The Guardian for this meeting was Fefonz Quan. The comments are by Fefonz Quan.
Wol Euler: hello calvino
Calvino Rabeni: Hello, ambiguously present one - becoming more so, Wol
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: hello fefonz, wester, happy new year
Wester Kiranov: hi cal, wol, fef
Fefonz Quan: hi Wol, Cal, Wester
Fefonz Quan: brb
Fefonz Quan: back
Wol Euler: wb
Wol Euler: haven't seen you in ages, fef. How's life?
Fefonz Quan: Life's great Wol!
Wester Kiranov: hi eliza
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Wester, Fef, Wol, Cal :)
Fefonz Quan: Hello Eliza
Wol Euler: hello eliza
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Bert
Wol Euler: hello bert
Bertram Jacobus: hello everybody ! ... :-)
Fefonz Quan: Hey Bert
Wester Kiranov: hi bertram. nice hat
Bertram Jacobus: hehe ty :o)
Fefonz Quan: and nice shirt too, overall a very nice outfit Bert
Bertram Jacobus: uh - so many compliments ! ... :o)
Eliza Madrigal: well, very interesting attire :)
Bertram Jacobus: how to deal with that ? ... :-)
Fefonz Quan: Hey Storm!
Wol Euler: hello storm
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Storm :)
Wester Kiranov: hi storm
Storm Nordwind: Hi everyone!
Wol Euler: nice jacket
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Wester Kiranov: no shortage of nice outfits tonight
Bertram Jacobus: hi storm - and wol ... you always look SO phantastic ! again and again new creations and combinations ... ... ... ;-)
Wol Euler: awwwww, thank you :)
Fefonz Quan: it is very quiet here today
Eliza Madrigal: yes, funny.
Calvino Rabeni:
Choose life with its conspiratorial sheets
Its scars from escapes
Chose life choose that rose window on my tomb
The life of being here nothing but being here
Where one voice says Are you there
where another answers Are you there I'm hardly here at all alas
Wester Kiranov: i think this is a good silence
Wol Euler nods silently.
Eliza Madrigal smiles
Yakuzza Lethecus: good day
Fefonz Quan: Heyaku!
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Ya :)
Wol Euler: bonsoir
Wester Kiranov: hi yak
Bertram Jacobus: lol. mr. tea arrived ! ;-)
Yakuzza Lethecus: slt :)
Fefonz Quan: Mr. T? :)
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Wol Euler: :)
Bertram Jacobus: jes :o)
Wol Euler: hello arch
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Arch
Bertram Jacobus: hi arch
Wester Kiranov: hi arch
Fefonz Quan: hi arch
Eliza Madrigal: Interesting rainbow dancing :)
Archmage Atlantis: Hellon Wol, Eliza, Bertram, Wesor, Fefonz
Bertram Jacobus: rainbow dancing ? where ?
Wol Euler: ah, you missed it :)
Bertram Jacobus: oh. yes.
Bertram Jacobus: distracted again ...
Eliza Madrigal: Arch arrived, dancing in a ball of rainbows
Bertram Jacobus: so many often to do in sl (!)
Archmage Atlantis: Was dancing in Zeus club, sorry
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Mick
Bertram Jacobus: zeus club ... (make a notice) ... :-)
Wol Euler: hello mick
Wester Kiranov: hey mickey
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Mickorod Renard: Hiya everyone
Fefonz Quan: In Hebrew Arch and Rainbow have the same word :)
Bertram Jacobus: heyy mick ! ... :-)
Mickorod Renard: :)
Fefonz Quan: Hey Mick
Mickorod Renard: yeaa:)
Eliza Madrigal smiles, makes sense :)
Wol Euler: "arc en ciel" in French, an arch in heaven
Mickorod Renard: are you on a subject?
Wester Kiranov: enjoying the silence
Bertram Jacobus: "rain arch" in german ...
Fefonz Quan: "arc on a cloud" here
Eliza Madrigal: Something on your mind, Mick?
Archmage Atlantis: running toilet here, brb
Mickorod Renard: lots,,but nothing of interest
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Wol Euler: hello zen
Wester Kiranov: hi zen
Zen Arado: Helo All
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Zen
Mickorod Renard: I was thinking of those crazy notions of pots of gold at the end of the rainbow
Mickorod Renard: Hi zen
Bertram Jacobus: crazy ? could be seen as lyric, poetic too ... ;-)
Archmage Atlantis: bk, gold has no value unless we give it to it
Mickorod Renard: it crossed my mind that its another illusion that happiness is something you chase and often in the wrong direction
Storm Nordwind: There are zombies at the end of the rainbow. Who do you think started all those rumours about pots of gold? ;)
Wol Euler: heheheh
Wol Euler: a trap!
Calvino Rabeni: Leprechauns of course - it is a diversion as always
Wol Euler: I think happiness isn't something you can "obtain"
Wol Euler: I think it's a byproduct of being very busy doing Right Things.
Mickorod Renard: be careful cal, zen will have a word to say about remarks about the Irish
Zen Arado: :)
Storm Nordwind: However I think unhappiness is something you can get rid of!
Wester Kiranov: by stopping trying to obtain it, mostly
Wol Euler: yes, that's true. An interesting asymmetry.
Calvino Rabeni: Happiness - a way you *are*
Zen Arado: stop listening to your little mind stories
Mickorod Renard: or you could drown your unhappiness with a few pints of guiness
Fefonz Quan: /nods to Storm, though usually there's more to it there's more coming from there
Wester Kiranov: or a cigar? ;)
Zen Arado: or a Black Bush whiskey
Mickorod Renard: :)
Zen Arado: stories of the way things 'should' be
Fefonz Quan: a cigar can make you unhappy too, depends of which side you put in your mouth
Archmage Atlantis: As I often ask, does suffering have meaning?.....Is there purpose in unhappyness?
Wol Euler: heheheh
Mickorod Renard: he he
Wol Euler nods to Zen.
Bertram Jacobus: nice question arch
Calvino Rabeni: A happy story about unhappiness - gives it meaning
Mickorod Renard: you need a bit of contrast
Storm Nordwind: You don't need to be unhappy to have contrast. You can still be happy all the time. :)
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Ara
Wol Euler: hello ara
arabella Ella: Hiya everyone!
Zen Arado: Hi Ara
Mickorod Renard: happy all the time sounds good
Fefonz Quan: hi Ara
Wol Euler: yes, different happinesses have different flavours.
Wester Kiranov: hi ara
Bertram Jacobus: hey ara ! ... :-)
Mickorod Renard: Hi ara
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: hi ara
Storm Nordwind waves
Zen Arado: if you were happy all the time you wouldn't realize you were happy
Storm Nordwind: Not true Zen
Eliza Madrigal: So not being unhappy in the midst of difficult events is along the same lines as not worrying in the midst of things you still must address...
Fefonz Quan: when the shoe fits etc...
Wester Kiranov: people who are unhappy all the time realize they are as well
Wol Euler: but if so: would it matter?
Zen Arado: why not Storm?
Storm Nordwind: I am. And I know it. It must be possible for others too.
Wol Euler smiles.
Calvino Rabeni: I think happiness requires engagement - not just in the mind to be manipulated like a thought or mood
Fefonz Quan agrees with Storm
Wester Kiranov: some people have more talent for happiness than others i think
Zen Arado: but the term happiness wouldn't have meaning without something to contrast against is what I mean
Eliza Madrigal: Interesting idea! A talent for happiness :)
Storm Nordwind: You're thinking in terms of black and white Zen
Wester Kiranov: i don't think the meaning is in the contrast
Fefonz Quan: i disagree Zen
Wester Kiranov: the pair is what has the meaning
Zen Arado: think equanimity is better
Fefonz Quan: its a whole range, it's not two opposites
Zen Arado: ups and downs are normal in life
Mickorod Renard: I think happiness comes from a comfortable platform..and that must be relative
arabella Ella: do you mean a positive outlook on life Storm?
Storm Nordwind: Imagine a sine wave of happiness (theoretically of course). You don't have to go below the axis into negative (unhappiness) You just move the whole curve upwards!
Wol Euler: heheh
Zen Arado: being able to view bad things happening without getting upset
Mickorod Renard: gosh Storm..I must do that immeadiatly
Zen Arado: not being disturbed
Wester Kiranov: isn't that the same as moving the axis downwards?
Storm Nordwind: Yup
Storm Nordwind: The effect is the same. You still have the contrast but you remain happy.
Mickorod Renard: the problem for many i guess is making the adjustment
Wester Kiranov: don't you get manic at the tops of the wave?
Storm Nordwind: I don't seem to ;) Not yet at least!
Eliza Madrigal: Less so than if you were trying to control the flow of the ocean I'd guess :)
Storm Nordwind: But Zen is right in awy. It is equanimity that gets you to that point
Mickorod Renard: I would be happily manic at the top..its the lows that seem to be the problem
Zen Arado: well - if someone close dies I think I wouldn't be happy
Archmage Atlantis: Being old, that gives some advantage
Fefonz Quan: In a way i think we are missing a point here - what causes the ripple?
Zen Arado: but being able to cope with serenity is good
arabella Ella: yes what causes the ripple Storm?
Fefonz Quan: is it only outside event that control this wave?
Storm Nordwind: That has happened many times to me Zen. Attachment is a hard lesson. But it can be learned in time.
Calvino Rabeni: the ripple is life
Fefonz Quan: if so - it's not exactly happiness, more event-related joy
Storm Nordwind: The ripples are the countless things we encounter in our everyday life. And to that extent, yes it includes Fef's event-related joy - with no attachment.
Wol Euler: leaving aside tragedies, the commonest cause of unhappiness is our own expectations (I think).
arabella Ella: another cause is dissonance ... the big gap between what we wish (expectations) and the reality we experience, plus (and related) planning too far ahead
Storm Nordwind: And if one can love without attachment, then that seems to be a worthy height of a relationship
Zen Arado: agree Wol
Wol Euler: mmhmm
Mickorod Renard: yes, and our attachment to thingsthat need upkeep and maintainance
Archmage Atlantis: Agree.Wol, but not all is from that source
Wol Euler: or seeing the upkeep and maintenance as a problem
Wester Kiranov: without expectations there would be no dissonance with the world
Archmage Atlantis: Some is real
Zen Arado: there will always be pain in life
Storm Nordwind: I disagree Wol. The commonest cause of unhappiness is not our own expectations. The commonest cause of unhappiness is our attachment to our own expectations.
Archmage Atlantis: That is the failure of the Buddha's thought
Wol Euler: true, zen, and/but *suffering* is optional
arabella Ella: that is a lovely way of putting it Storm ... attachment ...
Calvino Rabeni: agree arch
Wol Euler: yes, ok, I see the difference.
Archmage Atlantis: That all sorrow is from expectations
Bertram Jacobus: Up, up...and....
Bertram Jacobus: ? didn´t he say "greed" ? and doesn´t greed imply clinging ?
Bertram Jacobus: ...away?
Zen Arado: yes Wol - it is what we do about the pain
Calvino Rabeni: you cannot trick yourself out of unhappiness by manipulating expectations
Bertram Jacobus: oh. lol. a gesture ! :o)
Fefonz Quan: the buddha didn't say that all sorrow is from expectation
Zen Arado: when we resist pain and the way things are we suffer IMO
Calvino Rabeni: agree zen
Wol Euler: um, I did use the word "commonest" in that sentence ...
Fefonz Quan nods to Zen
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Zen Arado: suffering = pain x resistance
Mickorod Renard: I think greed must be an extention to our general meaning of attachments
Calvino Rabeni: some truth to that equation zen
arabella Ella: I think Storm seems to be implying our attitude to pain and not resisting pain ... not sure if that is correct
Fefonz Quan: even joyxresistence will bring suffering, as surprising as it may seem
Archmage Atlantis: Sometimes, we are meant to resist
Calvino Rabeni: greed is an exaggeration or attachment with joy
Archmage Atlantis: And to suffer
Calvino Rabeni: that's a balanced attitude Arch
Fefonz Quan: 'meant' by whom?
Zen Arado: yes Arch
Wester Kiranov: second fef
Mickorod Renard: resist temptation to greed
Calvino Rabeni: with temtation, don't resist, just make better choices
Zen Arado: I think some suffering is still inevitable - if yoiu get cancer for instance - but you can lessen it
arabella Ella: or if one's child is seriously ill
arabella Ella: one's offspring
arabella Ella: that would be tough
Mickorod Renard: I guess our idea's to what is greedy has become mal adjusted due to the high expectations in the western world
Fefonz Quan: yet there are peopel in the world that had big tragedies, that are happier than ones that were born with a silver spoon in their mouth
Mickorod Renard: that is so true Fef
Wol Euler: true
Wester Kiranov: have to go now - RL interfering
Wester Kiranov: bye
Fefonz Quan: By Wester
Wol Euler: bye wester, take care
Mickorod Renard: by wester
Storm Nordwind waves
Zen Arado: actually suffering can bring us to awakening quicker I think
Calvino Rabeni: Wow - it is an especially rich discussion today O.O
Zen Arado: bye Wester
Calvino Rabeni: @zen, conscious suffering, true
arabella Ella: perhaps not just suffering but some sacrifice too
Zen Arado: maybe we need suffering
Zen Arado: that idea is in Christianity too I think
Fefonz Quan: yes, cause just when we feel we can't have something no more, we get up and try to change it.
Calvino Rabeni: :) on sacrifice
Mickorod Renard: maybe the comfort of a safe existance makes us bored, and this leads to something that goes wrong
Zen Arado: something about the smelter's fir purifying us
Zen Arado: fire
Zen Arado: like gold
arabella Ella: what is the smelter's fur?
Archmage Atlantis: Prometheus brought fire to humanity
Zen Arado: fire sorry :)
arabella Ella: ah
arabella Ella: sorry!
Bertram Jacobus: i´ll leave - have a nice time and thanks all ... :-)
Zen Arado: np
Mickorod Renard: I find having too much time(about 5 seconds) is unhealthy for me
arabella Ella: nite Bert
Zen Arado: bye Bert
Fefonz Quan: by bert
Wol Euler: bye bert, take care
Archmage Atlantis: For this he was punished by the gods
Calvino Rabeni: Yes Mick on that too
Mickorod Renard: bye Bert
Storm Nordwind: Melting fur is not so hot (or perhaps too much)!
Bertram Jacobus: ty again :-)
Storm Nordwind waves
Zen Arado: hmmm analogy lost it's impact somewhat :)
Eliza Madrigal was looking for Rumi's "Love With No Object" poem...
Zen Arado: I wonder if I was perfectly happy and contented would I bother doing anything?
Zen Arado: but just sit and be happy
Fefonz Quan: yes you would
Calvino Rabeni: dont worry zen
Wol Euler: I think you would not be perfectly happy and contented if all you did was sat :)
Fefonz Quan: sit and be happy, eat and be happy, go to work and be happy
Wol Euler: but perhaps that's just my take on it.
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Eliza Madrigal: More more energy to do things if not tangled up in unhappinesses and, like you said, 'stories of what isn't/might be/etc'
Zen Arado: but mught lose motivation
Storm Nordwind: Until there needed some wood chopping or some water carrying. And then you would be perfectly happy doing that!
Zen Arado: like when the Buddha was enlightened
Eliza Madrigal: energy without the 'lag' maybe :)
Fefonz Quan: i believe we misspresume, that happines is a static state of mind, hence it would 'freeze' us
Zen Arado: yes simple actions required
Mickorod Renard: buddha must have been very worried about his wieght problem I think
Eliza Madrigal: :)))
Wol Euler: :)
Zen Arado: :)
Zen Arado: nearly died of starvation one time though
Zen Arado: asceticism
Storm Nordwind: Some buddhas are thin, some are fat.
Archmage Atlantis: Agree, Fefonz
Fefonz Quan: guess he was much more thinner than most of his statues...
Wol Euler: I was thinking during hte pause about times that I have known that I was happy. There were very few, actually, when I felt happiness arising.
Zen Arado: yes fat = happy stereotype
Wol Euler: It's mostly something that I recognize afterwards, "Ah, that was nice"
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Fefonz Quan: I recognize it during sometimes, than i try not to think about it too much, cause than it pushes it away...
Mickorod Renard: I remember times i am happy,,and am frequently happy,,I am very lucky,,maybe I am greedy wanting to be very happy all of the time
Wol Euler: right!
Zen Arado: we look for it in the future
Eliza Madrigal: yes like self-consciousness
Zen Arado: and miss it when ity is here
Storm Nordwind: Realizing I am happy does not make me any less happy.
Fefonz Quan: staying with it without pushing it aside is much harder than one might expect
arabella Ella: i think one important concept is Carpe Diem ... seize the day
Eliza Madrigal: sometimes you can compliment a reserved child on something they are doing... and then they look at themselves and stop
Storm Nordwind: I guess it comes with practice then :)
Fefonz Quan nods to Storm
Archmage Atlantis: nothing is wrong in seeking the future, only in forgetting the past
Zen Arado: have a suspicion if you were happy all the time you wouldn't be happy
arabella Ella: happiness also involves having no regrets about the past
Zen Arado: ever hear of Nozick's'experience machine' ?
Storm Nordwind: When you can speak from experience and not suspicion, Zen, you'll know one way or the other!
Archmage Atlantis: Agree, Ara
Fefonz Quan have a suspicion Zen is not correct
Zen Arado: Ara?
arabella Ella: and not planning too far in the future
Mickorod Renard: watz that zen??
Zen Arado: well - it is a device you hook up to and it fulfill all your wildest desires
Wol Euler: ah, a suicide machine :)
Zen Arado: what was that swartznegger film total recall?
Zen Arado: like that
Storm Nordwind: 'Better than Life" in Red Dwarf
Eliza Madrigal has to go. Thanks everyone, great discussion :)
Wol Euler smiles and nods
Wol Euler: bye eliza, take care
Fefonz Quan: By Eliza
Mickorod Renard: bye eliza
arabella Ella: bye Eliza
Storm Nordwind waves
Zen Arado: well most ppl wouldn't want to be hooked up to it it turns out
Zen Arado: why?
Zen Arado: bye Eliza
Archmage Atlantis: That took a moment
Archmage Atlantis: [14:09] arabella Ella: happiness also involves having no regrets
Storm Nordwind: We are already hooked up to it Zen!
Wol Euler laughs.
Mickorod Renard: was it the same machine they used in Barbarella?
Zen Arado: :)
Fefonz Quan: yes, but this is pleasure, joy, not happines Zen. it is like drug-induced pleasure
Zen Arado: yes yes but you could say it was happiness ?
arabella Ella: i also think it is a relatively stable state
Yakuzza Lethecus: night
Fefonz Quan: i could, but i'd be wrong
Fefonz Quan: night Yaku
Storm Nordwind: "More joy"... reminds me of one of my favourite videos:
arabella Ella: nite Yaku
Zen Arado: would any of you like to try this?
Zen Arado: and if not whay not?
Fefonz Quan: sure, for a while ;-)
Fefonz Quan: ("i can stop any time i like "
Wol Euler: I would probably not, because I would fear that it would totally, fatally, addictive.
Fefonz Quan: )
Zen Arado: it may come to pass
Zen Arado: yes real life might seem flat after that
Zen Arado: this scenario was in the 'Matrix ' too I think?
Zen Arado: a sedated population
Mickorod Renard: I think if we are actually wired up in a matrix type scenario,,they must be doin a poor job in the happy stimulus drug inducement
Mickorod Renard: oops
Archmage Atlantis: We are only about ourselves, no matter how much we love others'
Archmage Atlantis: It is how we were guilt
Archmage Atlantis: sorry, bui=uilt
Mickorod Renard: Hi Zon
arabella Ella: thanks for sharing video Storm
Calvino Rabeni: sorry arch, your freudian slip is more accurate
Zen Arado: HI Zon
Storm Nordwind: yw ara!
Wol Euler: _)
Calvino Rabeni: the guilt shows we are wired with others
Mickorod Renard: yes,,that was quite well done Arch
Zon Quar: hey..sry im in my htoughts...
Mickorod Renard: I was reading a book earlier,,it almost promoted a drug,,I was almost tempted to try it
Wol Euler: mm?
Mickorod Renard: but I am pretty good at resisting temptation
Calvino Rabeni: ayahusca?
Fefonz Quan: nice link Storm
Calvino Rabeni: Or prozac
Mickorod Renard: but was supprised how liberal they were about it
Storm Nordwind smiles at Fef
Zen Arado: yes nice inl
Mickorod Renard: it was extacy
Storm Nordwind: Please excuse me. RL calls :)
Calvino Rabeni: OK
Mickorod Renard: well,,u spell it for me
Zen Arado: bye Storm
Wol Euler: bye storm, take care
Mickorod Renard: bye storm
Storm Nordwind: Namaste
Fefonz Quan: Namaste
Calvino Rabeni: _/!\_
arabella Ella: bye Storm
Storm Nordwind waves
Fefonz Quan: I'll go too, it's been a wonderful conversation! good night all
Wol Euler: bye fef, give my regards to the beach.
arabella Ella: nite Fefonz
Mickorod Renard: nite Fef
Fefonz Quan: thank Wol, i will :)
Zen Arado: nite Fefonz
Wol Euler: :)
Fefonz Quan: _/!\_
Calvino Rabeni: A rich and fertile discussion today
Wol Euler: indeed :)
arabella Ella: :)
Wol Euler: we did very well. Congratulations and thanks to us all.
Zen Arado: pat ourselves on back and be happy
Mickorod Renard: thankyou to everyone
Zen Arado: :)
Mickorod Renard: it was good yesterday at the same time too
arabella Ella: happiness is i guess a learnt attitude to life
Archmage Atlantis: This dicussion goes on to the end of time
Wol Euler: yes, ara, very true
arabella Ella: taking disappointments or pain in our stride
arabella Ella: so be it
Archmage Atlantis: And it's new beginning
Zen Arado: and always learning
arabella Ella: yes
Zen Arado: and helping others
arabella Ella: yes
Zen Arado: and allowing ourselves to be helped
Calvino Rabeni: Doing good works
arabella Ella: and if you watched the video ... love for others ... and for oneself
Wol Euler: ze3n, those two are about 51% of happiness already, to me.
Zen Arado: yes
Calvino Rabeni: reaching out beyond one's "small" self
Zen Arado: freedom of being
Calvino Rabeni: Letting life live you
Zen Arado: yes
arabella Ella: adjusting to circumstances you know you have no power to change
Zen Arado: letting it move freely through us
Archmage Atlantis: My cat, Nimbus, need to be held, gotta go
arabella Ella: :)
Zen Arado: :)
Wol Euler: bye arch, be happy
arabella Ella: say hi to Nimbus Arch I love cats :)
Zen Arado: mine too
Mickorod Renard: what I like is how we discuss things that we always may have wanted to discuss had we had opportunities in rl but perhaps felt to reserved to do
Wol Euler smiles
Mickorod Renard: bye arch
Zen Arado: bye Arch
Wol Euler: cats are people too, holding them counts as "doing good works"
arabella Ella: oh yes :)
Calvino Rabeni: May different, true perspectives on happiness showed up here today
Zen Arado: I only have one in SL now
Zen Arado: many viewpoints
Calvino Rabeni: Animals are known to aid happiness for people
Zen Arado: like facets of a diamond
Wol Euler: or the bits of an elephant :)
Zen Arado: yes they are Cal
Zen Arado: :)
arabella Ella: well on campus here the belief is that the strays whiich are fed and taken care of are theraupetic for students especially at exam time
Zen Arado: back to earth
Zen Arado: stroking a pet is good for us
Wol Euler: mmhmm
arabella Ella: :)
Mickorod Renard: he he he
Mickorod Renard: lets not get too into animals
Zen Arado: doctors recommend getting a dog
arabella Ella: i much prefer cats
Zen Arado: it really improve health in mmanyways
Zen Arado: I like both equally
Mickorod Renard: I have one,,my dog has nearly made me insane,,he's a pain in the rear
arabella Ella: cats are much more independent and therapeutic i find
Zen Arado: think dogs give more unconditional love though
Mickorod Renard: i have had 3 cats,,and the joy of them is that you dont have to look after them
arabella Ella: so do cats :)
Zen Arado: ah was TV prog tonight and I missed it!
Wol Euler: yes buty ou have to earn it with a cat, ara :)
arabella Ella: ;0
arabella Ella: ;0
arabella Ella: sorry meant this :)
Mickorod Renard: my pet is the dish washer..i love my dish washer..
Wol Euler: heheheh
Zen Arado: dogs are more loyal too
Mickorod Renard: my dishwasher has never let me down
Zen Arado: but cats can sit on your knee
arabella Ella: ah Zen wasnt it you who said you like both cats and dogs ... now you sound biased :)
Zen Arado: yes has to even it out there :)
arabella Ella: :)
Zen Arado: you don't have to walk cats and pick up their poo either :)
Mickorod Renard: if it wasnt for my partners jelousy i would get a bionic dishwasher
Calvino Rabeni: Good thing pets can't talk, though :)
arabella Ella: yes one nice thing about pets is that they cant argue
Zen Arado: had a budgie who could :)
Calvino Rabeni: Talking birds are OK
arabella Ella: i was gonna mention birds ... cockatees for example ... lovely as company but can be somewhat too talkative at times
Mickorod Renard: i had a series of budgies as a child,,funnily enough they all had the same name
arabella Ella: there was a time when i had to bird-sit ... had them at my place ... and when i needed peace and quiet had to put a cloth over their cage they could be very talkative
Zen Arado: Joey?
Mickorod Renard: i think my mum thought I hadnt noticed them dying
Wol Euler: heheh
arabella Ella: owwww Mick
Zen Arado: :)
Mickorod Renard: :)
Zen Arado: who's a pretty boy then ?
Mickorod Renard: he he
Zen Arado: I better go - lapsing into nonsense :)
arabella Ella: nite Zen
Mickorod Renard: yes, I must go
Mickorod Renard: nite zen
arabella Ella: nite Mick
Zen Arado: bye all
arabella Ella: me too nite all
Wol Euler: bye mick, zen, thanks for the great convo
Wol Euler: bye ara
Zen Arado: tahnks to all
Mickorod Renard: byeeeee
Calvino Rabeni: bye
Wol Euler: have you indeed :)
Calvino Rabeni: synaesthesia
Wol Euler: ah
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