The Guardian for this meeting was Agatha Macbeth. The comments are by Agatha Macbeth. This was a long and productive session, which ended up as a kind of two act drama...
Part One - Full of Emptyness
Agatha Macbeth: Yay!
Wol Euler: 'ello 'ello 'ello
Agatha Macbeth looks round for the other two
Agatha Macbeth: How are we?
Wol Euler: most of us are well
Wol Euler: how are yours?
Agatha Macbeth: Bouncy :)
Wol Euler grins.
Wol Euler: in that outfit, no surprise
Wol Euler: I have it too, in black
Agatha Macbeth: Awww
Agatha Macbeth: Yes I remember
Wol Euler smiles.
Agatha Macbeth: Things been a bit quieter today?
Wol Euler: very quiet :)
Agatha Macbeth: Good
Wol Euler: had breakfast downtown, didn't get to work until 11
Agatha Macbeth: Nice
Wol Euler: then at around 2:30 we stopped for iced coffee in the garden
Wol Euler: and never really got around to going back to work :)
Wol Euler: left at 5:30
Agatha Macbeth: Good grief
Wol Euler: first time in weeks!
Wol Euler: months actually
Agatha Macbeth: Seems so
Agatha Macbeth: How's the sushi palace?
Wol Euler: eh?
Agatha Macbeth: Didn't you say a new one had opened?
Agatha Macbeth: (yay)
Wol Euler: oh, it#s not that new
Agatha Macbeth: Ah
Wol Euler: still good :) had lunch there today :)
Agatha Macbeth: Yum
Wol Euler: did a bit of a double-take : how did you know that?
Wol Euler: hello raffi
Raffila Millgrove: hi Wol and Agatha.
Agatha Macbeth: Just a good guess (or I'm psychic)
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Raff
Wol Euler: must be
Agatha Macbeth: Or I lurve sushi :)
Raffila Millgrove: wow you two are twinsies today.
Wol Euler grins.
Agatha Macbeth: Hehe, indeed
Wol Euler: it happens pretty often actually
Wol Euler: we have a surprising number of items in common
Raffila Millgrove: cool
Agatha Macbeth nods
Agatha Macbeth: Similar tastes and all that
Raffila Millgrove: hello Vorder
Vorder Forder: hello
Vorder Forder: hello Raffila
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Vorder
Wol Euler: hello vorder, long time no see
Agatha Macbeth: Have you been here before Vorder?
Vorder Forder: yes I have
Wol Euler nods.
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, great
Vorder Forder: not often but I come sometimes but often no one is at the place
Wol Euler: well ther are only meetings at set times, 4x daily
Agatha Macbeth: Well we meet four times every 24 hours
Raffila Millgrove: oh? you have to hang a bit.. we're here at 7 and 1.. am and pm.
Agatha Macbeth: 1 7 1 7 SLT
Wol Euler: you'll occasionally find people outside of official hours, meditating quietly
Vorder Forder: do you all meditate?
Raffila Millgrove: well personally I am not here four times a day but... there's usually someone hosting.
Vorder Forder: in first life?
Wol Euler: not as often as I should, but yes :)
Agatha Macbeth: Depends what you mean by meditate I guess :p
Raffila Millgrove: well i do a variation on the nine second thing.
Vorder Forder: it helps us to remain in the present moment
Vorder Forder: or what?
Agatha Macbeth: Could do
Agatha Macbeth: Not really sure
Raffila Millgrove: on the website for PAB... they explain that nine second idea. taking out nine seconds every fifteen minutes... and yeah it does help you stay in the now.. if that's where you like to be. but you can go elsewhere too of course.
Agatha Macbeth: Depends where 'now' is I guess
Raffila Millgrove: you probably already got the n/c with better explains.
Agatha Macbeth: Buona sera QT :)
Vorder Forder: everyone who has some experience of meditation talks about the same thing
Vorder Forder: it is the experience of comming home
Vorder Forder: you know the story
Raffila Millgrove whispers that we're pausing in silence because the bell rang)
Qt Core: hi all, 'sera Agatha
Wol Euler: hello qt
Raffila Millgrove: hi qt.
Vorder Forder: hello qt
Agatha Macbeth: Actually I know someone who said the very same thing when she became a witch!
Raffila Millgrove: that is your experience Vorder? that meditation brings you home?
Vorder Forder: yes I can relate to that experience.....that it is the feeling of comming back home
Wol Euler: hello storm
Storm Nordwind: Hello all
Qt Core: hi Storm
Agatha Macbeth: G'day Stormy
Raffila Millgrove: hi Storm.
Agatha Macbeth: Are you well?
Vorder Forder: in general is the understanding everyone can relate to that feeling
Storm Nordwind: Fair to middling :)
Agatha Macbeth: :)
Agatha Macbeth: Yes, it's a nice feeling
Raffila Millgrove: i dunno Vorder--i don't come home.. i go to a kind of nothing place. empty but full..
Vorder Forder: we all share the same place
Vorder Forder: and it is open for everyone
Vorder Forder: emtpy if you like
Vorder Forder: full of emtpyness
Agatha Macbeth is not sure if the glass is half full or half empty
Wol Euler: or perhaps it's just too large
Agatha Macbeth: Could be
Vorder Forder: it´s both if you ask me
Qt Core: half wine/water half air, it is always full
Wol Euler: heh, even better
Agatha Macbeth smiles @ QT
Vorder Forder: not merlo
Agatha Macbeth: In vino veritas
Bleu Oleander: hi all :)
Agatha Macbeth: Hiya Bleu :)
Qt Core: hi bleu
Vorder Forder: hello Bleu
Agatha Macbeth: Or is it Queen Bleu?
Bleu Oleander: :))
Agatha Macbeth bows
Raffila Millgrove: there's a treasure hunt going on Vorder, and Bleu was the first to finish . the prize was her crown.
Agatha Macbeth: I see you got my quote, thanks
Bleu Oleander: yes, put it up
Bleu Oleander: yw!
Agatha Macbeth: She finishes first every year ;-)
Agatha Macbeth: ty
Wol Euler: hello bleu :)
Bleu Oleander: we have a 2nd queen I see
Bleu Oleander: Aph
Vorder Forder: oh la la congratulations Bleu now qeeon of second life
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, she did it then
Raffila Millgrove: ah! yeah for Aphro!
Agatha Macbeth: Glad to hear it
Vorder Forder: queen Bleu sounds good
Agatha Macbeth: Mila and me were trying to give her some help
Bleu Oleander: ah must have worked
Wol Euler: yay
Agatha Macbeth: Well I think we were more of a hinderance to be honest
Bleu Oleander: where were you when I needed you?
Raffila Millgrove: lol
Wol Euler chuckles.
Agatha Macbeth: Everyone says that
Bleu Oleander: ha!
Agatha Macbeth: Anyway
Agatha Macbeth: Not long to the party now
Raffila Millgrove vaguely points to the chatlog where she vaguely pointed Aphro to the chatlogs for clues on clue six.
Bleu Oleander: yes, still need some quotes and tree decor
Agatha Macbeth: Oh right, the leaf
Agatha Macbeth: So much to do
Bleu Oleander: yes ... or flower
Bleu Oleander: or object
Agatha Macbeth: I'm more a leaf person I think
Raffila Millgrove jumped the gun on that one and made her own flower to fit the template leaf.. so i ended up with both.
Vorder Forder: I thank for every moment that I am told to keep quiet
Vorder Forder: when I am told to keep quiet
Agatha Macbeth: I find I tend to learn more when I do that...
Vorder Forder: I agree
Agatha Macbeth smiles
Vorder Forder: silence is the language of god everything eles is a bad fake
Agatha Macbeth: Silence is golden
Raffila Millgrove: did you ever go to a place that was completely silent? I stayed over night in a French monastery high in the mountains.. and it was total silence around midnite. very heavy. it made the air heavy.
Agatha Macbeth: That must be interesting
Vorder Forder: I have often experienced total silence
Vorder Forder: in nature
Raffila Millgrove: it was. i kept listening to hear some electric hum.. or maybe a bird. but there was no sound.
Vorder Forder: where are you guys from?
Wol Euler: SL :)
Agatha Macbeth: Bieup [grin]
Vorder Forder: I am from first life
Raffila Millgrove: one year the Dali (he lets me mispell him) spoke to over 7000 women in one room and he asked for five minutes of silence.. and you could not hear a pin drop.. it was very strange.
Agatha Macbeth: 7000?
Agatha Macbeth: Whoa
Raffila Millgrove: i thought for sure one person would sniff or cough or something. but no! all silence.
Raffila Millgrove: kind of alike a miracle.
Agatha Macbeth: Must have been a big room
Raffila Millgrove: yes. Long Beach convention center. Gigantic.
Vorder Forder: the sound was on mute
Raffila Millgrove: i used to always check for closest fire exit. very nervous to me..
Raffila Millgrove: but someone the Dali.. got his silence.
Raffila Millgrove: somenow
Raffila Millgrove: how
Agatha Macbeth: Now that's what you call crowd control
Wol Euler bites her tongue and refrains from making a WoW joke
Raffila Millgrove: well i was kinda surprised he would even come.. But the organizer was the wife of the governor. (that kennedy daughter.. name is escaping)
Agatha Macbeth ponders the connection
Bleu Oleander: Maria
Raffila Millgrove: yes. maria Shriver. ty
Bleu Oleander: yw
Wol Euler: oh, she's a kennedy? I didn't know
Raffila Millgrove: she really knows eveyrone i guess and he came at her invite.
Raffila Millgrove: oh yes!
Agatha Macbeth: I remember Pam Shriver
Raffila Millgrove: Her mother Ethel. sister to JFK and Bobby
Wol Euler: mind you, there seem to be hundreds of Kennedy's , I suppose one of htem had to be wife of some governor or other
Agatha Macbeth: Wow
Raffila Millgrove: she ended up in divorce not too long ago.. kind of heartbreaking. they had four children and much happiness.
Bleu Oleander: please excuse me ... rl is getting busy ... take bye for now ... take care all :)
Wol Euler: bye bleu, take care
Agatha Macbeth: Bye your majesty :)
Storm Nordwind waves
Raffila Millgrove: bye Bleu
Raffila Millgrove: the Gov had a child and longtime affair with the housekeeper. bit too much for Maria to ... feel ok about it.
Agatha Macbeth: The Dalai Lama certainly gets about a lot
Raffila Millgrove: he does!
Agatha Macbeth: He seems to be everywhere
Raffila Millgrove: he visited Ohio i think.. stayed for five days... if you live in US.. you get to see him.
Raffila Millgrove: (somehwere in the midwestish.. he stayed quite a while for people to come see him)
Agatha Macbeth: I wonder if Bruce was there?
Raffila Millgrove: he raises money.. i am pretty sure this is why he's so out and about..
Agatha Macbeth: Yes indeed
Raffila Millgrove: my husband gives me gift once in awhile from Dali.. he claims Dali really likes me.. and that he cannot get gifts personally, so he ask my husband to... shop for him. It's a lovely idea. I have the bizarre idea that the Dali and I are close friends. maybe because i read that book long ago written in the 1950's by his tutor.. i had the sense of getting to know him as a teenager.
Wol Euler smiles.
Raffila Millgrove: Brad Pitt played the tutor in the movie.
Agatha Macbeth: I'm not actually sure how old he is
Raffila Millgrove: think he is .. close to hitting 80ish.
Agatha Macbeth: Wow
Agatha Macbeth: Makes his travelling all the more remarkable
Raffila Millgrove: seems to be in great health. you never hear anything that he is ill.
Agatha Macbeth: Must be all the fresh air
Wol Euler: and the healthy living
Agatha Macbeth: Yeh
Raffila Millgrove: he's so humble.. when he talks. it's what i like on him. he talks so simply. you can understand every idea in a minute.. he's so pared down.. but not over-simplified if you get me.
Agatha Macbeth: Sin is more taxing on the body
Raffila Millgrove: to be able to speak with such clarity and simplicity. such a gift.
Wol Euler nods.
Raffila Millgrove: if you were five years old. you could undrestand everything he says. i love that.
Agatha Macbeth: I try to do that, but never quite manage it somehow
Raffila Millgrove: one of my daughters can. she can speak to any person's level of understanding. i marvel at it.
Agatha Macbeth: Me too
Qt Core: maybe you still need a few dozen reincarnations ;-)
Wol Euler smiles.
Raffila Millgrove: i often wonder.. how does she know "where" to pitch it.. how does she know their level so fast?
Wol Euler: or a lifetime of practice
Wol Euler: and a lot of empathy
Raffila Millgrove: she could always do it. since she started to talk.... very weird.
Wol Euler: (perhaps your daughter's way)
Raffila Millgrove: she was the best baby. i never saw such a sweet and sunny baby. she's still like that. the sun that lights up a room.
Wol Euler smiles.
Agatha Macbeth: Pollyana
Vorder, who has been away a while, jumps to attention....
Agatha Macbeth: wb Vorder :)
Qt Core: rl calls, bye all, have fun!
Raffila Millgrove: she has a student in Japan. a woman.. whose great-grandfather led the team that sent the cherry trees to Washington (they had to breed a special tree to live there) and this year is 100 anniversary.. and her student was invited to come to Washington to represent great grandpa.
Wol Euler: bye qt, take care
Agatha Macbeth: Ciao QT, take care
Wol Euler: wow
Storm Nordwind waves
Wol Euler: what an honour, and a great conection
Vorder Forder: I thank you all and I bow to you
Raffila Millgrove: and this woman's family.. got up her nose... claims she must not go.. because it would be too "uppity" that grandpa was very quiet, shy and wouldn't want the attention. my daughter was so upset.. she try so hard to convince the lady she should go.
Agatha Macbeth: Bye dear, nice to see you
Raffila Millgrove: bye Vorder, come again soon.
Wol Euler: bye vorder, take care
Agatha Macbeth: Everyone seems to be leaving in the same order they came in :p
Raffila Millgrove: oh? wonders if her number is up next?
Agatha Macbeth: Ha
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: "come in, number 17, your time is up"
Raffila Millgrove: guess it is my turn then.
Agatha Macbeth: Aww
Wol Euler: bye raffi, take care
Raffila Millgrove: oh i love the number 17.. i will take it.
Raffila Millgrove: bye everyone.. hugs. xo
Agatha Macbeth: Be careful out there Raff
Storm Nordwind: Bye!
Agatha Macbeth: I have a cousin who counts to 17 in her head
Wol Euler: as a hobby?
Agatha Macbeth: Dunno
Wol Euler: heh
Agatha Macbeth: she does it all the time
Storm Nordwind: But starting where? And in what intervals?
Storm Nordwind: Backwards from 32761?
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, never got that far into it
Wol Euler smiles.
Agatha Macbeth: It was good to see Pema yesterday
Wol Euler: indeed, an unexpected pleasure
Agatha Macbeth: Must be a year since I last spoke to him
Wol Euler: wow
Storm Nordwind: Oh!
Agatha Macbeth: Seems like it anyway
Storm Nordwind: Try a different perfume. ;)
Wol Euler: heheheheh
Agatha Macbeth: Hmm
Wol Euler: or a different calendar
Agatha Macbeth: I have enough trouble with this one thanks
Wol Euler: he shocked me by saying it had been three years since we met in Freiburg
Agatha Macbeth: God yes
Agatha Macbeth: Aloha Pila
Pila Mulligan: aloha `oe
Storm Nordwind can't think of Freiburg without thinking of Lynyrd Skynyrd
Wol Euler: hehehehehehe
Wol Euler: good one
Wol Euler: hello pila
Agatha Macbeth: Makes a nice change to see you here Pil :)
Storm Nordwind: Hi Pila!
Pila Mulligan: greetings
Agatha Macbeth: No WoK again?
Pila Mulligan: that's what I was wondering too
Agatha Macbeth nods
Pila Mulligan: seems to have stalled or ceased
Agatha Macbeth: Well if there was, I think Mick would be here too
Agatha Macbeth: and Bruce
Pila Mulligan: likely
Storm Nordwind: Who organizes/organised it of late?
Pila Mulligan: it was kind of haphazard Storm
Agatha Macbeth: Er...good question
Pila Mulligan: no real indivdual organizer
Agatha Macbeth: I know Gaya did for a long time
Pila Mulligan: Gaya kept it going previously
Agatha Macbeth: Yep
Pila Mulligan: brb -- rl phone
Storm Nordwind: Sometimes a focus for the driving force is helpful. On the other hand, all things have a natural lifespan
Agatha Macbeth: There's someone else I haven't seen in ages :(
Wol Euler: she's so seldom in SL these days
Wol Euler: I see her in WoW
Agatha Macbeth: I'm sure somebody said she hadn't logged in since december
Wol Euler: let me check the mugunghwa beach group
Agatha Macbeth nods
Agatha Macbeth: (must be a big group)
Wol Euler: december 19
Agatha Macbeth: Yeh
Storm Nordwind nods
Agatha Macbeth: Oh dear
Wol Euler nods.
Agatha Macbeth: Gone to Inworldz maybe? :p
Storm Nordwind: There again, there's a guardian plot or two that have caretakers similarly absent
Agatha Macbeth: Hmm
Agatha Macbeth: I was always glad I could keep Sophia's going
Storm Nordwind is pleased about that.
Agatha Macbeth smiles
Storm Nordwind was thinking of Corvi and Tarmel
Agatha Macbeth: Oh gosh yes
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: sadly missed
Agatha Macbeth: How is Corvi?
Wol Euler: haven't heard from her in weeks
Storm Nordwind: Last November and September respectively
Agatha Macbeth sighs
Wol Euler: was busy and mostly happy last time we spoke
Agatha Macbeth: That's good anyway
Storm Nordwind: A lovely soul
Agatha Macbeth: Yep
Agatha Macbeth: I guess in Tarm's case the time difference doesn't help
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: I guess she's busy with her scriptwriting, though I don't know
Wol Euler: she never posts anything on FB either
Storm Nordwind: I think she got a lot of success in work, and in her business you have to go where you're needed
Agatha Macbeth: Yes, too true
Wol Euler: I suppose there are benefits to moderate success in unfashionable ... huh, forgotten the word.
Wol Euler: professions!
Agatha Macbeth: I'm not actually sure what her profession is
Storm Nordwind: She's a film producer/director/writer
Pila Mulligan: back
Agatha Macbeth: wb Pil
Wol Euler: wb
Agatha Macbeth: Oh, wow
Storm Nordwind: Has been for 20 years
Wol Euler: as far as I know, she's been working since before the first Halifax retreat on a sci-fi social-study project
Agatha Macbeth: Wonder how that works?
Wol Euler grins.
Wol Euler: slowly
Agatha Macbeth: Evidently
Pila Mulligan: she gets ideas and makes films, as I understand it
Pila Mulligan: after getting sponsors :)
Agatha Macbeth: Sounds good
Pila Mulligan: the son of a neighbor does the same thing in Paris
Pila Mulligan: seems like an exciting occupation
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, now Paris is the kinda place to do something like that
Pila Mulligan: I think Tarmel gets around too, not limited to just OZ
Agatha Macbeth: She's not in Kansas anymore :p
Pila Mulligan: yep :)
Storm Nordwind: Met at the first PaB retreat
Pila Mulligan: she was the first person I met at Kira Cafe
Pila Mulligan: led into PaB
Storm Nordwind: Stayed a while with her with Genesis and family in California (before they went to Italy).
Pila Mulligan: nice
Agatha Macbeth: Incredible to think she started out with the same noob av as I did!
Wol Euler smiles.
Pila Mulligan: :)
Agatha Macbeth: The one with the chav hat
Storm Nordwind remembers Agatha's inital wanderings around the sim :)
Agatha Macbeth: Mm, yes
Pila Mulligan: and now I can't help but notice your matching outfits, Ag and Wol
Wol Euler remembers Aggers hiding up in the gallery
Wol Euler: being shy
Agatha Macbeth: The terrible twins
Pila Mulligan: very ...
Wol Euler: yep
Agatha Macbeth: A long time ago, SL-wise
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: and in RL time too actually
Agatha Macbeth: Oh I dunno, RL seems to fly by
Pila Mulligan: is there a relativity issue between RL and SL times?
Agatha Macbeth: Good question
Pila Mulligan: dilation or some such thing?
Agatha Macbeth: Maybe it's a quantum thing
Pila Mulligan: yep
Pila Mulligan: E=Mc(SL)2
Storm Nordwind: Maybe it's an age thing!
Agatha Macbeth: Ha!
Wol Euler: perish the thought
Agatha Macbeth: The thought perishes...
Storm Nordwind shrugs realistically
Agatha Macbeth: 'If only I'd done that when I was 20'
Wol Euler: really
Storm Nordwind: Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Because you might enjoy it today, and then you can do it again tomorrow!
Pila Mulligan: :)
Wol Euler: yeah :)
Agatha Macbeth: Indeed Stormy
Wol Euler: a mottto to live by
Pila Mulligan: but then there is the repeatiion of those things you'd rather not do, too
Agatha Macbeth: Erk
Pila Mulligan: is the recorder off-able now?
Agatha Macbeth: Still going atm
Pila Mulligan: ahh
Wol Euler: the log is editable
Agatha Macbeth: or at least it hasn't told me otherwise
Wol Euler looks meaningfully at aggers
Agatha Macbeth: We could stop it here?
At this point Pila began to tell us about certain events back in Hawai'i which had greatly disturbed him. The four of us continued to mull it over for about an hour after the session ended.
After consulting Pila, he reviewed the text and kindly gave permission for me to reproduce it here. Thanks again Pil!
Part Two - Pele
Pila Mulligan: In the 1990's we had a big fight here over geothermal energy, now they are trying to start it up again
Pila Mulligan: and I feel way too old to fight it all over again
Pila Mulligan: people do not realize how dangerous geothermal energy can be
Storm Nordwind: No shortage of geothermal energy there, though it's not something I'd want to mess with!
Pila Mulligan: it has an undeserved name as being safe and clean
Agatha Macbeth: From volcanoes?
Pila Mulligan: yes, it should not be messed with
Pila Mulligan: yes, tapping Pele
Agatha Macbeth: Totally
Pila Mulligan: she does not like it
Wol Euler: "let's drill deep down into this seismically-active region! What can possibly go wrong?"
Pila Mulligan: exactly
Storm Nordwind cringes
Pila Mulligan: the first well they started to drill 25 years ago erupted underneath them
Agatha Macbeth: I suppose people are anxious for anything non-nuclear to work
Pila Mulligan: the crew had to be evacuated by helicopter
Pila Mulligan: yes, Ags, and geothermal was always a nice counter arugment for nuclear
Agatha Macbeth nods
Pila Mulligan: the second place they started drilling in was wiped out (to the tune of 20,000 acres) by a very large new lava field just after they started
Wol Euler: coincidence!
Storm Nordwind: Any pattern emerging here?
Wol Euler: heheh
Pila Mulligan: the place they want to drill now was actively erupting 50 years ago
Wol Euler: like the British generals in the fields of northern France in 1915
Storm Nordwind: Who is funding these drillings?
Agatha Macbeth: You could say some people never learn
Pila Mulligan: yes, Wol
Pila Mulligan: and Ags too
Pila Mulligan: Storm, optimists
Wol Euler: "get up out of the trench and walk towards the Germans. Just because it failed the last 18 times is no reason not to do it again"
Pila Mulligan: Ormat geothermal company
Pila Mulligan: biggest in the world
Storm Nordwind: Optimists? Or Opportunists?
Pila Mulligan: both
Wol Euler: easy to be optimistic when you live half a world away from the people who'll bear the damage if it goes wrong
Pila Mulligan: yes
Agatha Macbeth: The pacific rim is not something I'd want to mess with
Pila Mulligan: they did establish one plant successfully here, but it has wreaked havoc with the residents around it
Pila Mulligan: successfully from their polint of view that is
Pila Mulligan: it makes electricty
Pila Mulligan: it also has had several monsterous blowouts
Pila Mulligan: requiring evacuations of the neighbors
Pila Mulligan: uncontrolled venting of toxic steam and brine
Pila Mulligan: not a nice situation
Agatha Macbeth: Sounds not
Pila Mulligan: this is the most rural, backwoods part of the state
Pila Mulligan: so there is not much sympathy in Honolulu
Pila Mulligan: they like the 'clean 'energy idea
Wol Euler smiles.
[14:30] Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Agatha Macbeth: Clean outweighs dangerous it seems
Pila Mulligan: it isnt even clean
Wol Euler nods.
Pila Mulligan: not only that, but you can easily see how the deification of the volcano takes place, Pele is an awesome presence
Agatha Macbeth: Truly
Pila Mulligan: so respecting her is natural
Storm Nordwind momentarily eyes the peaks of the Rockies with suspicion
Pila Mulligan: they are much older and cooler :)
Wol Euler just realized that the chain of volcanic peaks in the American southwest points towards Yosemite ...
Pila Mulligan: yes indeed
Wol Euler: hmmmmmmmmm
Pila Mulligan: Yosemite is a super voclano
Wol Euler: that suddenly shakes my skepticism a bit
Pila Mulligan: here we get in tune with the frequent little tremblors, the vog, the new lava flows, it all feels like a harmonoius continuuum, it really illustrates raw nature very well, they have patterns
Pila Mulligan: being humans we no doubt impose some subjective impressions on the patterns too
Pila Mulligan: who's to say how far that part can go realistically
Pila Mulligan: but the idea of a volcano as a diety is totally agreeable with me
Storm Nordwind: What would Pele want from humans?
Pila Mulligan: respect, freindly and neighborly presence
Storm Nordwind: And how to show that?
Pila Mulligan: people do dances there, hula groups
Pila Mulligan: people take flower offerings
Storm Nordwind: Is she amenable to negotiation?
Wol Euler smiles.
Pila Mulligan: peole just treat her with deference in thought
Pila Mulligan: :) good question
Storm Nordwind: I suspect not too. I don't see how we could present ourselves as trustworthy
Wol Euler nods.
[14:45] Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Storm Nordwind: I'm told such a visit would be appreciated but that in the end it would be to little avail.
Pila Mulligan: I'd say the Pele practicioners can communicate with Pele, but I was thiking of Ormat sending an attorney to negotiate in terms of your quesiton, Storm
Pila Mulligan: to little avail, Im sure
Pila Mulligan: :)
Pila Mulligan: last time we fought geothermal in the courts, seriously, on each hearing date there was a substantial new lava flow
At this point, Pila crashed momentarily....
Pila Mulligan is Offline
Pila Mulligan is Online
Agatha Macbeth: wb Pil
Pila Mulligan: thnks
Wol Euler: wb
Storm Nordwind: One always worries when Pila disappears suddenly
Wol Euler: heheh
Pila Mulligan: :) just the cell modem
Pila Mulligan:
Storm Nordwind: "accidentally"! Ha!
Agatha Macbeth: Yeh
[15:00] Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Pila Mulligan: :)
Pila Mulligan: similar to headline saying "fishing line gets wet'
Storm Nordwind: You can't obfuscate it in jargon like "dacite magma" and hope to get away with it.
Agatha Macbeth: Mmm
Pila Mulligan:
Pila Mulligan: yes, Storm thats a real problem here, obfuscation, and mind set
Pila Mulligan: science does not see Pele as we do
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Zen :)
Zen: Hi all
Pila Mulligan: hi Zen
Zen: surprised you are all still here
Wol Euler smiles.
Agatha Macbeth: We are having an interesting chat about volcanoes...
Wol Euler: hello zen
Pila Mulligan: A civil disobedience campaign was launched by the Pele Defense Fund, an offshoot organization of Protect Kaho`olawe Ohana (see Kaho`olawe Island site report), contending that the geothermal energy well sites and power plant would be an insult to Pele and drastically diminish her mana (life force). When test holes were drilled in Wao Kele in 1988, massive sit-ins were conducted, drawing media attention and further entrenching both sides. The geothermal company put up a fence topped with barbed wire around the test areas and launched a media campaign labeling protesters as outside agitators, despite the significant leadership of Native Hawaiians. A major action in March 1990 brought 1,500 protesters to the forest and led to the arrest of 141 people.
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