2008.06.01 01:00 - Hammer, Gonnnngs and a Devil Tail

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    That night, at 1 am SL time, Moon was the guardian in the tea house. He would send me the following annotated chat log, so the comments are his. He also choose the title for this session.

    Just spawned near the Tea house. I didnt noticed that hotaro stand behind me.

    Moon Fargis: ah hi hotaru
    Hotaru Myoo: hiya Moon
    Hotaru Myoo: Are you doing the PaB here?
    Moon Fargis: yes i took over the sunday 1 AM slot
    Hotaru Myoo: kewl
    Moon Fargis: hmmm
    Hotaru Myoo: well I’m not sure I am too lively right now…
    Moon Fargis: could it be that…. the bell is gone?
    Moon Fargis: why ?
    Hotaru Myoo: but I thought I would stop by and support the cause
    Hotaru Myoo: the bell?
    Moon Fargis: but you are feeling well?
    Hotaru Myoo: what bell?

    We just created a PAB bell wich does a Goooooong every 15 minutes.

    Hotaru Myoo: oh yea
    Moon Fargis: ahh object range too low hehe
    Moon Fargis: the bell is st to gooooong every 15 minutes

    we sat down at the teahouse

    Hotaru Myoo: get out…
    Hotaru Myoo: when was that put in?
    Hotaru Myoo: really?
    Moon Fargis: yes
    Hotaru Myoo: do you use your big ‘love’ mallet
    Hotaru Myoo: to whack it?
    Moon Fargis: uhm
    Moon Fargis: lets say we all got magical powers
    Hotaru Myoo: where did that thing come from anyway?
    Hotaru Myoo: ya
    Moon Fargis: the bell ?
    Hotaru Myoo: I know about your magical powers
    Hotaru Myoo: ya the bell
    Moon Fargis: i created it month ago as temple windbell wich makes different gonngs randomly
    Hotaru Myoo: no
    Hotaru Myoo: the mallet
    Hotaru Myoo: ah
    Hotaru Myoo: well I like the bell
    Hotaru Myoo: but the mallet…
    Hotaru Myoo: scary
    Moon Fargis: i dont see a mallet sorry
    Moon Fargis: or do you mean that bug left of me?
    Hotaru Myoo: the one you pulled out last night
    Hotaru Myoo: or was it this morning
    Moon Fargis: ahh
    Moon Fargis: hehe the big hammer

    A day before i had a HUUUUUUUGE hammer wich makes a cute *squirks* sound when hitting the ground.

    Moon Fargis: haha
    Hotaru Myoo: yes!
    Hotaru Myoo: had hearts on it
    Hotaru Myoo: haha
    Moon Fargis: well i also got one with stars :)
    Hotaru Myoo: lol
    Hotaru Myoo: of course
    Moon Fargis: so did you heard the bell ring?
    Hotaru Myoo: so tell me moon
    Moon Fargis: yes?
    Hotaru Myoo: just because I don’t think we’ve had this conversation
    Hotaru Myoo: what is your take on PaB
    Hotaru Myoo: and how is is changing from day to day
    Hotaru Myoo: I s it something that you are on a contimuum with?
    Hotaru Myoo: I find that I have made it a habit of sorts…
    Moon Fargis: well its hard to tell, for me it seems it doesnt change much becasu i am already in zen practical and my mind is mostly always in a state of silence
    Moon Fargis: but it helps to keep up the zestate a bit
    Hotaru Myoo: yes.
    Moon Fargis: zenstate
    Moon Fargis: i heard from others that they had more experience with it like a half satori
    Hotaru Myoo: I think the habituation of it has also supported that essence
    Hotaru Myoo: of silence recognization
    Hotaru Myoo: supports it
    Hotaru Myoo: at first..
    Hotaru Myoo: my emotive state rules each 15 minute check
    Hotaru Myoo: then I consciously regulated it
    Hotaru Myoo: now it just is
    Moon Fargis: yes i think its makes more differents to those who are not in a daylie meditation
    Hotaru Myoo: I use the moment to give thanks
    Moon Fargis: thanks?
    Hotaru Myoo: yea
    Hotaru Myoo: for having the moment
    Hotaru Myoo: the breath
    Hotaru Myoo: the sigh
    Hotaru Myoo: the peace
    Moon Fargis: ahyes intresting, i mostly clear up my mind in that moments
    Moon Fargis: no thoughts,no emotions
    Hotaru Myoo: well…you are a practitioner
    Moon Fargis: i think we all are:)
    Hotaru Myoo: true
    Hotaru Myoo: some are more practiced than others
    Hotaru Myoo: differnt notions of reality also guide the responses
    Moon Fargis: yes is the pab thing your first mind of meditation practise o?
    Moon Fargis: omg
    Hotaru Myoo: no
    Moon Fargis: what a wrong sentence
    Moon Fargis: my keys on that keyboard are just too small
    Hotaru Myoo: I think it’s great
    Hotaru Myoo: lol
    Hotaru Myoo: no
    Moon Fargis: what did you before pab
    Hotaru Myoo: I practice both meditation and prayer
    Hotaru Myoo: it may sound like an oxymoron
    Hotaru Myoo: and I haven’t perfected anything
    Moon Fargis: well i what kind of perfection ?
    Hotaru Myoo: but I don’t consider the PaB to be simply a 9 sec meditation
    Hotaru Myoo: it is too active for that
    Hotaru Myoo: the potential is loaded
    Hotaru Myoo: we pull the trigger on it every 15 minutes
    Hotaru Myoo: I use the time for reflection plus
    Moon Fargis: ahyes
    Moon Fargis: btw the bell should gong in a few minutes hopefully
    Hotaru Myoo: I’ll keep my ears peelrd


    Hotaru Myoo: btw…
    Hotaru Myoo: what was tthe anim we played yesterday?
    Moon Fargis: the onigokko?
    Hotaru Myoo: that’s it
    Hotaru Myoo: onigokko
    Hotaru Myoo: wear it?
    Moon Fargis: yes
    Moon Fargis: to make it work you have to atach the onigokko_shippo
    Hotaru Myoo: onigokko

    wearing the onigokko_shippo and saying onigokko in the chat makes everyone
    wearing this tail run crazy in a circle with a funny music.

    Hotaru Myoo: lol
    Hotaru Myoo: stop
    Hotaru Myoo: it’s as fun to stop as it is to start
    Hotaru Myoo: thanks for that btw Moon
    Hotaru Myoo: made my week
    Moon Fargis: np haha
    Hotaru Myoo: well…
    Hotaru Myoo: that’s going to be my parting shot too
    Hotaru Myoo: it’s 3:33 here
    Hotaru Myoo: time for the rack
    Moon Fargis: oha
    Moon Fargis: then good n8 hotaru
    Hotaru Myoo: where do you reside Moon?
    Hotaru Myoo: west coast?
    Moon Fargis: atm at itsari
    Moon Fargis: ahh no germany
    Hotaru Myoo: ah
    Hotaru Myoo: so its what &30 am?
    Hotaru Myoo: 7:20
    Moon Fargis: 10:35
    Hotaru Myoo: ah
    Moon Fargis: am
    Hotaru Myoo: k
    Hotaru Myoo: nice
    Moon Fargis: yes the day has just beun
    Hotaru Myoo: I’m in US
    Hotaru Myoo: Chicago
    Hotaru Myoo: day is beginning
    Hotaru Myoo: but I had no end
    Moon Fargis: better rest now :)
    Hotaru Myoo: so guten morgan
    Moon Fargis: :)
    Hotaru Myoo: or how ever you spell it
    Hotaru Myoo: tx
    Moon Fargis: guten morgen yes
    Hotaru Myoo: see you again real soon!
    Moon Fargis: so hush hus bedtime or else…

    i took out the big hammer again

    Hotaru Myoo: the whack with the hammer aught to do it!
    Hotaru Myoo: thnks!
    Moon Fargis: /bup
    Hotaru Myoo: hehe
    Hotaru Myoo: wish we could bottle that for th blog
    Moon Fargis: haha
    Hotaru Myoo: cu Moon
    Hotaru Myoo: thanks for the smiles
    Moon Fargis: n8 hotaru
    Hotaru Myoo: ciao
    Hotaru Myoo: take care
    Moon Fargis: you too

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