eliza posted this session from the auto-listener database...
[07:26] Storm Nordwind: Hello Yaku!
[07:26] Yakuzza Lethecus: hey storm
[07:26] Yakuzza Lethecus: very comfortable rezzing :P
[07:27] Storm Nordwind: Glad to be of service. :)
[07:27] Yakuzza Lethecus: *giggle*
[07:27] Yakuzza Lethecus: how are you ?
[07:28] Storm Nordwind: Pretty good, I guess. No complaints. And you? How are you settling in?
[07:29] Yakuzza Lethecus: ok, learning swedish full time
[07:29] Storm Nordwind: I only remember two words - and they're both the same!
[07:29] Yakuzza Lethecus: learning a language is a bit strange this way
[07:29] Storm Nordwind: You mean osmotically?
[07:29] Yakuzza Lethecus: ähm i mean in a class with non native speakers
[07:31] Yakuzza Lethecus: so it is sadly not always osmotically, but there is much more osmosis then in germany of course :)
[07:32] Yakuzza Lethecus: swedes speak english far too well
[07:32] Storm Nordwind: they do.
[07:34] Yakuzza Lethecus: it´s hard to find an area where a personal interest is used together with the swedish language
[07:35] Yakuzza Lethecus: hey corvi :)
[07:35] Storm Nordwind: Whoa, Corvi!!!
[07:35] Storm Nordwind: Hi :)))
[07:35] Corvuscorva Nightfire grins...hullo!
[07:35] Yakuzza Lethecus: how are you doing corvi ?
[07:35] Storm Nordwind: It's such a long time since i saw you, I could give you a big hug... though I've forgotten how in SL!
[07:36] Corvuscorva Nightfire gives you a chat hug...good to see you. I'm well.
[07:36] Corvuscorva Nightfire: How are you doing?
[07:37] Storm Nordwind: I'm fine thank you - living life quietly as the Darby half of Darby and Joan here in Colorado. Yaku was telling me of his Swedish adventures, and his adventures in Swedish!
[07:37] Yakuzza Lethecus: i am sitting on the couch in sweden listening to swedish radio, munching bare unspiced crackers and am about to fetch another cup of coffee :)
[07:38] Corvuscorva Nightfire: Wow, You two have been travelling the world!
[07:38] Storm Nordwind: Thick cream please for me Yaku - and no sugar. :)
[07:38] Yakuzza Lethecus: no i am certainly not travelling the world
[07:38] Corvuscorva Nightfire: no?
[07:38] Yakuzza Lethecus: never left europe
[07:38] Yakuzza Lethecus: but living in sweden now
[07:38] Corvuscorva Nightfire: ahhh....heehee..that's exotic enough for me.
[07:39] Storm Nordwind: When we met in California, Corvi, I had just moved to the US. Never left since!
[07:39] Yakuzza Lethecus: ur daughters wedding was also in the states ?
[07:39] Corvuscorva Nightfire: Oh, good!
[07:40] Storm Nordwind: Yes it was Yaku. :)
[07:40] Corvuscorva Nightfire: Yaku, remind me of where you were before Sweden?
[07:40] Yakuzza Lethecus: Germany
[07:41] Yakuzza Lethecus: like wol but i was living in the Sauerland for the first 30 years of my live
[07:41] Corvuscorva Nightfire gets out her atlas to find Sauerland.
[07:41] Yakuzza Lethecus: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauerland
[07:41] Storm Nordwind: Just south of Nauerland? ;)
[07:42] Corvuscorva Nightfire: heehee
[07:42] Corvuscorva Nightfire: What made you move to Sweden?
[07:42] Yakuzza Lethecus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauerland
[07:42] Yakuzza Lethecus: Evelyn
[07:42] Corvuscorva Nightfire: ahhh...
[07:43] Storm Nordwind: men moving for love :)
[07:43] Corvuscorva Nightfire smiles.
[07:43] Yakuzza Lethecus smiles :)
[07:43] Corvuscorva Nightfire: I did the same thing
[07:43] Corvuscorva Nightfire: moving across the US
[07:44] Yakuzza Lethecus: You don´t live on the east coast anymore ?
[07:44] Corvuscorva Nightfire: not quite the journey, but far enough.
[07:44] Corvuscorva Nightfire: nope, on California time now.
[07:44] Yakuzza Lethecus: Oh, cool washington state or hot cal ?
[07:45] Corvuscorva Nightfire: Neither....I'm in Arizona
[07:46] Storm Nordwind remember that parts of Arizona do something out of step with the rest of the US regarding daylight savings time... or at least he thinks so... maybe...
[07:46] Corvuscorva Nightfire: you're right...we just stick to one time.
[07:47] Storm Nordwind: Like the Russians and the Japanese... and lots of equatorial people
[07:47] Corvuscorva Nightfire nods...it's kind of nice, I've decided.
[07:51] Corvuscorva Nightfire: Storm, I'm thinking right now of the coffee you made in California
[07:51] Corvuscorva Nightfire: as I wake up today.
[07:51] Storm Nordwind: Oh!!! Yes i remember that. :)
[07:52] Storm Nordwind: I'd forgotten, but good coffee is my habit every morning and i wanted to share that with you all
[07:52] Corvuscorva Nightfire: mmmmmhmmmmm...it's a lovely fall day here this morning, just the thing for a hot cup of good coffee on the porch.
[07:52] Yakuzza Lethecus: whats your way of creating good coffee ?
[07:53] Storm Nordwind: Lots of gold in the trees here. 44 degrees. First snows on the mountains (though melted here) - very pleasant indeed!
[07:54] Storm Nordwind: And good coffee is essentially the bean that makes the grind - in my case Java Sumatra - with a some double/heavy whipping cream instead of milk.
[07:55] Corvuscorva Nightfire: mmmmm
[07:55] Storm Nordwind: Oh... and good company too. That helps! :)
[07:56] Corvuscorva Nightfire: for sure
[08:07] Storm Nordwind: Corvi - if you are ever in Colorado, please feel free to contact me and visit. I have become an amateur cook since I can't get good Indian food unless I cook it myself (!), and it would be our pleasure to host you. :)
[08:07] Corvuscorva Nightfire: ooooo....I'd love that. I might have to make a trip for the cooking.
[08:07] Storm Nordwind chuckles
[08:07] Yakuzza Lethecus: :)
[08:07] Storm Nordwind: Good!
[08:09] Yakuzza Lethecus: how did they come up with the borders of those states
[08:09] Corvuscorva Nightfire smiles warmly and plots road trips in her head.
[08:09] Storm Nordwind smiles
[08:10] Storm Nordwind: Well Yaku - most are straight lines because it's easier to build fences that way!
[08:10] Corvuscorva Nightfire: they had the luxery then, too...fewer towns when they were laid out
[08:11] Storm Nordwind: No ancestral villages built radially and linked point-to-point.
[08:13] Storm Nordwind: This is a very young country Yaku, as regards its constitution and the settlers that have become the current inhabitants. Why their civil war is bear two lifetimes ago, end to end, and it is thought of a long time ago. The west of the US is still frontier country in some ways, if not geographically, it still is culturally and psychologically.
[08:15] Corvuscorva Nightfire: It's funny about that...the sense of whether it was a long time ago or recently depends alot on what aspect one is talking about and who one is talking to...when I was a child (30 some years ago), it was new enough that my teachers felt it was too controversial to teach.
[08:15] Corvuscorva Nightfire: and certainly my southern teachers weren't interested in using the national curriculum to teach it.
[08:15] Storm Nordwind: Wow, yes.
[08:17] Storm Nordwind: And it's very sparse here, Yaku, on the end of the mountain. Hundreds and hundreds of miles stretching east from here. The size of Colorado is larger than the whole of the UK, but with less than a tenth of the population!
[08:17] Yakuzza Lethecus: corvie: but there aren´t active groups wanting seperation ? like the scots in the uk
[08:18] Corvuscorva Nightfire: sort of yes and sort of no...it's complicated...but nothing serious, no
[08:19] Storm Nordwind: Some people want them to do it. and say "good riddance: .. haha! ... but then who would the Broncos have to beat? ;-)
[08:19] Corvuscorva Nightfire: right!
[08:21] Storm Nordwind finds his Broncos hat
[08:21] Yakuzza Lethecus: have you been affected by the flood in colorado recently, storm ?
[08:22] Corvuscorva Nightfire giggles at the hat
[08:22] Yakuzza Lethecus: there you go :)
[08:23] Storm Nordwind: Only a little Yaku. It rained very heavily here. More than 15 inches / 40 cms in a week. The worst places were where the run-off water concentrated into gulleys and rivers. We're not near any. But thousands of homes were affected.
[08:25] Storm Nordwind: But I live in an extreme country. Wildfire. 11 cm hailstones. Tornadoes. Floods ... there are constant challenges.
[08:26] Corvuscorva Nightfire: really? I thought of Colorado as a mild place
[08:26] Corvuscorva Nightfire: I truly am going to have to visit
[08:26] Storm Nordwind: It's only the inhabitants that are mild ;)
[08:27] Corvuscorva Nightfire: heh
[08:28] Storm Nordwind: When i was still in the UK, people used to ask me what Colorado was like, since I'd just announced i was moving there. I showed them this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfYuT0oalXQ as it had just happened
[08:31] Storm Nordwind: Other than that, there are 300 sunny days a year. :)
[08:31] Storm Nordwind: The most beautiful blue skies you've ever seen.
[08:31] Yakuzza Lethecus: :)
[08:31] Corvuscorva Nightfire: mmmm..sounds lovely.
[08:31] Storm Nordwind: And - apparently - the best skiing in the country.
[08:31] Yakuzza Lethecus: time to buy a telescope then :P
[08:32] Storm Nordwind: Well yes... though I live on the intersection of two Interstates (major roads) so not much chance there!
[08:33] Corvuscorva Nightfire: You know, Yaku, a telescope is a great idea. I've moved to a spot with much less light than I'm used to.
[08:36] Corvuscorva Nightfire: no skiiing, Storm?
[08:37] Storm Nordwind: I'm an old man Corvi. I was much younger - your age - it would be a must-do. I'm just happy to look at the mountains and to drive through them and up them.
[08:37] Yakuzza Lethecus: my dad is 61 and just started after he was in the middle of the 50th
[08:37] Yakuzza Lethecus: but i am no skifanatic either :P
[08:38] Storm Nordwind: That's the view from my road in march: http://i.imgur.com/HmlOd.jpg
[08:38] Yakuzza Lethecus: i recall that picture, really nice area
[08:38] Corvuscorva Nightfire: My god, that's gorgeous
[08:39] Storm Nordwind: Mount Evans
[08:40] Storm Nordwind: 14,265 ft (4,348 m) high
[08:40] Storm Nordwind: And you can drive right to the top!
[08:41] Corvuscorva Nightfire: It must be beautiful to look down, too.
[08:41] Storm Nordwind: Yes. Though it's a little barren in some directions. And would you believe, some people bicycle up at full speed?! o_O
[08:42] Corvuscorva Nightfire: no
[08:42] Corvuscorva Nightfire: i don't believe it
[08:42] Corvuscorva Nightfire: crazy
[08:43] Storm Nordwind: I saw it with my own eyes, en route, at the top, and on the way down again!
[08:43] Storm Nordwind: These guys are fit.
[08:43] Yakuzza Lethecus: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ivopenc...n/photostream/ awesome landscape
[08:43] Yakuzza Lethecus: that was the first link i got when i searched for panoramic picture and mount evans
[08:43] Corvuscorva Nightfire: nice
[08:44] Storm Nordwind: Click the back arrow link, not the forward one
[08:44] Storm Nordwind: Echo Lake is wonderful too
[08:46] Yakuzza Lethecus: ok, thank you both
[08:46] Yakuzza Lethecus: nice to see you again corvie!
[08:47] Storm Nordwind: Bye Yaku!
[08:47] Corvuscorva Nightfire: and you, Yaku!
[08:47] Corvuscorva Nightfire: I need to head off, too, for a bit. Storm, it was a delight to sit with you.
[08:48] Storm Nordwind: You too Corvi. I hope it will happen again from time to time :)
[08:48] Corvuscorva Nightfire: me too. In one life or another!
[08:48] Storm Nordwind: Yes - I'm sure of that. :)
[08:48] Corvuscorva Nightfire smiles warmly
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