2013.04.11 07:00 - The Earth from Space at Night

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Storm Nordwind. The comments are by Storm Nordwind.

    Dark matter.

    Yakuzza Lethecus: 's current display-name is "Yaku".
    Storm Nordwind: You really will have to spawn at a more neutral spot in future! :)
    Yakuzza Lethecus: good monring storm
    Storm Nordwind: Hi!
    Yakuzza Lethecus: hey lila
    Lila Darkmatter: aloha
    Storm Nordwind: Lila! Good to see you :)
    Yakuzza Lethecus: i read this week that there was more darkmatter in the universe then expected
    Lila Darkmatter: Good to be here! ty
    Storm Nordwind: Lila's aura is expanding perhaps? ;)
    Lila Darkmatter: pernicious?
    Storm Nordwind: embracing :)
    Lila Darkmatter smiles


    Lila Darkmatter: have been reading about unparticles, too... didn't realize there was unparticle physics until recently
    Lila Darkmatter: as its own field
    Storm Nordwind: Would you like to summarize about unparticles? :)
    Lila Darkmatter: not sure that I can, but basically many are busy studying what particles do... but there are some also studying what is missing...
    Lila Darkmatter: the idea that for every particle there is a companionable unparticle
    Lila Darkmatter: or something like that :)
    Storm Nordwind smiles
    Storm Nordwind: Could there be an un-Lila, and un-Storm, or an un-Yaku? Or are we rather too big to have our own unparticles? :)
    Lila Darkmatter: unstorm universe
    Storm Nordwind: Probably a good thing for everyone else! ;-)
    Lila Darkmatter laughs... no way
    Yakuzza Lethecus thinks of the mirror universe in startrek tos with the evil kirk :P
    Lila Darkmatter: hah!

    Calendar conflict.

    Lila Darkmatter: Missed you both over weekend celebrations
    Lila Darkmatter was sure she read somewhere that Storm was going to share a poem ^.^
    Yakuzza Lethecus: i also had birthday on saturday and had evelyn over
    Lila Darkmatter: ah, nice - your birthday yaku?
    Storm Nordwind: This year the celebrations coincided with Mrs. Nordwind's birthday, so guess which event I gave priority to. ;-)
    Lila Darkmatter: Ah, I see :)) well rightly so
    Lila Darkmatter: Happy Birthday to Mrs Storm and Yaku
    Yakuzza Lethecus: thx :)
    Storm Nordwind: I'll pass that on :)


    Yakuzza Lethecus: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiegel.de%2Fwissenschaft%2Fnatur%2Fams-auf-der-iss-all-experiment-findet-antimaterie-im-ueberschuss-a-892337.html
    Lila Darkmatter: interesting... antimatter and darkmatter are a little different I think... in that antimatter can be measured?
    Lila Darkmatter: (reads on)
    Storm Nordwind: yes I think they are
    Storm Nordwind: but I am no expert
    Yakuzza Lethecus: yes, sure
    Yakuzza Lethecus: sry, didn´t think again
    Storm Nordwind: All this talk of antimatter. It's sad to see unclematter always gets left out... ;-)
    Lila Darkmatter: (giggles)
    Lila Darkmatter: interesting article... though no matter how much I learn I get lost keeping track of positrons, etc
    Lila Darkmatter: :)
    Lila Darkmatter: "no matter...how much"
    Storm Nordwind is finding it hard to be Sirius this morning
    Yakuzza Lethecus: siriusly ?
    Lila Darkmatter: :)
    Lila Darkmatter: scuse me a moment... Eliza has to write a letter to Storm re WG meeting last night matters... hah
    Storm Nordwind smiles and waits
    Lila Darkmatter: Oh, don't wait for me, please continue! takes just a moment

    Queen of the Hunt.

    Storm Nordwind: Oh... by the way... please pass on my congratulations to Eliza for being the latest (and probably last) queen of the Treasure Hunt!
    Yakuzza Lethecus: queen eliza the XI ?
    Yakuzza Lethecus: how many did solve it this year ?
    Lila Darkmatter smiles, she thanks you... and growls at you too for making it so hard...haha
    Storm Nordwind: (I should probably announce that I'll take it down after this weekend)
    Lila Darkmatter: at the end she had the right idea but hadn't zeroed in deeply enough
    Lila Darkmatter: Aph said "go back" and that helped :)
    Storm Nordwind: haha! Well it's a tribute to the imagination and skill of those who solved it, so it reflects well on her. :)
    Storm Nordwind: At least Bleu didn't solve it in 40 minutes, like she did the first year.
    Lila Darkmatter: Bleu is a lot of fun in that... no false hiding of ambition
    Lila Darkmatter: lol
    Storm Nordwind: haha! Tell it like it is!
    Lila Darkmatter: they really are beautiful crowns this year... love the color changes
    Storm Nordwind: Only the best for you guys :)
    Lila Darkmatter: (seeing your question re how many yaku, but not sure... I think a few more actually than last year?)
    Storm Nordwind: If you click on the sign next to the treasure chest, it reveals that seven treasure hunters have solved it and won their crowns
    Lila Darkmatter: nice
    Storm Nordwind reaches a long arm and clicks...
    Storm Nordwind: [07:27] Roll of Honor 2013: Here is the list of the 7 Treasure Hunt winners (so far) 1: bleu.oleander 2: aphrodite.macbain 3: agatha.macbeth 4: catrinamonblue 5: druth.vlodovic 6: szavanna 7: eliza.madrigal
    Lila Darkmatter: yay aggers
    Lila Darkmatter: didn't see her hunting
    Storm Nordwind: Out of character, perhaps, she was very discreet ;-)
    Lila Darkmatter: :))
    Storm Nordwind: Actually, she does go into a very thoughtful mode during treasure hunts, and many don't see her doing it
    Lila Darkmatter: Aggers has such quick wit that perhaps sometimes her soft mushy, thoughtful mode side isn't seen as obviously :)
    Storm Nordwind nods and smiles
    Yakuzza Lethecus smiles
    Lila Darkmatter: :)

    Other worlds.

    Lila Darkmatter: how are things generally Yaku and Storm?
    Storm Nordwind: For me, generally very good thank you. Happy and healthy it seems. Mrs. Nordwind also. Keeping busy and having fun, helping friends in other 'virtual' worlds.
    Lila Darkmatter: Oh, excellent
    Yakuzza Lethecus: opensim ?
    Archmage Atlantis: 's current display-name is "Arch".
    Yakuzza Lethecus: generally i can´t complain eliza, just not sure how to put things in words but there might be quiet a few changes for me soon
    Storm Nordwind: No. Not that kind of world. Basically virtual representations of this world - i.e. Earth - that we move around.
    Yakuzza Lethecus: hey arch :)
    Yakuzza Lethecus: nice to see you again
    Archmage Atlantis: You are old said the walrus
    Storm Nordwind: Hi Arch. Long time no see.
    Lila Darkmatter: Oh, wish you well with your exciting time Yaku
    Lila Darkmatter: Hi Arch!
    Lila Darkmatter: Do we forget how important Earth is, in all our curiosities about space? :)
    Storm Nordwind: Yes perhaps we do. Or some do. Or some of the time. :)
    Lila Darkmatter: :)
    Yakuzza Lethecus: arch your microphone is open from time to time
    Archmage Atlantis: We are born of this earth, unto this earth we shall returen
    Archmage Atlantis: ok
    Archmage Atlantis: seeking sound to turn off
    Lila Darkmatter: in a talk the other day, a scientist said that when he is uninspired he remembers that in each breath we take, we take in breath Richard Feynman took too... and this helps him to focus
    Lila Darkmatter: lol... of course, it wasn't long before someone mentioned all the others...
    Archmage Atlantis: :)
    Archmage Atlantis: lifeis difficult

    The Earth from Space at Night

    Storm Nordwind: Can't remember who shared this with me - apologies if it was one of you - but please take a look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG0fTKAqZ5g&hd=1
    Lila Darkmatter: *oh wow*
    Yakuzza Lethecus: really great
    Lila Darkmatter: amazing.... that was an inspiration boost for sure
    Archmage Atlantis: In the universe, all is
    Archmage Atlantis: It is the basis of all raith
    Storm Nordwind: Explanation (from APOD): "Many wonders are visible when flying over the Earth at night. A compilation of such visual spectacles was captured recently from the International Space Station (ISS) and set to rousing music. Passing below are white clouds, orange city lights, lightning flashes in thunderstorms, and dark blue seas. On the horizon is the golden haze of Earth's thin atmosphere, frequently decorated by dancing auroras as the video progresses. The green parts of auroras typically remain below the space station, but the station flies right through the red and purple auroral peaks. Solar panels of the ISS are seen around the frame edges. The ominous wave of approaching brightness at the end of each sequence is just the dawn of the sunlit half of Earth, a dawn that occurs every 90 minutes."
    Archmage Atlantis: I think those here are dreamers, the earth is only a part of the dream
    Lila Darkmatter: *oh wow* again.... 90 seconds as seen through "dancing auroras"
    Lila Darkmatter: :) Arch
    Yakuzza Lethecus notes the sound of arches cat in the background sometimes :)
    Lila Darkmatter: :)
    Lila Darkmatter: Great hearing Yaku!

    Frightening laundry.

    Lila Darkmatter smiling... I have to go pull together WG minutes and address frightening laundry situation
    Lila Darkmatter: Thanks very much
    Storm Nordwind: I'm sorry to hear that someone has been frightening your laundry ;)
    Lila Darkmatter: haha.. yes it is cowering in piles all over the house
    Storm Nordwind chuckles
    Yakuzza Lethecus: take care eliza
    Storm Nordwind: Bye for now
    Yakuzza Lethecus: hope you are victorious against the laundry
    Archmage Atlantis: namaste
    Lila Darkmatter: Thanks so much, bfn :)) hah
    Storm Nordwind waves
    Lila Darkmatter: Namaste
    Archmage Atlantis: So, now all that is here is the male force
    Yakuzza Lethecus: not much force on my end
    Storm Nordwind: Contingent, maybe, but force is debatable ;-)
    Archmage Atlantis: Nor on mie, yet that continues to be ascribed to me
    Archmage Atlantis: When one is given power by others
    Archmage Atlantis: what is the responsiible thing to do
    Archmage Atlantis: I don't know the answer, still running away does not seem to be it
    Storm Nordwind: There surely is no general answer that fits all situations
    Archmage Atlantis: agree. phone
    Archmage Atlantis: gotta go
    Archmage Atlantis: later
    Storm Nordwind: OK. Bye for now :)
    Yakuzza Lethecus: thx for being here again arch
    Yakuzza Lethecus: you´ve been missed
    Yakuzza Lethecus: have a good day storm
    Storm Nordwind: You too my friend

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