2014.06.01 01:00 - papillon

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    The Guardian for this meeting was No Self. The comments are by No Self.


    Qt Core: Hi WOl
    Wol Euler: buongiorno, qt
    Wol Euler: I hope you're enjoying the long weekend?
    Qt Core: yes, all considered yesterday was a good day, gym, grocery shopping and shopping (luclily i still have problem finding sizes so i spent not too much money)
    Qt Core: ;-)


    Qt Core: obviously still a little upset by my friend death news (and even more by discovering we got the news after the funeral)
    Wol Euler nods.
    Wol Euler: that is unfortunate
    Qt Core: wondering if he has a papillon on his grave, he always wore one
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Wol Euler: that would be appropriate, then
    Wol Euler: hopefully the people responsible will know that, and not be too fussy for a little humour
    Qt Core: don't know, as it was a quick death maybe they didn't have time to "personalize" the grave
    Wol Euler: hmmm, in Germany it's common, perhaps even expected, that there is a temporary marker put up first until the proper stone is ready.
    Wol Euler: anyway
    Qt Core: yes, it could be done
    Qt Core: yesterday i had a stupid moment too, toke a wrong turn and ended up driving 10 km of highway instead of 1km of normal road to go shopping ;-)
    Wol Euler chuckles.
    Wol Euler: perhaps you were distracted ...
    Qt Core: and it is the second time i do that, same turn same destination


    Wol Euler: or perhaps you really wanted to go somewhere else instead? Is there another possible destination in the "wrong" direction?
    Qt Core: no
    Qt Core: i was quite proud of me coming back without turning on my google maps ;-)
    Wol Euler applauds!
    Qt Core: in the area there is an hell of highway junctions
    Qt Core: speaking of directions, some hard questions we got from bleu
    Wol Euler: indeed
    Wol Euler: it'll be interesting to see what is said at the guardians' meeting this afternoon
    Qt Core: mmm, i should really try to come then and not be so passive (or pabsive) as usual
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Qt Core: ok, i need to take an early leave as there are a couple things i have to do
    Qt Core: bye Wol, have fun
    Wol Euler: bye qt, enjoy the day

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