The Guardian for this meeting was Sunshine Vayandar. The comments are by Sunshine Vayandar.
Wol Euler: hello sun
Sunshine Vayandar: hi Wol ;)
Sunshine Vayandar: I am waiting for you to rez ;)
Sunshine Vayandar: u seem different today ;)
Wol Euler grins.
Sunshine Vayandar: Wol you are in Europe right?
Wol Euler: yes germany
Sunshine Vayandar: ok I thought so
Sunshine Vayandar: others are still sleeping
Wol Euler: oh, I did that too quickly
Wol Euler: had you claimed the log?
Sunshine Vayandar: yes ;)
Wol Euler: sorry
Sunshine Vayandar: first time hehe
Wol Euler: please claim it again :)
Sunshine Vayandar: so I added my address
Wol Euler: good
Sunshine Vayandar: it is so welldone - the scripts for claiming the log ...and the fountain scripted for the "drops"
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: hello obs
Sunshine Vayandar: hi Obs ;)
Sunshine Vayandar: Have you been here before?
Sunshine Vayandar: ;p
Wol Euler: heheheh
Wol Euler: he's just an observer
Wol Euler: nomen ist omen, as they say
Sunshine Vayandar: I know just testing my host skills
Wol Euler: :)
Sunshine Vayandar: ;))
Wol Euler: sorry
Sunshine Vayandar: We were playing with Eliza the other day
Sunshine Vayandar: we went from sim to sim and pretended that we never saw each other before
Wol Euler: heheheh
Sunshine Vayandar: so with each sim I told her "hi I am sun"
Sunshine Vayandar: lol
eggsalad Ormstein: hello!
Sunshine Vayandar: and she told me - she was Eliza ;D
Sunshine Vayandar: hi egg ;)
Wol Euler: hello egg
Sunshine Vayandar: how are you today
Sunshine Vayandar: you must be in Europe too then right?
eggsalad Ormstein: hi sun & wol
eggsalad Ormstein: not I, I am in the US
Sunshine Vayandar: ah really
eggsalad Ormstein: yes, but I work nights
Sunshine Vayandar: so it must be night for you
eggsalad Ormstein: 1am
Sunshine Vayandar: ahh kk
eggsalad Ormstein: or 0100
Sunshine Vayandar: and you are not sleepy?
Sunshine Vayandar: can't be easy to work nights
eggsalad Ormstein: no, I wake up around 1100, work 1500-2300, then come home and stay up til 0300
Wol Euler: sounds perfectly normal, just phase-shifted a bit :)
Sunshine Vayandar: ;))
Sunshine Vayandar: anyways nothing is normal
Sunshine Vayandar: or abnormal hmm
eggsalad Ormstein: I never did like waking up when it was dark
Sunshine Vayandar: I am trying to wake up early but not so easy
Sunshine Vayandar: I love sleeping hmm ;)
Sunshine Vayandar: how was the 90 seconds?
Wol Euler: to be honest, I was reading e-mail
Sunshine Vayandar: I was wondering about the 90 second drops
Wol Euler: I'll hve to go in to work very soon, I wanted to see if I'd had a message yet
Sunshine Vayandar: it's great you came Wol - I thought noone would come hmmm it's a quiet time
Wol Euler: what are you wondering? (about the drops=
Sunshine Vayandar: ops one moment
Sunshine Vayandar: back sorry
Sunshine Vayandar: I was wondering how one can make it part of each day
Sunshine Vayandar: I am still a beginner really
Sunshine Vayandar: and since I started coming to PaB - I was just busy busy - with so many tasks...
Wol Euler nods.
Sunshine Vayandar: not much time to drop ;)
Wol Euler: perhaps drop being busy?
Sunshine Vayandar: what do you think about these breaks egg?
Sunshine Vayandar: Yes Wol - but I seem to get busy without me wanting it hehe
eggsalad Ormstein: sorry, breaks?
Sunshine Vayandar: it might take a while before I can drop being busy
eggsalad Ormstein: the 90 sec? they're good, makes everyone stop and re-collect thoguths
Sunshine Vayandar: these 90 seconds drops here at PaB
Wol Euler: I think it's useful in many ways
Wol Euler: as a dropping exercise
Wol Euler: but also as a "brake" on the conversation, giving people a chance to cool down and reconsider
Sunshine Vayandar: yes so one basically just "slows down" with the conversation...not really stopping thinking altogether ...
Sunshine Vayandar: often people check links online during these drops ... or e-mail ...
Sunshine Vayandar: but what should one be doing "officially"?
Wol Euler: that depends on teh person, sun
Sunshine Vayandar: yes true
Wol Euler: many people do "drop", do take a mini-meditation
Wol Euler: I know Eliza usually does, for example
Wol Euler: I often do
Wol Euler: just not that time
Sunshine Vayandar: kk
Sunshine Vayandar: probably it depends on the situation also
Wol Euler: officially, it's a meditation, like the 9 second "time tax"
Sunshine Vayandar: what do you mean by 9 second time tax ?
Wol Euler: but the idea that there is a right or wrong way is perhaps itself something to drop
Wol Euler: the nine second breaks
Sunshine Vayandar: 9 second?
Wol Euler:
Sunshine Vayandar: thanks
Wol Euler: "The basic idea of "Play as Being" is very simple. Once every fifteen minutes, you take a 9-second break. During that time you relax, and you free up your attention."
Wol Euler: "You can do this for a few hours a day, or throughout the whole day, as you like. You can use a bell, either a clock on your computer that rings every fifteen minutes, or a watch or alarmclock. Or you can just remind yourself to take a short break, a few times an hour. The suggestion of 9 seconds is a bit of a joke: 15 minutes contain 900 seconds, so 9 seconds is exactly 1% of a quarter of an hour. Following these breaks throughout the day corresponds to a 1% time tax on your life."
Sunshine Vayandar: ;) ah yes ty
Wol Euler: the concept behind that is of "starting at the end"
Wol Euler: what would it be like if we had already reached enlightenment?
Wol Euler: (assume for the moment that there *is* such a thing)
Sunshine Vayandar: hmmm ....
Wol Euler: if we had reached it, then we'd be able to fall into mindfulness almost instantly, anywhere and any time
Wol Euler: so basically we practice doing that :)
Wol Euler: as though we already could
eggsalad Ormstein: fake it til you make it :)\
Sunshine Vayandar: hmm I can't relate to enlightenment ...since I don't know what it is ...
Wol Euler: exactly
Wol Euler: doesn'T matter :)
Sunshine Vayandar: but I have ben drawn to meditation and slowing down ...
Sunshine Vayandar: hehe egg ;)
Wol Euler: one interesting result of the nine second meditations, is that it changes the role of "meditation" in your life
Sunshine Vayandar: I usually listen to how I feel about something ....
Sunshine Vayandar: I am not trying to explain it like " this makes sense ... or sounds logical ..."
Wol Euler: it changes from being something very special, that you do only at a certain time in a certain place, with the right equipment
Wol Euler: to being something htat you can do anywhere, any time
Wol Euler: it becomes as available to you as reading, say
Sunshine Vayandar: hmm yes true Wol
Sunshine Vayandar: I understand meditation as ... times when I get completely involved in something ......
Sunshine Vayandar: like playing my violin
Wol Euler nods.
Sunshine Vayandar: or may be it's a bit like meditation .... but not really ....
Sunshine Vayandar: and so how was the 90 seconds this time?
Wol Euler: I think that if you think it is meditation, and if it works like meditation, then it is meditation
Wol Euler: words are just maps, they point to reality but they don't encompass it
Sunshine Vayandar: Hmm I am still trying to think what I mean by meditation hehe
Sunshine Vayandar: yes very true
Wol Euler: I managed to clear my head a little that time, felt myself slowing donw
Sunshine Vayandar: and you egg?
eggsalad Ormstein: meditating is part of my gifts
Sunshine Vayandar: were you making an eggsaland during the 90 seconds?
Sunshine Vayandar: *saland
eggsalad Ormstein: most people simply can not concentrate on "nothing"
eggsalad Ormstein: for me it is easy
Wol Euler nods.
eggsalad Ormstein: I learned to meditate in about 3 days
Sunshine Vayandar: yes hmm how can one think of nothing .... it always ends up being something ...
Sunshine Vayandar: tell me about it egg
Sunshine Vayandar: may be I can learn it from you ;)
eggsalad Ormstein: use a candle flame
eggsalad Ormstein: stare at it and think only about the candle flame
Sunshine Vayandar is making notes ;)
eggsalad Ormstein: when something else pops in your head, stop, take a break, and then go back to the candle
Sunshine Vayandar: one moment brb
eggsalad Ormstein: do it over and over, and your times get longer
Sunshine Vayandar: sorry back
Wol Euler nods.
Sunshine Vayandar: I friend did tell me about meditating with a candle
eggsalad Ormstein: eventually, you can stare at the candle for 10-20 minutes
eggsalad Ormstein: substituting "nothing" for the candle is quite easy at that point
eggsalad Ormstein: pardon me, ladies, and good night.
Wol Euler: goodnight, egg
Sunshine Vayandar: byebyee take care egg ;)
Sunshine Vayandar: egg makes it sound easy hmm ;)
Wol Euler: it is easy
Wol Euler: just very hard to master
Sunshine Vayandar: what is your favourite meditation Wol
Wol Euler: huh
Wol Euler: hard to say, mostly because I'm a lousy meditator :)
Wol Euler: I only know it from here, really, other than a few techniques that I learned from a therapist long ago
Wol Euler: I like visualizations
Wol Euler: following images, seeing where they go
Sunshine Vayandar: since I am a mom - the kids come into my room anytime ....
Wol Euler smiles.
Sunshine Vayandar: so I am always prepared to "drop" whatever I am doing and listen to them
Wol Euler: heheheh
Sunshine Vayandar: yes I like visualisations and guided meditations
Sunshine Vayandar: I love closing my eyes and playing my violin
Sunshine Vayandar: that feels very much like meditation to me
Wol Euler nods.
Sunshine Vayandar: sometimes I just play one note
Sunshine Vayandar: and feel how the string vibrates
Wol Euler smiles
Sunshine Vayandar: or when I play drums or didj
Sunshine Vayandar: I can forget everything around me
Sunshine Vayandar: and just the vibration remains
Sunshine Vayandar: I like to do that also with friends
Sunshine Vayandar: ;)
Sunshine Vayandar: so how was it this time?
Wol Euler: went to the kitchen :)
Wol Euler: and you?
Sunshine Vayandar: and was just being quiet
Sunshine Vayandar: what did you get ã‹¡
Sunshine Vayandar: can I have ?
Wol Euler: cough syrup and some water
Wol Euler shares
Sunshine Vayandar: oh hmm ty ;)
Wol Euler: yw :)
Sunshine Vayandar: you have a cold?
Sunshine Vayandar: hope you feel better quick
Wol Euler: I've been more or less sick for a month now, it's much better than it was but this cough just won't quit
Sunshine Vayandar: I have a bit of that too ...
Sunshine Vayandar: about a month ago I started coughing ...
Sunshine Vayandar: went to see the doc ... and he gave me cough syrup
Sunshine Vayandar: but it lasted weeks
Sunshine Vayandar: now it's a bit better
Sunshine Vayandar: brb
Wol Euler: k
Sunshine Vayandar: sorry phone call
Wol Euler: np
Sunshine Vayandar: and so how is it now - getting better?
Wol Euler: I thnk so, yes
Wol Euler: I haven't been coughing as violently as say a week ago
Wol Euler: nor as often
Sunshine Vayandar: great
Sunshine Vayandar: we will do a healing dance for you here in africa ;)
Sunshine Vayandar: and it will solve it ;)
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: send me the ticket, I'll be there
Sunshine Vayandar: a kind of waka - especially for coughing Wols
Wol Euler: heheheh
Sunshine Vayandar: ;)) ok
Sunshine Vayandar: hehe
Sunshine Vayandar: we have a dance for everything here
Sunshine Vayandar: ;p
Sunshine Vayandar: hmm I will have to go - getting a bit busy here in RL now ...
Wol Euler: yes, and I have to go to work
Sunshine Vayandar: ty for telling me all about meditation ;)
Wol Euler: yw
Wol Euler: try them, you might enjoy it
Sunshine Vayandar: so do I receive an e-mail then?
Wol Euler: yess
Sunshine Vayandar: with the log?
Wol Euler: with a link to the log
Sunshine Vayandar: ah ok
Sunshine Vayandar: and I put it on the wiki right ....
Wol Euler: yep
Sunshine Vayandar: edit out bells etc
Wol Euler: there is a "how-to" page on the wiki, about writing the wiki
Wol Euler: no, mechanical noises won'T be in it
Sunshine Vayandar: ahh ok
Sunshine Vayandar: great
Wol Euler: but the bell DOES appear, we added that deliberately
Wol Euler: so that people can judge when the pauses were
Sunshine Vayandar: yes I have been working on the wiki so I know what to do
Wol Euler: ok
Sunshine Vayandar: hope you feel better soon Wol ;)
Wol Euler: thank you
Wol Euler: enjoy the day, sun
Sunshine Vayandar: take care - and have a fun day there
Wol Euler: you too!
Sunshine Vayandar: byebyeeee ;)
Sunshine Vayandar: bye obs ;)
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