The Guardian for this meeting was Paradise Tennant. The comments are by Paradise,stevenaia,Bleu, Calvino, Bruce, Fox, and adoro.
Paradise Tennant: hiya steve
stevenaia Michinaga: quiet night
Paradise Tennant: smiles that ok :) quiet is good
Paradise Tennant: i am in viewer 2
Paradise Tennant: feelling lost
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, mostly
stevenaia Michinaga: you do get used to it
stevenaia Michinaga: I miss it, but I only appeared as a cloud
Paradise Tennant: but the cushions do not take 40 minutes to appear :)
stevenaia Michinaga: until I went back to one, then only appeared as a woman
stevenaia Michinaga: so now I am in Emerald
Paradise Tennant: smiles at your female side :)
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, quite comfy
Paradise Tennant: I was in Emerald loved it but found it stopped working
stevenaia Michinaga: my only real problem is my fashion sense is not fem
stevenaia Michinaga: end up being the topboy I could never be
stevenaia Michinaga: tom
stevenaia Michinaga: -boy
Paradise Tennant: yes dresses and heels are an acquired taste :)
Paradise Tennant: must say I like heels much better in sl not hurt
stevenaia Michinaga: perhaps if I put more time into it, I have a genetically defective shopping gene
Paradise Tennant: shopping is so tiring .. I agree .. unless you know somewhere to go ..where you like everything :)
stevenaia Michinaga: hi Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, para and steve.
Paradise Tennant: hiya bruce :))
stevenaia Michinaga: hello Fox
Bruce Mowbray: hi, Fox.
Paradise Tennant: hiya fox :))))
Paradise Tennant: smiles at bruce ..waving really is fun :)
Bruce Mowbray: body language, eh?
stevenaia Michinaga: hello Bleu
Paradise Tennant: yes .. but somehow it makes the little cartoons more friendly
Paradise Tennant: hiya bleu good to see you :))
Bruce Mowbray: hi, Bleu.
Fox Monacular: I never tried SL body language, perhaps it's time:)
Fox Monacular: Hi Bleu!
Paradise Tennant: smiles so nice to "be" with you all :)))
Fox Monacular: yes:)
Bruce Mowbray: so. . . you folks were discussing shopping ro something... before the rest of us arrived?
Bruce Mowbray: or.
stevenaia Michinaga: something like that :)
Paradise Tennant: steve needs a new wardrobe
Bruce Mowbray: mmm... Oh - shopping in SL.
stevenaia Michinaga: perhaps I need an "intervention"
Bruce Mowbray: mmmmm. A self-intervention -- or someone else to intervene -- and choose new clothes for you?
stevenaia Michinaga: someone else, I am not a kskilled shopper and get little pleasure from it
Bruce Mowbray: mmmm. . .
Bruce Mowbray: me neither, actually.
Fox Monacular: I hear you, steve... always a problem for me too...
stevenaia Michinaga: but there is bleu and Paradise, both sklles at selection
Paradise Tennant: smiles at bleu ..
Bleu Oleander: I make most of mine :)
Fox Monacular: I need help too!
Paradise Tennant: she does !
stevenaia Michinaga: best to capitalize on the strenght of thers
stevenaia Michinaga: others
Bruce Mowbray: wow!
stevenaia Michinaga: wow what?
Bruce Mowbray: wow - she makes her own clothes!
Paradise Tennant: smiles at steve ..what kind of look are you going for what intrigues or would make you feel happy .. :)
Bruce Mowbray: I make my own shirts - but that's the extent of it.
Bleu Oleander: yes, fun to do!
Bruce Mowbray: cool. What would really make you happy, steve?
Paradise Tennant: smiles .. at Bleu and her wearable art :))
Bleu Oleander: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: I wear what people give me
Paradise Tennant: lol that can make you and them happy :)
stevenaia Michinaga: do you do your skinds as well, Bleu
Bruce Mowbray: I have lots of shirts if you want them.
stevenaia Michinaga: skins
Bleu Oleander: yes, some of them
Bruce Mowbray: that's great, Bleu.
stevenaia Michinaga: in answer to your questions, Bruce, I do not know what look fits me
Bruce Mowbray: ok.
Bruce Mowbray: so, you're stilcking with basic black
Bruce Mowbray: sticking.
Paradise Tennant: smiles at steve ..i think you just try things until something really puts a smile on your face :)
stevenaia Michinaga: it;s a good place to start, my former look is in my profile pic
Bruce Mowbray checks out steve's profile....
stevenaia Michinaga: blue hair, red dress
Bruce Mowbray: single malt scotch -- My kind of guy!
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Bruce Mowbray: play you digeridoo, mate....
Bruce Mowbray: tie me kangeroo down.
stevenaia Michinaga: smiles
Bruce Mowbray: cool profile!
stevenaia Michinaga: truth can be stranger than fiction
Bruce Mowbray: well. . . I have a "strange" truth for you. . .
Bruce Mowbray: This morning I was in a caraccident.
Bruce Mowbray: car accident.
Bleu Oleander: I say that in your report
stevenaia Michinaga: you ok?
Bleu Oleander: are you OK?
Paradise Tennant: wow bruce sorry to hear that
Bruce Mowbray: Someone skipped a stop sign and plowed into the passenger side of my car.
Bruce Mowbray: We are both fine.
Bruce Mowbray: and that's part of the "strangeness."
Bruce Mowbray: We both came within milli-seconds of being killed.
Bruce Mowbray: and we ended up laughing about it.
Fox Monacular: wow
Bruce Mowbray: yep.
Bleu Oleander: no laughing matter!
Fox Monacular: sounds intense
Fox Monacular: but I know the feeling, me too I usually end up laughing or making jokes in most intense situations... some kind of defence mechanism I guess:)
stevenaia Michinaga: that left an impression
Bruce Mowbray: Well. . . this will indeed sound "strange," but I was watching it all happen . . . sort of as an observer.
Paradise Tennant: nods yes laughing relieves stress
Bruce Mowbray: and I was so very happy that we'd not been hurt.
Bruce Mowbray: and grateful.
Bruce Mowbray: although I do not know whom or what I was grateful TO.
stevenaia Michinaga: I once hydroplaned and rolled my car on it's roof w/o a scratch me
Bruce Mowbray: wow!
Bleu Oleander: yikes!
stevenaia Michinaga: I remember looking up and saying, my floor is finally clean
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, I think that's how it works, steve.
stevenaia Michinaga: I didn;t keep a tydie car
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
stevenaia Michinaga: but never thought od jsut turning it over to clean the floor
Fox Monacular: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: until that moment
Bruce Mowbray: I should try that next time.
Bruce Mowbray: and. . . this afternoon I got a diagnosis of cancer...
Bruce Mowbray: basal cell carcinoma on my forehead.
Bruce Mowbray: and I was HAPPY.
Bruce Mowbray: because it is so easily treated...
Bruce Mowbray: and the woman doctror was beautiful and very pleasant...
Paradise Tennant: smiles yes it is :)
Bruce Mowbray: and commented nicely on how happy I was.
Paradise Tennant: you have had an eventful day ..bruce
Bruce Mowbray: [for an old man]
Bruce Mowbray: most of her patients are gumpy old people...
Bruce Mowbray: so she commented that I was QUITE different.
Paradise Tennant: smiles :))))
Bruce Mowbray: and I explained that I'd just come from a near-fatal car accident --
Bruce Mowbray: and had good reason to be happy.
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: So -- it that a strange truth for the day, or what?
Fox Monacular: so basically it was a good day then:) in a strange way
Bruce Mowbray: It was a VERY good day ---!
Bruce Mowbray: anyone else have a good day?
Bleu Oleander: not nearly as eventful!
stevenaia Michinaga: well it was my 31st anniversary
stevenaia Michinaga: more of a landmark
Bruce Mowbray: wonderful, steve. Congratulations!
Fox Monacular: happy anniversary!
Bleu Oleander: nice .... HA!
stevenaia Michinaga: thx
stevenaia Michinaga: can't wait for the next 31
Bruce Mowbray: That's a wonderful attitude.
Paradise Tennant: smiles a huge smile :)) congradulations !!
stevenaia Michinaga: interesting, I brought my spouse to the first PaB dinner in princeton as I thiught she would have an interesting perspective on the little group, since she has no interest in SL and knew I was hanging out on SL for some reason
stevenaia Michinaga: and she still does
Bruce Mowbray: yep. same here.... My lady-friend will not go near SL for love or money.
Bruce Mowbray: and I won't go near cell phones for love or money.
Paradise Tennant: well .. it is kind of a strange .. past time .. when you think about it
stevenaia Michinaga: why is that Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Because I don't like electronic leashes.
Fox Monacular: (sorry everyone, baby's out of bath need to go, good to talk to you all!)
stevenaia Michinaga: night fox
Bruce Mowbray: ok.. bye, Fox!
Paradise Tennant: nite fox ..hope baby settles down to a nice long sleep :) and you have a quiet nite
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Bleu Oleander: have to go too .... nite all :) take care!
Bruce Mowbray: bye, Bleu!
stevenaia Michinaga: bye Bleu
Bleu Oleander: drive carefully Bruce!!
Bruce Mowbray: hurry back when you can.
Bruce Mowbray: ok, I will.
Paradise Tennant: nite bleu
Bruce Mowbray: So, steve had an anniversary and I had a car accident....
Bruce Mowbray: How about you, Para?
stevenaia Michinaga: Paradise, your turn
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Paradise Tennant: lol well .. worked hard .. till about 8 went home picked up the dog and ran errands ..grabbed some take out and made tea ..
Paradise Tennant: nothing eventful :) all routine
Paradise Tennant: smiles
Bruce Mowbray: sounds like a good, sound, stable life.
Bruce Mowbray: and balanced.
Bruce Mowbray: Tell us about your dog, please.
Paradise Tennant: yes really like my job and .. am happy .. doing it :)
stevenaia Michinaga: I did add your "yoga" picture from last night's session to the log
Paradise Tennant: that is a blessing
Paradise Tennant: lol
Paradise Tennant: that livens it up then !
Bruce Mowbray: good work -- good dog -- who could ask for more?
stevenaia Michinaga: nods, or a good cat
Paradise Tennant: smiles we are all lucky
Bruce Mowbray: indeed, we are.
stevenaia Michinaga: I live a life where I wait for the other shoe to drop... but it never does
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Calvino.
stevenaia Michinaga: hi cal
Paradise Tennant: hiya cal :):)
Calvino Rabeni: Hello :)
Bruce Mowbray: Has the first shoe dropped yet, steve?
stevenaia Michinaga: nope
stevenaia Michinaga: seems I only have one shoe
Bruce Mowbray: well. . . maybe the other shoe is waiting for the first...
Bruce Mowbray: and the first is saying, No! I'd rather not drop!
Bruce Mowbray: or only one shoe -- like Yaku.
Paradise Tennant: maybe one shoe is enough .. there is "enoughness"
Bruce Mowbray: one shoe will be enough for now.]
Bruce Mowbray: for sure.
stevenaia Michinaga: seem to have built-in storm cloud avoidance system built in
Bruce Mowbray: and now is all we have.
Bruce Mowbray: are you in the path of the hurricane, steve?
stevenaia Michinaga: no, it will avoid this area :)
Bruce Mowbray: good.
Bruce Mowbray: How are you tonight, Cal?
Bruce Mowbray: We've been telling about our "strange" but true days.
Calvino Rabeni: In good humor, thanks
Bruce Mowbray: still on a high from the sweat lodge, I hope.
Calvino Rabeni: Ah, recent ones? Today?
Paradise Tennant: bruce had a car accident but emerged unscathed .. steve celebrated his 31 wedding anniversary .. and I well just a routine day :)
Bruce Mowbray: yes, How was your day?
Calvino Rabeni: Or memorable strange days from long ago
Bruce Mowbray: either one.
Bruce Mowbray: [I also got a diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma on my forehead today]
Bruce Mowbray: but no problem.
stevenaia Michinaga: mine was a memorable on 31 years ago
stevenaia Michinaga: *one
Calvino Rabeni: Oh, thanks Bruce. The sweat lodge is more like an underground river than a wind to ride high upon
Bruce Mowbray: That's when steve's car flipped over. . . ?
stevenaia Michinaga: no that's when I got married
Bruce Mowbray: oh -- beautiful image, Cal. Underground river -- I like that very much.
stevenaia Michinaga: kind of a car flipping over moment too
Bruce Mowbray: Oh -- sorry, I forgot -- ;-)
stevenaia Michinaga: lol
Bruce Mowbray: Steve's anniversary today.
Paradise Tennant: smiles at steve .. :)
Bruce Mowbray: 31 years of marriage -- and looking forward to 31 more.
Calvino Rabeni: I think Bruce you may have a special ability to appreciate the depths of ordinary days too :)
Bruce Mowbray muses to himself: Ordinary days are my favorites.
Bruce Mowbray: None
Calvino Rabeni: There were some very edgy things happening in the groups around me, taking up some of my interest and attention, but actually due to confidentiality, I'm not entirely sure what to say to share them....
Bruce Mowbray: ok. Please do not breach confidentiality.
stevenaia Michinaga: or... change the names
Calvino Rabeni: Only the "koan" of it is - how does it happen that a group develops trust and becomes a vehicle or container for its members
Calvino Rabeni: No, I won't do that
Bruce Mowbray: but tell you own story, if you'd care to.
Paradise Tennant: trust is a great topic :)
Calvino Rabeni: A group can have many disparate viewpoints and values
Bruce Mowbray: trust emerges....
Calvino Rabeni: A conflict might shake the container
Bruce Mowbray listens intently.
Calvino Rabeni: and everyone resonates then in different ways
Calvino Rabeni: One person may need to assert an individual voice
Calvino Rabeni: and have it responded to
Calvino Rabeni: as if by a group intelligence
Calvino Rabeni: while others, will feel unsafe or scared with such a challenge
Bruce Mowbray: Is the container not build strong to be able to "contain" the conflict -- and to make everyone inside that container "safe"?
Calvino Rabeni: some felt, that things were better if everyone was very self sufficient and they didn't have to worry about taking care of others
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, adoro -- Good to see you again.
Calvino Rabeni: and that has a point
Calvino Rabeni: but others needed assurance that the group would "watch their back" when they are not at their best
Calvino Rabeni: as
Calvino Rabeni: (my lines are out of sequence, by the way)
Bruce Mowbray: It is all right, Cal. Please continue.
Calvino Rabeni: If you see a member of your group, about to blindly walk over a cliff ....
Calvino Rabeni: (metaphorically that is...)
Paradise Tennant: hiya adoro :)
adoro Rhapsody: hi
adoro Rhapsody: all
Calvino Rabeni: I've always felt, the answer to the "who is responsible" question is .....
Calvino Rabeni: Ack! I have to go to dinner
Bruce Mowbray: oh.... ;-(
stevenaia Michinaga: enjoy Calvino
adoro Rhapsody: who is responsible for dinner ?
Calvino Rabeni: If you don't mind, I will let the avatar sit here awhile unembodied :)
Bruce Mowbray: ok. . . I will look forward to hearing more about responsibility,....
Paradise Tennant: enjoy dinner ..:) :) hope it works out :)
adoro Rhapsody: mother ?
Bruce Mowbray: sure, ok.
Calvino Rabeni: Thanks, see you all later :)
Bruce Mowbray: ok.
adoro Rhapsody: good appetetite
Bruce Mowbray: How are you tonight, adoro? It's VERY late where you are.
adoro Rhapsody: no its very early
adoro Rhapsody: its about 5 am
Bruce Mowbray: yeppers.
adoro Rhapsody: and sun is becomimng rising
adoro Rhapsody: so i live in the land of the rising sun !
Bruce Mowbray: we all share that. . .
adoro Rhapsody: its the song of the animals but than here
Paradise Tennant: speaking of late .. I think I will say thank you and good nite ... smiles enjoy the sunrise adoro .. sweet dreams !
adoro Rhapsody: house of the rising sun
Bruce Mowbray: good night, Para.
stevenaia Michinaga: night Paradise
Bruce Mowbray: Be well.
adoro Rhapsody: nighy
adoro Rhapsody: night
Paradise Tennant: namaste :)
adoro Rhapsody: wonderful dress
adoro Rhapsody: i adore your outfit
Bruce Mowbray: :-) indeed. Para has beautiful dresses.
stevenaia Michinaga: yawns, bedtime for me too
Bruce Mowbray: ok, steve.
stevenaia Michinaga: night all
Bruce Mowbray: good night!
adoro Rhapsody: ok
adoro Rhapsody: night
adoro Rhapsody: good day
Bruce Mowbray: Good day!
adoro Rhapsody: i couldnot sleep anymore
Bruce Mowbray: hmmmm.
Bruce Mowbray: Well, before you arrived, we were sharing the experiences of our day today.
adoro Rhapsody: i had something ro think or talk about
Bruce Mowbray: Yes. . . some topic for discussion?
adoro Rhapsody: i sam the veterans
adoro Rhapsody: of the was in irak
adoro Rhapsody: war
adoro Rhapsody: some of them had also post traumatic syndrome
Bruce Mowbray: Yes.
adoro Rhapsody: but the seem to be very young
adoro Rhapsody: no vetereans i thounght
adoro Rhapsody: but youngsters
Bruce Mowbray: yes.
adoro Rhapsody: but actualy i thought of something else
Bruce Mowbray: Welcome, Vibro -- Have you been here before?
vibro83 Zifer: no no no )))
Bruce Mowbray: OK. Well,
Bruce Mowbray: let me give you a notecard that explains what we are about.
Bruce Mowbray: You are most welcome to join us.
vibro83 Zifer: sorry my English is bad now
adoro Rhapsody: has anyone the right to have his own idea of "enemy" ?
vibro83 Zifer: good luck
Bruce Mowbray: We meet four times every day -- 1, 7, 1, 7 (SLT).
adoro Rhapsody: there is freedom of speech
adoro Rhapsody: there is freedom of thought
Bruce Mowbray: OK. He has gone. Let's go back to what you were saying, adoro.
adoro Rhapsody: so there may be freedom of enemy perception
adoro Rhapsody: is everybody free to think of someone to be enemy ?
Bruce Mowbray: Well, there is surely a difference between THINKING someone to be an enemy and going to war with him.
adoro Rhapsody: so than he should be free to have weapons for that perception of that enemy
adoro Rhapsody: ok bruce
Bruce Mowbray: No. Not in a civilized world.
adoro Rhapsody: to have weapons is something els than to use weapons
adoro Rhapsody: u may have a collections of weapons
Bruce Mowbray: depends.
adoro Rhapsody: but u are not allowed to use thaem in a way to kill other people
Bruce Mowbray: I have never owned a weapon, myself.
adoro Rhapsody: ne me too neither
Bruce Mowbray: I have never felt that I needed a weapon.
adoro Rhapsody: me too
Bruce Mowbray: and certainly not to kill anyone.
Bruce Mowbray: But I must admit to you, my pacificism is quite irrational.
adoro Rhapsody: but when u are forced to have a weapon ?
Bruce Mowbray: I am never forced to have a weapon.
adoro Rhapsody: when u r in army
Bruce Mowbray: I am never in the army, either.
adoro Rhapsody: when u r forced to use a weapon ?
Bruce Mowbray: never.
adoro Rhapsody: ok
adoro Rhapsody: it depends on the enemy picture
Bruce Mowbray: When I was drafted to fight in the Viet Nam War (1968), I refused to go.
adoro Rhapsody: it depends on the need to defend
Bruce Mowbray: for most, yes.
Bruce Mowbray: but not for me.
adoro Rhapsody: but when the enemy seems to be no enemy ?
adoro Rhapsody: then use of weapons is not neceserry
Bruce Mowbray: The use of weapons will never be necessary for me.
adoro Rhapsody: so when we can change the perception of enemy ?
Bruce Mowbray: right now.
adoro Rhapsody: when enemy can become friend
Bruce Mowbray: right now.
adoro Rhapsody: or neutral object
adoro Rhapsody: or neutral subject
adoro Rhapsody: we dont have to use or have weapons
Bruce Mowbray: I have no enemies -- not now or ever.
adoro Rhapsody: so having weapons or using weapons can be illegal then
Bruce Mowbray: well, I don't know about "illegal"...
adoro Rhapsody: i am glad to have discussed with u bruce !
Bruce Mowbray: I simply don't "go there."
adoro Rhapsody: it is very good of you
adoro Rhapsody: to simply not go there
Bruce Mowbray: We have recently discussed this same topic in my Quaker group. in RL.
adoro Rhapsody: its a no-go area
Bruce Mowbray: and I have told them that my position on pacifism is quite irrational.
Bruce Mowbray: by which I mean, that it is not based on reason.
adoro Rhapsody: but when u dont go there
Bruce Mowbray: It is simply a FACT of my existence -- that I am a pacifist.
adoro Rhapsody: u cannot change there minds
Bruce Mowbray: Nope.
Bruce Mowbray: I don't want to change anyone's mind.
adoro Rhapsody: but maybe that is not necesarry
adoro Rhapsody: ok
Bruce Mowbray: I agree.
adoro Rhapsody: u r right bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Well, actually I might NOT be right -- but I must be who I am.
Bruce Mowbray: like the oak tree must be what it is.
adoro Rhapsody: super
adoro Rhapsody: bruce
Bruce Mowbray: and what I am is a person who does not kill.
adoro Rhapsody: thats TAO !
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
adoro Rhapsody: to be who u r
Bruce Mowbray: It's all I've got!
adoro Rhapsody: this is giving me much peacy inner peace
Bruce Mowbray: Oh, I am happy to hear that.
adoro Rhapsody: and inner peace gives outer peace
adoro Rhapsody: i learned from TAO
Bruce Mowbray: But, when called upon to "explain" my pacifist position, I had to admit up-front that it was not based on a "coherent narrative."
Bruce Mowbray: or upon reason.
adoro Rhapsody: so this can be a way to spread peace
Bruce Mowbray: I don't know.
adoro Rhapsody: but u r right
Bruce Mowbray: Gandhi said that the way to spread peace was to be the peace yourself.
adoro Rhapsody: we dont have to spread or change other peoppls minds
adoro Rhapsody: its enough to change our own minds
Bruce Mowbray: I really doubt that we can change anyone who is intent upon kioling his enemies...
Bruce Mowbray: killing.
adoro Rhapsody: sure
adoro Rhapsody: its nature
Bruce Mowbray: But I do know that once some men have killed other men, they suddenly realize that they can never do that again.
adoro Rhapsody: and we dont have to correct nature
adoro Rhapsody: we only have to respect nature
adoro Rhapsody: amen
Bruce Mowbray: As a Pantheist, I could not agree more! I absolutely agree.
adoro Rhapsody: wise words of bruce and adoro
Bruce Mowbray: But Nature can sometimes be quite violent, you know.
adoro Rhapsody: of course
Bruce Mowbray: "red in tooth and claw."
adoro Rhapsody: woww
Bruce Mowbray: But -- I must be myself.
adoro Rhapsody: ofcourse
Bruce Mowbray: and the tiger and lion must be themselves.
adoro Rhapsody: sure
adoro Rhapsody: that is the life cycle
adoro Rhapsody: of nature
adoro Rhapsody: or dead cycle ?
Bruce Mowbray: mmmm.... I think that we must be taught to hate.
adoro Rhapsody: the ones dead is the oihers bread
adoro Rhapsody: others
Bruce Mowbray: In the army -- one of the first things they do is to take away your individuality.
adoro Rhapsody: no teaching of hate please
Bruce Mowbray: no teaching of hate from me!
adoro Rhapsody: do tigers hate theyr meal ?
Bruce Mowbray: If they can take away your sense of who you are, then they have a chance of turning you into a killer.
Bruce Mowbray: No tigers do not hate anything.
adoro Rhapsody: sure
Bruce Mowbray: neither do oak trees.
Bruce Mowbray: neither do I.
adoro Rhapsody: neither do i bruce !
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
adoro Rhapsody: wonderful discusion
Bruce Mowbray: This has been a rather incredible day.
adoro Rhapsody: oh ?
Bruce Mowbray: This morning I had a near-fatal car accident -- and walked away laughing.
Bruce Mowbray: and this afternoon I got a diagnosis of a basal cell cancer on my forehead.
adoro Rhapsody: so u had an almost dead experience ?
Bruce Mowbray: and walked away laughing.
Bruce Mowbray: Yep.
adoro Rhapsody: or two ?
adoro Rhapsody: a seceond almost dead experience
Bruce Mowbray: Well, the other driver plowed into my right side -- after she went through a stop sign.
Bruce Mowbray: We were both VERY lucky.
adoro Rhapsody: even in sl and in rl
Bruce Mowbray: There was no on-coming traffic -- and I was able to swerve a bit to the left... to avoid her.
Bruce Mowbray: in RL.
adoro Rhapsody: wow man !
Bruce Mowbray: and the cancer on my forehead is the most easily cured kind of cancer. So I am lucky, indeed. And grateful.
adoro Rhapsody: so u may glad u live now
Bruce Mowbray: Yes!
adoro Rhapsody: and i am glad u live now too
Bruce Mowbray: thank you.
adoro Rhapsody: so i could talk to u
adoro Rhapsody: these idiot thoughts of mine
Bruce Mowbray: Is there some particular thing you would like to discuss, adoro?
adoro Rhapsody: and become in focus again
Bruce Mowbray: You have no idiot thoughts.
adoro Rhapsody: no
adoro Rhapsody: thanx
Bruce Mowbray: ok.
adoro Rhapsody: bruce
adoro Rhapsody: i am calm again
adoro Rhapsody: u made me so
Bruce Mowbray: I am happy to hear that.
adoro Rhapsody: i am happy ro communicate that too
Bruce Mowbray: Well, my friend, it is almost midnight over here.
adoro Rhapsody: ok
adoro Rhapsody: u need a good sleep
Bruce Mowbray: It has been a long and wonderful day.
Bruce Mowbray: yep.
adoro Rhapsody: bye
adoro Rhapsody: thnx
Bruce Mowbray: Cal is back -- I think.
adoro Rhapsody: ok cal
Bruce Mowbray: Good night, adoro -- See you again soon, I hope.
Calvino Rabeni: Glad you all survived
adoro Rhapsody: u too
Bruce Mowbray: Good night, Cal. It's my bedtime.
adoro Rhapsody: Hey!
Bruce Mowbray: see you both again soon.
Calvino Rabeni: Dream well Bruce :)
adoro Rhapsody: i had wonderful discussion with bruce
adoro Rhapsody: u can read it on the record
adoro Rhapsody: its daytime for me
Calvino Rabeni: Thanks for mentioning it - I will check it out!
adoro Rhapsody: i have to wash and get breakfast
adoro Rhapsody: and go to work
adoro Rhapsody: in rl
adoro Rhapsody: and u cal ?
adoro Rhapsody: what is your time fase ?
adoro Rhapsody: in rl ?
adoro Rhapsody: morning or evening ?
Calvino Rabeni: Evening, a time to slow down
adoro Rhapsody: ok
adoro Rhapsody: and for me its time to speed up
adoro Rhapsody: i go for the warming up
adoro Rhapsody: u go for the cooling down
adoro Rhapsody: but i think to start the day with cooling down
adoro Rhapsody: that must be very innovative
adoro Rhapsody: the bravery of beeing out of range
adoro Rhapsody: Roger waters sung already so
Calvino Rabeni: What would it be like?
adoro Rhapsody: some years ago
adoro Rhapsody: when i am cool my day will be cool
adoro Rhapsody: and my surroundings will be cool
adoro Rhapsody: i hope
adoro Rhapsody: i trust
adoro Rhapsody: with TAO within me
adoro Rhapsody: i wanna kiss u good night cal
Calvino Rabeni: How do you do it?
adoro Rhapsody: bye
adoro Rhapsody: have a good dreams
Calvino Rabeni: Bye Adoro - have a cool day :)
adoro Rhapsody: i have a cool day !
Calvino Rabeni: I hope to , thanks :)
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