That night, I met Moon again outside the tea house.
Moon Fargis: hi pema
Pema Pera: Hi Moon!
Pema Pera: How are your teachings, talks, sessions, discussions going?
Pema Pera: You are still doing that at Itsari?
Moon Fargis: yes they are going fine
Moon Fargis: hmm btw it seems the bellworks fine too.. i forgot yesterday to give anyone a bell
Moon Fargis: so they can hang it on their residents here in rieul
Moon Fargis: i la to do a syncronous gonnng
Moon Fargis: so that all bells gooonnng at the same time
Pema Pera: is there one here near the tea house too?
Moon Fargis: right above your head
I looked up, and then I saw a rather small bell hanging from the corner of the roof of the tea house.
Pema Pera: ah, the small one at the corner of the roof?
Moon Fargis: yep
Pema Pera: Has it rung yet?
Pema Pera: since we started talking?
Moon Fargis: it rung every 15 min next rung must be 10:14
Pema Pera: or is it exactly at a quarter after the hour?
Pema Pera: okay
Pema Pera: I normally keep my sounds off when I am in my office or in a coffeeshop
Moon Fargis: ah
Pema Pera: but I’ll switch it on now — a few more minutes!
Moon Fargis: well there are just birds in here so that won’t disturb i guess
Pema Pera: It’s a great idea. I had been thinking about the Islamic custom of chanting from minarets a few times a day . . . .
Pema Pera: I’ve had people in coffeeshops walking over to me and asking me to stop hissing :)
Moon Fargis: uh?
Pema Pera: I guess one person’s cricket song is another person’s hiss . . . .
Moon Fargis: hehe
Moon Fargis: oh did you get the sunday log?
Pema Pera: yes, am in the process of putting it up just now — should be up in an hour or so
Pema Pera: Thanks for annotating — that saves me time
Pema Pera: AH
Pema Pera: THERE
Pema Pera: how nice ! ! ! !
Indeed, a wonderful bell sound reverberated over Rieul.
Moon Fargis: :)
Pema Pera: with a nine second long lingering sound ??
Moon Fargis: yep
Moon Fargis: doooooonnnngggg
Pema Pera: that’s really wonderful
Pema Pera: So you and Fael together did that?
Moon Fargis: yes she modified the script i made for it
Pema Pera: great, a very nice addition
Moon Fargis: normally there are random gongs lik a windbell
Moon Fargis: hm i think now since i got time i also can start building a hermitage house here
Pema Pera: the more you build here the better, and then we can see what we like to keep and what you may want to use later elsewhere
Pema Pera: We certainly have a lot of real estate now!
Moon Fargis: ohh i already told if some help is needed im here:)
Pema Pera: yes, please go ahead. Best to talk with Storm, he is doing the landscaping, so he can coordinate with you. For example, we now own most of BaikUn, just a bit to the NE of here .. . .
Moon Fargis: yes i will
For a while neither of us said anything.
Moon Fargis enjoys the nice background music
Moon Fargis: you know.. a talk between zenmasters are verry silent
Pema Pera: can be yes :)
Pema Pera: Is it easy to transfer what you have built in Itsari to here?
Pema Pera: Or is it complex to get it all set up again?
Pema Pera: I have no experience yet building
Moon Fargis: yes i mostly build everything so all rights melongs to me exept one or 2 things
Moon Fargis: b
Pema Pera: but can you pick it up as a whole?
Pema Pera: rather than the pieces
Pema Pera: to put it in a “box” so to speak and take it to a different sim?
Moon Fargis: well i guess not
Pema Pera: but you don’t reassemble every single object, right?
Moon Fargis: i can link them together so all objects are treated as one
Pema Pera: but is that in itself a lot of work?
Moon Fargis: well yes and no :)
Pema Pera: In 2D graphics you just put a box around what you want to move — but it must be quite a bit more complex in 3D . . .
Moon Fargis: yes this box is also here
Pema Pera: or can you capture a rectangular volume?
Pema Pera: ah, okay, that makes sense
Moon Fargis: then i say Link and all selected objects are linked together
Moon Fargis: i did this with my house
Pema Pera: Well, if and when I get some time, I’d love to start building and scripting!
Moon Fargis: yes better start building first :) it’s easier
Pema Pera: But for now, back to work again! 5:30 here . . . .
Pema Pera: Ah, I must have missed the bell, sound off, did you hear it?
Moon Fargis: hehe i hear it every day in my garden i might overheard it
Pema Pera: overheard is a nice expression, like overlooked!
Pema Pera: We should introduce that in the English language
Moon Fargis: ahh hehe sorry Denglish
Pema Pera: too bad it is already used in quite a different way — we should override the meaning!
Pema Pera: Well, gotta go
Moon Fargis: ok see you later pema
Pema Pera: good meeting you here in the wee hours of SL!
Pema Pera: bfn