The Guardian for this meeting was quen Oh. The comments are by quen Oh.
Quen arrived late and was happy to find two new faces at the fountain!
shroom Guardian: hiya
quen Oh: hi Hana and hi shroom!
quen Oh: nice to meet you
shroom Guardian: & u, well met
Hana Furlough: hi quen nice to meet you
quen Oh: I am sorry I am so late, I was at a meeting that went got dramatically late
shroom Guardian: is place you come to regularly, i was reading about the play as being
shroom Guardian: i like the ideaquen Oh: nice!
quen Oh: so you are new to it a little?
Hana Furlough: so do you practice play as being in RL?
quen Oh: have you seen our wiki at
quen Oh: ?
quen Oh: and how about you Hana?
shroom Guardian: new to sl, & 1st time here. i recently learnt how to play as a child again
quen Oh: wow!
Hana Furlough: yeah first time here, but i've been doing play as being for a couple weeks and it's amazing~
shroom Guardian: very liberating
quen Oh: nice!
shroom Guardian: we were exploring the south shield of the mayan medicine wheel - the child
quen Oh: must admit for me it is rather difficult to do it, I am having a rather hectic life lately, often not even time to sit down and eat something in peace
quen Oh: the mayan medicine wheel?
Hana Furlough: it is really hard when life is hectic
quen Oh: that sounds interesting
quen Oh: so for both of you it is your first time here, or only for you Shroom?
shroom Guardian: yes, i often wish i'd make more space/time for myself in this modern world for the important things
shroom Guardian: yes, 1st time here for me
quen Oh: well it is probably both ways, I let life get hectic probably, should say more 'no'
Hana Furlough: oh yeah it's my first time too
quen Oh: ah in that case I have perhaps to explain a little more, for instance about the mystery fountain here ;-)
Hana Furlough: yeah
shroom Guardian: please do
quen Oh: it records the conversations here, which get published on the wiki log
quen Oh: if you don't feel comfortable with that please just say so, we can simply leave you out of it of course
quen Oh: we meet 4 times a day here, at 1 and 7 AM/PM PDT
quen Oh: all the blogs are availble at
shroom Guardian: i was here at 7:10, but no-one else was here
quen Oh: will give you too a notecard with some extra information about Play as Being
quen Oh: that is correct shroom, that's my fault, as I should have been there
quen Oh: only I was kept at a meeting for long, my excuses for that
quen Oh: I am very happy you stayed!
shroom Guardian: i got the notecard from the fountain, no apology needed!
quen Oh: so Hana, you were talking about the Mayan medicine wheel?
shroom Guardian: just read it, i ike the whole idea thanku
quen Oh: I hope it works for you!
quen Oh: it is a very interesting experiment, not?
shroom Guardian: i'll take part, feels good
Hana Furlough: it does feel really nice
shroom Guardian: a great excersise to be aware
shroom Guardian: i think
quen Oh nods
Hana Furlough: yeah
quen Oh: you were learning to play like a child? smiling*
quen Oh: (am rl an architect, always playing like a child, you should see my hands with all the coloured stains on it from sketching lol)
quen Oh: (but also too much letting life get hectic trying to play everywhere at once ;-)
shroom Guardian: i was taking part in a vision quest ceremony, & to prepare for the quest & get a true understanding of our intent(s) & mirror our vision back we worked through the energies of the medicine wheel
quen Oh: that sounds technical?
Hana Furlough: yeah what is the medicine wheel?
quen Oh: what is a vision quest ceremony constist of?
shroom Guardian: no, not technical at all
quen Oh is curious
shroom Guardian: well
shroom Guardian: the medicine wheel has 4 directions, or shields, south, west, north & east
shroom Guardian: for a health balance in life it's important for the energies to be constantly moving & flowing through these shields
shroom Guardian: so that we can connect with all aspects of our selves
shroom Guardian: south reprosents, amongst other things the child
quen Oh: how do you get the energies flowing through these shields?
shroom Guardian: this was all new to me a month ago, so i'm still learning my place with it all
shroom Guardian: by not leaving blocks behind as you progress through life...
shroom Guardian: understanding the past, dealing with it & allowing things to move on
shroom Guardian: does that help?
shroom Guardian: if you klike more look up
quen Oh: it sounds a little complicated
shroom Guardian: its different when explained properly, & actively working with it
shroom Guardian: we had tasks to help us incoporate it
shroom Guardian: but back to play as being, are many people taking part here?
Hana Furlough: so how do you deal with the pas?
quen Oh: oh yes there are shroom! it is a growing group of people
quen Oh: and as they are from europe, us and even japan they are not all at the same time here
quen Oh: you can read and see it on the blog at the wiki
shroom Guardian: well, with the help of spirit guides, soulcraft work & fasting with intent of healing
shroom Guardian: a gong every 15 mins to remind us?
quen Oh: it is about the Play as Being
quen Oh: 9 seconds every 15 minutes
quen Oh: only in the meetings they made it 90 seconds
shroom Guardian: yes, makes sense
quen Oh: 0.25% of your time for meditation...
quen Oh: is the idea
quen Oh: you have been practising Hana, how has that been?
Hana Furlough: it's been incredible
Hana Furlough: goes really well with my yoga and meditation
Hana Furlough: it feels like i'm starting to integrate
shroom Guardian: i've looked at the website, i'll read more later & register. that sounds amazing hana
quen Oh: nice to hear Hana!
quen Oh: integrate in what sense?
quen Oh: :-) take your time shroom, I think it has grown in an enormous amount of chatlogs and information now
Hana Furlough: i guess we tend to separate meditation from our daily lives, but with play as being, it's there in the midst of it all
quen Oh nods
Hana Furlough: and i find i just start to do it without even thinking
Hana Furlough: that's the best
quen Oh agrees! it is
quen Oh: what is it like exactly for you Hana?
shroom Guardian: you've both convinced me,
quen Oh: well actually shroom, perhaps you better convince yourself ;-)?
Hana Furlough: it's kind of like feeling what's really going on
quen Oh: by just trying it..
Hana Furlough: yeah experiment a little
shroom Guardian: i will
quen Oh smiles
Hana Furlough: i look forward to hearing about it
quen Oh: well you are very welcome to visit here 4 times a day and share your experiences, or chat about all kind of things
quen Oh: or laugh or just sit quiet... all kind of things happen here ;-)
shroom Guardian: that might be a good reason for coming to sl then
quen Oh: well all 4 times a day is crazy ;-)
Hana Furlough: sounds like a great place
quen Oh: there are a lot of good reasons to come to sl, you can meet great people here
quen Oh: and it is a lovely creative world
quen Oh: where a lot is possible
shroom Guardian: 4 times a week is probibly more likely or me
quen Oh: that's perfectly ok too, I only manage to come once a week lately
quen Oh: or perhaps 'manage' is not the correct term..
Hana Furlough: i should get going but it was so nice to meet and chat you both
shroom Guardian: same here, i hope we can stay in touch
quen Oh: likewise to the both of you! very nice to meet you too, hope to see you later!
Hana Furlough: talk to you soon~
quen Oh: have to go too, will put this conversation on the wiki, so you can actually read it there! :-)
shroom Guardian: ah, was just going to say goodbye, & thanks for explaining this
quen Oh: ;-) me too, hope to see you later, and you're welcome!
quen Oh waves!