The Guardian for this meeting was stevenaia Michinaga . The comments are by stevenaia Michinaga.
When I arrived, Adams Rubble joined me along with Susi Alcott and Magdalena Colclough
stevenaia Michinaga: hello AdamsA very quick appearance and disappearance by one named "Variable"
Adams Rubble: Hi Steve
stevenaia Michinaga: getting feedback about your exhibition?
Adams Rubble: I am not sure how long I'll last :)
stevenaia Michinaga: ok
Adams Rubble: Oh yes, it has been gratifying. None as detailed as yours :)
Adams Rubble: Hi Susi :)
Adams Rubble: Yours was very helpful
Susi Alcott: hi Adams
Susi Alcott: hi steve
stevenaia Michinaga: I was being technically critical with an eye toward improvement
Adams Rubble: Yes, and it was much appreciated :)
Adams Rubble: If you got back, you will see we took it seriously
stevenaia Michinaga: quite an undertaking and incredibly educational, SL aside
Adams Rubble: The women's gallery issue was one of the more interesting
Adams Rubble: and not yet resolved
Adams Rubble: It sure would be nice to go see the original and look for whatever evidence is there :)
Adams Rubble: Hello Pila :)
Susi Alcott: hi Pila
Pila Mulligan: greetings
stevenaia Michinaga: I've done a presentation of synagogue architectural history a couple of time
stevenaia Michinaga: hi Pila
Adams Rubble gets very interested
Adams Rubble: You must tell me more, if not now, soon :)
Pila Mulligan: now would be fun :)
stevenaia Michinaga: back when "slides" were popular, I asked the Jewish Museum for slides they laughed and asked me for my presentation as they had none
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble knows the visual resources person there
stevenaia Michinaga: mainly scans from books
Adams Rubble: yes
stevenaia Michinaga: this was more then 15 yrs. ago, but history doesn't change that quick :)
Adams Rubble: no
Adams Rubble: How did we do?
Adams Rubble: Hello Maggie :)
stevenaia Michinaga: good
Magdalena Colclough: Hi all :)
Pila Mulligan: hi Maggie
Adams Rubble breathes a sigh of relief
Adams Rubble: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: hello Maggie
Susi Alcott: hi Magdalena
Magdalena Colclough: hi Susi :)
Magdalena Colclough: Just Maggie, please
Susi Alcott: _/1\_
Adams departs and... speaking of masons.. I suggest the notion of man leaving something of permanence for a future time
Variable XXXX: Trust noone.
Pila Mulligan: ok
stevenaia Michinaga: hmmm, a ghost of a past meeting
Adams Rubble: Pila took the words out of my mouth, er keyboard
Pila Mulligan: :)
Magdalena Colclough: so what's on everyone's mind tonight? (or whatever time of day it is for you)
Pila Mulligan: 5:15 p.m. :)
stevenaia Michinaga: 10:15
Pila Mulligan: guilt :)
Magdalena Colclough: why guilt, Pila?
stevenaia Michinaga: mason finish, Pila
Pila Mulligan: I just finished a bowl of sliced bananas, vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce
Adams Rubble: :)
Pila Mulligan: after several burps I began to feel guilt :)
Pila Mulligan: the mason was a no-show Steve -- kind of common
Magdalena Colclough: you mean a bowl of fruit, calcium and antioxidants?
Pila Mulligan: ahh, yes, thanks
Pila Mulligan: now I feel better
Magdalena Colclough grins
stevenaia Michinaga: they are in demand, even today
Pila Mulligan: so masons are are recession resistant?
stevenaia Michinaga: they work to slow for there to be a mason recession... and it;s hard work so no one new wants to be one
Pila Mulligan: :)
Adams Rubble: :)
Pila Mulligan: that gives me a laugh from having just experienced it
Pila Mulligan: hello Kirka
stevenaia Michinaga: ..smiles, next time ask
Susi Alcott: hi Kirkra
Kirkra Caerndow: Hello there!
Magdalena Colclough: hi Kirka
Pila Mulligan: this is a young Hawaiian fellow I've known for a while and he's aware that I'm happy for him to reschedule
Adams Rubble: Hello Kirkra
stevenaia Michinaga: welcome Kirkra
Adams Rubble: yes welcome!
Pila Mulligan: he's only 25 but he is an excellent mason
stevenaia Michinaga: he will go far
Pila Mulligan: he put an impression of fern leaves in an apron that was just artistic
stevenaia Michinaga: a lasting impression, I;m sure
Pila Mulligan: the apron was about ten feet of cement in front of a barn, and he laid half a dozen leaves from a hapuu fern tree in the wet cement at the edge
Pila Mulligan: then took them out at just the right moment and there was the image of the leaves, just beautiful
Adams Rubble: :)
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Adams Rubble: I must go now. Good night everyone :)
Susi Alcott relocates her position to where Adams was sitting in order to complete the line along the circle we were sitting in. With the absence of a viable topic, Susi Alcott continues discussion sitting and posture.
stevenaia Michinaga: the hand of man/woman in stone and concrete leave something lasting for all who see it, like all the buildings in Adam's exhibition for generations in some cases.
Pila Mulligan: bye Adams
stevenaia Michinaga: bye Adams
Magdalena Colclough: good night Adams
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Susi Alcott completes the thought and moves on to something a bit closer to the soul..... envy and jealousy
stevenaia Michinaga: nice of you to fill Adam;s empty spot, Susi
Susi Alcott: ty
Susi Alcott: went off the half circle cuz didn't want to make the hole but missed this sit :)
stevenaia Michinaga: thank you
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Susi Alcott: don't sit like this in RL on chair; having the other leg touching the floor, but on the floor I sit prefers like this and often on sofa too
Pila Mulligan: it is a very comfortable posture, if it i snot uncomfortable :)
Susi Alcott: (even in publick places sometimes :)
Pila Mulligan: is not*
Susi Alcott: body 'just takes' the posture...
Pila Mulligan: some do ... some don't :)
Pila Mulligan: mine does too
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Pila Mulligan: its the knees for many folk ... too stressful on the knees
Susi Alcott: yea...not natural to all to sit like this...
Susi Alcott: or halfly like I'm for example sitting on the chair now in RL
stevenaia Michinaga: alignment can be a good posture in time if practiced
Susi Alcott: (sometimes it's noticed in some publick place but ignored)
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Pila Mulligan: I usually do it if I'm in a booth at a restaurant, where it is not a distraction
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Susi Alcott: well...there's been one topic in my mind for a while...
then there is another type of envy, those who envy what others do not want... in this case.. a big car... We compare the "oldness" of each other's cars and the spirits which reside inside them
Magdalena Colclough: what's that, Susi?
stevenaia Michinaga: sitting?
Susi Alcott: a way we have 'touched' that now too
Pila Mulligan: what is the topic?
Susi Alcott: as I've met so many good people who has not understood how and why they 'create' envy in some people
Susi Alcott: ...envy and they are much the same
Magdalena Colclough: I have more experience with envy and jealousy than I would like
stevenaia Michinaga: wonders what is to be gained by either?
Pila Mulligan: is the topic, how envy and jealousy are created?
Magdalena Colclough: nothing at all
Magdalena Colclough: I think they are an illness
Susi Alcott: there's this one certain 'thing' that is not easy at all to understand always how much that
Susi Alcott: 'creates' envy and that's something we all hear also are
Susi Alcott: in a way creators of that , just because we can be what we are
Pila Mulligan: :)
Susi Alcott: to us it's simple cuz we are what we are
Pila Mulligan: authenticity breed contempt ...? :)
Pila Mulligan: breeds*
Susi Alcott: but that's something which is not common
Pila Mulligan: nice topic
Susi Alcott: it's still so that most of the people feel need to pretend to be something else
stevenaia Michinaga: hmmm... though shall not covet, if you go by the commandments
stevenaia Michinaga: they new much a long time ago
Susi Alcott: could understand for you Maggie too that you've got such much onto just for that
Pila Mulligan: facades and hidden agendas, that may be true in a substantial part of SL
Magdalena Colclough: I'm not sure I understand what you just said, Susi
Susi Alcott: that you also are what you are
Susi Alcott: you dont pretend
Susi Alcott: so; to you it's 'just being' ; obvious thing to do
Susi Alcott: so you may have never thought that it's something such that people envy you
Magdalena Colclough: I think I have more experience with envy from the other end of the spectrum
Pila Mulligan: you mean for the simple ability to be oneself, Susi?
Susi Alcott: yes
Magdalena Colclough: it's something that I've struggled with for as long as I can remember
Pila Mulligan: oh, do you covet, Maggie :)
Magdalena Colclough: I do--and it's a horrible sickness
Pila Mulligan: if so, it does not show :)
Pila Mulligan: maybe you are sensitive to it
Susi Alcott: are you Maggie trying to tell that you envy other people ?
Magdalena Colclough: I don't know if any of you are familiar with enneagrams
Pila Mulligan: what are they?
Magdalena Colclough: yes, Susi--it's something I'm trying not to do, but I am not far along that path
Magdalena Colclough: they're a personality type thing, but one of the types is characterized by always feeling that something is missing
Susi Alcott: and you are sure that it's something that rises from yourself, that it's not something that you'd receive from other people ?
Magdalena Colclough: and I think, when you feel that way, you look around and imagine that others have it, and you ache
Pila Mulligan: some material thing?
Magdalena Colclough: no, not usually material
Pila Mulligan: can you give an example, not to pry, please keep your comfort in response
Susi Alcott: I'd like to repeat my question to you Maggie
Magdalena Colclough: I may receive it from others as well, Susi, but I definitely feel it myself
Susi Alcott: sure
Magdalena Colclough: let's see... an example
Susi Alcott: that I meant Maggie
Pila Mulligan: of something you imagine others have
Magdalena Colclough: well, for example, I might imagine that someone has a really good marriage, and be envious of that
Susi Alcott: have you understood when you have noticed somebody to envy you ?
Pila Mulligan: I would be too, since they amount to about 5% of the married population :)
Magdalena Colclough nods and smiles at Pila
Magdalena Colclough: yes, Susi, I think I've been aware of times when people have envied me as well. All of us probably have
Magdalena Colclough: it's so destructive
stevenaia Michinaga: the awareness is?
Magdalena Colclough: sometimes it's the best explanation for extremely irrational behavior or hostility
Pila Mulligan: yes, frustration and anger are definitely there
Pila Mulligan: behind envy
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Magdalena Colclough: both causing and caused by it, I think
Pila Mulligan: but I am not one to minimize the need for judgment, and sometimes judgment leads to the same end
Pila Mulligan: this is a foundation element of ethics
Susi Alcott: yes
Pila Mulligan: people can get really pissed off if you do not buy into there world sometimes
stevenaia Michinaga: what can you do about people that envy you?
Susi Alcott: you can think
Pila Mulligan: good question Steve :)
Susi Alcott: and your thoughts may be read
Pila Mulligan: :)
Pila Mulligan: this is the ethics part :)
Magdalena Colclough: I think sometimes just reminding them of your humanity can help diffuse it
Susi Alcott: you can ---when you notice such---concentrate to the truth that there is no reason to them to envy you
Susi Alcott: also you can think that 'particle' of the truth that the person who envies you can also stop the pretending 'now'
Susi Alcott: sometimes it's even possible to say it with words with love
Susi Alcott: depends for sure of many things
Susi Alcott: but thoughts are always allowed to have and concentrate to them
Susi Alcott: not to send better; just to 'keep' the thought 'up'
Susi Alcott: then we cannot insult anybody's free will to choose if to receiver or not
Susi Alcott: as our thought has the huge power
Pila Mulligan: interesting topic, Susi
Susi Alcott: have you Maggie thought such people to have happy marriage that you've felt envy for that, but found out later on that there marriage either is so perfect ?
stevenaia Michinaga: why do I feel it is easy to "drop" such feelings?
Magdalena Colclough: because you are a very wise soul, Steven
Susi Alcott: because it's easy to you :)
Pila Mulligan: another good question
Magdalena Colclough: exactly, Susi
Pila Mulligan: so maybe it is an advertising stimulated envy, modern day propaganda is really influential
Magdalena Colclough: yes, Susi, I think often we imagine the things we envy to be far more perfect than they are. It's part of the illness of jealousy--that distortion
Pila Mulligan: perfect teeth, no halitosis, picture-book marriages
Magdalena Colclough: good point, Pila
Pila Mulligan: just smoke Marlboros
Magdalena Colclough: lol
stevenaia Michinaga: some may just wear a good suit?
Pila Mulligan: ahh, the suits :)
stevenaia Michinaga: others are the suit
I depart... and the conversation continues
Pila Mulligan: does anyone here drive a Hummer?
Pila Mulligan: i was about to make a comment there, but thought I'd check
stevenaia Michinaga: does anyone want to?
Pila Mulligan: :)
Magdalena Colclough: corolla here
Pila Mulligan: if it is not the ultimate product of an advertising world I'm not sure what else it is
Pila Mulligan: wasteful, imposing etc
stevenaia Michinaga: 10 yr old VW w/ 1/4 million miles on it
Susi Alcott: Opel Vectra automatic with ceiling window, electric windows, cooler and locking with one push of the button
Pila Mulligan: cool
Pila Mulligan: 91 ford
stevenaia Michinaga: smiles at Susi
stevenaia Michinaga: now we are trying to out un-do each other
stevenaia Michinaga: laughs
Pila Mulligan: well, at least we are Hummer free :)
Susi Alcott: 1996 model; so ; dying one
Pila Mulligan: once again Pila wins the geezer category
Susi Alcott: maybe dies in a month already
Susi Alcott: then I'll be without any kind of car :)
Pila Mulligan: envy if you must :)
Magdalena Colclough: my car and my cat are both going to live forever
Pila Mulligan: 18 years on the same vehicle
Pila Mulligan: that's how I feel too Maggie
Pila Mulligan: have you named your car?
stevenaia Michinaga: my cat licks better
Pila Mulligan: :)
Magdalena Colclough: this is embarrassing--I did name it once, but I forgot the name
Susi Alcott: maybe I'd need to envy you all :)
Susi Alcott: lol
Pila Mulligan: well, it is cool, I give my car tons of affection, and it is named Hina
Magdalena Colclough: better than who/what Steven?
Magdalena Colclough: what does Hina mean?
stevenaia Michinaga: my car
Pila Mulligan: Hina is the mother of the demigod Maui, i lived there in 91
Magdalena Colclough: ahh
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Pila Mulligan: Hina was blessed by an Episcopal priest and a Hawaiian kahuna as soon a sI got her
Magdalena Colclough: how cool!
Pila Mulligan: and she is still going strong :) (knocks on wood)
Susi Alcott: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: seems to have left an impression on her
Pila Mulligan: yep
Magdalena Colclough: I should have had my house blessed. I meant to, but couldn't find the right person to do it...
Pila Mulligan: you still can
Susi Alcott: my ´Golden car' would need some preparing I may not be able to give her
Pila Mulligan: someone will come along and the right person
Magdalena Colclough smiles
Pila Mulligan: Susi, have you tried healing your Opel?
Pila Mulligan: Opel*
Pila Mulligan: I bet you can, seriously
Susi Alcott: sadly I have been able to heal a car only from freezing twice
Pila Mulligan: helping it thaw?
Susi Alcott: and sadly I once even hurt my this Opel
Susi Alcott: freezing
Pila Mulligan: ahh, well your Opel no doubt understands
Pila Mulligan: cars like affection
Susi Alcott: as there was the so cold that the car we had those days wouldn't start without warming up the motor
Pila Mulligan: this is going to be taken lightly maybe, but I believe it
Susi Alcott: I claim that I know my Golden car also to have a spirit
Pila Mulligan: :)
Susi Alcott: felt spirit in many cars
Pila Mulligan: I have nice dreams with Hina
Susi Alcott: like our old Opel; even my mom said that the car saved our life when the truck drove into its back
Pila Mulligan: wow, was anything left of the Opel?
Susi Alcott: but once I was so tired for so long drive, that my Golden car lost the knowledge from her computer and 'died'
Susi Alcott: was not much left of that Opel
Susi Alcott: she died completely, but her spirit chooses this new Opel ; guided me to her new body
stevenaia Michinaga: hence the term reinCARnation
Susi Alcott: thinking that the salesman never experiences such 'deal' and never shall
Susi Alcott: lol
Magdalena Colclough: haha Steven
Susi Alcott: in a way yes
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Pila Mulligan: just looked up the present owner of Opel -- it is GM unfortunately
Susi Alcott: as nobody opened even the door when the deal was agreed
Pila Mulligan: just saw Steve's pun -- very funny
Susi Alcott: just looked at her and we knew
Magdalena Colclough: my friends, I need to go
Susi Alcott: took about few minutes to close the agreement and then the paper work started; took few minutes that too sure
Magdalena Colclough: it was good to see you all
Pila Mulligan: bye Maggie
Susi Alcott: wishing you fine and funny time
Magdalena Colclough: thanks, Susi
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Susi Alcott: ah..time did fly again :)
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, I must get some rest for a busy week
Pila Mulligan: bye Steve
stevenaia Michinaga: thank you all for joining me tonight
Susi Alcott: Good Night and Sweet dreams :)
Pila Mulligan: Monday's a holiday you know :)
stevenaia Michinaga: for the employed, I am self-employed, never a holiday
stevenaia Michinaga: and I like it that way
Pila Mulligan: yep :)
Pila Mulligan: have a good week
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Pila Mulligan: it must be early morning there Susi
Susi Alcott: or late nite :)
Pila Mulligan: oops
Pila Mulligan: it is about 6:30 p.m. here, so I was guessing 12 hours difference
Pila Mulligan: for Europe
Susi Alcott: yes
Pila Mulligan: there is a car company in India that is making good cars at low cost, i cannot remeber their name
Susi Alcott: but I have not slept this night either , so it can be taken late night now
Pila Mulligan: ah, I see -- maybe you should try some rest :)
Susi Alcott: don't need rest now
Susi Alcott: hm
Pila Mulligan: ok
Susi Alcott: sorry
Susi Alcott: I'm resting now
Pila Mulligan: it is Tata Motors, in india
Pila Mulligan: they maybe the next big thing in world car sales
Pila Mulligan: like Honda was
Susi Alcott: meant that I do not need the rest logging out; I'm having better rest being here
Pila Mulligan: :)
Susi Alcott: aha
Susi Alcott: well; I hope I can heal this Golden car
Pila Mulligan: I bet you can
Pila Mulligan: between love and a good mechanic :)
Susi Alcott: her name is such because in sunshine she looks golden even she is gray and that colour is also in her papers
Pila Mulligan: :)
Pila Mulligan: Hina also means gray, a second meaning, and that is her color
Susi Alcott: oh :)
Pila Mulligan: I liked the combination of the name of a goddess and a color
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
The conversation moves on... and the evening concludes
Pila Mulligan: have you seen Tarmel's SL house?
Susi Alcott: no
Pila Mulligan: folks here were complimenting her on it earlier
Pila Mulligan: I have not seen any of the houses at this site
Pila Mulligan: I don't even know where they are
Susi Alcott: there are maps that many people know how to use but I don't
Pila Mulligan: like a map of Bieup sim?
Susi Alcott: there's maps of all
Susi Alcott: I know a little how to use that but not the way that I'd get any good map into my mind that I'd understand
Pila Mulligan: well, someday I'll ask someone to show me where they are :)
Susi Alcott: ah
Susi Alcott: Blieup is this region
Pila Mulligan: yes
Susi Alcott: open 'Map'
Susi Alcott: and you see more
Pila Mulligan: yes, I was just lookin there
Susi Alcott: you are the yellow circle
Pila Mulligan: where is more?
Susi Alcott: you can move the map with mouse
Pila Mulligan: yes, I wonder if you can tell more about the buildings
Susi Alcott: I don't know them
Pila Mulligan: it just seems to give the location of them
Susi Alcott: have not had time to explore
Susi Alcott: yes
Susi Alcott: they who know more do 'read' the colours and so
Pila Mulligan: hmmm :)
Susi Alcott: there is much info on the map but I don't have the knowledge
Pila Mulligan: easier to have someone tell you where it is :)
Susi Alcott: but if you have the LM you have the address
Pila Mulligan: I do not have the landmark though
Susi Alcott: or to let somebody to tp
Pila Mulligan: is Adams' show still here?
Pila Mulligan: her art place
Susi Alcott: I have no knowledge of that either sorry
Pila Mulligan: i tried to go there on the opening day but SL was too crowded and I could not do it
Susi Alcott: was you thought to go there ?
Susi Alcott: did you get the LM there ?
Pila Mulligan: no
Pila Mulligan: there was a tp at Kira's Cafe
Pila Mulligan: I could not tp -- would crash
Susi Alcott: ah
Susi Alcott: do you know where Kira's Cafe is ?
Pila Mulligan: yes
Susi Alcott: if there was tp it can still be there
Pila Mulligan: i think it was just there for opening day
Susi Alcott: hm
Susi Alcott: we could go and see
Pila Mulligan: but maybe, would you like to go see?
Pila Mulligan: ok
Susi Alcott: sure
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