2010.06.25 13:00 - a silly aftervoice chat :)

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Yakuzza Lethecus. The comments are by Yakuzza Lethecus.

    Zen Arado: http://www.amazon.com/Each-Moment-Un...7495439&sr=1-2


    Kiki Walpanheim: lol


    Eden Haiku: Zen says he is Irish ;)


    Kiki Walpanheim: ;-)


    Kiki Walpanheim: i sometimes just mix and project some accent with some specific person i know


    Eliza Madrigal: :)


    Kiki Walpanheim: :)


    Eden Haiku: Where are you from kiki?


    Kiki Walpanheim: china


    Eden Haiku: oh!


    Wol Euler: evening all


    Eliza Madrigal: Hi!!


    Kiki Walpanheim: hi


    Fael Innovia: Hi Wol :)


    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Wol :)) We've still on voice. What day of 'different looks' are you on?


    Wol Euler: today is 18


    Zen Arado: Hi Wol


    Eliza Madrigal: :))


    Wol Euler: 12 to go


    Archmage Atlantis: Hi, Zen, Fox, Eliza, Fael I, Yaku, Eden QT, Wol........Kiki, Maverick


    Eliza Madrigal: Love your hair today.


    Kiki Walpanheim: Hi


    Fox Monacular: so are we doing voice every friday now? i like it very much:)


    Wol Euler: and I have to admit htat I am looking forward to being able to wear my favourites again


    Fael Innovia: Hi Arch :)


    Eliza Madrigal: I bet :)


    Zen Arado: Hi Arch


    Archmage Atlantis: Voice? ...... Yikes!


    Wol Euler: not all :)


    Fael Innovia: Voice happy hour is just ending :)


    Eden Haiku: Would love to hear yur voice. Arch. 3 more minutesééé


    Eliza Madrigal: jsut for 3 more minutes


    Eliza Madrigal: :)


    Archmage Atlantis: Voice doesn't always work for me.......it's spotty


    Kiki Walpanheim: oh thank you


    Wol Euler nods. Same here.


    Archmage Atlantis: sometimes yes, sometimes no


    Kiki Walpanheim: i need to go soon.....nice hearing your voice....next time....


    Kiki Walpanheim: see u




    Yakuzza Lethecus: i relog real quick


    Qt Core: back to beloved text ;-)


    Fox Monacular: so is this every friday?


    Fael Innovia: almost every friday I think :)


    Eden Haiku: Yes, from 12 to 1 Fox.


    Zen Arado: yes Fox


    Maverick42 Rosca: the sun is shining outside


    Fox Monacular: cool:)


    Fael Innovia: there's a notice about it :)


    Fox Monacular: quite a different feeling


    Maverick42 Rosca: and its 9pm


    Fox Monacular: yes, right, I was just so busy, I couldn't keep up with notices


    Eden Haiku: It is very different, isn'it?


    Archmage Atlantis: Nope, can't hear a thing


    Eden Haiku: Wb Yaku,


    Fox Monacular: we're on chat now, Arch


    Maverick42 Rosca: tap tap tap


    Zen Arado: I've gone deaf


    Eliza Madrigal: We're back on text now Arch :)


    Maverick42 Rosca: is all i can hear


    Fael Innovia: no-one on the voice anymore I think (can't know since I turned it off alraedy)


    Zen Arado: feels like


    Wol Euler: now that we are in official session time, has anyone briefed Maverick and asked him about the recording?


    Eden Haiku: Taking off headset...


    Fox Monacular: yes, very different:), and a new level of embodiment


    Maverick42 Rosca: recording?


    Eden Haiku: We can hear so much in voices!


    Fox Monacular: yes, recording


    Wol Euler: all right, I'll give you an introduction to the group in IM


    Eliza Madrigal: Thank you Wol


    Maverick42 Rosca: oki


    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Dao :))


    Dao Yheng: Hi Eliza, Yaku, and all :)


    Eden Haiku: Like Eliza's giggling in sound, wonderful!


    Yakuzza Lethecus: hey dao


    Zen Arado: Hi Dao :)


    Eliza Madrigal: We just finished a voice session and are now switching gears...


    Eliza Madrigal: hah Eden :) ::blushes:::


    Dao Yheng: ah -- great!


    Fox Monacular: :)


    Eliza Madrigal: Voice is very different though, I enjoy it too, even though I was *very* reluctant to use it at first


    Eden Haiku: You were?


    Eliza Madrigal: yes... felt more shy in voice


    Fael Innovia: the thing about voice I don't like so much, I find, is that it ties you down to the seat in front of computer much more :)


    Eliza Madrigal: that's true


    Eden Haiku: Ah ah...


    Eliza Madrigal: if someone says something to you, they'll know if you're not there just by speed of response :)


    Qt Core: a good wireless headset helps ;-)


    Fael Innovia: maybe I'll try getting a bluetooth hands free device and set it up for use for voice :)


    Archmage Atlantis: Gee, I should like it even more Fael I


    Zen Arado: good idea


    Eden Haiku: Regrets not buying a wireless headset...


    Eliza Madrigal: as long as we're not having webcam sessions any time soon...


    Archmage Atlantis: Being present in a meeting is important to the result


    Zen Arado: I was thinking of connecting a laptop to my TV


    Yakuzza Lethecus: but bluetooth often got really poor audio quality often


    Qt Core: using the ones for cellphones is quite cheaper than music headset


    Yakuzza Lethecus: at least from the microphone


    Eden Haiku: I did put lipstick on before the voice session :)


    Wol Euler: heheheheh


    Qt Core: brb


    Dao Yheng: :))


    Fox Monacular: hehe


    Eliza Madrigal laughs


    Eliza Madrigal: so French...


    Eden Haiku: ;-) I'm from Alpha de Centaurus dear....


    Zen Arado: think Skype allows conference calls now


    Eden Haiku: It does.


    Archmage Atlantis: Don't tell that to Sarah Palin, Eden


    Fox Monacular: really, with video?


    Eden Haiku: :-))


    Zen Arado: think so


    Eliza Madrigal: oh goodness... Well, y'all have fun with that one :)


    Fox Monacular: i was waiting for it!


    Zen Arado: they will start to charge for it too


    Fox Monacular: oh no


    Eliza Madrigal: although, might be fun to see everyone in pajamas with coffee cups...


    Fox Monacular: i use skype as a home phone, it's really cheap!


    Archmage Atlantis: Taking off headphones and mike


    Fox Monacular: i'm in a pajamas and with a tea cup!


    Eliza Madrigal: !!


    Eliza Madrigal grins


    Archmage Atlantis: Even tho the box says I am an "active speaker"


    Eden Haiku: Would love to see this pyjama party!


    Fael Innovia: oh and of course, can't listen to background music if I'm participating in voice discussion :D


    Archmage Atlantis: Ha!


    Fox Monacular: yay! pajama conference video party


    Fox Monacular: with 9 sec breaks


    Eden Haiku: With our pets and babies on our laps!


    Eden Haiku: With 9 secs breaks!


    Archmage Atlantis: Shuh, Nimbus is asleep........


    Fox Monacular: yes, trying not to *drop* the babies


    Eden Haiku: laughs


    Eliza Madrigal loves to hear Bleu's dog barking in the background


    Eliza Madrigal: they must be enormous :)


    Eden Haiku: Yes, she has a Bernese Spaniel, they are huge dogs!


    Eden Haiku: No Spaniel, Bouvier...


    Archmage Atlantis: No, just loud.......living with a cat that thinks you can understand him has it's downside


    Eliza Madrigal: haha Arch :)


    Eden Haiku: Hello Darren ;)


    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Darren :)


    Yakuzza Lethecus: hey darren :)


    Darren Islar: hi everyone


    Zen Arado: Hi Darren


    Fox Monacular: hi Darren


    Wol Euler: hello darren


    Archmage Atlantis: nods to Darren


    Fael Innovia: Hi Darren :)


    Fael Innovia: meep meep! :)


    Wol Euler: you're just in time for the


    Wol Euler: onigokko


    Yakuzza Lethecus: :)


    Eliza Madrigal giggles @ Wol.. just noticing the footy pajamas


    Archmage Atlantis: "looks in inventory"


    Fael Innovia: stop


    Wol Euler: did you see the buttflap too? :)


    Eliza Madrigal: Do you have bunny ears too, Wol?


    Wol Euler: sadly, no


    Wol Euler: it does have a teddy bear though


    Eliza Madrigal giggles.... seeing now ;-)


    Darren Islar: I did Wol :)


    Fael Innovia: Hi Cal :)


    Eliza Madrigal: oooh, very sweet :)


    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Cal


    Wol Euler: hello cal


    Zen Arado: Hi Cal :)


    Fox Monacular: Hi Cal


    Eden Haiku: onigokko


    Archmage Atlantis: Wol's bunny outfit has a bare bottom




    Eden Haiku: stop


    Wol Euler: well, we were talking about pyjamas ...


    Eden Haiku: Pyjama party has started... Ok...


    Fael Innovia: oh, cute Wol :))


    Archmage Atlantis: *g*


    Wol Euler grins.


    Fael Innovia: Hi Bleu :)


    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Bleu


    Fox Monacular: hI Bleu


    Darren Islar: hi Bleu


    Eden Haiku: Changing back in my new look for Bleu :)


    Wol Euler: hello bleu


    Archmage Atlantis: Funny tho, I could hear the onigatto music......but no voice before


    Archmage Atlantis: Or now either


    Zen Arado: Hi Bleu :)


    Bleu Oleander: wow Eden ..... cool


    Yakuzza Lethecus: hey bleu :)


    Eden Haiku: Hi Bleu :)


    Wol Euler: Arch, do you use a Mac?


    Fox Monacular: wow eden, quite a look!


    Eden Haiku: Still looking for a face I like though Bleu :)


    Archmage Atlantis: I was in Finance, guess.......no a PC


    Bleu Oleander: you'll find one :)


    Eden Haiku: Yes, Bleu taught me how to do it...:)


    Wol Euler: hmmmm


    Calvino Rabeni: Wow, Wol, you look unusually cuddly today :)


    Fox Monacular: very cool


    Wol Euler: ty :)


    Eliza Madrigal: :)


    Dao Yheng: I've noticed that if I hear ambient sound but no voice, I have to relog


    Wol Euler: we were talking about a pyjama party earlier


    Eden Haiku: I uploaded a drawing I did with Brushes on IPad and I'm wearing it as a skin...


    Eliza Madrigal: these are the only pajamas I have.... don't exactly look like pajamas though


    Zen Arado: great Eden


    Fox Monacular: I should try taht too


    Fox Monacular: looks very cool


    Wol Euler: tehy look like terrycloth, warm and flannely


    Archmage Atlantis: The only pjs I have are not presentable in public......and there isn't a lot of them anyway


    Eliza Madrigal: :) Oh... well adding that description yes more pajama-y


    Archmage Atlantis: Would have to be a berobed party


    Archmage Atlantis: Haiku PJs, a new art form


    Wol Euler: mmmmm


    Fael Innovia has no teddy bear in this avi's inventory :/


    Maverick42 Rosca: Wol you have a hole in you jum jams


    Wol Euler: mine is no-trans :(


    Wol Euler: :)


    Wol Euler: lost a button. Ooops.


    Maverick42 Rosca: lol


    Eliza Madrigal: A fun session but I have to get going. Nice to see everyone!


    Wol Euler: bye eliza, take care


    Qt Core: bye Eliza


    Archmage Atlantis: Bye Elizaa


    Zen Arado: bye Eliza


    Bleu Oleander: bye Eliza


    Maverick42 Rosca: seeya elisa


    Yakuzza Lethecus: bye eliza


    Dao Yheng: Bye eliza!


    Eliza Madrigal: :::waves::: Bye for now!!


    Darren Islar: bye eliza


    Eden Haiku: Have to go too. Bye everyone, have fun!


    Wol Euler: bye eden, enjoy the weekend


    Darren Islar: bye Eden


    Fael Innovia: have fun Eden :)


    Fox Monacular: me too, unfortunately


    Qt Core: bye Eden, have fun


    Zen Arado: bye Eden


    Bleu Oleander: bye Eden


    Yakuzza Lethecus: take care fox


    Wol Euler: bye fox, take care


    Archmage Atlantis: Grecians, Eden


    Zen Arado: bye Fox


    Yakuzza Lethecus: nice to hear your voice!


    Darren Islar: bye Fox


    Bleu Oleander: bye Fox


    Archmage Atlantis: Et tu Fox


    Fox Monacular: take care everyone


    Fox Monacular: great to hear your voices!


    Qt Core: and bye Fox too!


    Fael Innovia: have fun Fox :)


    Wol Euler: those of us who are left can have another


    Wol Euler: onigokko


    Fael Innovia: meep meep! :)


    Maverick42 Rosca: weeeeeeee


    Wol Euler: hello ara


    Fael Innovia: Hi ara :)


    Qt Core: hi Ara


    Zen Arado: Hi Ara :)


    Maverick42 Rosca: one way of keeping fit


    Wol Euler: :)


    Fael Innovia: stop


    Archmage Atlantis: ;)


    Maverick42 Rosca: phew i need a shower


    Darren Islar: me too :))


    Darren Islar: and I haven't been moving


    Dao Yheng: I wonder how many simultaneous onigokkos have been attempted in SL?


    Wol Euler grins


    Archmage Atlantis: Those comments are trying to bring out the naughty in me........down boy


    Zen Arado: will be in Guinness book of records ?


    Dao Yheng: :))


    arabella Ella: seems to be a Friday night tradition :)


    arabella Ella: (night for those of us in europe)


    Wol Euler nods


    Wol Euler: it is traditionally the silly session


    arabella Ella: summer or friday night Wol?


    Wol Euler: friday night


    Qt Core: speaking in sl terms it is friday, 13:00


    arabella Ella nods


    arabella Ella: but not for us Qt it isnt


    Qt Core: but omitting the :00 ;-)


    arabella Ella: ah interesting observation Qt


    arabella Ella: lucky for some




    Qt Core: unlucky of simply terrorozing for others


    arabella Ella: Well i remember onigokko from my very first visit here at PaB


    arabella Ella: Moon was guardian i remember


    arabella Ella: and Pema tried to apologise as he did not know how i would react :)


    arabella Ella: memories return just like it were yesterday


    Fael Innovia giggles.


    Archmage Atlantis: I have onigokko 4x in my inventory, but have no idea how to make it go when everyone else dances


    Fael Innovia: it needs to be worn


    Zen Arado: was Moon the onigoko originator?


    Wol Euler: just wear it


    Fael Innovia: then it'll automatically have you go with others


    Fael Innovia: as long as it's worn


    Bleu Oleander: sry ... need to go ... bye all :)


    Archmage Atlantis: Hmmm


    Fael Innovia: have fun Bleu :)


    Wol Euler: bye bleu, take care


    Yakuzza Lethecus: take care bleu


    Zen Arado: bye Bleu


    Qt Core: bye Bleu


    arabella Ella: i am not sure but it could have been started by Moon as he had a lovely sense of humour and mischieviousness


    arabella Ella: he used to get flowers to grow all over the place here too and he would also let off fireworks


    Zen Arado: and still has :)


    Archmage Atlantis: He still does at Zazen


    arabella Ella nods but have not seen him in ages now


    Maverick42 Rosca: time is a human invention


    Fael Innovia: Moon still has a guardian session.


    Fael Innovia: Sunday, 1am


    Darren Islar: sorry I have another arrent


    arabella Ella: ah ... not a very convenient time for me


    Fael Innovia: have fun Darren :)


    arabella Ella: bye Darren


    Zen Arado: bye Darren


    Dao Yheng: bye Darren!


    Darren Islar: bye all :)


    Wol Euler: bye darren, take care


    Archmage Atlantis: Blessings and Namaste, Darren


    Qt Core: bye Darren


    Zen Arado: wonder what an 'arrent' is


    Archmage Atlantis: errand, I assume


    arabella Ella: an errand?


    Wol Euler: or event


    Zen Arado: ah ok


    Wol Euler: errand is more likely, yes


    Calvino Rabeni: A "graceful" thing happened today - there is a path through forest near my house - to a greenway trail - and today, someone had spread it with rose petals - a rose path through the wood - unusual


    Wol Euler: oooh


    Wol Euler: a wedding party, perhaps?


    arabella Ella: how pretty


    Zen Arado: nice


    Fael Innovia: nice :)


    arabella Ella: i can nearly smell the scent of the petals


    Calvino Rabeni: no, i think, some magic


    Archmage Atlantis: shifts angle so as not to be looking at Wol's pj opening


    Wol Euler: heheheh


    Calvino Rabeni: I guess, created by a nearby house owner


    arabella Ella: elves and fairies in the woods


    Calvino Rabeni: to create some effect on people crossing there


    arabella Ella: definitely magic


    Archmage Atlantis: As Archmage, I can definitely say magic is overrated *g*


    Dao Yheng: It changes the mood -- in new york, the "imagine" circle in central park always has flowers on it -- I've come to rely on that :)


    Archmage Atlantis: Magic arises from what is in us......it does not happen to us


    arabella Ella: but why not let us dream on Arch?


    Calvino Rabeni: It is a dream communication


    arabella Ella nods


    Archmage Atlantis: The Bard , the night in midsummer, surely


    Calvino Rabeni: of an objective nature I would possibly add


    Dao Yheng: Thanks for the onnigoko -- bye all!


    Wol Euler: bye dao


    arabella Ella: bye Dao


    Qt Core: bye Dao


    Zen Arado: bye Dao


    Maverick42 Rosca: seeya dao


    Fael Innovia: have fun Dao :)


    Zen Arado: I have to go too


    Zen Arado: bye all


    Wol Euler: 'night zen, take care


    arabella Ella: bye Zen


    Calvino Rabeni: loooool Stargate!


    Yakuzza Lethecus: bye zen




    Calvino Rabeni: bye


    Archmage Atlantis: domo arigato


    Wol Euler: was anyone at the 7am theme session on Time?


    arabella Ella: no afraid not


    Maverick42 Rosca: no, but i think time is an interesting subjet


    arabella Ella: nice quick change of attire Wol :)


    Wol Euler: :)


    Wol Euler: I couldn't let poor Arch suffer like that


    arabella Ella giggles


    Archmage Atlantis: I wasn't suffering


    Archmage Atlantis: I was just distracted


    Wol Euler: ah :)


    arabella Ella: no conscience issues Arch?


    Archmage Atlantis: Concious? no.......Conscience? no.........just distracted


    Maverick42 Rosca: talkin about time, what timezone you guys in


    Wol Euler: CEET


    Wol Euler: -E


    Archmage Atlantis: US EDT


    Qt Core: CET (DST)


    Maverick42 Rosca: im in GMT


    Fael Innovia: SLT+10


    Archmage Atlantis: I like that Fael


    arabella Ella: CET (SL + 9)


    Archmage Atlantis: SLT + 3


    arabella Ella: are you English Maverick?


    Maverick42 Rosca: yes but dont live in the uk


    arabella Ella: ah ok


    Maverick42 Rosca: were closer to france


    Archmage Atlantis: One assumes he lives England......bad assumption......where else does GMT apply


    arabella Ella: and will you reveal where that may be?


    Maverick42 Rosca: Channel Islands


    arabella Ella: ah ha :)


    Wol Euler: ah


    Wol Euler frowns. And they are not part of hte UK?


    Wol Euler: are they self-administering?


    Archmage Atlantis: Another assumption....busted


    Maverick42 Rosca: yes we are


    Wol Euler: well I never.


    arabella Ella: Arch please note I did not assume and asked whether he was English


    Archmage Atlantis: I did not mean you arabella, I meant me


    Maverick42 Rosca: we have american cruiseliners docka at our port almost every day


    arabella Ella: :)


    Archmage Atlantis: Are americans still considered rude?


    Archmage Atlantis: (sorry, 1950s movies)


    Maverick42 Rosca: no, far from it, i love america and what it offers


    Archmage Atlantis: Except the rest of the americas prefer we not refer to ourselves as americans


    arabella Ella: do you think one can generalise for all the population of the USA Arch?


    Fael Innovia: let's see... UK, Spain, Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana ... that's about it for the choices that can be seen on google maps on high zoom


    Maverick42 Rosca: have a freind just moved to atlanta from the channel islands


    arabella Ella: Portugal too perhaps Fael?


    Archmage Atlantis: Hot Lanta........hope the friend enjoys the blend


    Fael Innovia: maybe


    Fael Innovia: but... channel islands... GMT?


    Maverick42 Rosca: the island is called Guernsey




    Wol Euler: Portugal is on English time too, 1 hour behind the rest of EUrope


    Fael Innovia: ah


    Fael Innovia: yes, found it


    Archmage Atlantis: Is that the island where tropical plants will grow?


    Maverick42 Rosca: its warm but no tropical plants here


    arabella Ella: from Wikipedia


    arabella Ella: They include two separate bailiwicks: the Bailiwick of Guernsey and the Bailiwick of Jersey, neither of which is part of the United Kingdom; rather they are considered the remnants of the Duchy of Normandy


    Archmage Atlantis: Altitude is sometimes more important than latitude and longitude with plants


    Fael Innovia: oh, spain is not GMT


    Fael Innovia: but portugal is


    Wol Euler nods


    Fael Innovia: as well as iceland


    arabella Ella: wow


    Maverick42 Rosca: we have a lot of french names in the island


    arabella Ella: what is the main attraction for the cruise liner tourists?


    Fael Innovia: Algeria is not GMT either


    Maverick42 Rosca: no vat goods


    Maverick42 Rosca: and the food


    arabella Ella: but island goods are never cheap


    Archmage Atlantis: That's like Florida, we are the same time zone as NYC, but everything is about an hour later here (sum wise)


    arabella Ella: due to extra freight and smaller markets


    Archmage Atlantis: *sun


    Maverick42 Rosca: ah florida, our fav destination


    arabella Ella: and food?


    Maverick42 Rosca: sea food is a speciality


    Fael Innovia: Morocco and Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo and all the other little countries near them are also GMT


    Fael Innovia: and georgetown


    Fael Innovia: this is much more messy than I thought :)


    arabella Ella: great research Fael and very interesting :)


    Fael Innovia: ... and I don't want to even try to make sense out of that zigzag in asia


    Archmage Atlantis: People who do not live by the sea, never quite understand what real seafood is about


    Archmage Atlantis: Though ours is being destroyed by oil


    Wol Euler: indeed.


    Fael Innovia: Finland looks to be the only scandinavian country that's on eastern european time. The rest are CET


    Wol Euler: though I note that the oil industry is continuing to press for offshore drilling to be liberalized


    Wol Euler mutters "Drown the fuckers in their own crude oil, I say."


    arabella Ella: oh there is so much lobbying there and so many vested interests too


    Fael Innovia: I saw one positive aspect of the oil spill recently :)


    Wol Euler: mmm?


    Fael Innovia: US Coast Guard is asking for help publicly, from anyone willing and able to help with technology or techniques for handling the situation


    Fael Innovia: it's quite something to see established governmental institution to do that


    Fael Innovia: on something of this importance


    arabella Ella: yes i read about one of the responses today


    Archmage Atlantis: I won't start.....(pls help me not to start).......We watch the movement of the oil and methane daily......


    arabella Ella: by an NGO but cant remember details


    Archmage Atlantis: It is larger than most European countries in it's spread


    Wol Euler nods


    Wol Euler: and no end in sight.


    Archmage Atlantis: No, another legacy of the last administration


    Wol Euler: the Republicans must be so happy to be out of office, letting Obama get the blame for their greed and incompetence


    Fael Innovia: meep! wb Cal :)


    Wol Euler looks around curiously.


    Yakuzza Lethecus smiles back


    Wol Euler: ah :)




    arabella Ella: gtg good night all


    Wol Euler: 'night ara, take care


    Fael Innovia: Good night Ara :)


    Qt Core: 'night Ara


    Fael Innovia: I found a nice feature in Emerald's radar today. doubleclicking on a name will move your camera right to them :)


    Wol Euler: ooooh


    Wol Euler: indeed. wow.


    Calvino Rabeni: brb


    Fael Innovia: wb Cal :)


    Wol Euler: wb al


    Wol Euler: cal


    Calvino Rabeni: ty


    Calvino Rabeni: Wol, would it be possible to write a SL script that would deliver pizza and beer to the nearest RL door?


    Wol Euler: heheheh


    Wol Euler: actually, yes, it would.


    Wol Euler: using the web-on-a-prim features of Viewer 2


    Wol Euler: you could order your RL pizza from within SL


    Wol Euler: it would work right now in v1 actually, if you went to the bother of scripting it. You could send a RL e-mail from SL


    Archmage Atlantis: Papa Wol's Pizza Delivery, franchised worldwide with outlets on the major solar planets *g*


    Wol Euler: :)


    Wol Euler: No Major Credit Cards Accepted - Linden$ olny


    Calvino Rabeni: Oh, and how about a chat prefix for "off the record"


    Calvino Rabeni: as in


    Calvino Rabeni: /offtherecord that is just sooo good an idea


    Wol Euler: :)


    Wol Euler: hello kodo, have you been here before?


    Yakuzza Lethecus is taking a pizza as well :)


    Yakuzza Lethecus: tonno pls


    Kodo Islay: im a friend of zen arado, not been to a meeting before


    Archmage Atlantis: Gotta go vote, later kids :)


    Qt Core: just had one, with salmon


    Wol Euler: bye arch, vote well


    Wol Euler: Kodo, so you know about the group, and that we record and publish these sessions?


    Kodo Islay: i was here last time i logged in and i just ended up here when i logged in


    Wol Euler: does that mean "yes"? :)


    Kodo Islay: :)


    Wol Euler: it's a serious question, the LL Terms of Service require us to ask permission.


    Wol Euler: sorry to be picky


    Yakuzza Lethecus: gute nacht


    Wol Euler: bye yaku




    Qt Core: sleeptime for me too


    Fael Innovia: Goodnight Qt :)


    Wol Euler: bye qt, sleep well


    Qt Core: bye all have fun


    Wol Euler: cal and maverick are already there, it seems


    Maverick42 Rosca: lol, just watched the IT Crowd on tv


    Wol Euler: yaku, best remove Kodo from the log since he did not give permission.


    Calvino Rabeni: Calvino Rabeni returns from the RL kitchen to the SL pool


    Wol Euler: bon appetit


    Fael Innovia: meep! pool! :)


    Wol Euler: heheheh


    Maverick42 Rosca: im slipping off for a bit laters all


    Wol Euler: bye maverick, take care


    Maverick42 Rosca: u too


    Fael Innovia: have fun Maverick :)


    Fael Innovia: not a very deep pool, this :)


    Calvino Rabeni: Well it is deep, but we get stuck on ther surfaces of things here


    Wol Euler: just like in life ...


    Fael Innovia smiles.


    Wol Euler: I wonder what would happen if you were to sit on an underground object (by camming below the surface) and then stand up?


    Wol Euler: would you fall forever?


    Fael Innovia: that's something to try out :)


    Wol Euler: with a disposable alt.


    Fael Innovia: meep?


    Fael Innovia: am not disposable :P


    Calvino Rabeni: Alts have fallen off the edge of the world I heard


    Wol Euler: no way that I would risk "Wol" on that experiemnt


    Wol Euler: I wasn't suggesting that you were :)


    Fael Innovia: but... hard to think you'd get stuck there... not with teleport home being there.


    Wol Euler: true


    Calvino Rabeni: Reminds me of a story from the 60's - two beatnicks were sitting on the deck of a ship in the middle of the ocean. "Wow, man, look at all that water out there!" The other looked for a long time and then replied - "Yes! And that's only the surface of it!"


    Wol Euler: :)


    Fael Innovia: hmm... can't get a prim go lower than just so deep that it's all hidden


    Wol Euler: no, you have to do it via the coordinates


    Wol Euler: you can't move it down by hand


    Wol Euler: AFAIK


    Fael Innovia: ah, resizing did it


    Fael Innovia: nope, coordinates don't do it either


    Fael Innovia: can't sit on the prim underground


    Wol Euler: heh


    Fael Innovia: and can't resize it sitting on it


    Wol Euler: clearly they already thought of this problem :)


    Fael Innovia: that leaves scripts... perhaps blocked as well :)


    Calvino Rabeni: The thing I regret about it is, you can't excavate under the ground surface


    Wol Euler: true


    Wol Euler: no basements


    Calvino Rabeni: A couple of days ago I was in a bookstore, there was an article about extreem spelunking


    Fael Innovia: what's that?


    Calvino Rabeni: a couple of adventurer scientists are obsessed with it - exploring caves


    Calvino Rabeni: the deepest caves on earth have not been explored yet


    Calvino Rabeni: they have gone 2 miles down from the surface, and many miles from that point underground


    Calvino Rabeni: in expeditions that take more than a month


    Wol Euler: wow


    Calvino Rabeni: but hav not reached the "deepest" or farthest


    Calvino Rabeni: very dangerous, also a scientific frontier not explored




    Calvino Rabeni: Such surface dwellers, we are :)


    Wol Euler: yep


    Wol Euler is uncomfortable in some subway stations :)


    Calvino Rabeni: There are some quite deep ones


    Fael Innovia: wow


    Fael Innovia: they definitely aren't afraid of cramped places.


    Calvino Rabeni: Certain forms of insanity are recognized as risks for that profession


    Wol Euler: heh


    Calvino Rabeni: Rapture of isolation or something


    Wol Euler: well, spending a month or more underground would change something.


    Calvino Rabeni: As in, they forget wanting to return to the land of the living


    Wol Euler: huh


    Calvino Rabeni: more extreme I suppose than those long all-dark meditation retreats


    Fael Innovia: :)


    Fael Innovia: much more extreme


    Wol Euler: really.


    Calvino Rabeni: FYI -- http://www.amazon.com/Blind-Descent-.../dp/1400067677


    Wol Euler: I don't think I can even read taht book. I have far too vivid an imagination, and too great a horror, of being stuck underground for that.


    Calvino Rabeni: Hmmm, yesterday, Zen said - wheelchairs and escalators are not a good combination - see this on Youtube


    Ewan Bonham: Hello


    Calvino Rabeni: I could not click thereon :)


    Wol Euler: hello ewan, nice to see you again


    Calvino Rabeni: Hi Ewan


    Wol Euler closes the Amazon window and shudders.


    Wol Euler: Not for me.


    Fael Innovia: best left for unmanned and remote controlled robots to do, that :)


    Wol Euler: indeed




    Fael Innovia: meep! :)


    Wol Euler: [14:59] Calvino Rabeni: http://www.buzzfeed.com/lenkendall/t...and-chrome-wh6


    Wol Euler: let your mad inner child geek have some fun


    Fael Innovia: hmm... it's saying flash not found


    Calvino Rabeni: That is part of a whole tv ad compaign for Chrome, clearly aimed at techie office culture


    Wol Euler: yeah


    Wol Euler: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oarM...layer_embedded


    Wol Euler: tghat might wortk


    Calvino Rabeni: Well, try googling "chrome google potato gun" for various links


    Fael Innovia: funny :)


    Wol Euler: indeed


    Wol Euler: I'm not sure whether it's meajnt to make me use their browser, or want to work there.


    Fael Innovia: maybe both :D


    Calvino Rabeni: both


    Wol Euler: :)


    Calvino Rabeni: Sorry, GTG, thanks for the hangout


    Wol Euler: bye cal, enjoy the day


    Fael Innovia: have fun Cal :)


    Fael Innovia: oh, he's going fast today


    Fael Innovia: join me in the fountain? it's cool and refreshing :)




    Fael Innovia: emerald forced ground sit is fun :)


    Wol Euler: remind me how it goes?


    Fael Innovia: ctrl-alt-s


    Fael Innovia: I like that pose :)


    Fael Innovia: it's animated :)


    Fael Innovia: meep! :)


    Wol Euler: meep


    Wol Euler: sorry


    Fael Innovia took snapshotties.


    Wol Euler: in IM with Aurel




    Fael Innovia: L$ to $ ratio appears to have stabilized at around 270L$ per $


    Fael Innovia: from 260


    Wol Euler nods


    Wol Euler: are you buying enormous quantities?


    Fael Innovia: nope


    Wol Euler smiles


    Fael Innovia: just curiously looking at the data again now that some time has passe


    Fael Innovia: +d


    Fael Innovia: but the volume of transactions is clearly a bit lower than it used to be


    Wol Euler: mmhmm


    Wol Euler: Sl economy is slowing down too, behind RL but the same


    Fael Innovia: well, that too but I think it's more related to the PR stuff floating about.


    Fael Innovia: and resident's reaction to it


    Fael Innovia: of course, I'm curious to see in a few days if Philip Linden's return to CEO chair makes a difference in the economy :)


    Wol Euler: yep


    Fael Innovia: I found it quite positive news :)


    Wol Euler: absolutely


    Fael Innovia: eek, long email chain on pab google group


    Wol Euler: logging?=


    Fael Innovia: yep


    Wol Euler: I'm not sure why this is such a hot-button issue for some people


    Fael Innovia: it's scary to be out and in public :)


    Fael Innovia: but... exactly what kind of "in public" triggers fears differs for different people.


    Fael Innovia: logs like this are that for some.


    Wol Euler nods.




    Fael Innovia: I have to say I'm kind of feeling like "does this _really_ need discussion?" about this talk about recording :)


    Wol Euler: yeah


    Wol Euler: I appreciate hte concern but there are at least three possible solutions in plae right now


    Fael Innovia: meep meep?


    Wol Euler: 1) stop the recorder


    Wol Euler: 2) leave it on but edit out hte personal bits


    Wol Euler: 3) go elsewhere


    Fael Innovia: ah yes, I remember using all of them at times :)


    Wol Euler: sure


    Fael Innovia: of course, those are all so called "temporary" ones :)


    Wol Euler: and the problem with that is?


    Fael Innovia: I suppose the question that needs asking is not if we should record or not but what can we do to not exclude people who don't like recording


    Wol Euler: isn't that like going to a restaurant and then objecting to them serving food?


    Fael Innovia: not exactly :)


    Wol Euler: but you know what I mean


    Fael Innovia: more like objecting to the restaurant presenting on their website the name of each customer and what they ate :)


    Wol Euler: ok


    Wol Euler: so the point is the same


    Wol Euler: given that you know that they will do so, eihter you go or you stay away


    Wol Euler: in RL


    Wol Euler: right?


    Fael Innovia: Yep :)


    Wol Euler: and SL is different because?


    Fael Innovia: is not :)


    Wol Euler: right


    Wol Euler: so the problem is solved


    Fael Innovia: but still, like I'd not be on SL if I'd had to pay to get in, some of the people with trouble about the recording might get over it and actually consent to it but only if they can participate somehow without it first.


    Wol Euler: maybe




    Wol Euler: do we care?


    Fael Innovia: some would get over it and obviously, at least some of us care :)


    Wol Euler: yes, I'm playing Devil's Advocate.


    Fael Innovia: I think most likely those who had reservations about the recording at first but are now happy they didn't leave because of them.


    Wol Euler: so we give up recording four sessions per week, different times of different days


    Wol Euler: so that anyone who might possibly want to join *if* they could sit and speak wihtout being recorded, can do so


    Wol Euler: is that the idea?


    Fael Innovia: I'd prefer additional sessions instead of dropping the ones we have myself.


    Fael Innovia: rather like Yakuzza's voice hour


    Wol Euler: agreed, I find that a better idea.


    Fael Innovia: I've only been to one voice hour so far but I get the impression the text meetings are more likely to be more meaningful, somehow.


    Wol Euler smiles and nods


    Wol Euler: I should go to bed


    Wol Euler: goodngiht fael, take care.


    Fael Innovia: Good night Wol :)


    Fael Innovia: Sleep well :)


    Wol Euler: ty, you too


    Fael Innovia: meep meep! :)


    Wol Euler: meep meep!


    Fael Innovia waves happily.

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