Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: Hi, waited for you to pick a seat
Riddle Sideways: could say it was politeness,
Adams Rubble: that's nice of you. Not all these kneeling poses are the same
Riddle Sideways: but indecision was more like
Riddle Sideways: this is one of the slow bow, bend to get into saza ones
Riddle Sideways: your's was one of the ploop
Adams Rubble: yes, I picked the wrong one
Adams Rubble: the plop is the male version
Riddle Sideways: like the ceremonial ones
Adams Rubble: the dainty slow one is the female :)
Adams Rubble: see your knees are together
Riddle Sideways: ummm, not really
Riddle Sideways: try that one again
Riddle Sideways: to the right
Adams Rubble: OK, is there a topic there somewhere?
Adams Rubble: here?
Riddle Sideways: might could kill time by telling some about
Adams Rubble: I was outside and my fingers are still cold
Riddle Sideways: oh
Adams Rubble: and I had gloves on
Riddle Sideways: at the start and end of all classes there is the ceremonial slow sitting and bowing and slow getting up
Riddle Sideways: during class one has to run back to the line and plop fast and be ready
Adams Rubble: ohh, another angle to this--so coincidence about thst part
Riddle Sideways: it was always commonly thought that the sunsai would go on and on talking
Riddle Sideways: just to see which noobies could not sit like this that long
Adams Rubble raises hand and asks what a sunsai is
Riddle Sideways: today is one of those days, that could not even get to that position.
Riddle Sideways: quads hurt
Adams Rubble: awww
Riddle Sideways: honored teacher, head of dojo, or a misspelling of it
Riddle Sideways: sensai
Riddle Sideways: nope
Riddle Sideways: sensei
Riddle Sideways: good to have second computer open to google or duckduck
Riddle Sideways: bad to type on wrong keyboard
Riddle Sideways: done,
Riddle Sideways: ready for topoic now
Riddle Sideways: claps
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: easy to sit still when you are an avatar
Riddle Sideways: easy to lay still all night when you are a cats
Riddle Sideways: or two
Political Horrors
Riddle Sideways: dream journal today reads: tossed and turned all night, no dreams recalled
Adams Rubble: I too was awake thinking of political horrors
Riddle Sideways: Alas, this Halloween is the most scariest in a very long time.
Adams Rubble: yes
Riddle Sideways: for a little lightening up, watched many TV comedy talk show exerts
Riddle Sideways: did not help
Riddle Sideways: locally there is a very confusing propotition
Riddle Sideways: on ballot
Adams Rubble: laughter helps but it is temporary--does not help sleeping
Riddle Sideways: and there was a debate on tv
Adams Rubble: uh oh
Riddle Sideways: listened twice. once while recording and once went the late one got home
Riddle Sideways: and still not got it
Riddle Sideways: leaning toward 57% Yes
Riddle Sideways: is it the current News cycle stuff or the long view that has you bothered so much now?
Riddle Sideways: last night
Adams Rubble: both
Adams Rubble: everything is turned upside down
Riddle Sideways: The, "how did society get to this stage" and "oh dear, listen to what just happened"
Adams Rubble: three States is how it got this bad
Riddle Sideways: really wondering - How did "I" let it get this way
Riddle Sideways: what did "I" not do
Adams Rubble: it was not you
Riddle Sideways: like to think that
Adams Rubble: we are like white blood cells in a body. We can't fight every or any of the diseases that come into the nody by ourselves. If a majority of the other white blood cells decide the flu virus is good for the body it is a losing battle
Riddle Sideways: all the white blood cells looked and started toward the subject of pipe bombs being mailed to promonent people
Riddle Sideways: then a speaker started to condemn
Riddle Sideways: and went south on the News estate
Riddle Sideways: all the white blood cells are looking every direction
Adams Rubble: some of the white cells think some of the other white cells are not as good as they are and so they are not as well cared for and unfit to fight
Riddle Sideways: great tactic, to sow distrust amongst the troups
Riddle Sideways: not sure which thought to type next
Adams Rubble: when a minority group is suppressed or atytacked it weakens the whole society in many ways
Adams Rubble: we are stronger when we care about our fellow travelers
Riddle Sideways: yet, that thought, as good as it is, gives a lingering "what was it like for THOSE other people for so many years"
Riddle Sideways: what is Their view point
Riddle Sideways: They won and now can punish those that kept them down so long?
Adams Rubble: right now they care about what is happening to them now
Riddle Sideways: Or now Their chance to run the railroad and are running it off the tracks?
Adams Rubble: wait, we are on opposite side of the tracks
Adams Rubble: the white patriarchy is running the country as they always have
Riddle Sideways: you come from the wrong side of the tracks ? ㋡
Adams Rubble nods
Riddle Sideways: the white patriarchy Was slipping there, got to get it back in control and slap some people around
Adams Rubble: I was fortunate to live on the right side of the tracks
Adams Rubble: and there is greed and selfishness in the mis
Adams Rubble: mix
Riddle Sideways: me me me me, mine mine mine mine (like those seagulls)
Riddle Sideways: a really confusing/clarifying thing is that went talking of a group of South Am. people walking north
Riddle Sideways: a leader said "there are Middle Easterners in there"
Adams Rubble: he likes lying
Riddle Sideways: does he not know the directions of the earth?
Riddle Sideways: finally said South Am. and then said and south of there
Riddle Sideways: all out Lying is one thing
Adams Rubble: what is bothering me is that Republicans who were going to vote to restrain trump are mad at the democrats because of the Kavannah hearings
Riddle Sideways: not knowing what your mouth is saying is another
Adams Rubble: they think the Democrats wrongs Kavannah
Riddle Sideways: see the Dems as conDemming a beer drinker
Adams Rubble: someone who put his own "pleasures" above any concern forr his fellow beings
Riddle Sideways: that group that is soooo stuck up to not like a judge that can't answer direct questions
Adams Rubble: if that group had been Black they would have been felons serving long prison sentences
Riddle Sideways: to question his ethics
Riddle Sideways: To Kill a Mocking bird
Adams Rubble: I think that more than anything is bothering me this election
Adams Rubble: ohh one other thing
Adams Rubble: how did the Democrats in my state allow the person running for Senate to represent them
Riddle Sideways: need to research that, have lost track of NJ while learning about GA
Adams Rubble: I can't bring myself to tell about it
Riddle Sideways: the guy in GA that is running is also the one putting voter ID laws-rules in place
Adams Rubble: yes, he is nasty
Adams Rubble: people know that is wrong
Riddle Sideways: today is the day to go to a 2.5hr class on how to set up the voting machine tables and how to hand a ballot to a voter.
Riddle Sideways: and this session has set the mood
Riddle Sideways: ;)
Adams Rubble: I hope this is a good experience for you
Riddle Sideways: hope so too.
Riddle Sideways: and the registartion person did not know the actual area
Riddle Sideways: so gave a polling place an hour away
Adams Rubble: ohhhh
Riddle Sideways: know some people out there.
Riddle Sideways: have played gigs out there
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: but long twisty road
Riddle Sideways: and need to get there at 6am
Adams Rubble: ohhh
Riddle Sideways: oh, the experience is going to be great
Adams Rubble: will be thinking about you
Riddle Sideways: ok, thank you and stay warm
Adams Rubble: you too
Adams Rubble: and try not to stress too much about what is going to happen
Riddle Sideways: slow rise from sitting
Riddle Sideways: would wish you the same
Riddle Sideways: be at peace
Adams Rubble: thanks, I am feeling stressed now
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