2018.10.01 07:00 - Thinking of Eden

    The Guardian for this meeting was Adams Rubble sitting in for Eden. 

    The comments are by Adams Rubble. I met Riddle who was already at the pavilion. Eliza joined us later. We soon discovered that the events of the past few days were dominant in outr thoughts.


    Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle :)
    Riddle Sideways: welcome to today, Adams
    Adams Rubble: there are going to be maintenance people coming to my RL house sometime this morning so I might have to go
    Adams Rubble: also I won't be able to make Thursday this week
    Riddle Sideways: thanks for telling
    Riddle Sideways: both thanks for telling
    Riddle Sideways: just noticing your necklace
    Riddle Sideways: Sailing Away
    Adams Rubble: yes
    Riddle Sideways: a telescope, glad it is not one of those loud whistles
    Adams Rubble: hehe

    Lynching Exhibition

    Riddle Sideways: Spent an hour at the Lynching exhibit yesterday
    Adams Rubble: ohhh
    Riddle Sideways: won't say that a Fun time was had
    Riddle Sideways: Sobering
    Adams Rubble: you look like you survived it
    Adams Rubble: yes, very difficult exhibition
    Riddle Sideways: very thought provoking
    Riddle Sideways: very shaming
    Adams Rubble: I hope not shaming
    Adams Rubble: but desire to understand
    Riddle Sideways: meant shame not sham (speeling chalenged

    Shaming was correct Riddle. 

    Riddle Sideways: Adams must have spent so much time in it. The book, collecting, setting up
    Riddle Sideways: to be in those memories for a long period
    Adams Rubble: yes, he had to work in shifts--would be overcome with emotion and have to stop
    Riddle Sideways: right, that was what would happen
    Riddle Sideways: only spent an hour and was overcome
    Riddle Sideways: then the mind wandered to other horrors
    Riddle Sideways: Oh, liked the ends of the bench also
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: he worked the Cross in there
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: was going to have other crucifixions but they seemed superflouous
    Riddle Sideways: the Sunday night pizza TV night here is watching "The West Wing"
    Adams Rubble: is there a new one or is it the old one?
    Riddle Sideways: it is very good, but 10 years old
    Adams Rubble: ahhh
    Adams Rubble: much better situation than we have now

    I wonder aloud about Eden

    Adams Rubble: is eden going to be here today?
    Riddle Sideways: not sure. can't remember any notice, but ...
    Riddle Sideways: going off to look
    Adams Rubble: I will claim just in case--she can override
    Adams Rubble has taken control of the controls
    Adams Rubble: bwaaaahaha
    Riddle Sideways: thanks
    Riddle Sideways: giggles
    Riddle Sideways: log says moving out of summer Sunday, but no need for Eliza to take chat
    Riddle Sideways: and going to vote
    Adams Rubble: that's good because Eliza is not here :)
    Riddle Sideways: looks around
    Riddle Sideways: right
    Riddle Sideways: (back to tv) so they had a big mucky muck general
    Riddle Sideways: that was explaining War crimes and
    Riddle Sideways: US can't be held to any big UN/world court. us'ens is too big to be judged by others
    Riddle Sideways: hitting the pause button to discuss that

    And then Eliza joins us

    Adams Rubble: Hello Eliza :)
    Riddle Sideways: reminded that Mr.T has the same views just days ago
    Eliza Madrigal: Hello :)
    Riddle Sideways: looks around, sees Eliza now
    Adams Rubble: Eden isn;t here yet but I have the log
    Riddle Sideways: Hi
    Eliza Madrigal: Sorry to be late, great
    Adams Rubble: I may have to leave early if workmen come
    Eliza Madrigal: She mentioned voting today
    Eliza Madrigal: but thought she'd make it
    Adams Rubble: we need some voting in our land
    Riddle Sideways: and would be unloading the camels
    Eliza Madrigal: lots
    Eliza Madrigal: yes :)))
    Eliza Madrigal: workman, Adams?
    Adams Rubble: yes coming to make sure the heater will work through the winter
    Adams Rubble: seems hard to comprehend right now
    Riddle Sideways: good thing to check
    Eliza Madrigal: :)

    Riddle brings us back to topic with Ethnic Cleansing, War Crimes and Crimes aginst Humanity

    Riddle Sideways: the topic being avoided today might have been approaching Ethnic cleansing
    Riddle Sideways: war crimes, crimes against humanity
    Riddle Sideways: happy fun stuff
    Eliza Madrigal: hard to find words not to avoid
    Adams Rubble: I am afraid the new exhibit is getting to people
    Riddle Sideways: and how many one country can say that they can't be judged by another
    Eliza Madrigal: "feedback"?
    Adams Rubble: no much but Riddle visited
    Riddle Sideways: a sobering exhibit
    Adams Rubble: and an awful Supreme Court nominee
    Riddle Sideways: that would over balance a court for years/a generation
    Eliza Madrigal: so many people in my life don't seem to panic in the ways I want them to
    Adams Rubble: anyone see John Oliver's segment of the nominee? https://www.facebook.com/LastWeekTonight/videos/110748963139017/?t=0
    Riddle Sideways: exactly Eliza
    Riddle Sideways: not yet, probably tonight will be light comedy night
    Eliza Madrigal: I really feel these shifts are trying to make way for very fundamental changes and try to keep us with Trump, or Trump-like, for many many years
    Riddle Sideways: SNL did a thing
    Eliza Madrigal: I saw the opening for SNL, and the Pulp Fiction brilliant little pice
    Eliza Madrigal: piece*
    Adams Rubble: Oliver is better
    Eliza Madrigal: but not Oliver yet
    Riddle Sideways: Colbert lost it and became no so funny
    Adams Rubble: it is pretty scary
    Riddle Sideways: like looking back at a time lynchings happened
    Eliza Madrigal: I'm starting to get over my disbelief that we've found ourselves here
    Adams Rubble: some people consider the number of blacks in prison a form of 21st century lynching especially considering what Kavannah got away with
    Riddle Sideways: does "get over" mean numb?
    Eliza Madrigal: I think there have been stages... so un-numb, even though I feel I'm working very hard not to slip into denial
    Riddle Sideways: yes, Both
    Eliza Madrigal: Have you seen "13th"? the film?
    Adams Rubble: no
    Riddle Sideways: not yet
    Eliza Madrigal: It makes the case about the prison system very well, very clearly
    Eliza Madrigal: especially re private prisons
    Riddle Sideways: take the males of some hated race out of the population
    Adams Rubble: ohh, the private prisons kept full of detainees to maximize profits
    Adams Rubble: makes my blood boil
    Eliza Madrigal: we have an amendment on the ballot that is very important, but few think it will pass....so discouraging
    Eliza Madrigal: it is about restoring voting rights to non-violent felons
    Eliza Madrigal: since FL has a very screwy way of making people try to get their rights back
    Riddle Sideways: you have a hard state to pass things like that
    Eliza Madrigal: Oliver did a piece about it too, but I don't think many are paying attention
    Adams Rubble: I saw that
    Eliza Madrigal: this state is... ugh, but we have a good governor candidate this year
    Adams Rubble: wish him luck
    Eliza Madrigal: I will go see the exhibit today or tomorrow, Adams. Couldn't have given it the attention it deserved over the weekend
    Riddle Sideways: Activist friend in west palm is getting too old/sick to get out there and help
    Eliza Madrigal: *deserves
    Adams Rubble: if you need to take it in stages that is OK
    Adams Rubble: Dubrovna needed to take beraks putting it together
    Eliza Madrigal: thanks... I'm being careful, as can be
    Adams Rubble: it is something we all should know--hard to believe it has been forgotten by so much of the country
    Riddle Sideways: dirty little secrets
    Riddle Sideways: only knew about the white kids in the 60's
    Eliza Madrigal: I grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood but went to private schools... so had many friend groups and experiences, but all sort of, primers
    Eliza Madrigal: Kavanaugh is so familiar to me from the churches I was in when young
    Adams Rubble: familiar to me as well - bully as well as sexual abuser
    Eliza Madrigal nods
    Adams Rubble: knew lots of bullies growing up
    Riddle Sideways: a long time judge that does not know to answer a Yes/No question
    Adams Rubble: and those feeling everything was theirs by right
    Eliza Madrigal: yes
    Eliza Madrigal: well it has been
    Adams Rubble: and no compassion at all
    Eliza Madrigal: lots of 'faith' but no compassion
    Eliza Madrigal: ew
    Adams Rubble: he likes beer
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: I have a photo of Dr. Ford on my wall now, above my computer
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: she has a pab halo over her head, sort of, in the image of her taking the oath
    Eliza Madrigal: (clock)
    Eliza Madrigal: https://theintercept.com/2018/09/27/live-christine-blasey-ford-brett-kavanaugh-testify/
    Riddle Sideways: too bad the "Believe" on palms will wash off
    Riddle Sideways: contrasting a PaB clock halo vs his nametag the says "The Honorable"
    Eliza Madrigal: perhaps the scariest part is the feeling of a train you can't stop... had a glimpse of the whole agenda 30 years ago, in the churches I was still attending then
    Eliza Madrigal: but I didn't imagine it would actually keep traction
    Eliza Madrigal: saw the agenda to install judges in high places, to put people into law
    Eliza Madrigal: it is what scared me away, but maybe too many left
    Riddle Sideways: was easier to see in FL
    Adams Rubble: Jimmy Carter left finally
    Eliza Madrigal: think so, Riddle?
    Riddle Sideways: when living there, it was an always undercurrent
    Riddle Sideways: not blantant like other states and not hidden like others
    Eliza Madrigal: interesting.. have been here my whole life and things have changed around me, so I probably don't have the strongest contrasts
    Eliza Madrigal: I'm very surprised by how strong the Cuban community's support is of Trump's agenda.. they really feel like the system he has in mind is fair and no threat...
    Eliza Madrigal: or many do
    Eliza Madrigal: they think of 'liberals' as not being grateful
    Riddle Sideways: Miami is an entirely different
    Eliza Madrigal: it is hard to have discussions like that
    Eliza Madrigal: yes
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Eliza Madrigal: And one holds a value of 'dropping identifications' but it is also necessary to speak in these categories now
    Eliza Madrigal: to understand
    Eliza Madrigal: I don't know. Fix it for us. :))
    Adams Rubble: I hate to put in another plug but that is why we need to understand the deep seated racism in this country
    Eliza Madrigal: you're 100% right
    Riddle Sideways: sings "but I don't know what to do, so I leave it up to you"
    Adams Rubble: we can vote and help others to vote :)
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Adams Rubble: coming soon to a polling place near you
    Riddle Sideways: calling people in other states to get out the vote
    Adams Rubble: that went fast
    Eliza Madrigal: it did
    Riddle Sideways: was listening to Marty Balin songs over the weekend
    Riddle Sideways: "We are Volenteers of Amerika..."
    Riddle Sideways: which has a long section of "Fight Back"
    Riddle Sideways: repeated
    Eliza Madrigal: Nice, getting energized
    Adams Rubble: some sessions we seem to be getting ourselves ready for the revolution :)
    Eliza Madrigal: "Sounds true" did a series of talks over the last week, and it was a cross of 'spiritual teachers' and 'activists'... many people saying "Stop not getting involved due to your own sense of staying in good vibes."
    Riddle Sideways: oh dear
    Eliza Madrigal: asking the "I'm not political" spiritual people to re-examine
    Adams Rubble: It depends how and why we are getting involved--if it is out of love or compassion for others, it is good for our "vibes" of course
    Riddle Sideways: "you got to Stop Now, what's that sound, everybody look what's going on"
    Eliza Madrigal: amen
    Riddle Sideways: I'm mad as Hell, and I'm going to go love somebody with compassioni
    Eliza Madrigal smiles!!!!!
    Eliza Madrigal: That's the spirit

    Stim and Wrath

    Eliza Madrigal: Stim tried to clarify that wrath was appropriate sometimes
    Adams Rubble: brb
    Eliza Madrigal: one of my top 5 pab/kira discussions, which confused me greatly at the time
    Eliza Madrigal: now I see it, it is our time
    Riddle Sideways: do you have a link?
    Eliza Madrigal: I will try to find that today
    Riddle Sideways: thanks
    Eliza Madrigal: it may have been a WoK
    Eliza Madrigal: which didn't always keep chat records
    Eliza Madrigal: but that's the feeling... Stim talked about wrath without anger, I think it the way it was discussed... or without disconnecting from love
    Eliza Madrigal: can't do it of one's own ego/strength of will
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Riddle Sideways: the whole non-violent teachings, trainings
    Riddle Sideways: stuck with that photo of her putting the stem of a flower into his rifle barrol
    Adams Rubble thinks of wrathful deities
    Eliza Madrigal: Oh, wow, yes
    Eliza Madrigal: yes
    Eliza Madrigal: Marianne Williamson said, "You think those people in Selma were not 'traumatized'?" Meaning, we can't use that as an opt-out
    Eliza Madrigal: I don't know. But thank you.
    Adams Rubble: thank you
    Riddle Sideways: well we know, bbut it is hard
    Riddle Sideways: thank you
    Riddle Sideways: needed this
    Adams Rubble: yes very hard
    Adams Rubble: do the best we can--always a muddle
    Riddle Sideways: going to go call some old friends
    Eliza Madrigal: *deep bow* (even though it looks like I'm strutting around in this AO)
    Adams Rubble: okidoke
    Riddle Sideways: okidoke
    Eliza Madrigal: keep each other awake
    Eliza Madrigal: we all are *keeping
    Adams Rubble: have a good day
    Riddle Sideways: need to take the garbage out and bring in the flowers
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: or vice versa
    Adams Rubble: see you soon :)
    Adams Rubble: shhhh
    Riddle Sideways: add clean water to the drained swamp
    Riddle Sideways: ha, sit on the lotus
    Adams Rubble: couple of more years until we can do that
    Adams Rubble: work on Congress first
    Adams Rubble: hehe
    Adams Rubble: bye :)

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    This is not the log Riddle asked me to find (haven't been able to find that, just references to the discussion), but it is relevant to the idea.
    Posted 18:10, 1 Oct 2018
    Sorry guys I completely forgot it was Monday on last Monday...Confused by the onloading of camels on Sunday ;) Thanks a lot for claiming the session and posting the log Adams. Looking forward to visit the new exhibit which sounds both interesting and hard to stomach...I will be at Monday morning session next week, hopefully less depressed about the results of the vote. We elected a right wing vulgar and ignorant crook :(
    Posted 23:45, 2 Oct 2018
    Sorry to hear about the election, Eden. :(

    We missed you. :)
    Posted 00:15, 3 Oct 2018
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