2015.01.21 01:00 - Stability, to me is...

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    The Guardian for this meeting was No Self. The comments are by No Self.


    Liza Deischer: good morning sweet
    Avaline DeCuir: Hey Stuk
    Liza Deischer: hehehe
    Avaline DeCuir: Are you a guardian?
    Liza Deischer: yes
    Avaline DeCuir: ahh ok good


    Liza Deischer: you see, points above her head, Darren is a fake one, I'm real ... grins
    Avaline DeCuir laughs
    Liza Deischer: you have a topic for today?
    Avaline DeCuir: no .. do you?
    Liza Deischer: what about stability?
    Avaline DeCuir: stability ... hmmmm not something I am good at
    Liza Deischer: well, maybe that's a good reason
    Avaline DeCuir: It is hard to be stable when there is so many things that catch my attention
    Liza Deischer: what does stability mean, when do we feel 'stable'
    Liza Deischer: ah ... yes, distraction?
    Avaline DeCuir: yes distraction

    Liza Deischer: do you feel stable at work?
    Avaline DeCuir: no
    Liza Deischer: somehow that surprises me
    Avaline DeCuir: I think that it depends if you are a reactive or a pro active person
    Liza Deischer: at my work I always felt stable somehow
    Liza Deischer: my work was pro active
    Avaline DeCuir: if you are reactive you never feel stable .. you always feel as if you are running to keep up instead of being in control and having everything planned
    Liza Deischer: that is the same at your work?

    Avaline DeCuir: I have tried being pro active but I have found that in my life no matter how much I plan ... something unexpected always comes along to change things and so I am back to playing catch up
    Avaline DeCuir: yes the same at work ... when you work with people it is much harder to plan because people are unpredictable
    Liza Deischer: yeah but you're well-trained and very experienced
    Avaline DeCuir: for example .. when I am doing anaesthetics .. I try to anticipate everything I will need for the list ... and have it available .. yet no matter how well I plan .. there is always something that messes the plans up ... cases cancelled so stuff gets put away .. patients not turning up .. or patients added unexpectedly
    Avaline DeCuir: it is impossible to fully plan and have it all work out the way is is supposed to

    Liza Deischer: for me the feeling of stability also has to do with how secure you feel dealing with those situations
    Liza Deischer: how easy can you handle change


    Liza Deischer: ?
    Avaline DeCuir: Ohh I feel perfectly sescure in my knowledge and ability to handle any situation that might come up at work
    Avaline DeCuir: In many ways stability can be boring too ... I like being unpredictable
    Avaline DeCuir: I like being impulsive too
    Liza Deischer: ah ... :)
    Avaline DeCuir: I would like to be able to get up one morning and see it is sunny and say .. lets drive to Paris for lunch
    Liza Deischer: but I don't see why you can't feel stable within those situations, but maybe we need to define stable
    Avaline DeCuir: to me that is impulsive and exciting
    Liza Deischer: erm ... you need to take the plane for that, but I get your drift

    Avaline DeCuir: yes maybe we should define stable
    Avaline DeCuir: stable to me means being predictable, doing the same things and having plans .. not deviating from them without other plans
    Liza Deischer: I like the feeling, but maybe you don't

    Liza Deischer: stable to me means that I know what I'm doing, can anticipate or respond on unexpected situations in an appropriate manner
    Avaline DeCuir: for me stability is just a lull in the exciting bits

    Avaline DeCuir: I like to find out by doing ... I don't feel the need to know what I am doing all the time before I do it
    Liza Deischer: I don't disconnect stable and excitment in a way
    Avaline DeCuir: I remember the day I met Talisman ... he is so much like me it is eerie .. he just packed his bag on a whim and got on a plane to Sydney ... with no plans made on where to sleep or eat or anything . it didnt matter to him .. that is what I like
    Avaline DeCuir: stability also means responsibility at times

    Avaline DeCuir: As I get older I need some stability though .. I can't live a fully reactive unpredictable life .. it affects my health too much
    Avaline DeCuir: I suppose that is why I do things that make me sicker at times .. because I refuse to give in and stop being impulsive just because of my health


    Liza Deischer: damn I'm boring

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