The guardian for this session was Storm Nordwind. The comments are Storm's. Do not look for much serious discussion in this session! Nevertheless, there are some priceless one-liners. (Look for where inventory folders are in RL, or for division of labour.)
I arrived at the pavilion 15 minutes early and found two avatars already seated round the pool. They were conversing in German and had alighted there simply because it was a pleasant place to be. It was a while before they noticed me, sitting quietly at the opposite side of the pool. I explained a little about PaB to them (in English) and mentioned they were welcome to stay for the forthcoming meeting provided they didn't mind their words being published. They stayed!
Soya Ethaniel: oh ok uhm what is it about? world piece or something?
Daemonika Nightfire: all around the world, right?
Storm Nordwind: People come here from everywhere yes
Soya Ethaniel: ah ok, I see
Soya Ethaniel: thank you that's very interesting =9
Soya Ethaniel: and from where are you?
Storm Nordwind: You're welcome
Storm Nordwind: UK
Daemonika Nightfire: are any rules here?
Soya Ethaniel: britian or something?
Soya Ethaniel: heeeey xD
Soya Ethaniel: that's cool
Soya Ethaniel: I'm from Germany
Daemonika Nightfire: me too
Soya Ethaniel: from wehre exactly? I was two times in the uk and I was in Dover, Canterbury and Brighton for example
Storm Nordwind: Scotland
Soya Ethaniel: oh ok
Soya Ethaniel: *blush+
Daemonika Nightfire: hehe
Storm Nordwind: I do not wear a kilt!
Daemonika Nightfire: mens withs skirts
Daemonika Nightfire: ^^
Soya Ethaniel: xDD
Soya Ethaniel: don't you? oooooh
Explaining that I was a Englishman exiled in Scotland seemed too complicated
Storm Nordwind: So the idea of these meetings is that people talk about the Play as Being experiement
Daemonika Nightfire: play?
Storm Nordwind: It's an unusual form of meditation
Soya Ethaniel: ooh something psycho xD
Soya Ethaniel: I think it's cool
Daemonika Nightfire: was heisst das auf deutsch?
Storm Nordwind: Play because the idea is to do it lightly, not too intensely
Soya Ethaniel: it IS some kind of expemriment, of course
Soya Ethaniel: play? bedeutet spiel
Daemonika Nightfire: klar
Storm Nordwind: Sure, we started it last April
Daemonika Nightfire: ich meine das ganze
Soya Ethaniel: uhm die reden über dieses spiel als wäre es ein experiment
Storm Nordwind: We take away what we normally carry with us and what we normally identify with
Storm Nordwind: And we play at being Being! ;)
Daemonika Nightfire: for me is SL more as Reallife
Soya Ethaniel: aber nicht so ganz ernsthaft
Soya Ethaniel: nur "nebenbei"
Soya Ethaniel: die haben das im april gestartet
Daemonika Nightfire: nur die ueberschrift hatte ich ncith verstanden soya^^
Soya Ethaniel: und sie sind hier im sl anders als im rl, quasi genau das gegenteil
Soya Ethaniel: oh xD
Soya Ethaniel: endschuldige
Storm Nordwind: So you wear wings in Real Life too?
Daemonika Nightfire: fuer mich ist das hier schon lange kein spiel mehr
Soya Ethaniel: for me it's just a game, something I kill time with
Soya Ethaniel: xDD
Soya Ethaniel: I don't think she does xD
Daemonika Nightfire: no, in RL i do not hafe wings
Soya Ethaniel: wie lange eigtl. schon?
Storm Nordwind smiles
Storm Nordwind: For me SL is an extension of RL
Daemonika Nightfire: ueber 1 jahr
Daemonika Nightfire: i am more in SL online as in RL
Storm Nordwind: We are using SL here to allow people to meet from all over the world
Storm Nordwind: And it is more immediate and more immersive than just chat
Daemonika Nightfire: i say so, SL its for me my second Reallife
Daemonika Nightfire: i do life here , work , hafe friends, and more
Storm Nordwind: I understand. I know some other people like that too
Daemonika Nightfire: my sleeping time i am online too, and sleep
Storm Nordwind nods
Daemonika Nightfire: 3 hours every night
Storm Nordwind: You can
Storm Nordwind: 3 hours would be too little for me
Daemonika Nightfire: lol
Daemonika Nightfire: i need not more
Storm Nordwind: Ah... someone is arriving!
Daemonika Nightfire: i do it the most time in my life
Soya Ethaniel: Me I am sleeping 10 hours, having a wonderful job and firends in rl
Wol Euler: hello soye, daemonika, storm
Storm Nordwind: Hi Wol
Soya Ethaniel: have you ever tried dae?
Soya Ethaniel: Hey!
Daemonika Nightfire: tried?
Daemonika Nightfire: ah
Daemonika Nightfire: Hi !
Soya Ethaniel: ausprobiert
Storm Nordwind: These people were just passing through and were just chatting in the pavilion
Wol had arrived, noticed that our guest were German and made them welcome in the own tongue.
Wol Euler schaut schräg auf Euch herüber
Wol Euler: wilkommen nach PaB :)
Daemonika Nightfire: *++** DANKÖÖÖÖÖÖ*+***
Wol Euler: komisch, Euer Verwandten Gaya Ethaniel und Corvi Nightfire sind Stammgäste hier :)
Daemonika Nightfire: lol
Daemonika Nightfire: verwannt?
Wol Euler: entfernte Cousins oder so :)
Wol Euler: nehme ich mal an :)
Daemonika Nightfire: namensfetter vieleicht
Daemonika Nightfire: ^^^
Soya Ethaniel: höchstwahrscheinlich xD
Wol Euler: Storm, how are you?
Daemonika Nightfire: koennen noch mehr in der runde deutsch?
Wol Euler: eigentlich nicht, leider.
Daemonika Nightfire: ^^
Soya Ethaniel: schade
Wol Euler: die meisten sind Amerikaner oder Engländer.
Daemonika Nightfire: hehe
Daemonika Nightfire: gute gelegenheit english zu lernen
Wol Euler: mmhmm
Wol Euler: übung!
Daemonika Nightfire: meins ist naemlich beschissen
Daemonika Nightfire: ^^
Soya Ethaniel: meins nicht xD
Soya Ethaniel: ich matsch mir da alles immer zurecht
Daemonika Nightfire: also wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe ist es hier keine selbsthilfe gruppe
Daemonika Nightfire: ^^
Daemonika Nightfire: Hi !
Wol Euler lacht. Tolle Profile-Satz, Soya.
Soya Ethaniel: welcher?
Wol Euler: "come to the dark side, we have cookies"
Soya Ethaniel: uuuuh yes xD
Daemonika Nightfire: hihi
Soya Ethaniel: ich liebe Kekse <3
Daemonika Nightfire: me too
Wol Euler: mmhmm
Daemonika Nightfire: am liebsten mir schokolade
Wol Euler: hello again Lia
Daemonika Nightfire: baerentatzen
Daemonika Nightfire: Hi !
Lia Rikugun: hello everybody
Lia Rikugun: we are speaking german?
Daemonika Nightfire: nur leider gibts die nicht einzeln mehr zu kaufen
Storm Nordwind: Hello Lia
Lia Rikugun: hello
Storm Nordwind: No - we're not normally speaking German
Wol Euler: three of us are :)
Wol Euler: but it is a rarity
Storm Nordwind: The website is published in English
Daemonika Nightfire: ok
However, if you really want to read the above in English, you can translate it for yourself! :)
Storm Nordwind: Hi Fefonz
Wol Euler: hello fefonz
Daemonika Nightfire: Hi !
Lia Rikugun: hi fefonz!!
Lia Rikugun: (i can see you twice fefonz ;))
Fefonz Quan: HI all, good to see you here :)
Storm Nordwind: Hi. Are you wearing your chiming watch today?
Wol Euler: mm, no; or not yet
Daemonika Nightfire: ?
Fefonz Quan: i can wear it for you Strorm :)
Storm Nordwind: hehe!
Wol Euler: one of the group made a watch that chimes every 15 minutes, to remind us of the meditation pratice
Storm Nordwind: This meditation thing, we do for 9 seconds every 15 minutes
Soya Ethaniel: aaah okay
Soya Ethaniel: cool
Storm Nordwind: Just really quick really
Daemonika Nightfire: aha
Wol Euler: Dae, kennst Du das Simbolic Translator?
Storm Nordwind: takes up 1% of the day
Wol Euler: kostenlos und sehr effektiv.
Daemonika Nightfire: ja aber der spammt
Daemonika Nightfire: hab den
Fefonz Quan: is it a coincident that two participant here have the same second names like familiar particiapnt we know?
Daemonika Nightfire: und schreibt viel muell
Wol Euler: ok :)
Daemonika Nightfire: mom
Soya Ethaniel: it's cool, isn't it?
Wol Euler: ja,a der übersezt halt.
Wol Euler: und zwar alles das der hört ...
Daemonika Nightfire: ok , habe ihn an
Daemonika's translator: ok, have at him
Wol Euler laughs
Soya Ethaniel: meine güte
Soya Ethaniel: was ein mist
Daemonika Nightfire: lol
Daemonika's translator: lol
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Lia Rikugun: :)
Daemonika Nightfire: ich sage doc, der schreibt muell
Daemonika's translator: I say doc, who writes Muell
Müll is garbage.
Lia Rikugun: HAHA
Wol Euler shrugs. For free and instant, it's not htat bad. It has trouble with slang.
Storm Nordwind: I have trouble with any of it!
Soya Ethaniel: okay
Daemonika Nightfire: aber verstehen tu ich dann besser
Daemonika's translator: But I do understand it better
Storm Nordwind: I guess this session goes down as a "not very serious" one ;)
Wol Euler: ah, we're only 22 minutes in!
Fefonz Quan: not in english at least...
Wol Euler: Take the reins, guide us on!
Storm Nordwind: Makes a change from my last two which were quite deep in parts
Soya Ethaniel: okay let's go
Storm Nordwind: I want to ask a question of Fefonz
Fefonz Quan listening
Storm Nordwind: Did you get a chance to read the stuff from the summer that I gave you links too this time last weekk?
Storm Nordwind remembers we talked about YSBS and ESBS that Fefonz had not heard of
Fefonz Quan: not yet, but sure going to do so.
Fefonz Quan: yes we did
Fefonz Quan: had troubles with TIME :)
Storm Nordwind: ah yes
Storm Nordwind: Remind me what troubles you had :)
Fefonz Quan: (no time to read ;-))
Storm Nordwind: Oh OK
Soya Ethaniel: uhm guys I'm sorry but I have to go now
Storm Nordwind: So we could ask our newcomers initiatory questions like "What is real?" ;)
Soya Ethaniel: bed time ;D
Storm Nordwind: Oh yes of course
Lia Rikugun: bye soya
Wol Euler: tschuss soya, mach#s gut.
Daemonika Nightfire: ok, see you soon soya, it was nice to see you
Daemonika's translator: ok, see you soon soya, it was nice to see you
Storm Nordwind: We hold meetings here every 6 hours
Fefonz Quan: bYE sOYA
Daemonika Nightfire: ♥ *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*. Bye Bye .*´`'*:-.,_,.-:* ♥
Daemonika's translator: ♥ `*. *:-.,_,.-:*'' Bye Bye .*'`'*:-.,_,.-:* ♥
Storm Nordwind: so come back some other time if you wish
Soya Ethaniel: I would really be interested in joining your group, you're cool guys ;d
Storm Nordwind waves
Wol Euler: we try:)
Wol Euler: did you get the notecard?
Soya Ethaniel: yeah
Fefonz Quan: (the caps lock too...)
Wol Euler laughs and thwaps Fefonz with a cushion
Storm Nordwind: haha - Fefonz's capslock is stuck again
Storm Nordwind: Can we all do that Wol?
Fefonz Quan: there are worst locks antway
Wol Euler: :)
Fefonz Quan: yeah...
So Soya left us and we looked for ways to playfully attack Fefonz.
Soya Ethaniel: okay, it was very nice to meet you, hope it wasn't the last time ;D
Soya Ethaniel: bye bye
Storm Nordwind: Bye Soya
Wol Euler: we'll be here :)
Daemonika Nightfire: ♥ *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*. Bye Bye .*´`'*:-.,_,.-:* ♥
Daemonika's translator: ♥ `*. *:-.,_,.-:*'' Bye Bye .*'`'*:-.,_,.-:* ♥
Fefonz Quan: nothing like a nice cushion fight
Storm Nordwind: bye!
Storm Nordwind needs to get some temp rez throwing cushions
Solobill Laville: Dag! Did I miss the cushion fight?
Wol Euler: actually I have a pillow fight object!
Fefonz Quan: Yow Solo
Wol Euler: let me distribute some
Wol Euler: hello solo!
Wol Euler: oh damn, it's no transfer :(
Daemonika Nightfire: Hi !
Daemonika's translator: Hi!
Wol Euler: :-(((((
Fefonz Quan: you got them all, Wol
Snowball Thrower whispers: Use Mouselook (press 'M') to shoot me.
Snowball Thrower whispers: Choose 'Detach' from my menu to take me off.
Solobill Laville looks at Wol...dare ya
Storm Nordwind: uh oh...
Wol Euler: bah
Daemonika Nightfire: hehe
Daemonika's translator: hehe
Daemonika Nightfire: it looks like pillow fight
Daemonika's translator: it looks like pillow fight
I stood up, holding the fearsome pink hammer, striking awe into all those there present.
Solobill Laville: The Hammer of Storm!
Lia Rikugun: :D
Wol Euler: doesn't work!
Storm Nordwind: It's full of love really
Storm Nordwind: Honest
Daemonika Nightfire: lol
Daemonika's translator: lol
Wol Euler: this beats the hell out of philosophy.
Storm Nordwind: Ah i see we have good times happening
Fefonz Quan: yeah, just like zen masters
Wol Euler: what is the sound of one hammer hitting?
Storm Nordwind: Thw...
Storm Nordwind: or ...ack
Solobill Laville: Is this not philosophy?
Solobill Laville: The school of the Pink Hammer
Solobill Laville: squeek :)
Our remaining guest passed me a cup of coffee. I responded by offering champagne to everyone.
Storm Nordwind: Thank you
Wol Euler: ty dae
Fefonz Quan: thanks
Daemonika Nightfire: yw
Daemonika's translator: yw
Lia Rikugun: ty
Solobill Laville: :)
Wol Euler: ah!
Fefonz Quan: blopop
Daemonika Nightfire: cool
Daemonika's translator: cool
Fefonz Quan: like we couldn't get silly before the alcohol ;-)
Storm Nordwind: hehe!
Solobill Laville: prosecco, perchance?
Lia Rikugun: enjoying life
Storm Nordwind: Please take a glass
Solobill Laville finishes his kaffee
Daemonika Nightfire: thanks but i drink not alkohol
Daemonika's translator: thanks but i not drink alcohol
Bottle of Fremont whispers: Touch the top of the bottle to open
Lia Rikugun: cheers !
Solobill Laville: just sparkling grape juice Dae :)
Daemonika Nightfire: hehe
Daemonika's translator: hehe
Storm Nordwind: For the coffee drinkers then
An espresso machine appeared.
Daemonika Nightfire: you must know, i drik coffee only
Daemonika's translator: you must know, i only coffee Drik
Daemonika's translator: ever
Wol Euler: cheers, m'dears
Lia Rikugun: puh, i am getting drunk
Fefonz Quan: Hey Dea, carefull with that fire by the spirits :)
Daemonika Nightfire: ever
Wol Euler wishes she had an Inventory folder in RL ...
Wol Euler: so handy for carrying around large heavy objects.
Daemonika Nightfire: that is a little versions from my fire what i hafe^^
Daemonika's translator: that is a little versions from my fire what i hafe ^ ^
Solobill Laville Solo's wife has one, it's called her car... ;)
Wol Euler: :)
Fefonz Quan: My wife has tooo, it's called my car :)
Everyone on top form!
Solobill Laville: hehee
Wol Euler: hhhhhhhhhhhehe
Solobill Laville: full of all sorts of *interesting* stuff
Fefonz Quan: yow Storm, that drink really brings you down
Fefonz Quan: Hey *****
A new guest arrived, newborn into Second Life that very day.
Daemonika Nightfire: Hi !
Daemonika's translator: Hi!
***** *******: ello
Storm Nordwind: Hi *****
Solobill Laville: Hello, *****, welcome
Lia Rikugun: hello *****
Wol Euler: hello *****, welcome
Storm Nordwind: Happy Birthday *****
Solobill Laville: espresso? coffee?
Wol Euler: yes indeed, welcome to second life!
Lia Rikugun: oh its your birthday? happy birthday!
Lia Rikugun: oh :)
Solobill Laville: AH, SL b-day, nice
Daemonika Nightfire: happy birthday
Daemonika's translator: happy birthday
Wol Euler: he still has that fresh "new avatar" smell :)
Classic Wol!
***** *******: haha
Storm Nordwind clapps his hands laughing in RL
Solobill Laville: lol, I love that smell
Daemonika Nightfire: lol
Daemonika's translator: lol
Fefonz Quan: (what cult is it herer ? ;-))
Fefonz Quan: (next thing will be - we like avatarts)
Wol Euler: this the the temple of St. Sillier.
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Wol Euler: sometimes
Wol Euler: *****, when we aren'T being silly, we are a meditation and discussion group
***** *******: i see :P
Wol Euler: I can give you a notecard that explains who we are, if you are interested.
***** *******: yes i noticed :P
Storm Nordwind: But the meditation is called "Play as Being" and sometimes we just Play
Wol Euler: division of labour, y'see. The later sessions do more Being.
Wol was really on form!
Solobill Laville: (Whoa, that is some tongue, Dae, wowza!)
Fefonz Quan: or bing
***** *******: you already gave me one lol
Wol Euler: oh, not I. Somebody beat me to it, then.
Solobill Laville: That is true, Wol
Storm Nordwind: Twas me
Wol Euler: I have to ask, *****: we publish these meetings on our website. May we have your permission to include your name and comments in the log?
Solobill Laville: I'm all thumbs today...wasn't me
***** *******: ehm I dont think so, nice place, I might come back later on :D
***** *******: at the moment atleast.
Solobill Laville: (standard public disclaimer, the lawyers make us do it)
Wol Euler: ok, fair enough :)
***** *******: see ya all later lol
Lia Rikugun: bye
Solobill Laville: tata
Daemonika Nightfire: ♥ *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*. Bye Bye .*´`'*:-.,_,.-:* ♥
Daemonika's translator: ♥ `*. *:-.,_,.-:*'' Bye Bye .*'`'*:-.,_,.-:* ♥
Fefonz Quan: byw
Wol Euler: I suppose he'll figure out how to put the cup down...
Storm Nordwind: or not
Solobill Laville: Maybe I should've told him we are actually the US Supreme Court on lunch break
Wol Euler: :)
Lia Rikugun: :D
Fefonz Quan: at least he gort some souvenir from us :)
Wol Euler: shhhhh, we don'T want them _all_ to know.
Solobill Laville: ...oops....
Storm Nordwind is an interloper from the Old Bailey
Solobill Laville: oops, not typing, sorry
Fefonz Quan: i saw stim has a meeting today, but changes the topic a little?
Wol Euler: yes, that sounds interesting, I will try to follow those.
Storm Nordwind: hmmm... did we have any homework from the last workshop? I forget
Fefonz Quan: do they move between workshops? or is it the same workshop with a different name?
Fefonz Quan knows it sounds like lame excuses for not doing HW :)
Storm Nordwind: Stim has had computer failure for the last week or so. He should be running it normally but Pema took over for a short while
Wol Euler: oh, wow. and poor stim.
Storm Nordwind: And I've not been able to get to the Pheno workshop because of network problems for the last two weeks
Storm Nordwind: So I'm behind on any homework for that
Storm Nordwind: And I have to write a play over the next two weeks for the Monday workshop!
Fefonz Quan: well, that sonds cool
Fefonz Quan: sounds*
Solobill Laville is impressed by Storm's workshop efforts
Wol Euler: you'll be busy!
Storm Nordwind: They're good fun
Storm Nordwind: Yeah... and somehow I have to prepare for Kira's 12th anniversary celebrations
Storm Nordwind: Build stuff, maintain the sim builds etc
Wol Euler: and then after lunch ...
Solobill Laville: :)
Storm Nordwind: yeah... if only
Daemonika Nightfire: sorry i hafe to go
Daemonika's translator: sorry i hafe to go
Fefonz Quan: Bye Daemonika, nice meeting you
Storm Nordwind: OK. Nice to see you
Lia Rikugun: byebye dae
Solobill Laville: So long, Dae, good to meet you
Daemonika Nightfire: thanks you too
Storm Nordwind waves
Wol Euler: ciao, dae, hat mich gefreut dich kennenzulernen
Daemonika Nightfire: i hafe a LM
Daemonika's translator: i hafe a LM
Daemonika Nightfire: see you soon
Daemonika's translator: see you soon
Wol Euler: we'll be here
Storm Nordwind: Every 6 hours
Daemonika Nightfire: ok^^
Daemonika's translator: ok ^ ^
Daemonika Nightfire: ♥ *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*. Bye Bye .*´`'*:-.,_,.-:* ♥
Daemonika's translator: ♥ `*. *:-.,_,.-:*'' Bye Bye .*'`'*:-.,_,.-:* ♥
Wol Euler: well, not the same people, clearly :)
Fefonz Quan: tschuess
Storm Nordwind does not rise to Wol's comment!
Wol Euler: :)
Our remaining guest had gone and another Kira Cafe workshop called us.
Storm Nordwind: Time for the Cafe?
Wol Euler: oh yes.
Wol Euler: have to get a good seat.
Fefonz Quan: yep.
Storm Nordwind: hehe!
Lia Rikugun: :)
Fefonz Quan: see who gets first :)
Storm Nordwind: Race you
Fefonz Quan: bye guys :)
Fefonz Quan: see you
Lia Rikugun: byebye
Wol Euler: no fair, storm knows the back door!
Storm Nordwind can lock others out
Wol Euler: lia, are you coming?
Wol Euler: solo?
Lia Rikugun: yes i am
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