Riddle Sideways: hi Ewan
Riddle Sideways: almost forgot
Riddle Sideways: hi Tura
Ewan Bonham: Hi folks..
Tura Brezoianu: hi all
Ewan Bonham: Nice to see you both..
Riddle Sideways: nice to be seen :)
Riddle Sideways: a complete aside:
Ewan Bonham: I would like to know from each of you if you have had a chance to practice your mindfulness exercises that we have done over the weeks..
Riddle Sideways: personal trainer has us writting everything we did this week
Ewan Bonham: nice, Riddle... were you able to figure in any of what we have done here?
Riddle Sideways: and playing music and gardening are valid
Riddle Sideways: meditation is not
Ewan Bonham: Are you able to place mindfulness into your gardening?
Riddle Sideways: ... did the candle thing Friday night
Riddle Sideways: and breathing yesterday
Ewan Bonham: How was that for you?
Tura Brezoianu: I meditate from time to time, although I haven't used the candle.
Ewan Bonham: Ah, that is good Tura. You might try using the candle on your own..
Ewan Bonham: It is also helpful to have a daily discipline of some kind...
Ewan Bonham: One that uses the principles of mindfulness in one form or another..
Ewan Bonham: Riddle did the candle and breathing help you?
Riddle Sideways: a little
Ewan Bonham: In what ways?
Riddle Sideways: it was too short this time
Riddle Sideways: and other things were happening the house
Ewan Bonham: Ah... that is a good start... and you are saying this time it was too short..
Riddle Sideways: cats that think they are the focal point of all mindfulness
Qt Core: Hi all
Riddle Sideways: hi QT
Ewan Bonham: nod... it sometimes takes creating circumstances to make sure you have quiet and privacy...:)
Ewan Bonham: Hello QT...:)
Ewan Bonham: Tura, do you have any more you would like to share about your experiences?
Tura Brezoianu: difficult to say
Ewan Bonham: OK..
Tura Brezoianu: difficult to describe
Ewan Bonham: Then let us start the form of mindfulness for today..
Ewan Bonham: Can you all find something to eat that you can chew for a bit before you swallow?
Riddle Sideways: hmmmm, hold on
Ewan Bonham: it can be anything from an apple to a few nuts, to a piece of celery...
Tura Brezoianu: an excuse for chocolate :)
Qt Core: i just finished having some ginger potato chips, i'll get some dry biscuits
Ewan Bonham: Yes, please get enough for several bites..
Ewan Bonham: OK... I will wait for a minute or so while you get these...
Riddle Sideways: back, with an apple (decided against Girl Scout cookie)
Ewan Bonham: OK... are we all ready?
Tura Brezoianu: yes
Qt Core: yes
Ewan Bonham: OK... please pick up a bite sized piece in your non-dominant hand...
Ewan Bonham: Lift it first to your eyes...
Ewan Bonham: Notice all the details of it...actually 'see' the taste and anticipated consumption...
Ewan Bonham: now place it at your nose and inhale deeply...
Ewan Bonham: Allow yourself to identify the smell...
Ewan Bonham: Now think what might be a strange thought..
Ewan Bonham: Let your mind conjure how this food may affect your body..
Ewan Bonham: Can you anticipate its feeling as you swallow it? Can you feel itsa nourishment coursing through your veins?
Ewan Bonham: Now, in your mind... speak with gratitude to the food which will give you nourishment..
Ewan Bonham: OK... now open your mouth and place the food on your tongue..
Ewan Bonham: Please notice the initial interchange between you and the food..
Ewan Bonham: Now close your mouth... and let your entire mouth feel the texture and first tastes..
Ewan Bonham: NOW... do not swallow it..
Ewan Bonham: Instead chew perhaps thirty times. Do not swallow... but notice the change in texture and in taste over that period..
Ewan Bonham: Relax.. and take your time..
Ewan Bonham: Hello Korel
Korel Laloix: Osiyo
Ewan Bonham: We are doing Mindfulness while eating a morsel of food..
Korel Laloix: At work, looking at things that kill ones appetite... lol
Ewan Bonham: If you like, grab a small piece of food... see it, smell it, and place it in your mouth...
Korel Laloix: Thanks, but not at the moment...
Korel Laloix: Enjoy though.
Korel Laloix: brb
Ewan Bonham: OK...:)
Ewan Bonham: For the rest of you... notice the moment when the food has given you all it can in your mouth..
Ewan Bonham: Then... let it swallow... without any pushing..
Ewan Bonham: Your body will meet with the food and they together will dance down your throat..
Ewan Bonham: Notice your breath... as you welcome the food..
Ewan Bonham: Does it change?
Ewan Bonham: Can you feel what it has to offer you?
Ewan Bonham: In this way... the food that we eat interacts with us.
Ewan Bonham: The whole process of eating involves your total awareness.
Ewan Bonham: And you may find that you have no need to eat more..
Ewan Bonham: You may find that when you give the food a change to interact with you that you seek less.. and you will know just when you need no more in a meal..
Ewan Bonham: And the meal can be more conscious for you...
Ewan Bonham: At this point, you can try these steps with another bite... each time you do this, it becomes more conscious..
Qt Core: But how to do it and not ignoring/offending your table companions ?
Ewan Bonham: After this short break to breath... I would like to hear from each of you what this was like...:)
Ewan Bonham: Yes, it is true this is not convention when eating with others..
Ewan Bonham: Chances are you will either do it alone or with like minded folks like us
Ewan Bonham: Now, I would like to hear what this was like you both of you..
Ewan Bonham: Any comments are welcome at this time...:)
Qt Core: as i'm using the dry biscuits i eat for breakfast, continuing your dance metaphor it felt like looking at one person only dancing tango (it lacked milk)
Ewan Bonham: Nice... a focused attention...
Qt Core: i liked the smell, in itself not as an indication of the biscuit presence or its future eating
Ewan Bonham: Hmmm... an experience unto itself...:)
Ewan Bonham: Other comments?
Riddle Sideways: Apple is such a varied and beautiful object
Riddle Sideways: smells like childhodd climbing in the trees and walking into cold storage
Ewan Bonham: Yes... this method helps you discover that anew..
Riddle Sideways: also touched cool apple to third eye and was delighted with connection
Riddle Sideways: salivating at approaching taste
Riddle Sideways: tongue knew it would be good
Ewan Bonham: Yes, a welcoming..
Riddle Sideways: nice apple taste fades away
Riddle Sideways: first bites are really good then becomes applesause
Riddle Sideways: applesauce is not as good
Ewan Bonham: Yes... attention to the fading..
Riddle Sideways: applesauce with memory of a pill in there somewhere
Ewan Bonham: Nice... associative thoughts
Riddle Sideways: Ewan, is a bad person for making pill stay there lol
Riddle Sideways: finally can swallow now
Ewan Bonham: Lol
Riddle Sideways: ok oh is good
Riddle Sideways: no force
Riddle Sideways: applesauce and body are together
Ewan Bonham: Yes... just let the natural pace take over..
Riddle Sideways: have done the same with bread ...
Riddle Sideways: fresh bread is good. dough ball after 20+ chews is not so good
Riddle Sideways: there are many comical foods
Ewan Bonham: Ah... then you are familiar with this..
Riddle Sideways: ummm, yes
Ewan Bonham: Those that jump at you..
Ewan Bonham: OK... thank you all so much for sharing this experience with me.
Riddle Sideways: and thank you
Ewan Bonham: Next week, please practice this.
Ewan Bonham: And allow yourself to be with it...
Ewan Bonham: Next week we will do a guided imagery..
Riddle Sideways: Tura? did you have chocolate?
Tura Brezoianu: I did. It was...chocolate
Ewan Bonham: Bye for now and Peace to you...
Ewan Bonham: Good Tura
Qt Core: bye Ewan
Riddle Sideways: by all
Tura Brezoianu: bye all
Qt Core: and bye all
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