2011.12.05 07:00 - Castles, Xenophobia and Brutality

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Zen Arado. The comments are by Zen Arado. Present were Bleu Oleander, Korel Laloix, Santoshima Resident, Xirana Oximoxi and myself

    Weather and introductions:

    Zen Arado: Hi Korel
    Zen Arado: Hi Santo
    Santoshima Resident: and hi Korel :)
    Zen Arado: think she's away
    Santoshima Resident: oh
    Santoshima Resident: how are you, Zen?
    Zen Arado: not bad ty
    Zen Arado: and you?
    Santoshima Resident: pretty ok
    Zen Arado: it's cold here
    Santoshima Resident: yes?
    Zen Arado: had snow on hills
    Santoshima Resident: snow yet, ice?
    Zen Arado: not at low level yet
    Santoshima Resident: hmmm
    Santoshima Resident: same here
    Santoshima Resident: mountains north of the city covered
    Santoshima Resident: feels like snow below
    Santoshima Resident: and smells
    Zen Arado: Vancouver?
    Santoshima Resident: hi Korel
    Santoshima Resident: yes, Vancouver
    Zen Arado: Hi Korel
    Zen Arado: it doesn't get too cold there
    Zen Arado: ?
    Zen Arado: bit lie UK climate
    Zen Arado: like
    Santoshima Resident: well, it gets cold for about 2 months
    Santoshima Resident: and moreso over the many years i've been here
    Santoshima Resident: winter has snow blizzards
    Santoshima Resident: sometimes in Feb
    Santoshima Resident: snow comes, and maybe lasts fora couple weeks
    Zen Arado: not like Winnipeg though?
    Santoshima Resident: not like Winnipeg
    Santoshima Resident: there: it's a deep freeze, and dry
    Santoshima Resident: here, ocean-air, wet cold
    Zen Arado: we had snow arounnd this time last two years
    Santoshima Resident: yeah?
    Zen Arado: unusual though
    Santoshima Resident: right
    Santoshima Resident: what palce are you living? if you care to say
    Zen Arado: Carrickfergus, N.Ireland
    Zen Arado: Hi Xirana :)
    Xirana Oximoxi: hello Zen, Korel, San :)
    Santoshima Resident: hello Xirana :)
    Santoshima Resident: how are you both, Korel, Xirana?
    Xirana Oximoxi: I am fine ty:) wonderful weather and a lot of work at the end of the semester of my studies...I am stressed :))


    Zen Arado: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE3dH7xKykc
    Zen Arado: our song
    Zen Arado: study sure is stressful
    Xirana Oximoxi: so nice song Zen!!
    Santoshima Resident: how beautiful, Zen ...
    Zen Arado: the town where I live
    Xirana Oximoxi: is it a traditional Irish song?
    Santoshima Resident: the song and the images,
    Xirana Oximoxi: yes...images too... relaxing :)
    Zen Arado: it has a history
    Zen Arado: the song I mean
    Santoshima Resident: yes?
    Zen Arado: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrickfergus_%28song%29
    Santoshima Resident: it has a very old ballad feel ... carries a lot
    Zen Arado: yo would think someone was homesick and sat down and wrote the song but life is never as simple :)
    Santoshima Resident: yes, there are different streams in it
    Zen Arado: the name means Rock of Fergus
    Zen Arado: Fergus was a Scorttish king who came to dring at a spring there

    Castles and their purpose:

    Zen Arado: the Castle is built on an outcrop of rock
    Zen Arado: dates back to 1180
    Zen Arado: a Norman castle
    Xirana Oximoxi: :) quite ancient:)
    Xirana Oximoxi: in Spain near all so old castles were destroyd... they were a fortified place for 'robbers' :)... but there are still some on
    Xirana Oximoxi: robbers= thiefs
    Santoshima Resident: thank you for that ~ rock of Fergus ... is the castle accessible to people now, Zen?
    Santoshima Resident: do local people go there?
    Xirana Oximoxi: hello Bleu:)
    Bleu Oleander: hi everyone :)
    Zen Arado: Hi Bleu :)
    Santoshima Resident: hi Bleu :)
    Zen Arado: oh yes it is a big draw for tourists
    Zen Arado: they have a medieval banquet in it every year
    Zen Arado: Lugnasa
    Zen Arado: http://www.discovernorthernireland.c...ckfergus-P2814
    Zen Arado: it was a military garrison
    Zen Arado: there is a virtual visit on that page
    Zen Arado: I think it looks ugly
    Xirana Oximoxi: :)
    Zen Arado: not a thing of beauty
    Santoshima Resident: yeah, can't imagine that type of building being built for any other purpose.
    Zen Arado: squat and menacing as it says there
    Santoshima Resident: the building ugly, zen? or the web page?
    Santoshima Resident: oh
    Zen Arado: the castle
    Santoshima Resident: yes
    Xirana Oximoxi: welll ..sometimes they were the only place for poeple to be sure
    Xirana Oximoxi: whe pirats came
    Zen Arado: yes ensured safety I guess
    Santoshima Resident: yes, in Spain, Xirana, who destoryed the ancient castles?
    Santoshima Resident: destroyed
    Santoshima Resident: as you said ...
    Bleu Oleander: that's what fortresses were for? protection? not beauty?
    Xirana Oximoxi: usually the autorities... the kings... they were not able to get in and catch the bandits, and the best solution they found was to drestroy it completely ...
    Zen Arado: hmmm interesting Xirana
    Zen Arado: I thouhgt they were for protecting armies
    Zen Arado: robbers must have used them after
    Xirana Oximoxi: also there were always wars between the different territories
    Xirana Oximoxi: yes... that was after...
    Zen Arado: yes
    Zen Arado: waves of invaders
    Zen Arado: towns had walls fro protection


    Bleu Oleander: xenophobia
    Zen Arado: well invaders were a real threat then I think
    Xirana Oximoxi: yes... and also a matter of religion... catholic church against 'catars? a new branch of the religion that critiziced the behaviour of catholics...
    Santoshima Resident: cathars? like in france?
    Xirana Oximoxi: yes... there were also some in the noord of catalonia (I think)...
    Bleu Oleander: fear of foreigners or strangers ... fear of those different from us .... walls protect "us" from "them"
    Santoshima Resident: especially if the other intend to do bodily harm ...
    Bleu Oleander: how we define "us" ... how wide is our "us" ...
    Santoshima Resident: big stone walls, the order of the day
    Zen Arado: yes...the word xenophobia seems to relate to an irrational fear nowadays
    Zen Arado: but it was real then
    Bleu Oleander: xenophobia is real now too
    Santoshima Resident: yes
    Santoshima Resident: it is
    Santoshima Resident: genocide real now, too
    Bleu Oleander: yes, the more we recognize it the better we can be to work on reducing it
    Zen Arado: 'In May 1315 Edward Bruce, brother of the legendary Scottish king Robert, landed at Olderfleet near Larne and besieged the castle for over a year. Three years later, the English army defeated Bruce at the Battle of Foghart near Dundalk, Co Louth. In retreat the Scottish soldiers laid waste to the town and countryside of Carrickfergus. The town was again razed in 1386 and 1402, destroying much of the original settlement. '
    Zen Arado: must have been tough those days
    Santoshima Resident: yeah,
    Bleu Oleander: we are having a big symposium on xenophobia this spring
    Zen Arado: now we worry about the economy :)
    Santoshima Resident: where, Bleu?
    Zen Arado: oh say more Bkeu?
    Bleu Oleander: at ARizona State Univ in Tempe, AZ
    Santoshima Resident: hmm, can you send an info link to web if there is one?
    Bleu Oleander: there will be a public panel discussion as well
    Zen Arado: well it is justified in some cases ?
    Bleu Oleander: http://origins.asu.edu/events/xenophobia/
    Santoshima Resident: thanks, bleu
    Zen Arado: ty Bleu
    Santoshima Resident: this looks great
    Bleu Oleander: we'll be involved with several of the events
    Bleu Oleander: so yes, should be great
    Santoshima Resident: who is "we"?
    Bleu Oleander: my arts and cultural group
    Santoshima Resident: ah
    Zen Arado: I read that originally humans lived in groups of about 150 people and it was healthy to fear other groups
    Xirana Oximoxi: sounds really interesting
    Bleu Oleander: my husband and I direct it
    Santoshima Resident: the arts and cultural group? or the forum?
    Bleu Oleander: the arts and cultural group
    Santoshima Resident: hmm
    Bleu Oleander: Phoenix based
    Santoshima Resident: a lot of preparation to do for such an event
    Bleu Oleander: yes!
    Bleu Oleander: http://origins.asu.edu/ is the oganization putting on the symposium
    Xirana Oximoxi: human's group`s were fighting to get the basic to live... hunting... but humanity shuld have changed some of this behaviour if it's possible... or maybe we are still fighting for this?
    Santoshima Resident: 150 people, Zen, seems village-sized / maybe a few extended families
    Xirana Oximoxi: oops, sorry
    Santoshima Resident: np :)
    Zen Arado: np
    Xirana Oximoxi: :)
    Zen Arado: it was a book called Buddha's Brain
    Santoshima Resident: hmm
    Zen Arado: I forget the details but it was a good size for survival at that stage
    Zen Arado: hhunter gatherers
    Zen Arado: but we still have these tendencies and that is maladaptive nowadays
    Santoshima Resident: yes
    Zen Arado: when we have to live in large groups
    Bleu Oleander: in some sense every stage of survival has been successful ... here we are
    Zen Arado: and with other nationalities
    Zen Arado: eventually we will adapt again I guess
    Zen Arado: but will have trouble until we do
    Zen Arado: yes Bleu
    Zen Arado: we made it so far
    Zen Arado: maybe we have been too successful
    Zen Arado: increased too fast
    Bleu Oleander: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/09/bo...pagewanted=all
    Bleu Oleander: great new book
    Bleu Oleander: a more positive view

    Are we brutal in essence?

    Zen Arado: if you look back at the brutality of the past we seem remarkably peaceful now
    Bleu Oleander: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_a..._a_chance.html
    Xirana Oximoxi: thanks Bleu... I'll read it later:)... the introoductions sets a question I sometimes ask myself, are we humans voiollent in essence?
    Xirana Oximoxi: violent*
    Zen Arado: (life was) 'nasty ,poor brutish and short ' as Hobbes said
    Bleu Oleander: yes
    Santoshima Resident: thanks, Bleu ~ will read more fully later
    Xirana Oximoxi: Zen..I don't see paceful at all now...and plus, we have information about all corners of the world
    Zen Arado: true Xirana but in relation to the past
    Xirana Oximoxi: worse now... because weapons are more powerful
    Zen Arado: think of WW1 and 2
    Xirana Oximoxi: ahhh ok!!
    Santoshima Resident: perhaps just the means of injury is different
    Santoshima Resident: more efficient
    Santoshima Resident: and hidden
    Zen Arado: potential is there for such annihilation though
    Bleu Oleander: the essence of Pinker's book is that we are becoming less violent
    Xirana Oximoxi: that was absolutely terrible Zen, you are right
    Zen Arado: we are fed a diet of how bad things are by the media
    Bleu Oleander: fear based control
    Zen Arado: and there is still brutality
    Santoshima Resident: without a doubt
    Zen Arado: even crime punishments were so brutal
    Zen Arado: boiling in oil for sheep stealing
    Xirana Oximoxi: I must go now... thanks for all this interesting information you've shared :)
    Zen Arado: or hanging for same offence
    Bleu Oleander: bye Xirana
    Bleu Oleander: nice to see you!
    Xirana Oximoxi: bye tc all :)
    Zen Arado: bye Xirana :)
    Santoshima Resident: take good care, ZXirana ~ all best with the final days of the term
    Santoshima Resident: i better go too ~ thanks for this conversation
    Bleu Oleander: me too
    Zen Arado: ok ty for coming San
    Bleu Oleander: bye everyone ... take care
    Zen Arado: bye Bleu
    Zen Arado: byee everyone
    Santoshima Resident: byee Zen
    Santoshima Resident: bye Korel :)

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