2013.01.06 01:00 - Old worlds and new clothes

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Qt Core. The comments are by Qt Core.

    Qt Core: Hi Adoro
    adoro Rhapsody: how is in Milano ?
    Qt Core: sunnier than expected but don't worry we get our cold back in a few days
    adoro Rhapsody: ok
    Qt Core: and on your side of the world ?
    adoro Rhapsody: i am in the Netherlands
    adoro Rhapsody: nice weather
    adoro Rhapsody: snny and relative warm
    adoro Rhapsody: sunny
    adoro Rhapsody: about 9 degrees
    adoro Rhapsody: blue sky
    adoro Rhapsody: getting colder next weekend
    Qt Core: same here, yesterday was sunny enouigh to hurt the eyes as the sun is low on the horizon (and more so in northern europe)
    adoro Rhapsody: i have things on from yesterday evening
    adoro Rhapsody: but dont know how to make them loose
    adoro Rhapsody: i was more than a year absent in SL
    adoro Rhapsody: ah it is done
    Qt Core: what made you leave and what make you come back, if you want/can share ?
    adoro Rhapsody: with tghe option "letting loose all things


    adoro Rhapsody: ok i left because i had taken other avatar names
    adoro Rhapsody: and had more interest in Google plus
    Zon Kwan: heya
    Qt Core: Hi Zon
    adoro Rhapsody: there u have hangouts you can talk with up to 9 persons in cams u can see life
    adoro Rhapsody: i liked that
    adoro Rhapsody: but now i like talking this way
    adoro Rhapsody: as avatars
    adoro Rhapsody: so u dont see the real person
    adoro Rhapsody: it gives something more fantasy
    adoro Rhapsody: and i likwe that
    adoro Rhapsody: like
    Zon Kwan: nods
    Qt Core: Hi Zon... you almost have the exact aspect i had in the virtual world i was in before sl ;-)
    Zon Kwan: what is that ?
    Qt Core: the ancient and defunct Google Lively
    Zon Kwan: was it like sl ?
    adoro Rhapsody: ok
    Qt Core: several order of magnitude simpler and cartoonish
    adoro Rhapsody: ok
    adoro Rhapsody: i never saw it that way
    adoro Rhapsody: but u r right
    adoro Rhapsody: thats also an aspect
    Zon Kwan: thx adoro
    Qt Core: we may say it didn't survive the beta version, didn't get enough people in and had no building facilities
    adoro Rhapsody: thnx Zon
    adoro Rhapsody: but now its very popular
    adoro Rhapsody: i see many communities on G+ now
    Qt Core: G+ is a social network, i'm speaking about Google Lively, the virtual world
    adoro Rhapsody: ok
    adoro Rhapsody: sorry
    adoro Rhapsody: i didnt notice
    adoro Rhapsody: i was gone bu G+
    Zon Kwan: are there any real competitors for sl ?
    adoro Rhapsody: maybe not
    adoro Rhapsody: i was searching for a kind of second home
    Zon Kwan: there should be..then we might have 3rd life
    Qt Core: rl ? isn't so cheap buy they tell me there is almost no lag
    adoro Rhapsody: and find it here in SL
    adoro Rhapsody: as fantasy
    adoro Rhapsody: i mean
    adoro Rhapsody: a kind of utopial arcadia
    Zon Kwan: sl can be more than just a fantasy
    adoro Rhapsody: sure
    adoro Rhapsody: it helps to come in the right mood
    Zon Kwan: a new dimension
    Zon Kwan: of reality
    adoro Rhapsody: sure
    adoro Rhapsody: the ideas are real
    adoro Rhapsody: and the way of communicating can be respectful
    adoro Rhapsody: so as here in PaB
    adoro Rhapsody: i like that very much
    Zon Kwan: sl can be a very powerful tool to examine yourself
    adoro Rhapsody: sure
    Zon Kwan: besides that you can communicate with others
    Qt Core: or just to waste some time
    Zon Kwan: all depends on user
    adoro Rhapsody: or what u call "waste"
    Zon Kwan: the god behind the avatar
    adoro Rhapsody: deus ex machina
    adoro Rhapsody: good for a sunday morning
    Qt Core: and that is sl main point not having a goal you decide, (and many don't get it and leave in hours)
    adoro Rhapsody: a kind of religion ?
    Zon Kwan: hope not
    adoro Rhapsody: or way of life second life


    Zon Kwan: not a goal like in a game
    adoro Rhapsody: i i dont hope so either
    Zon Kwan: but you can set your goals
    Qt Core: more like a kind of magic ;-) (i always like to see the "magic ray"exiting avatar's hand)
    Zon Kwan: indeed macig
    adoro Rhapsody: what u mean ?
    adoro Rhapsody: Qt ?
    Zon Kwan: magic of our creativity
    adoro Rhapsody: ray ?
    adoro Rhapsody: sun ?
    adoro Rhapsody: ok creativity
    Qt Core: the ray exiting my hand nad going toward the pics right now
    Qt Core: make me feel like i can make magic (and i don't even build...)
    adoro Rhapsody: ok
    adoro Rhapsody: interesting
    adoro Rhapsody: kind of magic creator
    Zon Kwan: flow
    adoro Rhapsody: where u get the nice shirts u both have ?
    adoro Rhapsody: white red striped
    Zon Kwan: dont recall
    Qt Core: a freebie i get years ago, let see if i can send it to you one
    Zon Kwan: its a freebie
    Zon Kwan: its a freebie
    adoro Rhapsody: ok
    adoro Rhapsody: would be nice
    Zon Kwan: omg i thot i was being personal..lol
    adoro Rhapsody: lol
    Qt Core: sorry, it's no transfer
    Zon Kwan: a new Pab uniform
    Zon Kwan: do you have the LM for adoro ?
    Zon Kwan: for the shirt
    adoro Rhapsody: would be nice
    adoro Rhapsody: but i dont like uniforms
    Qt Core: no, but i think i saw it in several freebie places
    Zon Kwan: you can wear it outside pab :)
    adoro Rhapsody: more as a kind togetherness
    Qt Core: (i got mine in may 2009...)
    Zon Kwan: seeks
    adoro Rhapsody: maybe time for new shirts
    adoro Rhapsody: in 2013
    Zon Kwan: or wash it
    adoro Rhapsody: ok
    adoro Rhapsody: good tip
    adoro Rhapsody: i like mine from Zoetermeer
    adoro Rhapsody: is my town
    adoro Rhapsody: in Holland
    adoro Rhapsody: where i live in rl
    Qt Core: i don't have use for money in sl so i rarely change outfit (and i'm well past the days of aquire whatever freebie you find around)
    adoro Rhapsody: i am Dutch so wanna live cheap
    Qt Core: i can say i would throw away 95% of my inventory with no problem
    adoro Rhapsody: only freebees
    adoro Rhapsody: sure
    adoro Rhapsody: mine too
    adoro Rhapsody: 95 % can be trown away
    adoro Rhapsody: or be reaused
    adoro Rhapsody: reuseds
    Qt Core: wile i love the idea of having a Doraemon like pocket ;-)
    adoro Rhapsody: reused
    Qt Core: *while
    Zon Kwan: sry, i have deleted the LM
    adoro Rhapsody: np
    adoro Rhapsody: just firts try of nothingness
    adoro Rhapsody: first
    adoro Rhapsody: immaterial being
    adoro Rhapsody: its only outside
    adoro Rhapsody: what counts is inside
    Qt Core: but sometimes the outside send you away before you have the time to discover the inside
    adoro Rhapsody: i like the surrounding here
    adoro Rhapsody: well stated Qt
    adoro Rhapsody: what country is Zon ?


    adoro Rhapsody: Zon means Sun in Dutch
    Zon Kwan: sorry, distracted, must go, see you later
    adoro Rhapsody: ok
    adoro Rhapsody: bye
    adoro Rhapsody: you r italian Qt ?
    Qt Core: yes
    adoro Rhapsody: i like the italian way of life
    adoro Rhapsody: i am interested in Milano 2015 Expo
    adoro Rhapsody: how does it go ?
    Qt Core: worse every day even if more than 100 country want to come
    adoro Rhapsody: oh
    adoro Rhapsody: why ?
    Qt Core: politics i think, most works in the fair place haven't started yet
    adoro Rhapsody: i had a avantar name nanomilano
    adoro Rhapsody: because nanotechnology could be a great topic in expo 2015
    adoro Rhapsody: but you only laughed it away
    adoro Rhapsody: maybe a small expo could be nice
    adoro Rhapsody: nano small
    Qt Core: never heard about nanotechnology and food (the main topic of the expo)
    adoro Rhapsody: ok
    adoro Rhapsody: hey build whole laboratories on chips
    Qt Core: many things have been cancelled (official excuse the crisis)
    adoro Rhapsody: so why not nano kitchens or nano farms on a chip
    adoro Rhapsody: cooking with molecules
    adoro Rhapsody: could be green too
    Qt Core: i have to go on taxi duties
    adoro Rhapsody: ok
    Qt Core: bye
    adoro Rhapsody: bye

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