2015.03.10 07:00 - Reviewing the Working Hypothesis

    The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.


    Riddle Sideways: sorry to be so late.  Missed Bleu.
    Riddle Sideways: (work distractions, interruptions)
    Riddle Sideways: have been re-reading the very first blog entries on the wiki
    Riddle Sideways: an email from Storm mentioned that in the beginning
    Riddle Sideways: we started with the 1% tax
    Riddle Sideways: and that the "who ARE you, not what you have" came later
    Riddle Sideways: Storm's memory is far superior,
    Riddle Sideways: but I seemingly remember both being put forth in an introductory webpage or email.
    Riddle Sideways: ah, email searching might provide clues

          never throwing away emails means it could be found.
            which started an entire wave of nostalia 

    Riddle Sideways: Wow! Riddle joined WoK in January of 2008
    Riddle Sideways: and there were 3 meetings a week in SL at the Spaceport
    Riddle Sideways: for a fun read ... https://playasbeing.wordpress.com/
    Riddle Sideways: That front page could have been edited anytime, but starts us out with "Life as a Lab"

    While digging in the email archives, many golden memory nuggets were found.  
    Maxine's introduction, Carlos' Non-linear Time, Stev's Direct Awareness, etc.

    One particularly great email was an announcement of the Sunday topic (in QWAQ) that Piet would be discussing.
    Dated 3/15/2008:


    >From my side, I will start on April 1 with a new and
    rather intense program of experimentation, called
    "The Power of Continuity".
    It will be one year ago, in April, since we started
    our WoK Forums activities, so this may be a good time
    for a new phase.  One big change will be that we will
    hold daily sessions (four per day!) in Second Life,
    in order to make our meetings more accessible for a
    larger public.  Tomorrow, at our Sunday talk at the
    usual time of 5 pm EDT, I will outline my plans for
    this new phase.  To remind you, here is the info:
      The power of Continuity: trading Duration for Frequency
      In working with the working hypothesis, ideally the
      paradoxes involved should be kept in mind constantly.
      Traditionally this is encouraged by relatively lengthy
      daily forms of practice.  Since few of us are likely to
      be in a position to set aside several hours a day, I
      will talk about an alternative approach, in which he
      reduces the total duration requirements by a factor 100,
      while increasing the frequency requirements by a factor
      10 or more.  I propose a 1% tax on our time, and even
      that only for a few hours a day.  My idea is to spend
      9 seconds every 15 minutes, and we will discuss how to
      perform such an experiment, with a starting date of
      April 1.


           How well this "rather intense program of experimentation" has gone?  
              Seven years and counting, for some :)

    Riddle Sideways: thank you
    Riddle Sideways: bye for now

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    Thanks Riddle :)
    Posted 00:36, 11 Mar 2015
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