2013.09.26 19:00 - SL and World Peace

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    The Guardian for this meeting was stevenaia Michinaga. The comments are by stevenaia Michinaga.

    Paradise's computer is failing her and may be a bit until she returns


    stevenaia Michinaga: hello again
    Daedalus687 Resident: Hi!
    Daedalus687 Resident: Missed the last few days
    stevenaia Michinaga: things were quiet
    stevenaia Michinaga: I am filling in for someone with a dead computer
    Daedalus687 Resident: Oo
    stevenaia Michinaga: how are you?
    Daedalus687 Resident: Oh pretty good thanks, how bout yourself?
    stevenaia Michinaga: good, have you had a chance to read any of the early Wiki posts, I forgot to tell you the SL name of Steven, that would be Stim
    Daedalus687 Resident: Oh, thanks. I'll have to request friendship
    stevenaia Michinaga: he does not come into SL anymore
    Daedalus687 Resident: I imagined so
    Daedalus687 Resident: It seems as if he moves on a fair bit


    Daedalus687 Resident: Should be stick to the topic of world peace?
    Daedalus687 Resident: we*
    stevenaia Michinaga: sure, I was thinking about one of the reason's "we' insist on not being peaceful being
    stevenaia Michinaga: seems we overlook that we are actually all closely related, jsut don;t think about each other in that way
    stevenaia Michinaga: born of stardust, why would we hurt ourselves by hurting each other
    Daedalus687 Resident: It brings to my mind a metaphor that highlights the difficulties inherent in interconnectedness.
    stevenaia Michinaga: ...listens
    Daedalus687 Resident: A jigsaw puzzle: all the pieces form one picture, yet when one piece/part is held in isolation, you can only view a small smidgen
    Daedalus687 Resident: It seems nigh impossible to imagine the whole of it as individual beings.
    Daedalus687 Resident: What do you think?
    stevenaia Michinaga: so how do we begin creating understanding?
    stevenaia Michinaga: how do you have people understand their connectivity
    Daedalus687 Resident: Well, in my mind it might begin with the way we communicate-connect. SL is a great example really.
    stevenaia Michinaga: you have a more connected feeling here than in RL?
    stevenaia Michinaga: on some levels I agree, but there seems to limitsin both RL and SL
    Daedalus687 Resident: Oh I agree wholeheartedly on limitations. But I think these limits kinda beg to be be pushed.
    Daedalus687 Resident: At least in a healthy way, whatever that might mean
    stevenaia Michinaga: the crossover from SL to meeting in Rl offers a much deeper understanding of each other


    stevenaia Michinaga: have you met many from Sl in RL?
    Daedalus687 Resident: I have not been here long enough.
    stevenaia Michinaga: awww, I forgot
    Daedalus687 Resident: I bet its like seeing the image of a popular radio personality..
    Daedalus687 Resident: Its not quite what you imagined..ect
    stevenaia Michinaga: well not exactly, more like watchign an avatar dissolve into human form before you eyes
    Daedalus687 Resident: That sounds cool
    stevenaia Michinaga: the become that persn immediately and forever, even when you see them in SL again
    stevenaia Michinaga: *they
    stevenaia Michinaga: perhaps every negotiation towards peace should begin in SL
    Daedalus687 Resident: Thats an interesting idea, sorta reinforces the idea of humans as a strong consolidation.
    stevenaia Michinaga: simial to sharing letters before you meet
    Daedalus687 Resident: Yea, why not? I mean the technology is going to get to the point (and I bet its already there just not an active persuit) where it will become quite lifelike and integration will be smooth and accessible.
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi San
    Daedalus687 Resident: :)
    Santoshima Resident: hi
    stevenaia Michinaga: we think SL is the key to world peace
    stevenaia Michinaga: at least a first step
    Santoshima Resident: oh
    Santoshima Resident: sure, why not
    Daedalus687 Resident: However, what is the preferred mode of communication?
    stevenaia Michinaga: anything that works
    Daedalus687 Resident: We've tried universal language, ala esperanto
    Daedalus687 Resident: Any thoughts San?
    Santoshima Resident: umm
    Santoshima Resident: well, a sec. someone i havent' heard from in weeks has materialized in IM ... will focus in a sec
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    Daedalus687 Resident: I do know alphabetic speech is left-brained dominant.
    Daedalus687 Resident: I've read thoughts of a universal, primal language, like soothsaying.
    Santoshima Resident: kindness works
    Santoshima Resident: tenderness
    Santoshima Resident: harmless love


    Santoshima Resident: hi Isabelle
    TwitchyEars Resident: hi
    Daedalus687 Resident: :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: Hi Isabelle
    TwitchyEars Resident: hello
    stevenaia Michinaga: unfortunately I must go, thanks for joining us
    Santoshima Resident: nite stevie
    TwitchyEars Resident: cya
    Daedalus687 Resident: Hey i have a question san, should I buy land in SL? Im pretty new
    Santoshima Resident: can yo move in that dress
    Santoshima Resident: uhm,
    TwitchyEars Resident: rent dont buy
    TwitchyEars Resident: no such thing as really owning even from LL
    Santoshima Resident: i'm not so good at knowing that ^ isabelle's advise best
    Daedalus687 Resident: I was going to take the home offer thats on the webiste, yet it says I cant really modify the home
    Santoshima Resident: hmm, then it's not really a home
    TwitchyEars Resident: you cant do anything with it but add 112 prims
    Daedalus687 Resident: Sounds limiting
    TwitchyEars Resident: very. its ok if you have a paid acct and dont need much
    Santoshima Resident: it's the LL suburbs
    TwitchyEars Resident: youd have a basic place but no privacy at all
    Santoshima Resident: might be ok to try out
    TwitchyEars Resident: place to change hang out
    Santoshima Resident: while your neighbours watch
    Daedalus687 Resident: lol
    TwitchyEars Resident: if youre paying for your acct you might as well use it
    TwitchyEars Resident: i wouldnt get a paid acct just for that tho
    Daedalus687 Resident: Well i got a paid account...
    Daedalus687 Resident: not sure why really
    TwitchyEars Resident: then get it
    TwitchyEars Resident: i never had a paid acct
    TwitchyEars Resident: land can be fun
    Santoshima Resident: enjoyed building on a shared island for many months
    Daedalus687 Resident: Is there only one dimension in SL?
    TwitchyEars Resident: ive had anything from skybox to entire sims. had something like 6 sims over the years . its fun but unless youre ok to spend money in game like that, its not required. i looked at it as my entertainment budget for the month
    TwitchyEars Resident: one dimension ?
    Daedalus687 Resident: Yea, like the land here is it?
    TwitchyEars Resident: no you can terraform if you have non linden land
    TwitchyEars Resident: some mainland you can terraform a bit too
    Daedalus687 Resident: non-linden land?
    Santoshima Resident: are you mr. linden by any chance?
    Daedalus687 Resident: lol
    TwitchyEars Resident: where were are is mainland which LL owns. there is privately "owned" land too
    TwitchyEars Resident: only you dont own it really, you rent server space from LL in reality
    TwitchyEars Resident: so the privately owned places have less restrictions
    TwitchyEars Resident: used to be you could make a LOT of money from sl land. not anymore tho
    TwitchyEars Resident: one woman became a rl millionaire from it
    Santoshima Resident: uhm is this an urban myth?
    TwitchyEars Resident: nope it isnt
    Daedalus687 Resident: Does the private type land use the same engine and ability to use the SL viewer?
    TwitchyEars Resident: yes same type
    TwitchyEars Resident: there is 3 main server codes. 2 of them are testers one is the main release
    Daedalus687 Resident: So the linden ppl are ok with it?
    TwitchyEars Resident: they make the rules so yup :)
    Daedalus687 Resident: Are the other lands big?
    TwitchyEars Resident: all sims are the same size
    TwitchyEars Resident: depends if theyre alone or connected to others
    Daedalus687 Resident: Im sorry for asking this, might sound simple, but you have to pay for 'sims' no?
    TwitchyEars Resident: its ok ask :)
    TwitchyEars Resident: if you wanna rent land yes


    TwitchyEars Resident: you dont have to rent to visit most places
    Daedalus687 Resident: Ya'll want to talk about the suggested topic? Or something different?
    TwitchyEars Resident: what is the topic?
    Santoshima Resident: peace and love
    Santoshima Resident: or something
    TwitchyEars Resident: oh my lol up to you i dont care
    Santoshima Resident: ditto, happy with this conversation so far
    Santoshima Resident: actually, i better go
    TwitchyEars Resident: ok
    Santoshima Resident: date to watch Treme coming up
    Daedalus687 Resident: kk
    Daedalus687 Resident: :) bye
    Santoshima Resident: good to see you both ~ thanks for the chat
    TwitchyEars Resident: cyas san. send me an offline i get them to my email. since i wont be on much
    Santoshima Resident: come visit the treehouse any time
    Santoshima Resident: both of you are welcome
    TwitchyEars Resident: ok :)
    Daedalus687 Resident: You come here usually?
    TwitchyEars Resident: no only rarely
    TwitchyEars Resident: im pretty much done with sl
    Daedalus687 Resident: O, why?
    Daedalus687 Resident: Seen all there is to see?
    TwitchyEars Resident: my advice to you if youre new new... dont learn too much it spoils the magic
    Daedalus687 Resident: lol
    Daedalus687 Resident: What do you mean?
    TwitchyEars Resident: one sec
    TwitchyEars Resident: 's current display-name is "Isabelle".
    TwitchyEars Resident: crap its still on
    TwitchyEars Resident: i mean that once you know too much about it its like leaving childhood. you cant go back to this anything is possible world





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