Wol Euler was guardian for this session, and will add comments later.
Tarmel Udimo: hey there
Wol Euler: good morning/evening, moyra and tarmel :)
Tarmel Udimo: Moyra was just visiting
Tarmel Udimo: so i draged her along
Wol Euler smiles.
Tarmel Udimo: finally wearing fael's tatoo
Tarmel Udimo: crashed
Wol Euler: we scared her away
Tarmel Udimo: hehehe
Wol Euler: so, how are you? We haven't met in ages
Tarmel Udimo: no it happen twice in the last hour
Wol Euler: ah
Tarmel Udimo: I am great!
Wol Euler: wb moyra, hello calvino
Tarmel Udimo: WB Moyra Hi calvino
Calvino Rabeni: hello :)
Tarmel Udimo: Calvino this Moyra
Tarmel Udimo: a friend
Wol Euler: a talented builder :)
Tarmel Udimo: yes
Tarmel Udimo: So.......
Calvino Rabeni: Moyra - good to meet you
Tarmel Udimo: gosh a really big lag
Moyra Ares: hi
Tarmel Udimo: Moyra was trying to teach me how to webstream
Wol Euler: ooooh
Tarmel Udimo: she did it in 30 secs
Moyra Ares: sorry to many programs were running at the same time on my computer..SL dont like it
Wol Euler: mmhmm
Tarmel Udimo: and I'm still trying to do it an hour later:)
Tarmel Udimo: that was very fast Moyra
Tarmel Udimo: you have changed your hair calvino
Wol Euler: and his shape :)
Calvino Rabeni: Still looking for good hair. I like this a little better than before
Calvino Rabeni: Although I bought it under suspicious pretenses
Wol Euler: oh, that reminds me, I promised you some LMs
Tarmel Udimo: and you have on glasses Wol
Calvino Rabeni: This vendor was unethical or made a mistake. I guess U get caught sometime in SL
Wol Euler: O.O
Wol Euler: log in to the SL website, with your username, and check your transaction record. If it is wrong, copy that and IM it to the store owner
Wol Euler: they should refund the difference
Calvino Rabeni: I clicked for info - and it said "you just bought..." for big $L
Calvino Rabeni: Then I clicked Cancel, but it did not cancel
Tarmel Udimo: yes that happened to me with a translator I bought
Wol Euler: huh
Calvino Rabeni: Yep
Tarmel Udimo: but it was an update
Tarmel Udimo: and i clicked to see what the update was
Tarmel Udimo: and then it said It was download and please pay!
Calvino Rabeni: I left a complaint but not reply
Tarmel Udimo: oh you did better than me
Tarmel Udimo: hopefully they won't come running aftre me
Tarmel Udimo: ok check this out
Tarmel Udimo: let me try again
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: close ...
Tarmel Udimo: there you go for the german speaking av's
Tarmel Udimo: is it bad german
Wol Euler: mmhmm :)
Tarmel Udimo: very bad?
Wol Euler: well, not *very* bad, certainly better than nothing
Tarmel Udimo: you speak german too don't you Moyra
Wol Euler: it's inaccurate, that's all
Moyra Ares: yes i speak german too
Wol Euler: hello alf
Tarmel Udimo: are you being padantic or
Alfred Kelberry: hey guys
Tarmel Udimo: hey Alfred
Alfred Kelberry: guten morgen :P
Tarmel Udimo: hey hey
Moyra Ares: guten morgen
Alfred Kelberry: oh, tarmel!
Alfred Kelberry: haven't seen you for ages! :)
Tarmel Udimo: yes it has been
Alfred Kelberry: i guess our timing sucks :)
Tarmel Udimo: we used to see each other in the Kira
Wol Euler: not *just* pedantry :) the first sentence made no sense at all
Tarmel Udimo: oh noioooooooo
Wol Euler: and that one too was nonsense :)
Alfred Kelberry: how are you, tarmy?
Wol Euler: but ... ok
Tarmel Udimo: very good
Tarmel Udimo: hey Alfred meet Moyra
Alfred Kelberry: i see wol is having her own private german session :)
Tarmel Udimo: who is a bigger geek than you:)
Wol Euler chortles
Tarmel Udimo: grins
Alfred Kelberry: hey, i don't know this word
Calvino Rabeni: Who is der biggest geek
Tarmel Udimo: Awell true we have three geeks here
Tarmel Udimo: wol, alfred, moyra
Wol Euler grins.
Tarmel Udimo: :)))))))))))))
Alfred Kelberry: chortle: laugh quietly or with restraint
Tarmel Udimo: so Alfred how are you?
Calvino Rabeni: I think four at least
Alfred Kelberry: i'm good, thanks - got my rl hair in sl yesterday :)
Alfred Kelberry: well, almost rl :)
Tarmel Udimo: are you one too Calvino
Calvino Rabeni: guilty
Moyra Ares: brb
Calvino Rabeni: What are some defining characteristics of geek-hood?
Alfred Kelberry: glasses :P
Wol Euler: infinite curiosity
Alfred Kelberry: tada!
Alfred Kelberry: wol is sophisticated, as usual :)
Tarmel Udimo: yes
Wol Euler: hehehehe
Tarmel Udimo: BRB
Alfred Kelberry: must be another characteristics :)
Calvino Rabeni: A kind of do-it-yourself attitude
Alfred Kelberry: why are you talking about geeks?
Calvino Rabeni: Geeks are also very self-referential :)
Wol Euler: mmhmm
Wol Euler: yes, very much so.
Wol Euler: and an oddity: we hate to do dull and repetitive work if we can see no point in it
Calvino Rabeni: Got better things to do, we think
Wol Euler: but will be happy to sit for two hours doing the same thing over and over in order to understand something
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, not dull and repetitive to *us*
Calvino Rabeni: Capable of obsessive behavior
Wol Euler: mmhmm, learning is good, and what you do to learn is treated as good.
Calvino Rabeni: will never stop learning
Calvino Rabeni: caffeine is the drug of choice
Wol Euler: yep!
Alfred Kelberry: also, someone who'd read about power grids in bed before sleep :)
Calvino Rabeni: :) :)
Wol Euler: no drugs, seldom alcohol
Wol Euler: and yes, alf, that too
Alfred Kelberry giggles
Wol Euler: we are curious about *everything*, we will read *anything*
Calvino Rabeni: Yes
Calvino Rabeni: Even likes steve martin
Alfred Kelberry: quite fascinating all those transformers and volts
Calvino Rabeni: Maybe male vs female differences as children
Calvino Rabeni: Male ones at least, loved to take machines apart
Wol Euler nods
Wol Euler: tinkering :)
Alfred Kelberry: wol, em.. i don't like to read about medical stuff, biology and chemistry on low level
Calvino Rabeni: Not if it is about something contagious
Wol Euler: heheheh
Wol Euler: another characteristic: squeamish
Calvino Rabeni: Possible hypochondriasis
Calvino Rabeni: and knows words like that
Wol Euler: *collects* words like that
Calvino Rabeni: Probably above-average vocabularies
Alfred Kelberry: crap, i didn't know this one, wol
Calvino Rabeni: that is "geek" for squeamish
Wol Euler: :)
Alfred Kelberry: synonym to eclectic, wol?
Tarmel Udimo: back
Alfred Kelberry: oi, tarmy :)
Tarmel Udimo: also chatting with a friend in my room who has just shown up
Alfred Kelberry: say hi :)
Wol Euler waves to Tarmel's friend.
Tarmel Udimo: will do:)
Tarmel Udimo: here she is:)
Alfred Kelberry: is s/he in sl?
Wol Euler: hello friend, this is SL. It's free and fun.
Wol Euler: and addictive
Alfred Kelberry: ok, i'm going to wave her now...
Alfred Kelberry: /wave
Tarmel Udimo: buenos dias...this is Emilia from the Amazon country
Alfred Kelberry: odd, i don't haver a waving animation :/
Calvino Rabeni: /wave
Wol Euler: hello emilia, welcome aboard
Calvino Rabeni: No
Tarmel Udimo: this is so amazing...soon I'll go on board
Wol Euler: it should be in your inventory: Gestures/Common gestures
Wol Euler: probably deactivaated
Wol Euler grins
Wol Euler: tarmel can get you started, Em
Alfred Kelberry: amazon country? are you a warrior woman or from brazil? :)
Tarmel Udimo: the roots are from brazil bu I am a magic child from peru
Alfred Kelberry: ah, peru - nice place
Alfred Kelberry: i remember long time ago a girl from peru became miss universe :)
Tarmel Udimo: yes she's great I ahve know her for 15 years:)
Alfred Kelberry: Hey!
Wol Euler: wooo
Alfred Kelberry: aha!, it's not wave, but Hey! :)
Alfred Kelberry: even with sound
Alfred Kelberry: 15 years! quite a term :)
Tarmel Udimo: calvino. did you take up the name afterthe great religious reformer
Alfred Kelberry: /wow
Alfred Kelberry: /wow
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Calvino Rabeni: /wow
Alfred Kelberry: got that, wol? :)
Alfred Kelberry: neat
Alfred Kelberry: you look cute in glasses :)
Wol Euler: I deactivated them all :)
Wol Euler: I got annoyed at them spontaneously appearing
Alfred Kelberry: well, it won't stop me from blowing you kisses :)
Alfred Kelberry: wait, what was it?! :)
Calvino Rabeni: blowkiss
Alfred Kelberry: ah, you did? :)
Alfred Kelberry: i missed it
Alfred Kelberry: haha
Alfred Kelberry: neat
Alfred Kelberry: neat
Alfred Kelberry: neat
(Repeat 61 times.)
Alfred Kelberry: oops
Alfred Kelberry: what the hell?
Wol Euler: *that* is why I disabled them all
Alfred Kelberry: ok, my client is acting up again
Alfred Kelberry: why? you think it's cause of gestures?
Calvino Rabeni: I thought that may have been /emphatic neat
Alfred Kelberry: i see a flying girl
Calvino Rabeni: darina
Calvino Rabeni: Hi there
Alfred Kelberry: hey
Alfred Kelberry: safe landing
Shyperson: ty ... sorry to borrring you all ...
Alfred Kelberry: Hey!
Calvino Rabeni: not at all
Wol Euler: have you been here before, Shyperson?
Shyperson: what are you doing here meditation ?
Wol Euler: in theory, yes :=)
Shyperson: no i'm the first time here
Shyperson: in theory :-))
Wol Euler: ok, I'll give you a notecard and an introduction in IM
Shyperson: ty Wol
Calvino Rabeni: Shyperson do you attend events at the Kira Cafe sometimes?
Calvino Rabeni: I saw you there?
Shyperson: Calvino ... i was befor 5 min the first time there
Shyperson: you saw me there today right ?
Calvino Rabeni: Maybe another time
Shyperson: no i'm the first time here
Calvino Rabeni: Would you like to sit around the circle, Shyperson?
Calvino Rabeni: Pretty much anything goes here, for chat
Shyperson: sorry calvino i was in my IM
Shyperson: ty i would like ... bu ti have to leave now and willcome later again ...
Calvino Rabeni: OK :)
Wol Euler: bye Shyperson, take care
Wol Euler: we meet here 1am 7am 1pm 7pm every day
Wol Euler: (not the same people, clearly! :)
Alfred Kelberry: except wol :P
Wol Euler: yep, I never sleep
Shyperson: ok nice ... i wish you all a good time
Shyperson: to the next seeing
Shyperson: bye now
Tarmel Udimo: bye Shyperson
Wol Euler: bye for now
Calvino Rabeni: Bye!
Alfred Kelberry: her spirit is always here... in the form of the logger :)
Wol Euler: aaaah :)
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, Wol
Calvino Rabeni: Occasionally I do long semi-coherent monologues if no other avi is here
Calvino Rabeni: We have the logging script to thank for that :)
Wol Euler: heheheh, I read some of those
Wol Euler: they were fun
Alfred Kelberry: i'm quiet when i happen to be here alone
Alfred Kelberry pats wol's back
Wol Euler smiles
Wol Euler secretly ties your shoelaces together.
Alfred Kelberry: ah! i knew something was coming :)
Tarmel Udimo: alfred what are you doing, standing on Wol!
Alfred Kelberry: not on, at wol :)
Alfred Kelberry: i feel comfy near her
Wol Euler: :)
Tarmel Udimo: I understand
Tarmel Udimo: she's lovely!
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Wol Euler: awwwwwww
Wol Euler blushes
Tarmel Udimo: blush
Alfred Kelberry giggles
Alfred Kelberry: wow!
Calvino Rabeni: ****Howlllzzzzzzzz****
Wol Euler: Meep Meep ;P :p:P :p :P
Alfred Kelberry: that's quite a feat, tarmy :)
Alfred Kelberry: haha! reminded me of the cartoon, wol :)
Alfred Kelberry: tarmel, you need to start a dancing workshop :)
Alfred Kelberry: btw, wol... you should have started one this january
Tarmel Udimo: sounds good
Wol Euler: yeah, I know.
Alfred Kelberry: come on!
Wol Euler: the year ended differently to how I expected.
Wol Euler: haven't started yet (waves to Pema)
Alfred Kelberry: differently good, i hope :)
Alfred Kelberry: what? pema is here?
Wol Euler: well, I earned a lot of money ...
Wol Euler: not here, but he reads the logs
Alfred Kelberry: ah, ok - hey, pema-san :)
Alfred Kelberry: gee, now i have to watch what i say :)
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, and hello all you "Googlers"
Wol Euler: that was always true, Alf ...
Alfred Kelberry: did i say how pema is cool? :)
Wol Euler: heheheheh
Wol Euler: crawler.
Alfred Kelberry: :P
Alfred Kelberry: oh, congrats on the big money part :)
Alfred Kelberry: now you can retire and buy an island in pacific
Wol Euler: yeah, it makes a change
Wol Euler: what, and miss all this lovely winter? Never!
Alfred Kelberry: hehe
Alfred Kelberry: you can always come to russia for that :)
Calvino Rabeni: you have an island, in the pacific, and every thing about it is terrific...
Alfred Kelberry: em..
Alfred Kelberry: as in terrifying?
Wol Euler: perhaps
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Calvino Rabeni: Terrific means awesome I suppose
Alfred Kelberry: you wish! :)
Alfred Kelberry: oops, tarmel is gone :/
Wol Euler: and I am about to be gone, work is calling :/
Alfred Kelberry: right, more money :)
Wol Euler: someone has to keep the economy rotating.
Alfred Kelberry: anyhow, keep the workshop in mind, please :)
Calvino Rabeni: Calvino Rabeni wonders about the name "Wol"
Wol Euler: comes from Winnie the Pooh :)
Calvino Rabeni: if uber-geek, it stands for "web ontology language"
Wol Euler: and "Eule" is German for owl.
Calvino Rabeni: A bird with insomnia :)
Alfred Kelberry: no, it's from wall-e :)
Calvino Rabeni: Ah, quite an excellent name by all accounts
Wol Euler: so I'm another owl named Wol :)
Wol Euler: please continue, I've claimed the session. Bye for now, enjoy the day.
Wol Euler: calvino, get some sleep.
Alfred Kelberry: so, euler would be?
Wol Euler: :)
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Alfred Kelberry: gah
Alfred Kelberry: left
Calvino Rabeni: Poof as they go
Calvino Rabeni: And I am to get some sleep, under advisement
Alfred Kelberry: well, you can start your monologue if you like, cal :)
Calvino Rabeni: I am leaving for the week-end tomorrow, so, no monologue tonight
Alfred Kelberry: it's funny... you're alone, saying things out loud, but someone, somewhere reading them. maybe the same happens when we're alone in our homes.
Alfred Kelberry: ah, sounds like fun
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, it could be someone in the year 2060 also
Alfred Kelberry: enjoy it, cal
Calvino Rabeni: Good day!
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