2014.02.21 19:00 - V is for Vent

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    2014.02.21 19:00 - Title goes here

    The Guardian for this meeting was Lucinda Lavender. The comments are by Lucinda Lavender.


    Lucinda Lavender: Hello to all on a friday evening.
    Lucinda Lavender: I have arrived late because it seems a new version of Second Life was needed. It appears to be fairly slow on this new connection/version.
    Lucinda Lavender: fewer pillows
    Lucinda Lavender: during this 90 seconds I am thinking about how this is not a very busy time slot. I am here but by friday night have little energy it seems.
    Lucinda Lavender: perhaps I have come in on the wrong friday....I will go check that
    Lucinda Lavender: no..I am signed up for it:)
    Lucinda Lavender: It is interesting to sit alone...so many things to think about.
    Lucinda Lavender: I look out my window and a curtain of dark has fallen there.
    Lucinda Lavender: Today at the preschool...I read a book about the ABC's of Architecture. And When we got to the letter V...which was for vent...I asked the children if they had vents at their houses.
    Lucinda Lavender: The response was amazing. Many shapes and sizes they could speak about...and whether they like to sit by the vent etc:) Who knew that the vent would open up conversation so much!
    Lucinda Lavender: I think I shall go for now...peace and sweet dreams to all.

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