The Guardian for this meeting was Bleu Oleander. The comments are by Bleu Oleander.
Bleu Oleander: 's current display-name is "Bleu".
carlicann Resident: 's current display-name is "Carl Solutionary".
Bleu Oleander: hi Carl :)
carlicann Resident: Hello Bleu! great avatar
Bleu Oleander: ty!
carlicann Resident: stunning.. I would recognize u on the street lol
Bleu Oleander: lol
Bleu Oleander: Welcome to Play as Being :) have you been here before?
carlicann Resident: well a few times... this is my 4th day in PaB
Bleu Oleander: nice!
Bleu Oleander: nice to meet u
Bleu Oleander: what brought you here?
carlicann Resident: I come to PaB as someone relearning group process facilitation...
carlicann Resident: I see PaB as strengthening an important skill
Bleu Oleander: interesting
carlicann Resident: being in the Present
Bleu Oleander: indeed
Bleu Oleander: have you practiced the 90 sec pauses?
carlicann Resident: 9 second... lol.. 90 sec seems more appropriate... I am confortable with silence
Bleu Oleander: yes 90 sec a little better
Bleu Oleander: but sometimes 9 sec work :)
Bleu Oleander: what are your interests in sl?
carlicann Resident: poetry.. live music... I used to do a lot of activism... but those communities have mostly self destructed
Bleu Oleander: we like poetry here!
carlicann Resident: of course.. I helped them self destruct.. lol
Bleu Oleander: we also do art projects
carlicann Resident: nice..
Bleu Oleander: you can see our latest art project in the Dome
Bleu Oleander: at the other end of the property
carlicann Resident: kk
Bleu Oleander: the project was on dreams
Bleu Oleander: we also have a lot on our wiki
Bleu Oleander:
carlicann Resident: Wol told me thing amazing things... He sees that he has half dozen personalities... all running at once... with different agendas
Bleu Oleander: yes Wol has a very interesting sl life (lives)
carlicann Resident: I am new.. I don't see that yet... but obviously.. the Ego Superego model is breached... there must be something else...
Bleu Oleander: I have many different expressions of just one me lol
Bleu Oleander: what is your interest in group process facilitation ... are you starting a group?
carlicann Resident: well my goal in life is world peace... I'm not saying I'm capable... but that is my general direction
Bleu Oleander: a great goal!
Bleu Oleander: we can all play a part
carlicann Resident: I have done a lot of facilitation about 15 years ago... and quit... pretty much went into hiding from professional jealousy
carlicann Resident: professional jealousy is an evil selfishness... that would rather destroy society then help it succeed
carlicann Resident: I suspect we have a lot of that going on between Obama and the Congress right now
Bleu Oleander: I'm sure
carlicann Resident: everyone in Washington politics thinks they should be President... literally ... they are way way crazy that way
Bleu Oleander: yes sooo much self interest
carlicann Resident: meglomaniacal self interest
carlicann Resident: no wonder we get into so many wars...
Bleu Oleander: ha! yes
carlicann Resident: Wol told me.. US has only been NOT in a war for 7 years out of 200...
carlicann Resident: after being fooled so many times.. I'm against war... always
Bleu Oleander: well yes ....
carlicann Resident: stop the Syrian conflict we have no dog in that hunt
Bleu Oleander: sad situation there
Bleu Oleander: what part of the world are u in?
carlicann Resident: Friday.... White House Press Briefing was like right out of the Bush Iraq screenplay... pathetic lies.... they used chemical weapons... so our warships are right off the coast ready to send them back to the stone age
carlicann Resident: US... eastern time zone
carlicann Resident: well sorry... I do have a lot ot lose if we go to war... not just for philosophical reasons
Bleu Oleander: do you think the chemical weapons charge is a lie?
carlicann Resident: big time... propaganda...
Bleu Oleander: really? that's interesting
Bleu Oleander: totally fabricated?
carlicann Resident: we have documentation.... Chris Hedges... "The Death of the Liberals" book... they lied us into WW One... then WW Two... then VietNam.. then Iraq One.. then Iraq Two.. then Libya... are they telling us the truth this time?
Bleu Oleander: hmmm that doesn't seem like "evidence" in this case to me
Bleu Oleander: but I didn't read that book
Bleu Oleander: would you recommend it?
carlicann Resident: The Pentagon Papers... Bradley "Chelsea" Manning... Nick Snowden.. umm there's something afoot
carlicann Resident: are you US based?
carlicann Resident: or Canada?
Bleu Oleander: yes west coast
carlicann Resident: kk
carlicann Resident: I have a better book... to recommend
Bleu Oleander listens
carlicann Resident:
carlicann Resident: we have an intellectual in US... who has figured out what's happening to society
carlicann Resident: Thomas Franks
carlicann Resident: he was columnist for Wall St Journal... I believe Murdoch had to buy that paper just to shut him up
Bleu Oleander: thanks I'll take a look
Bleu Oleander: reading a very interesting book atm
Bleu Oleander: "the Swerve" by Greenblatt
Bleu Oleander: about the re-discovery of Lucretius's "on the nature of things"
Bleu Oleander: fascinating
Bleu Oleander: Florence politics :)
carlicann Resident: yes read the synopsis.. very interesting
carlicann Resident: ahhh
Bleu Oleander: also reading Lucretius's book
Bleu Oleander: quite amazing for his time!
carlicann Resident: well they did another thing in Florence... revamped the Italian language.. rebooted it to become the language of Dante.... so that now all Italian is poetry
carlicann Resident: Eat Pray Love... revealed that... another epic book
Bleu Oleander: well actually Dante was responsible for changing to writing in an Italian language that everyone could understand ...
carlicann Resident: Chapter 27... a food orgy in Napoli... Eeeep! incredibly fun
carlicann Resident: interesting... the people's language
Bleu Oleander: didn't read that book (eat pray love) either :)
Bleu Oleander: yes
Bleu Oleander: just read Inferno
Bleu Oleander: and had an Italian professor speak about it
Bleu Oleander: (not Dan Brown's)
Bleu Oleander: lol
carlicann Resident: it's a fun romp... give it a try... Eat Pray Love... she was just revealing her soul.. thinking that nobody would pay attention... nailed it... was fantastic... her other books are nowhere near as good
Bleu Oleander: what is it about?
carlicann Resident: autobiographical...
Bleu Oleander: what does it mean to reveal one's soul?
carlicann Resident: a woman... goes for broke in life... goes to Italy to learn Italian... just for kicks... and just has a wonderful romp de domp in life...
Bleu Oleander: like "under the tuscan sun:?
carlicann Resident: well... reveal one's soul is the secret to great entertainment... that's what entertainers do...
Bleu Oleander: say more ...
carlicann Resident: their stock in trade... Carol Burnett was he first to say that ... that I've heard.. she knows her stuff...
carlicann Resident: the quality of entertainment... is the extent to which we reveail ourselves through our acting or music ... or poetry...
Bleu Oleander: which self? haha!
Bleu Oleander: the artist's self or the viewers/listeners?
carlicann Resident: yes true.... it's more complex than that
Bleu Oleander: usually is :)
Bleu Oleander: art is like a handshake ... both sides have selves :)
carlicann Resident: many selves on both sides
Bleu Oleander: indeed
carlicann Resident: it's quite complex
Bleu Oleander: and challenging
Bleu Oleander: do you play with the arts?
carlicann Resident: i recite poetry... but I only write non-fiction
carlicann Resident: <-- found art... poet lol
Bleu Oleander: nice ... would I know some of your non-fiction? or can you give me a link to some?
carlicann Resident: ding dong
carlicann Resident: i can share some
Bleu Oleander: what do you write about?
carlicann Resident: I gave a short course... at NonProfit Commons... like 10 minute gig... blew ppls minds lol...
carlicann Resident: a lot of things... most currently.. cybersecurity
Bleu Oleander: scary stuff :)
carlicann Resident: there's my presentation... I will put it into history in my next book
Bleu Oleander: ty!
carlicann Resident: it started when I was approached by a very frightened man... he was Sr gov official.. and very scared and anxious about defending small businesses in US.. there is my answer
carlicann Resident: the entire book is a work of activism... nobody else would write this... so I had to... even though it's not my day job
Bleu Oleander: interesting ... will read later :)
carlicann Resident: hover tag lol.. very concise societal change messages lol
Bleu Oleander: :)
carlicann Resident: I was entertaining... sharing my soul.. with that audience...
carlicann Resident: and they found it highly entertaining... btw... it was really fun to deliver that message
carlicann Resident: at least that's my impression of the event
Bleu Oleander: I'm sure they found it interesting and fun
Bleu Oleander: well I must get going
Bleu Oleander: thanks for an interesting conversation
carlicann Resident: kk great to meet u Blue!
Bleu Oleander: and nice to meet you!
carlicann Resident: thank you my friend!
Bleu Oleander: hope to see you again soon.
carlicann Resident: kk I'm sure.. I'm very enamored with PabB
carlicann Resident: bye bye love
Bleu Oleander: great it's been fun for me
Bleu Oleander: bye bye :)
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