2011.12.16 19:00 - It's all gray to me

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Sylectra Darwin. The comments are by Sylectra Darwin.




    stevenaia Michinaga: waves
    Sylectra Darwin: hiya
    Ewan Bonham: Hello folks
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi cloud of Sylectra
    Sylectra Darwin: Hi Ewan, Hi Stev
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi Ewan
    stevenaia Michinaga: I was jsut like that for the past 2 days
    Sylectra Darwin: just downloaded the new viewer which I guess has totally messed up my wardrobe
    Sylectra Darwin: Hey San
    Santoshima Resident: hey
    Ewan Bonham: Syl...which one...Firestorm?
    Santoshima Resident: you were like what, stevenaia?
    Sylectra Darwin: just Second Life viewer 3.2.5 I think
    stevenaia Michinaga: a cloud and couldn;t put any clothes on when I rezzed
    Sylectra Darwin: i love the little fairy lites
    stevenaia Michinaga: you can reboot yourself by going to Advances:Character: Test character
    stevenaia Michinaga: when you get sick of the red cloud
    Santoshima Resident: firestorm is a drag
    Sylectra Darwin: There, I tried to rebake, let's see if that helps
    stevenaia Michinaga: nope
    Ewan Bonham: Yes, that often helps..
    Ewan Bonham: Brb
    stevenaia Michinaga: there you are
    stevenaia Michinaga: lucky you
    Sylectra Darwin: k
    Sylectra Darwin: Stev, try rebaking
    stevenaia Michinaga: I couldn;tmput on a stitch of clothes
    stevenaia Michinaga: I'm good
    Sylectra Darwin: hehe
    Santoshima Resident: you still look grey to me
    Sylectra Darwin: brb - beverage
    Santoshima Resident: how are you (you who are here ...)?
    stevenaia Michinaga: you say I look grey?
    Santoshima Resident: no, it was Sylectra
    stevenaia Michinaga: she looks fine to me
    Santoshima Resident: but that has changed since she left to get a beverage
    stevenaia Michinaga: must be the beverage


    Stevenaia_in fun fur.jpg

    Santoshima Resident: stevenaia, i changed to firestorm a couple days ago
    Sylectra Darwin: back
    Santoshima Resident: can you tell me whether you cahnged your face since I last saw you
    stevenaia Michinaga: how was it
    stevenaia Michinaga: is it
    Santoshima Resident: or whether you look different because of FS
    Sylectra Darwin: Who me?
    Santoshima Resident: no stev
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes, I had to totally remake myself
    Santoshima Resident: oh, that's it
    Sylectra Darwin: I did change my skin last time I was logged in
    Sylectra Darwin: Stev is still gray to me
    Santoshima Resident: where' d you go?
    Ewan Bonham: Wow...thaty is quite a job...:)
    Santoshima Resident: yeah
    stevenaia Michinaga: no idea what my body was since i haf it for so long
    stevenaia Michinaga: what a pain
    Ewan Bonham: Sounds like rl..
    Santoshima Resident: somebody going to claim this puppy?
    Sylectra Darwin: oops!
    stevenaia Michinaga: it's sylectra's to claim,
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    Sylectra Darwin: done
    Santoshima Resident: thanks!
    Sylectra Darwin: You're welcome?
    Sylectra Darwin: It's my pleasure entirely.
    stevenaia Michinaga: very long week
    stevenaia Michinaga: how is everyone else?
    Ewan Bonham: I am well, thanks..:)
    Santoshima Resident: ok, thanks
    Santoshima Resident: ready to hibernate
    Sylectra Darwin: Pretty good, thanks!
    Sylectra Darwin: Have you been working hard, Stev?
    stevenaia Michinaga: I've been busy and distracted
    Sylectra Darwin: Holiday plans?
    Santoshima Resident: how is that?
    stevenaia Michinaga: that too, lots of meetings
    Sylectra Darwin: I find it's difficult this time of year to focus
    Ewan Bonham: I also find it hard..feel in a daze..
    Santoshima Resident: sylectra, i just sent a snap of you to include with the log
    Santoshima Resident: and of steve
    Santoshima Resident: (soon: Ewen)
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    Sylectra Darwin: oh thanks!
    Santoshima Resident: waiting for you to change from grey, Ewen
    Ewan Bonham: thanks..
    Santoshima Resident: for best possible image
    Santoshima Resident: everyone tired? shall we just sit?
    Santoshima Resident: want to hear some music?
    Sylectra Darwin: sure
    Santoshima Resident: a moment, will get a good link
    stevenaia Michinaga: thanks
    Santoshima Resident: i might get blasted out of SL ... but i'll be back!
    Sylectra Darwin: does anyone know about the fairy lights?
    stevenaia Michinaga: no
    stevenaia Michinaga: you looking for some?
    Santoshima Resident: w.youtube.com/watch?v=x07Q79cVHVU / Puzzle Muteson 'En Garde' (Bedroom Community) / shall we listen together?
    Santoshima Resident: 4
    Santoshima Resident: 3
    Santoshima Resident: 2
    Santoshima Resident: 1
    Santoshima Resident: go
    Sylectra Darwin: um, my link didn't work?
    Santoshima Resident: awww
    Santoshima Resident: let me find another for you
    Santoshima Resident: doesn't have the same video attached, but here's the song
    Santoshima Resident: http://puzzlemuteson.bandcamp.com/al...n-garde-single
    Sylectra Darwin: maybe it had a space in it or soething?
    Multiverse1 Resident: hi ya'all
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi Multi
    Multiverse1 Resident: no space here
    Sylectra Darwin: Hi Multi!
    Santoshima Resident: nope copied from the address
    Sylectra Darwin: Join us?
    Santoshima Resident: hi multi :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: hi san
    Multiverse1 Resident: and ewan
    Multiverse1 Resident: sylectra
    Sylectra Darwin: got it, thank you
    Multiverse1 Resident: and stevie
    Santoshima Resident: try this sylectra:
    Santoshima Resident: http://vimeo.com/23645249
    Sylectra Darwin: nice music
    Sylectra Darwin: what's with the hand?
    Santoshima Resident: dunno
    Santoshima Resident: mudra?
    Multiverse1 Resident: i see the blede before it comes out
    Santoshima Resident: blede?
    Multiverse1 Resident: Blade of the knife
    Multiverse1 Resident: finally I can begin to here it , but alas the web is malfunctioning
    Multiverse1 Resident: . Ill give you one
    Santoshima Resident: another one for the log, sylectra ... a couple more coming up
    stevenaia Michinaga: thanks san
    Santoshima Resident: when you floks use the internet while in SL, does it take forever to load?
    Santoshima Resident: does it bog down the visuals and text?
    Multiverse1 Resident: Sounds good while I search
    Sylectra Darwin: oh cute one of Stev, thanks
    Sylectra Darwin: brb
    stevenaia Michinaga: depends on the connection speed
    Santoshima Resident: floks = folks
    Santoshima Resident: k
    Multiverse1 Resident: all set now
    Multiverse1 Resident: http://open.spotify.com/track/6snOxkI7PPvzXjzeqjeySz
    Santoshima Resident: loading ...
    Santoshima Resident: whatsat?
    Santoshima Resident: says, that i need "spotify"
    Multiverse1 Resident: It's not your style but very good friends. Google ordinary god, from Craving Lucy
    Multiverse1 Resident: well it is what it is
    Multiverse1 Resident: or for 99 cents from amazon?
    Multiverse1 Resident: not really important, however the music is.
    Multiverse1 Resident: http://open.spotify.com/track/6snOxkI7PPvzXjzeqjeySz for example. Many of my friends for many years are musisicions
    Multiverse1 Resident: oh well, music? Is that the topic haere?
    Multiverse1 Resident: here
    Multiverse1 Resident: there?
    stevenaia Michinaga: the topic is unwinding
    Santoshima Resident: people are tired, music was offered :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: didn't mean to intrude
    Santoshima Resident: here's a link for yours, Multi:
    Santoshima Resident: http://grooveshark.com/#/s/~/2NNI5H?src=11
    Multiverse1 Resident: I will check it out in 17.3 increments.
    Multiverse1 Resident: my ex wife had a wonderful saying. this is me, is that you?
    Multiverse1 Resident: I know a band callled groove child
    Multiverse1 Resident: Cool , you found it otherwise
    Santoshima Resident: sure
    Multiverse1 Resident: I'm Alive
    Multiverse1 Resident: . Craving Lucy
    Multiverse1 Resident: mny friends
    Multiverse1 Resident: Justin, Nate and many others
    Multiverse1 Resident: You should see this LIVE!
    Multiverse1 Resident: Ordinary God, is thier new release
    Multiverse1 Resident: their
    Tess Aristocrat: Hello all
    Multiverse1 Resident: hi tess
    Santoshima Resident: hello Tess ;)
    Ewan Bonham: Hi Tess..
    Sylectra Darwin: Hello Tess!
    Multiverse1 Resident: Are you alive?
    Multiverse1 Resident: is the virtual tree?
    Multiverse1 Resident: or your pillow?
    Multiverse1 Resident: or the fountain is , perhaps
    Multiverse1 Resident: oh well, my contribution is ended.
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    Sylectra Darwin: Tess, you look lovely
    Tess Aristocrat: Thank you
    Sylectra Darwin: Not sure I understand, Multiverse - can you explain?
    Multiverse1 Resident: by the way, spotify is a facebook ap, and you can find very obscure music there
    Sylectra Darwin: I tried logging into Spotify but couldn't seem to make it work for me
    Sylectra Darwin: Seems great
    Multiverse1 Resident: you can sign in as john doe 444444444444444.
    Santoshima Resident: "no more apps" is my rally cry
    Multiverse1 Resident: not really important
    Multiverse1 Resident: 1 increment please



    Ewan Bonham: Thank you all...will see you soon...:)
    Multiverse1 Resident: haha, thank you the entity of the bell. And you play as being here?
    Santoshima Resident: bye Ewen, take care
    stevenaia Michinaga: night Ewaan, nice to see you again
    Multiverse1 Resident: night
    Multiverse1 Resident: 90 increments please. Does anyone know what an increment is?
    Sylectra Darwin: night
    stevenaia Michinaga: seconda?
    stevenaia Michinaga: s
    Multiverse1 Resident: I've never done this, so since I'm being here I shall investigate.
    Multiverse1 Resident: An increment is equal to plank lenght times plank time. Max Plank.
    Multiverse1 Resident: brb
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi Paradise
    Sylectra Darwin: Hey Paradise!
    Paradise Tennant: hiya stev .. san sylectra tess multi :))
    Santoshima Resident: Paradise, in carmine! lovely to see you ~
    Paradise Tennant: just finished listening to a frogg and jaycatt concert :)
    Paradise Tennant: kind of mellow :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: Planck summary
    Sylectra Darwin: from Science Friday group?
    Multiverse1 Resident: it's a long and boring story
    Multiverse1 Resident: who' the frog
    Multiverse1 Resident: hi paradise
    Multiverse1 Resident: next tyme observerm is here, I'm going to im it.
    Multiverse1 Resident: I will find the book on observers
    Paradise Tennant: hmm sounds like an interesting book
    Tess Aristocrat: ok
    Multiverse1 Resident: we are each our own in every increment
    Sylectra Darwin: I think I saw the Frog event announced on the Science Friday Group about an hour ago
    Multiverse1 Resident: yes it's about an observer though all of tyme, and space
    Multiverse1 Resident: through
    Paradise Tennant: smiles observerm would like that :)
    Paradise Tennant: brb
    Multiverse1 Resident: in and about , you may say
    Multiverse1 Resident: it's our nature
    Multiverse1 Resident: believe what you will, San can you find ordinary god, from the craving lucy people?
    Multiverse1 Resident: Justin got a new pickup from his dad yesterday. In louisiana
    Santoshima Resident: Shantala Shivalingappa - SOLO - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSYCSxRvT0I
    Santoshima Resident: a little different
    Multiverse1 Resident: i am a music Fiend, all over the world in many tymes and places. I note as you. We are human metronimes
    Multiverse1 Resident: metronomes
    Multiverse1 Resident: knomes
    Multiverse1 Resident: and they are from Nome Alaska!
    Sylectra Darwin: lovely
    Santoshima Resident: :)
    Sylectra Darwin: It looks kindof like balinese dance
    Multiverse1 Resident: I have heard music in sl. that was the best so far.
    Multiverse1 Resident: or this
    Multiverse1 Resident: I'm listening, the visual is an add on.
    Santoshima Resident: she is a Kuchipudi dancer (classical Indian dance form)
    Multiverse1 Resident: I'd rather feel it.
    Sylectra Darwin: shes great
    Multiverse1 Resident: then I'll watch what happened then and there
    Paradise Tennant: wow
    Santoshima Resident: yes, she is
    stevenaia Michinaga: thanks that was lovely
    Multiverse1 Resident: wow, saw her last movements. I shall watch the entire entity in some form of increments
    Multiverse1 Resident: music, is a wonderful topic
    stevenaia Michinaga: bedtime for me...yawn
    stevenaia Michinaga: night all
    Paradise Tennant: nite nite stev :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: bye stevie
    stevenaia Michinaga: have a good weekend
    Tess Aristocrat: you too ㋡
    Multiverse1 Resident: you also
    Multiverse1 Resident: well, how deep is the well this increment
    Santoshima Resident: nite stevenaia
    Multiverse1 Resident: a virtual world indeed, ha
    Multiverse1 Resident: communication device, would being in a more accurate decription
    Sylectra Darwin: Stev poofed
    Multiverse1 Resident: poof
    Paradise Tennant: he was sleepy
    Paradise Tennant: this is an amazing dancer
    Multiverse1 Resident: well been ther, just not at this increment
    Sylectra Darwin: nods
    Multiverse1 Resident: performer
    Santoshima Resident: sometime check her classical dances
    Multiverse1 Resident: life
    Multiverse1 Resident: vigor
    Santoshima Resident: goodnight everyone
    Multiverse1 Resident: night san
    Tess Aristocrat: night ㋡
    Paradise Tennant: nite nite san :)
    Sylectra Darwin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkLrFpo0lHA
    Multiverse1 Resident: moon, love it already
    Multiverse1 Resident: how many moons are in the multiverse?
    Sylectra Darwin: As many as you want!
    Multiverse1 Resident: think, before you answer
    Multiverse1 Resident: as many as you want, of course is correct
    Paradise Tennant: smiles think I may say good nite and thank you too :) getting sleepy :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: night paradise
    Sylectra Darwin: See you, Paradise
    Tess Aristocrat: bye Para
    Paradise Tennant: nite nite sylectra tess multi
    Multiverse1 Resident: tess and sylectra, do you posess music in your inventory?
    Sylectra Darwin: sure
    Sylectra Darwin: ambient, classical, electronica, folk, more
    Multiverse1 Resident: sample please miss/
    Multiverse1 Resident: anything for this entity
    Multiverse1 Resident: I listen to people playing anything they can
    Sylectra Darwin: computer is slowing way down at the moment
    Sylectra Darwin: I am trying to load ITunes but it's not working
    Multiverse1 Resident: or not, it's a thing with me
    Multiverse1 Resident: apple
    Sylectra Darwin: yes
    Tess Aristocrat: Oh, Sylectra..
    Multiverse1 Resident: mac
    Sylectra Darwin: ?
    Multiverse1 Resident: oh what
    Tess Aristocrat: Have you downloaded the latest java update?
    Sylectra Darwin: no, why?
    Multiverse1 Resident: darwin. I liked his ideas
    Tess Aristocrat: you should, and get rid of all the old ones.
    Multiverse1 Resident: sylectra, what of the darwin in your name?
    Multiverse1 Resident: hi tes
    Multiverse1 Resident: tess
    Sylectra Darwin: Is it a security thing?
    Tess Aristocrat: yes
    Tess Aristocrat: One of the old applications can be corrupted
    Multiverse1 Resident: oh, firewall protection, no. perrmissions
    Multiverse1 Resident: have to open a portal
    Multiverse1 Resident: specific
    Multiverse1 Resident: if you want
    Sylectra Darwin: I'll check it out after I leave here, thank you
    Tess Aristocrat: night ㋡
    Sylectra Darwin: night
    Multiverse1 Resident: by
    Sylectra Darwin: I'm going too.
    Multiverse1 Resident: by
    Sylectra Darwin: Have a good night, Multiverse
    Sylectra Darwin: It was nice talking with you!
    Multiverse1 Resident: it's always day or night miss
    Multiverse1 Resident: just depends on the observer
    Multiverse1 Resident: you also

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