Quilty Bookmite was guardian for this session. The comments are his.
I arrived early and Fael, Gaya and Anderson were already there and chatting.
Fael Illyar: Hi QuiltyA little language sophistry. Sorry, I think some of the characters must have got mangled along the way.
Gaya Ethaniel: _/!\_
Quilty Bookmite: Hi and Bye Anderson.
Fael Illyar: Ok, see you later Anderson :)
Quilty Bookmite: Hi Fael and Gaya.
Gaya Ethaniel: Good to see you again Anderson. Good day
Gaya Ethaniel: _/!\_
Anderson Gravois: Erittäin mukava tavata sinutAnderson floats off in the lotus position.
Fael Illyar: nice talking to you :)
Fael Illyar: Ah, puhut suomeakin?
Gaya Ethaniel: Finnish too? Wow...
Fael Illyar: Ok, that's having my jaw drop :P
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Quilty Bookmite: You're all very keen. :-)
Anderson Gravois: Toivon tavata pian uudelleen
Gaya Ethaniel: ty Anderson
Anderson Gravois: I was using Google translate tool
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
Gaya Ethaniel: ah... <smile>
Fael Illyar: Ah :) ... I didn't know it handles Finnish nowadays
Quilty Bookmite: Does it handle it well?
Quilty Bookmite: I hear it's one of the better free translation tools.
Fael Illyar: See you soon, Anderson :)
Anderson Gravois: Namo Amitofo
Anderson Gravois: Bye for now....
Fael Illyar: it's understandable.
Quilty Bookmite: Nice levitating!At this point I had a phone call from a close friend I haven't seen for a while so I wasn't really "there" for a good part of the chat.
Fael Illyar: first sentence wasn't even strange at all
Quilty Bookmite: Have you been here long?
Fael Illyar: yes, since 7AM
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Quilty Bookmite: Ah. Another marathon chat. :-)
Fael Illyar: nah, not really :)
Fael Illyar: won't be on the wiki
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Quilty Bookmite: Good, otherwise you'd be talked out. :-)
Fael Illyar: and we haven't really been chatting all the time
Gaya Ethaniel: _/!\_
Quilty Bookmite: I hope I manage to stay here. Wednesdays chat invloved 3 crashes and I've crashed once already today.
Gaya Ethaniel: Hope no crash for Quilty tonight
Quilty Bookmite: I think I need to reinstall my viewer.
Fael Illyar: clearing the cache usually helps
Fael Illyar: which version by the way?
Quilty Bookmite: 1.20.15
Faenik: �る��^^
Quilty Bookmite: The one with the clouds. :-)
Quilty Bookmite: Personally I blame the fish. I think they swim through some more crucial parts of my viewer.
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
Fael Illyar: :)
Gaya Ethaniel: Getting late for you Fael?
Fael Illyar: 11pm
Quilty Bookmite: On the phone...Consider it done.
Gaya Ethaniel: k
Faenik: could be
Chat Range: doug Sosa [2m]
Gaya Ethaniel: _/!\_
Fael Illyar: Hi Doug :)
doug Sosa: ho, and ?
doug Sosa: got the table by mistake.
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Fael Illyar: It happens :)
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
doug Sosa: wow.
Fael Illyar: wow?
doug Sosa: well, you know.
doug Sosa: :)
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Fael Illyar blinks in confusion.
Faenik: why not?
Gaya Ethaniel just continues smiling
Gaya Ethaniel: dough, Quilty afk btw
doug Sosa: afk?
Gaya Ethaniel: away from keyboard - atm on the phone
doug Sosa: ah.
Fael Illyar *******************************************
Gaya Ethaniel: **********************************************
Fael Illyar: ah
Gaya Ethaniel: Quilty pls delete my setence above...
Fael Illyar: mine too then :P along with this one and gaya's deleted request too :P
Gaya Ethaniel smilesWol arrives. I'm still on the phone.
Faenik loves wells!
Wol Euler: evening all!Stargate arrives.
Fael Illyar: Hi Wol :)
Gaya Ethaniel: _/!\_
doug Sosa: hi wol.
doug Sosa: we are being very quiet. did i miss something?
Fael Illyar: Not really, no. Just seems no-one has anything that needs saying.
Gaya Ethaniel nods
doug Sosa: defeat need, give in to desire.
Fael Illyar: :)
Gaya Ethaniel laughs
Gaya Ethaniel: doug go ahead <smile>
Faenik: why not?
doug Sosa: :)
Wol Euler gives in to a desire. I'll be back in a while. take care.
Fael Illyar: :)
Gaya Ethaniel: Quick as flash
Stargate Tone: Hello all
Gaya Ethaniel: _/!\_
Fael Illyar: Hi stargate :)Puzzled. :-)
doug Sosa: :)
Stargate Tone: wow
Stargate Tone: feels good to sit beside Quilty
Fael Illyar smiles.I finally get off the phone.
Stargate Tone: might the lag with my english 'make' sometihing good too sometimes :)***
doug Sosa: I am sure. language not masterd often reveals rel wisdom.
doug Sosa: "real"
Gaya Ethaniel is all ears
Fael Illyar: that sounds interesting, how does that work?
doug Sosa: Ever har it?
doug Sosa: "hear"
Stargate Tone: when all do know, that thre is lag in language
Fael Illyar: wb Quilty :)
Stargate Tone: people may hear better....
Stargate Tone: chek that they have heared....
Fael Illyar: Ah, less tendency to make hasty interpretation and therefore misunderstand.
Stargate Tone: ...understood what one has said ...
Quilty Bookmite: Hi. Back. Sorry about that.As Faenik would say, why not?
Gaya Ethaniel: wb Quilty
Faenik: why not?
Quilty Bookmite: An old friend I haven't spoke to for a while called.
Quilty Bookmite: My best man in fact. :-)
Stargate Tone: Thank You Quitlty for so good name :)***
Quilty Bookmite: Welcome Startone.
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Fael Illyar likes Startone as a name for some reason quite a bit.
Quilty Bookmite: I'm host for today. Standing in for someone. Not done a very good job so far. :-)A new arrival who subsequently doesn't want their name revealed on the chat log. I have substituted it with *s.
doug Sosa: is it star tone or start one?
Stargate Tone: ***<3<3<3***
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Stargate Tone: ah
Fael Illyar: doug, the ambiguousness is part of the charm ;)
Faenik: �る��^^
Quilty Bookmite: I'm not going to explain the name Quilty. :-)
Stargate Tone: *
Gaya Ethaniel: _/!\_
**** ****: Good afternoon to allAt least I hope not. :-)
Quilty Bookmite: Hi ****
Fael Illyar: Hello **** :)
doug Sosa: hi
Stargate Tone: hello ****
Quilty Bookmite: Stargate and ****, are you both new to PaB?
Stargate Tone: well...I donno ...how is it taken to be new and in PaB
Quilty Bookmite: I mean have you been to these meetings before?
**** ****: I am sorry...have been here few times; met some people sitting...
Stargate Tone: I take that to be long time ago when I met Pema
Quilty Bookmite: Ah right. :-)
Stargate Tone: and he invited me; the meeting place was elswhere then
Stargate Tone: but I am a busy person ....very
Stargate Tone: but I have taken part to some meetings; was 'away' long time
Stargate Tone: but was guided 'back'....
Quilty Bookmite: Just had to check in case I needed to ask the question about your words being logged online.
Quilty Bookmite: Well, welcome back. :-)
Stargate Tone: oh thank You
Stargate Tone: got that guidence from my called upstairs office
Faenik: ah :)
Quilty Bookmite: Called upstairs office?
**** ****: is there something official here ?
Fael Illyar: so called?
Stargate Tone: yea; ment that
Fael Illyar: umm... official?
Quilty Bookmite: ****, do you mean this meeting?
**** ****: meaning, that is this open event, or only for some members ?
Quilty Bookmite: It's completely open. All are welcome.
Quilty Bookmite: We meet here 4 times a day every 6 hours.
Quilty Bookmite: The chats are recorded on an online wiki page. Do you have any objection to your words going online?
**** ****: O.K.
Gaya Ethaniel points to the pavillion with the open exterior...
Quilty Bookmite: I'll send you the link in a moment...
Quilty Bookmite: Good point gaya. :-)
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
**** ****: Do you mean, that you publish all speech ; no matter who say anything ?
Gaya Ethaniel: We can delete things out if requested ****
Quilty Bookmite: Exactly.
Quilty Bookmite: http://playasbeing.wik.is/
**** ****: Good
Quilty Bookmite: We aren't intentionally malicious. :-)
**** ****: I am just one curious person...would like to know moreWe get quite a few new visitors. I know a notecard is being worked on. It will be very useful.
Gaya Ethaniel: Understandable ****
Quilty Bookmite: Sure. A good place is the website I just sent.
Quilty Bookmite: Play as being is something if an experiment...
Fael Illyar: Yes, the wiki has a lot of information about what we do here :)
**** ****: may I ask that my name would not been published, but I promise that You do not need to erase much for me
Faenik loves wells!
Quilty Bookmite: The basic idea is to "stop" for 9 seconds every 15 minutes. There is more to it than that and some enhancements on the experiment. It's all on the website.
Quilty Bookmite: Sure. Just your name or your words as well?
**** ****: hm
Quilty Bookmite: No problem either way.
**** ****: thinking once more
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
**** ****: as you wish friend
**** ****: as you wish
Quilty Bookmite: Thank you. I will keep your words then and blank out your name.
**** ****: what is more easy to you
Quilty Bookmite: That is more easy, otherwise the chat looks a bit disjointed.
Faenik: why not?
Quilty Bookmite: We should really get a card. :-)
**** ****: O.K.I brew up an espresso.
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Quilty Bookmite: Coffee anyone?
Gaya Ethaniel: PleaseGaya sips green tea.
Quilty Bookmite: You know where the coffee pot is Gaya. Help yourself. :-)
Gaya Ethaniel: Perhaps tea is better
Cup Of Green Tea whispers: Ah! Steaming Green Tea!
Quilty Bookmite: Tea on the table for newcomers. Coffee and cakes in the corner.Perfection.
Fael Illyar: notecard? there is a text for such a card on the wiki :)
Fael Illyar: Hi Meesha :)
Meesha Cuttita: hi everyone
**** ****: Thank you; I'm fine
Gaya Ethaniel: _/!\_
Quilty Bookmite: Hi Meesha.
**** ****: Hi Meesha
Meesha Cuttita: hi
Stargate Tone: Hello Meesha
Gaya Ethaniel remembers Avastu's comment 'anything that arises, arises perfectly'
Quilty Bookmite: Nice. :-)That comment arrived out of order. I typed it during the above conversation on perfection.
Quilty Bookmite: And perfect. :-)
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Quilty Bookmite: Whenever I ask Avastu how he is he always replies "perfect". this must be what he is referring to.
Fael Illyar: Yes :)
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
**** ****: is Avastu your teacher here ?
Fael Illyar: No teachers here
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Quilty Bookmite: Avastu is one of the guardians but not a teacher.
Fael Illyar: There's perfection in imperfection :)
Faenik: why not?
Gaya Ethaniel: We are our best teachers...
Gaya Ethaniel nods
Quilty Bookmite: I have a Zen teacher in RL but in the end everything is a teacher.
Quilty Bookmite: My 18 month old daughter has taught me a lot. :-)
Gaya Ethaniel nods 'hence 'we''
Fael Illyar: teacher would be a bit off there.
**** ****: thought because the name was mentioned, but i don't see Avastu here now
Gaya Ethaniel: Sorry ****... it's one of my fav quote
Fael Illyar: Every one of us has something to teach but also something to learn.
Quilty Bookmite: Avastu comes to some of the talks as his time allows.
Gaya Ethaniel nods
Fael Illyar: Especially so here but also with Zen
Quilty Bookmite: Yes. :-)
Quilty Bookmite: Interesting that so many of us strive for perfection which is both unobtainable and already there. :-)
Faenik: indeed?Things reach a natural end.
Meesha Cuttita: what is faenik?
Quilty Bookmite: Faenik is a great teacher. :-)
Faenik raises his ears hearing his name.
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
Quilty Bookmite: Faenik sits on Faels shoulder.
Faenik meaows to Meesha.
Gaya Ethaniel would like to take care of Faenik for a day sometime
Meesha Cuttita: is it a cat?
Meesha Cuttita: lol
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Meesha Cuttita: can't see it
Quilty Bookmite: I think if it was a cat the fish would stay away.
Meesha Cuttita: yes
Quilty Bookmite: Meesha, you can probably see Faenik in some of the pictures on the wiki.
Fael Illyar: my right shoulder. He's sitting right there :)
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Gaya Ethaniel wonders what Fael feeds Faenik
Faenik wonders if he looks like a dog?
Quilty Bookmite: If you google Faenik he comes up as the first hit. :-)
Gaya Ethaniel: oh
Faenik: could be
**** ****: sorry I must leave even I woudn't like to
Gaya Ethaniel: It does
Gaya Ethaniel: _/!\_
**** ****: be well
Fael Illyar: Ok, hope to see you again, **** :)
Gaya Ethaniel: Hope to see you again ****. Good day
Quilty Bookmite: Come back whenever you want.
Quilty Bookmite: Bye ****.
Meesha Cuttita: I better get going too
Meesha Cuttita: see you
Gaya Ethaniel: _/!\_
Meesha Cuttita: bye bye
Gaya Ethaniel: Good day Meesha
Quilty Bookmite: Me too. Bed time.
Gaya Ethaniel: _/!\_
Fael Illyar: Ok, see you later Meesha :)
Gaya Ethaniel: Good night Quilty
Fael Illyar: Good night Quilty :)
Quilty Bookmite: Bye Meesha.
Quilty Bookmite: Bye all.