Moon Fargis purrrrrrsssssssss
Stargate Tone: ******************
Stargate Tone: oh; crowded *
Stargate Tone: Hi Pema
Moon Fargis: morning pema!
Pema Pera: Hi Stargate and Moon!
Pema Pera: (my internet connection is a bit slow today)
Stargate Tone: Hello Sophia *
Stargate Tone: (*)
Pema Pera: Hi Sophia!
Moon Fargis: morning sophia
SophiaSharon Larnia: Hi Stargate :) Hi Moon, Hi Pema, again :))
Pema Pera: :)
Pema Pera: Hi Sophia
Pema Pera: (sorry, my internet connection is very slow -- it takes half a minute or more to see my own text . . . )
SophiaSharon Larnia concentration is slow, came here to be (if thats ok)
Moon Fargis: no problem its early in the morning :)
Pema Pera: :-)
Moon Fargis: morning arch
Pema Pera: here in Tokyo it is close to dinner time
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Archmage
Pema Pera: I'll have to leave relatively soon, to meet Hana Furlough in RL, who lives in Tokyo too -- have you met Hana already?
Moon Fargis: tokyo and slow internet? is that possible ?
Moon Fargis: no not yet
SophiaSharon Larnia: that is so interesting, i love how you meet people here
Stargate Tone: Hello brother *
Pema Pera: yes, depending where in Tokyo you are :(
Pema Pera: Hi Archmage!
Moon Fargis: come and take a seat arch :)
Pema Pera: (re: slow internet connection)
Pema Pera: Hi Arch! Nice to meet you
Archmage Atlantis: Nice to meet you also, Pema, Sophia, merged Moon and Star
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
Moon Fargis: ^^
Moon Fargis: let there be flowers
At this moment i attached the flowers wich where now growing all over the pavlion.
Pema Pera: (now my delay is more than two minutes . . . it is raining
quite heavily here, and my cell phone internet connection is crawling
to a halt . . . )
Moon Fargis: aw
SophiaSharon Larnia: Thank you moon!!!
SophiaSharon Larnia: thats a bummer Pema!
Stargate Tone: (RL phone)
Archmage Atlantis: The new world is difficult
Pema Pera: Hi Sophia!
Moon Fargis: hi sophia...2
sophia Placebo: greetings
Archmage Atlantis: But worthy
SophiaSharon Larnia: Hi Sophia!
sophia Placebo: :)) hi moon
SophiaSharon Larnia: (thinks would like this on the pavilion all of the time)
Moon Fargis: ^^
Moon Fargis: theoretically no problem
sophia Placebo: extra flowers no ?
Stargate Tone: b
Archmage Atlantis: Moon has vision
SophiaSharon Larnia: wb Startgate
Stargate Tone: ty
Stargate Tone: hi sophia
Archmage Atlantis: Moon, may I ask for flowers of a type
SophiaSharon Larnia: Thank you Sophia for yesterday, i learned alot
Moon Fargis: hmm sure
sophia Placebo: yw sophia :)
Archmage Atlantis: Hemerocallis, Daylillies in english
Pema Pera: Yes, Sophia, that was a real treat
Archmage Atlantis: Consider the lillies of the the field
Archmage Atlantis: they ask not
Moon Fargis: hmhm i see, i wanted to create new flowers today so i will take care of the lillies first
sophia Placebo: :) < she is really happy
Pema Pera: a wonderful passage from the Sermon of the Mount, indeed, Arch!
SophiaSharon Larnia: interesting Moon
Moon Fargis: sophia: happy ?:)
Moon Fargis: morning fael ^^
sophia Placebo: hi fael
SophiaSharon Larnia: Hi Fael!
Pema Pera: Hi Fael!
Fael Illyar: Good morning Moon, Star :) Hi Arch, sophia, Pema, SophiaSharon :)
Archmage Atlantis: I am amoung you
Moon Fargis: what a nice round :) so one second then ^^
Archmage Atlantis: Sorry, sometimes the transmissions are not in my control
Stargate Tone: Hello Fael
Moon Fargis: seems messed up the meadow a bit :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
Fael Illyar: Hi Qt :)
Archmage Atlantis: Star. this is a special time
Qt Core: hi all
SophiaSharon Larnia: Hi Qt
Stargate Tone: Hi Qt
Pema Pera: Hi there Qt!
Moon Fargis: morning QT
Moon Fargis: someone wants to say "let there be forrest" ?:) *giggles
Stargate Tone: :)*
Archmage Atlantis: A forest in a meadow?.....Only you may accomplish that Moon
Moon Fargis: lala.. "let there be forest"
SophiaSharon Larnia hides and rests among the flowers
Fael Illyar smiles.
Moon Fargis: storm would go insane when he see the mess :)
Archmage Atlantis: Clear the pond for all to see, Moon
Archmage Atlantis: It is the center
Pema Pera: I'll have to leave you all in the forest . . . time to go out for dinner here. See ya!
Qt Core: this is starting to have a druidic/shamanic feeling ;-)
Fael Illyar: See you later Pema :)
Moon Fargis: ok :) see you pema ^^/
Qt Core: bye Pema
SophiaSharon Larnia: Bye Pema
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Pema Pera: (didn't see my last sentence echoed yet -- heavy lag -- bye for now!)
SophiaSharon Larnia: b4n
Moon Fargis: ^^
Moon Fargis: ok and now i can set it up for the tiny bear
Archmage Atlantis: Fael, what is still needed?
Moon Fargis: hm col this already works :)
Moon Fargis: so my friends how is everyone this morning ?
SophiaSharon Larnia: very well, than you moon, I am napping at my computer
SophiaSharon Larnia: thank*
Moon Fargis: ^^
Qt Core: rested, first time in a couple week
Moon Fargis: oh
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Fael Illyar: Arch, needed? for what?
Archmage Atlantis: I suppose this is sequential, but for now I pass
Moon Fargis: ^^ no not sequential :) just babbling
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
Moon Fargis: arch: the Play as being is nor more than a year old and pema was with Stim the inventor of the idea
Fael Illyar: no, it's Pema's idea.
Moon Fargis: was it just stims ?
Moon Fargis: last time he told me stim and himself started it
Fael Illyar: Stim was important for Pema getting the idea though.
Fael Illyar: and also for getting things started
SophiaSharon Larnia: I have yet to go to one of Stim's workshops, I keep meaning to make it but rl things come up
Archmage Atlantis: Most on this planet were split, each to serve a purpose
Moon Fargis: ahyes the idea was, in basic words, they start a practise
of having a 9 second long micro awarness meditation every 15 minutes
Archmage Atlantis: We are only whole as joined
Moon Fargis: ah and arch, everything what is said here is recorded and
will be but at the homepage of play as being
( is it ok for you to include ayour ame ?
Archmage Atlantis: I have been open about all I am for 50 years
Archmage Atlantis: So yes, it is not only ok
Archmage Atlantis: But welcomed
Moon Fargis: ^^ ok
Moon Fargis: so fael: how do you feel with your new "clothes"
Archmage Atlantis: I understand not
Fael Illyar: pretty well... although, the diference is not quite easy to describe.
Moon Fargis: arch: well fael changed his avatar
Moon Fargis: as avatars represent sides of ourself there is always a different feeling when you change
Archmage Atlantis: Ah, e expressed another side
Moon Fargis: yes ^^
Archmage Atlantis: All my sides are myself
Archmage Atlantis: Yet they are all me
Qt Core: but some avs are better at expressing different aspect of ourselves
Moon Fargis nods
SophiaSharon Larnia smiles, I seem to change a bit just changing the color of my hair
Archmage Atlantis: So this time in this place was given to us
Archmage Atlantis: All is ephemeral
Archmage Atlantis: At the will of the creator
Archmage Atlantis: Or as we choose to participate
Archmage Atlantis: Or to simply follow
Archmage Atlantis: If one is born a fish in an aquarium, that one has not choice, in spite of the movie "Nemo"
Archmage Atlantis: We are born in an aquarium called "earth"
Moon Fargis: well unless we awake
Archmage Atlantis: But with choice
Moon Fargis: and see that there is more then just the aquarium
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
Qt Core: that remind me too much of the Maatrix incubators units, you know Arch ;-)
Moon Fargis: lol
Archmage Atlantis: You mean the movies, QT?
Qt Core: yes
Archmage Atlantis: There is truth in those movies
Archmage Atlantis: But all that is there is not truth
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Qt Core: it iks just that i think/hope you are not thinking about a world like that awaiting us if/when we awoke
Archmage Atlantis: This is the world the creator has given us
Stargate Tone: and sadly it's so many times, that when even 1% of the
truth is missing, or even 1% lie is added; all of the truth there is to
be seen, can turn completely upside down
Archmage Atlantis: Star, I see you must speak, please do
Stargate Tone: just did what I felt need to speak *
Qt Core: well, 1% liying and 1% missing truth are the easiest and the better (technically speacking)
Qt Core: (that is if you have/need to do it)
Stargate Tone: I have always the need to know the truth
Fael Illyar: umm... better than what?
Archmage Atlantis: Telling truth always is my choice
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Archmage Atlantis: I drives most away
Stargate Tone: but that's not the choice of all of the people
Qt Core: yes, i was speaking about the "effectiveness" of deceiving practices, i prefer truth too
SophiaSharon Larnia: can think of a few things that qualify as 'effective' lies
Archmage Atlantis: To prefer is to be less
Stargate Tone: well; to me those mixes may be interest too, and I dont
mind if people lie 'completely'; that's then so easy to see the truth
Qt Core: you know, being evil could be an art (or science ?0 too ;-)
Qt Core: (i'm diggimg me a hole, right ?)
Stargate Tone: nope
Fael Illyar: you are, yes.
Archmage Atlantis: No, QT
SophiaSharon Larnia: smiles
Stargate Tone: I think I understand what you mean, but might that not be the evil you mean
Archmage Atlantis: You are finding your truth
Stargate Tone: but for example such movie in which the criminal was
'perfect' criminal; used his talents to do the job he had promised
Stargate Tone: that is to admire imo
Stargate Tone: just that the person is intelligent and use one's all....
Archmage Atlantis: Star, if I may give my thoughts on that
Stargate Tone: but ...well..that movie told only about the matter he stole...
Stargate Tone: I'de be pleased
Qt Core: for me the best examples are fighter jets, nuclear aircraft
carriers and such, deadly machine but technically beautiful machine
Archmage Atlantis: Evil used in the service of good, is still evil
Qt Core: ok, those had no souls, but they are a clear example
Archmage Atlantis: And you know I don't beleive in evil
Stargate Tone: so I did understand you right QT
Stargate Tone: to see beauty in 'everything' ...
Qt Core: and (it is just curiosity, i'm not trying to confront you, Arch) what to you call/define what is usually called evil ?
Stargate Tone: I know arch, but there is also the evil ; that darkness in which there is no love anymore
Archmage Atlantis: First, to all of you here, to question is not to defy
Archmage Atlantis: To question is a gift
Stargate Tone: and such darkness do destroy the existing life to 'stay
put', not living; no; not to death and to freedom via
that, but to suffer so that this suffering dont serve anything
SophiaSharon Larnia: Hi Bertrum
Qt Core: i'm liking you more and more, aRCH :-)
Stargate Tone: Hello Bert
Moon Fargis: hi bart!
Moon Fargis: ehh
Moon Fargis: bert
Moon Fargis: *giggles*
Fael Illyar: Hi Bert :)
Stargate Tone: Arch has just the right name QT :)***
SophiaSharon Larnia: /e stretches out amoung the flowers and breaths
Stargate Tone: smiles *
Archmage Atlantis: Um, Bert?
SophiaSharon Larnia: he poofed
Archmage Atlantis: I see em not
Stargate Tone: he's gone
Fael Illyar: seems so
Qt Core: only 5 dot in minimap
Stargate Tone: hm...his AV is gone...not to be seen here
Archmage Atlantis: Moon, could you clear the meadow abit back more from the pool?
Fael Illyar: he just IMed me asking if I
Fael Illyar: I've had technical problems
Stargate Tone: *
Moon Fargis: okidoki :)
Archmage Atlantis: okay dokay
Archmage Atlantis: I must go
Stargate Tone: sad
SophiaSharon Larnia: bye Archmage
Qt Core: bye Arch
Moon Fargis: bye arch and see you soon ^^/
Stargate Tone: see you soon again beloved bro :)***
Archmage Atlantis: The mind and body are worn out
Fael Illyar: See you later Arch :)
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
SophiaSharon Larnia smiles
Archmage Atlantis: May the blessings of the creator of all things be wih you
Stargate Tone: as well with you *
Archmage Atlantis: Nite Sis
Qt Core: and with you too
Moon Fargis: ^^ i think i also shall retreat now, got a little mess to clean up here in rl :)
Fael Illyar: Aww you later Moon :)
Fael Illyar smiles at the typo.
SophiaSharon Larnia: ah ok Moon, take care :)
Moon Fargis: aww yu later too fael :)
Moon Fargis: ^^
Stargate Tone: *
SophiaSharon Larnia: me too , take care everyone
Moon Fargis: bye all ^^/
Qt Core: ohhh, the rest of the uiverse is still here.... ohhh
SophiaSharon Larnia: Bye Moon
SophiaSharon Larnia laughs
Fael Illyar blinks at Qt.
Stargate Tone: was wanderfull to meet *
SophiaSharon Larnia: bye for now!!
Stargate Tone: need to go too *
SophiaSharon Larnia: :))
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Qt Core: bye
Qt Core: ops
Fael Illyar: Well, see you later Qt :)
Qt Core: ok, bye
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