you do?" "Where shall I start? How much time do you have?" :))
    ShinjuJin Resident: ah, worse than that is "what does your husband do?" for (even) the modern suburban woman :P
    Agatha Macbeth: That's presuming you have one of course...
    Storm Nordwind: Yuk. Defining a woman by her husband. Does that still happen?
    ShinjuJin Resident: :) it felt like a time warp when I moved into my former neighborhood... happened almost immediately when I took the kids to the pool
    Agatha Macbeth: >.<
    Storm Nordwind: Sounds like a 'pool' of people that didn't deserve you, Shinju!

    CuriousBeing Resident: I think its ok to try to achieve a certain goal but to recognize that its not required. that you shouldn't feel that you have to. and certainly shouldn't compare yourself to others' achievements
    ShinjuJin Resident: :) well, just another group I tried to fit into and failed
    ShinjuJin Resident: indeed Curious, that seems the healthy stance


    Storm Nordwind: Absolutely CuriousBeing. But most people are taught to focus, focus, focus on one thing to the exclusion of most else. That, I find, is a waste of time and opportunity. You have to ask yourself, "Why am I focussing on this goal?" What is the real answer, deep down? And answering that honestly will bring a pragmatic answer.
    CuriousBeing Resident: if you want to get to Carnegie Hall .... practice, practice, practice :)
    CuriousBeing Resident: for the love of it
    ShinjuJin Resident: right, no doubt there is value in practicing even when you don't feel it, though
    Storm Nordwind: Well practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. And perfection is a chimera.
    ShinjuJin Resident: in class, I always liked to be in the second row... years later I realized I'm like that generally, that I don't like to be out front but I like to be real close and supportive of those in front :)
    CuriousBeing Resident: :)
    ShinjuJin Resident: I tell my son to choose direction based on the kinds of people he wants to spend time with
    CuriousBeing Resident: I always liked the front and was afraid to turn around and see all those behind me hehe
    Storm Nordwind: "You become the company you keep."
    CuriousBeing Resident: also was nearsighted lol
    ShinjuJin Resident: hah
    ShinjuJin Resident: there were some classes I'd linger by the door before, to see where people situated themselves, then I'd sort of spacially choose, but in general second row
    Storm Nordwind: I was once criticized in a performance review - maybe 30 years ago - by my boss for always sitting on the front row in large meetings. I asked him, "So you don't like a front runner?" He never brought it up again. :)
    ShinjuJin Resident: criticized? why?
    CuriousBeing Resident: :)
    Storm Nordwind: Please don't ask me to crawl inside his head and explain his judgment! ;)
    ShinjuJin Resident: hahah

    CuriousBeing Resident: hi Qt
    ShinjuJin Resident: I think it is fun to compete and challenge oneself as long as one is able to drop it when appropriate
    Agatha Macbeth: Buona sera QT
    ShinjuJin Resident: Hi Qt :)
    Qt Core: Hi all
    ShinjuJin Resident: It is fun to have friends who can play vigorously then switch gears after and rest
    Storm Nordwind smiles


    ShinjuJin Resident: I really, btw, have to give one more shot at recommending a korean show called Misaeng to everyone
    ShinjuJin Resident: I'd feel as though I were hoarding a secret not to mention just once more
    ShinjuJin Resident: Misaeng means
    ShinjuJin Resident: Incomplete Life
    CuriousBeing Resident: great that you get so much enjoyment from that
    ShinjuJin Resident: so the topic makes me think of that
    Agatha Macbeth: I'm still waiting to see Siworae ;P
    Storm Nordwind: I see it is a TV series based on a webtoon. You mean the TV or the toon?
    ShinjuJin Resident: it just finished as a tv drama
    ShinjuJin Resident: Gaya liked it too :)
    Agatha Macbeth: Not suprised
    ShinjuJin Resident: I wasn't going to watch it because the photo is goofy
    Storm Nordwind: Having worked in Korea, I will look out for it.
    ShinjuJin Resident: but it is very profound
    ShinjuJin Resident: I think you'll appreciate it very much Storm, and it has a GO theme running in the background
    ShinjuJin Resident: or, Baduk
    Storm Nordwind smiles broadly
    ShinjuJin Resident: okay commercial over :)
    Storm Nordwind: haha~

    Regularly Scheduled Program...

    Agatha Macbeth: We now return you to PaB
    ShinjuJin Resident: hahaha
    CuriousBeing Resident: :)
    ShinjuJin Resident: with subtitles
    Agatha Macbeth: Meanwhile back at the fountain...
    CuriousBeing Resident: your regularly scheduled program :)
    ShinjuJin Resident giggling
    Agatha Macbeth: Sponsored by No Self
    ShinjuJin Resident: whoa love it
    Agatha Macbeth tickles Shin's feet
    ShinjuJin Resident: :)))

    ShinjuJin Resident: Is the busy season over for you Agatha?
    Agatha Macbeth: Thankfully yes
    ShinjuJin Resident: congrats, you made it through
    Agatha Macbeth: Now it's just a case of recovering
    ShinjuJin Resident: important
    Agatha Macbeth: Mm


    Agatha Macbeth: When does the Chinese new year start?
    ShinjuJin Resident: soon...
    Storm Nordwind: ish
    ShinjuJin Resident looks
    Storm Nordwind looks away
    Agatha Macbeth: Wondering what date
    ShinjuJin Resident: Feb 19
    Agatha Macbeth: Wow, that late?
    ShinjuJin Resident: does seem late, but I'm glad. there is a festival I hope to attend

    Storm Nordwind: from the horse to the goat, I believe
    Agatha Macbeth: Think so
    ShinjuJin Resident: what's the energy of the goat?
    Storm Nordwind: voracious! ;)
    Agatha Macbeth: Butting things?
    ShinjuJin Resident: :)))
    ShinjuJin Resident: climbing?
    Agatha Macbeth: That's a mountain goat
    ShinjuJin Resident: hm
    Agatha Macbeth: Goat's milk is quite nice
    ShinjuJin Resident: makes wonderful cheese and soap
    Agatha Macbeth: Never tried the cheese unfortunately
    ShinjuJin Resident: omgoodness... with beets and baby greens and a light dressing
    Storm Nordwind: Cashmere is wonderful.
    CuriousBeing Resident: :)
    Agatha Macbeth: Never ate a pullover
    ShinjuJin Resident: :)
    CuriousBeing Resident: lol
    Storm Nordwind: You should try it!
    ShinjuJin Resident: was hearing the song in my mind
    Agatha Macbeth: Zep?
    Storm Nordwind: Different spelling
    ShinjuJin Resident: mhm
    Agatha Macbeth: Interesting place
    ShinjuJin Resident: cashmere doesn't do well in south florida unfortunately >weeps<
    Agatha Macbeth: Aww
    ShinjuJin Resident: >drips<
    ShinjuJin Resident: lol
    Agatha Macbeth: Weepy drippy
    Storm Nordwind: Try the mountains instead. ;)
    Agatha Macbeth: Yeh
    ShinjuJin Resident: yeah yeah, sigh :)
    Agatha Macbeth: And the goats


    ShinjuJin Resident: :) so quiet Qt... are we too weird today?
    Agatha Macbeth: Or making pasta?
    CuriousBeing Resident: funny stream of consciousness :)
    ShinjuJin Resident: smiling a lot actually
    Qt Core: a little late for pasta (and i haven't got yet what byou are talking about tonight)
    Agatha Macbeth loves a smiling Shinju
    CuriousBeing Resident: from Chinese New Year to eating pullovers :)
    Storm Nordwind: If pasta, he needs Storm's Italian Sauce recipe.
    Agatha Macbeth nods
    CuriousBeing Resident: ok now longing for some pasta ha!
    ShinjuJin Resident: what kind of sauce Storm? I like basil heavy tomato sauces
    Storm Nordwind: This has no basil
    Agatha Macbeth: Basil!
    ShinjuJin Resident: alas
    Agatha Macbeth: What about Manuel?
    Storm Nordwind: But I'll tell you it if you would like.
    ShinjuJin Resident: sure, yes
    ShinjuJin Resident listens
    Agatha Macbeth: Storm's Kitchen vol. 57
    CuriousBeing Resident: tell us s l o w hehe
    Storm Nordwind: haha
    ShinjuJin Resident: hahhaa
    Agatha Macbeth: No rush
    Storm Nordwind: Tell you what. I'll post it as a comment to the log, when published.
    ShinjuJin Resident: okay marvelous, thank you :)
    Agatha Macbeth: THAT long eh?
    CuriousBeing Resident: before dinner time?
    Storm Nordwind: haha!
    Agatha Macbeth: 'Take one goat...'
    CuriousBeing Resident: lol
    ShinjuJin Resident: I go into the pabcafe list once in a while to remember what storm has posted
    ShinjuJin Resident: ran across Alfred's salmon pasta the other day too
    Agatha Macbeth: Oh yes
    Agatha Macbeth: Still have those
    CuriousBeing Resident: ok on the way to the kitchen ha!
    Agatha Macbeth: Wonder how Boxy is now?
    ShinjuJin Resident laughing
    CuriousBeing Resident: take care all
    ShinjuJin Resident: Nice to see you Curious, happy eating
    CuriousBeing Resident: nice to see you
    Qt Core: bye curious
    CuriousBeing Resident: bye
    Agatha Macbeth: Be careful in there
    ShinjuJin Resident: I guess, as with people, when the computers are off and one reflects, there are some strong impressions of the group... warm and alive people who somehow found their way to each other
    ShinjuJin Resident: it isn't credentials
    Agatha Macbeth: I came in a balloon
    ShinjuJin Resident: me too!!
    Storm Nordwind smiles
    Agatha Macbeth: Bit like the Wizard of Oz


    Agatha Macbeth: Actually Bieup hasn't changed much since I arrived
    Storm Nordwind: Do you find that good or bad, Agatha?
    Agatha Macbeth: Oh good
    ShinjuJin Resident: I remember the little village houses in the woods
    Agatha Macbeth: Definitely
    ShinjuJin Resident: we need a retreat house with bunk beds and a fireplace
    ShinjuJin Resident: :))
    Agatha Macbeth: Considering how most of the stuff on the neighbouring sims has vanished
    ShinjuJin Resident nods
    Agatha Macbeth: Baikun is practically empty now
    ShinjuJin Resident: that's kind of sad...wonder if there will be any resurgence in SL after the end of year when occulus is more mainstream
    Storm Nordwind: SL is just one thing people will use Occulus for. And i suspect SL will be waaaay down the list of schedule priorities.
    ShinjuJin Resident: yeah... I think it would be really hard to renew academia in SL
    ShinjuJin Resident: and not sure occulus would help with that

    Track IR...

    Storm Nordwind: I use Track IR in other worlds. It is a must for virtual reality if you want a mix of immersion with ease of doing other things - keeping a toe in both worlds, as it were.
    Qt Core: isn't the usual SL interaction too slow for that
    ShinjuJin Resident: not sure at all
    ShinjuJin Resident: Track IR? a kind of immersive tool?
    Storm Nordwind: It is a head tracker.
    Storm Nordwind: Basically to shows you on your screen what you would be looking at
    ShinjuJin Resident: ahh
    Storm Nordwind: Let me describe quickly...
    Storm Nordwind: it's like a camera that sits on top of your PC, and combines with an attachment to your headset.
    Storm Nordwind: It works in 6 axes.
    Storm Nordwind: An example...
    Storm Nordwind: Suppose in a virtual world I am flying an airplane
    Storm Nordwind: I can turn my head to the left and right, or up and down and look out at the world, or my instrument panels, or passengers.
    Storm Nordwind: Or I can lean forward and "zoom in" to my instruments.
    Storm Nordwind: Or I can lean sideway, over the edge of my open cockpit (for example) and then turn my head around to look at the ground or my tailplane
    ShinjuJin Resident: does it keep pace?
    Storm Nordwind: It keeps pace exactly, with no lag at all
    Agatha Macbeth: Good lord
    ShinjuJin Resident: wow... I thought that was what was taking so long
    ShinjuJin Resident: re virtual tech becoming more embodyable
    Agatha Macbeth: Can you see the Red Baron behind you?
    ShinjuJin Resident: hah
    Storm Nordwind: Yes you can Aggers!
    Storm Nordwind: But only for a while ;)
    ShinjuJin Resident: we have a wii, like most families with teenagers, and it is fun but due to lag you never forget you are playing
    ShinjuJin Resident: even though it is slight
    Storm Nordwind: Right. With TrackIR you are immersed because it need have no lag (unless you want it to)
    Storm Nordwind: There is a feature that is both a plus and a minus when compared to occulus.
    Storm Nordwind: That is with Track IR it only affects your screen (or multiple screens if you have them working together)
    Storm Nordwind: that means you can still see your other screen (if you use it only on one) and anyone standing next to you, your cup of coffee and your telephone if it rings
    ShinjuJin Resident: ahhh so it has the effect of more overlap in RL environment?
    Storm Nordwind: yes. But you can choose only to concentrate on your screen if you want to and be fully immersed.


    Storm Nordwind: Or you can choose to reach for your coffee.
    ShinjuJin Resident: I know what son and I will be talking about during dinner tonight :)
    Storm Nordwind: Beware...
    ShinjuJin Resident: haha
    Storm Nordwind: once used it is addictive
    Storm Nordwind: and it costs something like $160
    ShinjuJin Resident: I can't become addicted anymore, due to the health things, wish I could. He's already addicted so we better go all in or all out at this point
    ShinjuJin Resident: :) All in worked for me for a while
    Storm Nordwind nods
    Agatha Macbeth: Wrestling?
    ShinjuJin Resident: sometimes
    Storm Nordwind: It comes "game ready' for well over 200 popular games. I used it for Flight Simulator X and Elite: Dangerous - both simulation games
    ShinjuJin Resident: sounds really neat... will do some research on it

    Agatha Macbeth: And on that note kiddywinks...
    ShinjuJin Resident: oops...had camera locked onto Aggers
    Storm Nordwind: It's a long time since anyone called me a kiddywink!
    ShinjuJin Resident: flew into the sky :))
    Agatha Macbeth: Have fun, be meaningful x
    Qt Core: bye
    ShinjuJin Resident: okay... can take a hint...hah, and should feed my son too

    ShinjuJin Resident: once a year I have a Storm dream, usually around this time of year... last year's perplexed me for most of 2014 so i'm on the look out.... often gives me a feeling of focus... will report
    Storm Nordwind: And I should go cook - and find that recipe for you. :)
    ShinjuJin Resident: thanks!
    ShinjuJin Resident: see you both soon
    Storm Nordwind: I will await the dream :)
    ShinjuJin Resident: :))
    ShinjuJin Resident: bfn
    Storm Nordwind waves
    Storm Nordwind: I must go too. Please excuse me Qt

    Qt Core: for a different pasta search for Pizzoccheri recipe ;-)
    Qt Core: me too i need sleep
    Storm Nordwind waves

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    Viewing 4 of 4 comments: view all
    As promised, my recipe for Storm’s Italian Sauce. (Best I've ever had!)

    Serves 2. (Double the ingredient quantities for pasta and for saucy pizza.)
    Use as a replacement for tomato sauce in Italian-style dishes.
    See Serving Suggestions.

    1 can (14.5 oz.) diced tomatoes in juice (unsweetened)
    2 Tablespoons ginger and garlic paste
    ½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar
    ½ Tablespoon olive oil (or just enough to wet the base and sides of a small saucepan)

    Herb bowl
    ½ teaspoon dried oregano
    ¼ teaspoon salt
    ¼ teaspoon whole fennel seed (not ground)
    ⅛ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

    1. Liquidize the tomatoes to a puree in a blender.
    2. Preheat the olive oil in a small saucepan.
    3. Fry the ginger and garlic paste in the saucepan for a minute or two over a medium heat, stirring vigorously. This removes the raw aroma (and raw flavor), but be careful as it can spit while frying.
    4. Add the tomato puree, and bring to a gentle boil while stirring well.
    5. After puree has come to the boil, reduce to a simmer, add the herb bowl and the vinegar, and stir well.
    6. Partially cover the saucepan. This allows some water vapor to escape; otherwise the sauce may separate a little when serving.
    7. Continue to simmer, stirring regularly, first to remove the raw aroma from the tomato puree, and then to thicken to desired consistency. (Takes 25 minutes minimum. I prefer 40 minutes.)

    Serving suggestions
    • Fry 4 spicy Italian sausages, cover with Storm’s Italian sauce, and smother with finely grated Parmesan or Romano cheese. (Serves 2.)
    • As an accompaniment to your favorite pasta. (DOUBLE INGREDIENTS QUANTITIES to serve 2.)
    • As a replacement for the tomato sauce base for 2 medium-size homemade pizzas. (Some people prefer a lot of sauce - I do! - and if so, double the ingredients.)

    Posted 05:48, 16 Jan 2015
    Sauce sounds great, Storm, and not too complicated. I never use fennel in tomato sauces, so looking forward and will report back, maybe before session Thursday. We'll see. :)
    Posted 22:51, 16 Jan 2015
    Fennel is the secret ingredient in the best tomato sauces! Shhh - don't tell. ;)
    Use good Indian Ginger AND Garlic paste (e.g. Swad brand). Don't just use garlic.
    Other than that, yes it's pretty easy. And a Storm Original. :)
    Posted 00:06, 18 Jan 2015
    Finally made the sauce last night, for linguini. LOVE the fennel! Next time I will use more fennel even, because I think I skimped a bit. It had a bite, which I really liked, but which was a bit too unique for my son, so I mixed a little Alfredo sauce into it for him, and then he was happy. :)

    Thanks, Storm.
    Posted 13:30, 7 Feb 2015
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