Aphrodite Macbain, Chraeloos Resident, Rhiannon Dragoone
stevenaia Michinaga: waves
Aphrodite Macbain: Goodness
Aphrodite Macbain: a real hman!
Aphrodite Macbain: human with a green scarf and a sculpture
stevenaia Michinaga: boxy here?
Aphrodite Macbain: yes? as a human
stevenaia Michinaga: he has been standing there for a while
stevenaia Michinaga: bearing cones
Aphrodite Macbain is away right now and has not broken her neck
Aphrodite Macbain: probably afk
Aphrodite Macbain is away right now and has not broken her neck
Aphrodite Macbain: oops everytime I say afk aph does that
Aphrodite Macbain: sigh
stevenaia Michinaga: lol
stevenaia Michinaga: how are you?
Aphrodite Macbain: mmmm- sort of OK
stevenaia Michinaga: do you typically meditate as a practice?
Aphrodite Macbain: I try to
Aphrodite Macbain: every morning for 30 minutes
Aphrodite Macbain: smiles, yes
Aphrodite Macbain: It seems I never learn
stevenaia Michinaga: learn? what is the lesson you seek?
Aphrodite Macbain: Is this your session?
stevenaia Michinaga: thought it was yours?
Aphrodite Macbain: nope- I'm on Sunday
stevenaia Michinaga: mine now :) it may be an open session
stevenaia Michinaga: will take appropriate editing action
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Aphrodite Macbain: if you are editing/posting the log?
stevenaia Michinaga: I will
Aphrodite Macbain: thanks :-)
stevenaia Michinaga: if I am here I ahve no problem claming the sesssion for posting
Aphrodite Macbain: Hi Rhia
stevenaia Michinaga: hi Rhi, welcome
Rhiannon Dragoone: hi Aph!
Rhiannon Dragoone: jo steve
Chraeloos Resident: Hello everyone :)
stevenaia Michinaga: hello Chraeloos
stevenaia Michinaga: have you been here before?
Chraeloos Resident: I don't think so, sadly.
stevenaia Michinaga: we record these sessions, do you mind if we include your comments and post them on the group's wiki
Chraeloos Resident: No problem :) Can I have a link please?
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, I will give you a notecard
Chraeloos Resident: thank you :)
stevenaia Michinaga: how did you find this place?
Chraeloos Resident: Rhia, haha
Aphrodite Macbain: Rhi - what's up?
Rhiannon Dragoone: Aph, gas prices. lol
stevenaia Michinaga: Hi Raffila
Aphrodite Macbain: lol
Rhiannon Dragoone: hi Raf!
Aphrodite Macbain: Hi Raffi - love your park
Raffila Millgrove: greets everyone. Ty aphro
stevenaia Michinaga: never seen anyone balance quite like that on one shoe, Rhi
Rhiannon Dragoone: heh, Steve. Yeah.
Rhiannon Dragoone: The wonders of SL
stevenaia Michinaga: wonders never cease
stevenaia Michinaga: So Chraeloos, we come here every 6 hours to explore the nature of reality, begining our 4th year here on Sunday April 1st
Chraeloos Resident: Wow, congrats for so long :)
stevenaia Michinaga: I think it's the water
Aphrodite Macbain is impressed by the way Rhi has managed to sit
Raffila Millgrove: something in the water? keeps kidding that she's worried to hear about the Koolaide...
stevenaia Michinaga: :0
Rhiannon Dragoone: Steve, it's all in the lap that's available
Chraeloos Resident: :D
Aphrodite Macbain: I'm going to log out now. I ned to make and consume dinner
Aphrodite Macbain: Nite nite all
stevenaia Michinaga: enjoy dinner Aph
Raffila Millgrove: i think boxy is taking a little snooze?
stevenaia Michinaga: I think he's been here for hours
Raffila Millgrove: bon appetite Aph
Aphrodite Macbain: I'm trying to figure out if that's a tuba case
Chraeloos Resident: Nite Aph :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: bye, Aph
Raffila Millgrove: one time i came at the 1 am and greet him.. and about 30 minutes later he ambled over to my plot. lol
Raffila Millgrove: cuase i gave up on the official meet. sincei didn't feel up to a monologue.. at the time.
stevenaia Michinaga: I think he has been here since the 1:00 session as the current log includes that session
Raffila Millgrove: lol
Rhiannon Dragoone: lol
Chraeloos Resident: lol
Raffila Millgrove: i wanted to ask him what is MICA VW.
Rhiannon Dragoone: Well, time flies when you're having fun
Raffila Millgrove: you know?
Raffila Millgrove: sounds very important.
Chraeloos Resident: it's a science group, mostly astrophysics.
Raffila Millgrove: cool
Rhiannon Dragoone: MICA is an astrophysics sim, with real life astronomy professors. Don't know what the vW is
Rhiannon Dragoone: Maybe the cars they drive.
Chraeloos Resident: lol rhia
Raffila Millgrove: that's what i wondered too.. maybe they do.. it's a good car. it was my "first" car.
Raffila Millgrove: convertible too! wheeeeee.
Raffila Millgrove: well i have dinner upcoming also.. so I toddle off now. have a great weekend all.
Rhiannon Dragoone: oh, bye, Raf
Chraeloos Resident: By Raf
Raffila Millgrove: nice to meet you Chraeloos
stevenaia Michinaga: bye Raff
Chraeloos Resident: You too Raf :)
stevenaia Michinaga: all these west coasters
Rhiannon Dragoone: Well, better the West Coast than no coast at all.
Chraeloos Resident: Nice meeting you all, I've got to go. TC!
stevenaia Michinaga: Nice meeting you, hope to see you agin
stevenaia Michinaga: how have you been Rhi? I do enjoy your talks.... until I get lost in the swirl of opinions, like reading scientific America, the intros are great, but the contents gets weighty
Rhiannon Dragoone: steve, I've been good and thank you. And that is a really nice comparison--with Scientific American. Thank you
Rhiannon Dragoone: I think I'll be heading out too
Rhiannon Dragoone: Been meaning to drop by and I'm glad I did.
stevenaia Michinaga: bye Rhi, always happy to see you agin
Rhiannon Dragoone kisses you and poofs
stevenaia Michinaga: nice meeting your friends
Rhiannon Dragoone: thank you!
Rhiannon Dragoone: This is a great place; ;I encourage them to come.
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: bye!
stevenaia Michinaga: wb RAffila
Raffila Millgrove: ty. i am always tempted to do some kinda funny/ pervy type thing to the dead body of boxy. i really have to hold down the urge. lol
stevenaia Michinaga: I usually save that fror people who log in by phone,
Raffila Millgrove: you know how silly college boys drink too much and if one passes out.. the others draw sayings on him.. or do silly stuff.. that is how i feel around the inert boxy. lol
stevenaia Michinaga: like this
Raffila Millgrove watches Stever.. push boxy .. toward the pool.
Raffila Millgrove: oooh.. there he goes.. he's.. going...
Raffila Millgrove: hahahaha
Raffila Millgrove: that's so silly. but wildly entertaing.
Raffila Millgrove: well it's Friday, right Steve.. we had a good excuse.
stevenaia Michinaga: and really annoying if you think where you are is fine but you can't move
stevenaia Michinaga: but it appears he can walk on water
Raffila Millgrove: yeah.. in house slippers too!
stevenaia Michinaga: or at least stand on it
Raffila Millgrove: that's quite a feat!
stevenaia Michinaga: he has been here since the 1:00 session as that log is included in the log that I claimed
Raffila Millgrove: heh.
Raffila Millgrove: i cannot do that... i get logged out. he must have some infinity setting on his viewer.
stevenaia Michinaga: he has special powers when it comers to computers
Raffila Millgrove: this i believe.
Raffila Millgrove: does he do computers for a living?
stevenaia Michinaga: I belive so
stevenaia Michinaga: I understand he's young, but we shouldn't talk about him directly behind his back, hehe
Raffila Millgrove: hehe.
stevenaia Michinaga: let me turn him around so he is facing us...giggles
Raffila Millgrove: he's so cute.
Raffila Millgrove: he was one of first people i met here and so nice!
stevenaia Michinaga: I understand he get;'s that alot
stevenaia Michinaga: brilliant and cute, a deadly combination when used together
stevenaia Michinaga: I'm sure he won't read this
Raffila Millgrove: true. but even tho he's really smart.. he never comes off.. like.. superior. he's very modest person. i really like him.
stevenaia Michinaga: humility seems to be one of the nice qualities I find likable about this group
Raffila Millgrove: yes. there's a lot of it here.
Raffila Millgrove: where i come from. the egos.. rule.. it's a bit stifling sometimes.. cannot get air. with al those balooned out persons.
stevenaia Michinaga: wonders where that is so I can avoide it, or at least go there for entertainment at their expense
Raffila Millgrove: hehe. oh you know i live in rarefied.. world.. of female dominants.. and also real life. so it's .. a lot of drama actually.
Raffila Millgrove: very strong women.. what i notice.. is that.. they are women.. and they haven't got some of the strategies that men use.. to get along with one another as strong people.
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, the drama channel, best to sit and watch than participate
Raffila Millgrove: here is an example.
stevenaia Michinaga: ...listens
stevenaia Michinaga: (loves story time)
Raffila Millgrove: in real ife. i have twice made the idiotic mistake of saying to a woman.. using that gesture of putting up your hand in stop.. and saying--could you back off?
Raffila Millgrove: omg.. this is the worst thing on earth you can say to a woman.. any guy would literally take a step back and give you room/air. They understand you are saying.. give me some room. i don't want to fight you.
stevenaia Michinaga: not an nreasonable thing to say when someone doesn't uderstand they are overbearing
Raffila Millgrove: trust me. if you do this.. to a woman.. a strong one--oh my gosh.. they dont' step back.. what they do is start crying and getting really mad at you. i know. i did it twice. i now finally got it.. dont' do that.
Raffila Millgrove: men.. instinctively avoid fights.. that they dont' want to get into.. if you say.. back off.. they believe you.. that you really don't want to fight with them.. and they .. give you room. women really don't have any understanding of this concept.
stevenaia Michinaga: even here, depending at personalities at thand, people feather's get ruffled, Rhi bothered many when she first arrived, but as each of us get understood, the volume lowered
Raffila Millgrove: well.. she has it spelled out in her profile. that's giving information.. on what is the reason of this... so if someone reads.. they understand what's happening.
stevenaia Michinaga: she came by phone and couldn;t sit, for instances, jsut stoof there nakid, unable to sit or relocate
Raffila Millgrove: i had my husband in here.. he er.. was interested in viewing things close up.. it was just a difficult.. moment. lol
Raffila Millgrove: he is not much for .. political statements.. he was more into seeing what color .. or is there any.. mm. pubic hair? it didn't seem like a useful exercise at the time.. to assist him in appeasing his curiosity. (i have a really big widescreen monitor)
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, there can be more reality here than you can imagine.. close up
stevenaia Michinaga: my spouse has no interest whatsoever in this place
stevenaia Michinaga: yet some of my SL friends are now her RL friends
Raffila Millgrove: my husband.. he likes to see.. what i am building.. or.. to hear when a good singer performs.. but.. he doesn't have the patience.. to learn all the controls etc. interface is too much for him.. the viewer.
Raffila Millgrove: but he says perceptive things.. and he keeps up on all my activities and who i know.. he does like a text version of it... so i tell him lots of things.
Raffila Millgrove: did your wife.. accompany you to a retreat.. or how did she meet the people??
stevenaia Michinaga: nods, there is the geekieness of that place that puts people off. There is a RL discussion group that I invited to an SL meeting I go to here on ICHing, they jsut looked at me curiosly like what planet was I from
stevenaia Michinaga: pre retreat there was a small get together in princeton and my spouse met Pema, Adams, and Sylectra. Sylectra eventually moved to NJ and married her SL friends in NJ, we became this RL friends, Slyectra and I also went to local retreats
Raffila Millgrove: ah! how wonderful!
Raffila Millgrove: i have to scoot to another meet that started at 8. just great visiting with you Steve.
stevenaia Michinaga: bye Raff
Santoshima Resident: bye raffila
stevenaia Michinaga: sorry to keep you
Raffila Millgrove: bye San.. sorry i did't get to chat with you too. oh no.i was having so much fun .. i lost track of time!
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Santoshima Resident: lost trac of the time, myslef... sorry to be late
stevenaia Michinaga: Alfred isn;t really here, his avatar has been here since the 1:00 session
stevenaia Michinaga: as I found out when I claimed tonights session
Santoshima Resident: probably since this morning at 7 ... doesn't seem to have moved
stevenaia Michinaga: then I will have quite an editing job tonight to split the logs
Santoshima Resident: oh, i'm wrong, now standing over the water
Santoshima Resident: used to be over the cushions
stevenaia Michinaga: well we were a bit ischeifious, I put him there
stevenaia Michinaga: mistcheif
Santoshima Resident: :)
Santoshima Resident: you can move an avitar which has abandoned?
stevenaia Michinaga: I try not to do it, it implolite... but I jsut can;t help myself sometimes
Santoshima Resident: how do you do that?
stevenaia Michinaga: whistling...
Santoshima Resident: heeeyyy! come on ...
Santoshima Resident: drat, my camera is locked on the roses
Santoshima Resident: i didn't see a thing
stevenaia Michinaga: hehe
stevenaia Michinaga: well that's because I didn;t do anything
Santoshima Resident: oh
stevenaia Michinaga: he must have been sleepwalking, or the wind blew him
Santoshima Resident: i am having difficutly with SL. everytime i come inworld it eats up {help!]my hd space, within a few days i've gone from 25% free to 5% free, with no known added images or stuff ... what am i doing wrong?
stevenaia Michinaga: try to clearr your cache, that is a very large amount of space, Boxy would know
Santoshima Resident: I did that
stevenaia Michinaga: I think you can set it smaller
Santoshima Resident: maybe i need to reboot for the change to take effect?
Santoshima Resident: yeahm wonder what is a reasonable setting.
stevenaia Michinaga: reboot your viewer
Santoshima Resident: i just don't know
Santoshima Resident: reboot the viewer?
stevenaia Michinaga: how much HD space is there Gigabytes?
Santoshima Resident: uh oh
Santoshima Resident: vol size/hd: 159.70 GB
stevenaia Michinaga: you could ask the Macintosh Users on SL, I am a member of that group so you can join through me
stevenaia Michinaga: and post the question
Santoshima Resident: ok
Santoshima Resident: ty
Santoshima Resident: how are you stevenaia?
stevenaia Michinaga: good, thanks
stevenaia Michinaga: father will be home next week from hospital
Santoshima Resident: very good
Santoshima Resident: how do i nudge boxy to another spot in the fountain?
Santoshima Resident: { are you here, boxy? }
stevenaia Michinaga: you walk into him, alignment can be dificult so use little pushes
Santoshima Resident: i see
Santoshima Resident: i can't wlak in sl at the best of time ... video games ... phhhh
Santoshima Resident: wlak = walk
stevenaia Michinaga: in time you will, tyoing is another issue
Santoshima Resident: also, the camera position moves when i move the avi ...
Santoshima Resident: i wish there was a PaB tutiorial for this kind of "movement" trivia
stevenaia Michinaga: there are you tube videos
stevenaia Michinaga: tutorials
Santoshima Resident: on how to move around in sl?
stevenaia Michinaga: I seem to remember them, probably on the website
Santoshima Resident: drat
Santoshima Resident: missed again
stevenaia Michinaga: I jsut view from a distance so the camera doesn;t move
Santoshima Resident: ahhh, that's the kind of tip i like
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: walk slower
Santoshima Resident: did it work?
stevenaia Michinaga: you should be looking at him when you do it
Santoshima Resident: do you look out through the camera through the eyes?
stevenaia Michinaga: can you see me
Santoshima Resident: no
stevenaia Michinaga: theough the camera
Santoshima Resident: my camera is behind the billboard
Santoshima Resident: a common problem
stevenaia Michinaga: put the camera behind you
Santoshima Resident: ok
stevenaia Michinaga: looking at the back of your head
Santoshima Resident: it is behind me, and has been
stevenaia Michinaga: look at me
stevenaia Michinaga: (turn around
Santoshima Resident: ok
stevenaia Michinaga: se me?
Santoshima Resident: yup
Santoshima Resident: funny
stevenaia Michinaga: shhh
stevenaia Michinaga: you try it
Santoshima Resident: & it works!!!
stevenaia Michinaga: lighter touch
stevenaia Michinaga: (poor Boxy)
stevenaia Michinaga: are you having fun yet?
Santoshima Resident: not sure
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Santoshima Resident: i suspect this is low on the scale of achievement at PaB
Santoshima Resident: oh well
Santoshima Resident: enough
stevenaia Michinaga: you have to start somewhere, avatar abuse is a skill
Santoshima Resident: i would like to see the dashboard of people's preferences
Santoshima Resident: THAT would be interesting
Santoshima Resident: to me anyway
Santoshima Resident: ty, stevenaia
Santoshima Resident: ty boxy
Santoshima Resident: lovely to see you both
stevenaia Michinaga: bye San
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