Fael took the role of replacement guardian, unexpectedly; she certainly got more than her shear of guarding and blogging this week! She afterwards sent me the following text, with her comments.
When I arrived, Adams was already there.
Fael Illyar: Hello Adams
Adams Rubble: Hello Fael
Adams Rubble: and Faenik
Faenik: Hi Adams
Adams Rubble: :)
Faenik loves wells!
Adams Rubble: There usually seems to be a big group at this time
Fael Illyar: often is I think
Adams Rubble: Have your thoughts changed from peaceful?
Fael Illyar: still peaceful although instead of peaceful and lazy, now feels more like peaceful and clear
Adams Rubble: That’s interesting. Mine went to nothing and I could feel a difference from peaceful
Fael Illyar: nothing?
Adams Rubble: not feeling anything
Adams Rubble: when I stopped for the 9 seconds
Fael Illyar: ah
Adams Rubble: and I could tell the difference
Adams Rubble: that surprised me
Adams Rubble: that peaceful is something more than nothing :)
Adams Rubble: so maybe not lazy :)))
Fael Illyar: Yes, I think there is some sort of positive emotion mixed in
Adams Rubble: yes, exactly
Fael Illyar: feeling safe perhaps
Adams Rubble: hmmm
Adams Rubble: warm, certainly
Adams Rubble: content
Fael Illyar: yes, certainly
Fael Illyar: I’m happy you decided to continue your blog :)
Adams Rubble: You noticed
Delani joined us.
Adams Rubble: Hello Delani
Delani Gabardini: Hi adams and fael
Fael Illyar: Hi Delani
Delani Gabardini: adams - u look so different
Adams Rubble: :)
Delani Gabardini: very nice
Adams Rubble: thank you :)
Delani Gabardini: fael always surprises me
Delani Gabardini: lovely
Fael Illyar: thank you :)
Delani Gabardini: where is everyone
Adams Rubble: ???
Fael Illyar: We were just wondering the same thing
Delani Gabardini: let me round up people
Moon arrives, apparently teleported here by Delani.
Delani Gabardini: moon will be here
Delani Gabardini: and here he is
Adams Rubble: Hello Moon
Fael Illyar: Hi Moon
Moon Fargis: hello everyone
Delani Gabardini: with a grey face
Faenik: why not?
Fael Illyar: Who has grey face?
Delani Gabardini: moon
Fael Illyar: not on my screen
Adams Rubble: He is rezzing from the bottom up for me
Moon then promptly vanished, apparently a crash.
Delani Gabardini: he crashed
Fael Illyar: already rezzed here… ok, not anymore
Faenik is a hairy black ball with eyes and ears.
Adams Rubble: I have to leave early
Delani Gabardini: oh no
Delani Gabardini: so what has been happening to u with your experience
Adams Rubble: me?
Delani Gabardini: yes
Fael Illyar: a bit smaller meeting than usual this time.
Delani Gabardini: its ok
Adams Rubble: My blog has become public
Delani Gabardini: how did u do that
Moon returns.
Adams Rubble: I linked to a session and Pema found out it existed
Faenik: could be
Adams Rubble: so I am infamous now
Fael Illyar: (that only works if someone clicks the link)
Moon Fargis: ahh nice crash
Delani Gabardini: is there a link???
Delani Gabardini: i must be missing something
Adams Rubble: yes on the main page
Moon Fargis: uhh cold stones
Adams Rubble: I may have clicked the link :)
Delani Gabardini: can u use word for the blog or do u have to use google
Delani Gabardini: or does it matter
Adams Rubble: rubblebornthoughts
Delani Gabardini: i will check it out
Adams Rubble: from the trash pile :)
Delani Gabardini: Moon do u blog
Moon Fargis: no and when i would got one it would be empty:)
Moon Fargis: hehe
Delani Gabardini: hehe
Delani Gabardini: fael?
Adams Rubble: :)
Delani Gabardini: do u blog fael?
Fael Illyar: No, although, I’ve thought of starting a blog a few times.
Delani Gabardini: i find it very good to do it - writing down your 9 sec experience
Fael Illyar: I use a sort of sticky notes like program for writing down notes when I have something to write down
Delani Gabardini: good idea
Fael Illyar: usually I somehow just come out empty though.
Delani Gabardini: like Moon
Fael Illyar: haha :P
Adams Rubble: :)
Delani Gabardini: I have something to share with u
Fael Illyar: I find myself somehow unable to put incomplete thoughts to words
Delani Gabardini: ah
Delani decides to share a poem.
Delani Gabardini: let me share this with u
Adams Rubble: yes please do
Delani Gabardini: And now as long as space endures
Delani Gabardini: as long as there are beings to be found
Delani Gabardini: May I continue to likewise remain
Delani Gabardini: to drive away the sorrows of the world
Faenik: could be
Delani Gabardini: isn’t that lovely?
Adams Rubble: yes
Delani Gabardini: it is from the way of the Bodhisattva
Moon Fargis: nice.. and sounds like a loooooong task
Delani Gabardini: Bodhisattvas have a big challenge
Delani Gabardini: but they choose it
Delani Gabardini: I would like to put that in my house somehow - maybe u can help me Moon
Moon Fargis: sure
Delani Gabardini: great
Delani Gabardini: a reminder for me
Delani Gabardini: do u all know what a Bodhisattva is
Adams Rubble: yes :)
Fael Illyar: just a texture with text will handle that :)
Delani Gabardini: adams - u r buddhist?
Fael Illyar: I think Trevor explained it to me …
Adams Rubble: I am somewhere in the act of becoming probably :)
Fael Illyar: but I can only recall faintly, not well enough to put into words
Delani Gabardini: wonderful
After that the conversation moves to Boddhisattvas and the cycle of life.
Delani Gabardini: Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who delay their entry into nirvana for the purpose of saving sentient beings
Delani Gabardini: they continue in samsara - the cycle of life
Delani Gabardini: a great sacrifice
Delani Gabardini: since we all aspire to go to nirvana
Fael Illyar: go? I was under the impression that it’s not a place.
Delani Gabardini: well - state
Delani Gabardini: whatever - i have never been in it
Adams Rubble: :)
Delani Gabardini: i guess i mean go in the sense of be in
Fael Illyar: If they chose to enter nirvana, how would that differ then?
Fael Illyar: (from the point of view of the rest of us)
Delani Gabardini: they would be through with the cycle of life as we know it
Delani Gabardini: not to return to it
Delani Gabardini: no more incarnations
Delani Gabardini: nice thought, huh?
Fael Illyar: probably, except that reincarnation is the part of Buddhism I’m having problems accepting.
Delani Gabardini: many do
Delani Gabardini: I did
Delani Gabardini: I find that the term regeneration works better for me
Delani Gabardini: such as no more delani but some essence returns
Delani Gabardini: i am only delani in this cycle
Fael Illyar: Although, yes, I did read somewhere that ego doesn’t survive it.
Moon Fargis: well arent we al like leaf’s on a tree?
Adams Rubble slips quietly away with thoughts of good will to everyone
Adams slips away with just this line.
Delani Gabardini: but think of the possibilities if you can transcend ego in this lifetime
Faenik: could be
Fael Illyar: That is the ego thinking of the possibilities even if I do
Delani Gabardini: what would that mean the next time around so to speak
Delani Gabardini: it is only ego if u attach to it
Delani Gabardini: if u move above it then what is it?
Delani Gabardini: or better yet, what r u
Delani Gabardini: is there then a you
Delani Gabardini: someone is sitting in the clouds over there
Moon Fargis: hehe
Delani Gabardini: i offered a tp to isen
Delani Gabardini: he is very good at explaining all of this
Delani Gabardini: it looks like someone on a magic carpet
Delani Gabardini: Moon!!!!!!!
Delani Gabardini: how wonderful
Moon Fargis: ^_^
Delani Gabardini: ty a million times over
Fael Illyar: That looks very nice :)
Moon Fargis: np :)
Delani Gabardini: is that isen
Moon Fargis: no :)
Delani Gabardini: who is it do u know
Fael Illyar: nope
Moon Fargis: just met isen
Moon Fargis: a few hours ago
Delani Gabardini: he is not reponding to my im
Faenik: could be
Moon Fargis: ah i think he might be busy again in rl
Moon Fargis: coffee..
Delani Gabardini: yes
Delani Gabardini: so may I ask - do u both do the PaB exercise on a regular basis
Moon Fargis: yes as regular as possible:)
Fael Illyar: I’ve been doing it quite regularly for around week and half now
Faenik: ah :)
Delani Gabardini: that is very good
Fael Illyar: only exceptions when I’m not at home.
Delani Gabardini: scratch that
Fael Illyar: but I’m mostly at home
Delani Gabardini: do u work out of your home, Fael
Fael Illyar: Yes, you could say that.
Delani Gabardini: well I have a class starting tomorrow night
Moon Fargis: what kind of ?
Delani Gabardini: database
Delani Gabardini: basic
Moon Fargis: ah mysql ?
Delani Gabardini: no we use access
From Boddhisattvas to database programs … the wonders of the flow of conversation :)
Moon Fargis: ahyes
Delani Gabardini: it is easier for newbies
Moon Fargis: yes
Moon Fargis: hehe
Quilty walks over the bridge.
Moon Fargis: hi quilty
Delani Gabardini: most of the people I teach are business people and not techies
Quilty Bookmite: Hi.
Fael Illyar: easier, yes, although limited unless you learn it properly, in which case you could’ve just gone mysql directly
Delani Gabardini: Hi quilty
Fael Illyar: Hi quilty
Quilty Bookmite: Am I interrupting something?
Delani Gabardini: wno not at all
Delani Gabardini: glad to have u
Quilty Bookmite: Thank you.
Quilty Bookmite: Are you all Buddhists? Or are you here for some peace and quiet?
I start my new participant introductory speech.
Fael Illyar: We’re having a regular Play As Being meeting here, are you familiar with it?
Moon Fargis: well i am in zen buddhism
Delani Gabardini: not everyone here is buddhist but I am
Quilty Bookmite: Not familiar, no.
Delani Gabardini: i mean not everyone who comes here
Quilty Bookmite: Of course.
Fael Illyar: http://playasbeing.wordpress.com/ gives a short introduction.
Delani Gabardini: it is an interesting concept
Quilty Bookmite: Thank you very much.
Delani Gabardini: r u Buddhist?
Quilty Bookmite: Yes. Soto Zen.
Moon Fargis: ahh another zeie :)
Moon Fargis: zennie
Moon Fargis: zenie ?
Fael Illyar: basically we do these 9-second explorations and try to write something after each one to record what we notice.
Delani Gabardini: moon and I are zennies
Quilty Bookmite: Cool.
Fael Illyar: I’m not Buddhist myself but I guess I’m a bit Zennish.
Quilty Bookmite: Not that it matters. :-)
Quilty Bookmite: I found this place on a search for Zen.
Quilty Bookmite: however, the concept of meditating in SL doesn’t quite work for me.
Delani Gabardini: we have wonderful zen places on sl but this is one of the oldest
Faenik loves wells!
Delani Gabardini: have u sat with a group
Fael Illyar: These meetings are blogged on the website I just linked to. Are you okay with what you say being blogged?
Quilty Bookmite: It’s certainly very beautiful. Someone has put in a lot of effort.
Quilty Bookmite: Yep. No problem.
Moon Fargis: quilty: well your avatar is doing the zen in sl. in the meantime you can also do it i rl
Quilty Bookmite: I haven’t sat with a group in SL.
Delani Gabardini: would u be willing to try it?
Quilty Bookmite: Sure, although not right now. I have some RL things to do.
Quilty Bookmite: May I add you all as friends?
Delani Gabardini: we can give u some schedules
Delani Gabardini: yes please
Moon Fargis: sure
Quilty Bookmite: I’m a bit new to SL.
Quilty Bookmite: Thanks.
Delani Gabardini: I see u are from the UK
Quilty Bookmite: Yes, so this is my evening.
Moon Fargis: wow i think you are nr 100 in my friendslist now quitöy
Delani Gabardini: well both Moon and Fael are europeans
Quilty Bookmite: I only have a handful. :-)
Fael Illyar: how do you count them, Moon?
Delani Gabardini: I am from the USA
Moon Fargis: well i actualy did 1 minute ago just i was intrested
Delani Gabardini: we have PaB meetings that work for all time zones
Quilty Bookmite: Excellent!
Fael Illyar: Yes, meeting every 6 hours, 1am, 7am, 1pm, 7pm SLT
Quilty Bookmite: Is there a group to join then?
Delani Gabardini: Moon or Fael can u answer that
Moon Fargis: sure
Moon Fargis: i can give you an invite to the itsari group
Faenik: why not?
Delani Gabardini: itsari is a wonderful zen sim also
Moon Fargis: i will hold a meditation and talk there every sunday 1 pm
Quilty Bookmite: Thank you!
Isen arrives.
Delani Gabardini: Moon’s meditation will probably work best for u
Delani Gabardini: hi isen
Delani Gabardini: about time
Fael Illyar: Hi Isen
Quilty Bookmite: Hi Isen.
Delani Gabardini: the other sittings are too late for u
Isen Enzo: Sorry to be late…
Isen Enzo: Will have to leave early as well…
Isen Enzo: Wednesdays I lead short kayak tours..
Isen Enzo: maybe be here for zazen..
Quilty Bookmite: Sounds like fun.
Isen Enzo: Tara has today’s note..
Delani Gabardini: Isen - can u in your words define nirvana
Isen Enzo: It’s a job..
Isen Enzo: oh gosh..
Isen Enzo: I think a literal trans of Pali is…
Isen Enzo: “extinguishment”..
Isen Enzo: for Nirvana..
Faenik: なるほど^^
Delani Gabardini: so it is a state of non being
Moon Fargis: ah btw .. the playasbeing group isnt officialy so i invited you to the itsari group
Isen Enzo: kinda…
Quilty Bookmite: Nothingness?
Isen Enzo: brb
Moon Fargis: quilty
Isen Enzo: lattees
Delani Gabardini: i think that is the idea
Quilty Bookmite: thank you.
Delani Gabardini: isen is a zen monk in rl
Moon Fargis: well nothigness yes also to look at the “reality” in a way without your ego atm
Quilty Bookmite: Hi Isen. It seems that Zen Monks are grasping the information superhighway with a vengence.
Delani Gabardini: we have quite a few rl monks on sl
Delani Gabardini: and dharma teachers
Isen Enzo: okay, back…
Delani Gabardini: and practitioners
Isen Enzo: Nirvana as “extinguishment” really means…
Quilty Bookmite: I just fall into the latter category. When I have the motivation.
Isen Enzo: the extinguishment of desire…
Conversation then moves to Self and it’s (non)existence…
Delani Gabardini: and of self?
Isen Enzo: and it’s opposite, aversion…
Isen Enzo: well, we are told there is no self..
Faenik: ah :)
Isen Enzo: no independent self..
Delani Gabardini: well I wish I could believe I don’t have a self
Isen Enzo: that is…
Quilty Bookmite: Isn’t to say there is no self a sort of duality?
Quilty Bookmite: Sorry, that wasn’t meant to be a trick question.
Delani Gabardini: np
Isen Enzo: I’m easily confused…
Isen Enzo: and easy to trick…
Quilty Bookmite: me too. :-)
… or maybe not.
Isen Enzo: but in my alter ego…
Isen Enzo: double oh enzo…
Isen Enzo: look out..
Moon Fargis: omg
Moon Fargis: he gonna explode
Isen Enzo: yes- the international monk of mystery…
Delani Gabardini: BOOM
Moon Fargis: no we are zenmonks.. we impode:)
Moon Fargis: +l
Isen Enzo: OOO
Isen Enzo: liscenced to kill delusions..
Isen Enzo: Enzo….
Isen Enzo: Isen Enzo..
Moon Fargis: haha
Quilty Bookmite: :-D
Isen Enzo: Thash me..
Moon Fargis: Isen Enzo in “Noone lives forever”
Isen Enzo: so was my definition any help?
Delani Gabardini: yes ty
Isen Enzo: sure
After some playing, Delani returns the topic.
Delani Gabardini: what do u think fael?
Fael Illyar: So, no desire.
Fael Illyar: or aversion
Isen Enzo: opposite sides of same coin..
Fael Illyar: Yes
Isen Enzo: accepting..
Isen Enzo: abiding..
Fael Illyar is trying to decide if fael - desire/aversion would still count as something close.
Isen Enzo: I’m gonna get wet today…
Delani Gabardini: why is that
Isen Enzo: rain.
Delani Gabardini: and u still kyack or whatever it is
Isen Enzo: yes.
Quilty Bookmite: We could do with some rain.
Isen Enzo: only wind stops us…
Delani Gabardini: very dry in us also
Isen Enzo: rain no prob..
Quilty Bookmite: I suppose you would get wet anyway. :-)
Isen Enzo: wind a prob- danger…
Moon Fargis: let me dry you isen
Isen Enzo: lol
Isen Enzo: yow!
Delani Gabardini: wowee
Moon Fargis: hehe
Fael Illyar: :P
Faenik: why not?
Quilty Bookmite: Nice effect.
Delani Gabardini: hye faenik - I forgot to say hello
Moon Fargis: yes this magica wand has some nice effect
Moon Fargis: s
Faenik Hello Delani.
Faenik is always happy about attention. I give him too
Delani Gabardini: sweet creature
Delani Gabardini: so u are missing zazen tonight isen?
Isen Enzo: maybe
Isen Enzo: if I get back soon enough..
Quilty Bookmite: Got to go. RL calls. It has been a great pleasure talking to you all. In Gassho.
Isen Enzo: I’ll be there..
Delani Gabardini: so nice to meet u quilty
Fael Illyar: Bye Quilty
Moon Fargis: see you later quilty
Delani Gabardini: join us again
Quilty Bookmite: Thank you!
Quilty Bookmite: I shall figure out how to use that some time.
Isen Enzo: _/!\_
Quilty leaves.
Delani Gabardini: nice chap
Delani Gabardini: well I must leave also
Moon Fargis: oh ok
Fael Illyar: Bye Delani
Delani Gabardini: lets sign our song first
Delani also announces she needs to go but wants to sing
a song before that.
Faenik: Bye Delani
Delani Gabardini: sing
Isen Enzo: which song?
Delani Gabardini: ready
Fael Illyar: yes
Delani Gabardini: /ccs
Delani Gabardini: /css
Delani Gabardini: /ccs
Moon Fargis: hmm?
Delani Gabardini: mine is not working
Fael Illyar: something doesn’t work right again
After some trouble, we get the song started.
Moon Fargis: worked:)
Delani Gabardini: isn’t that lovely
Fael Illyar: worked when I activated the gesture
Fael Illyar: you aren’t wearing an older version too Delani, are you?
Delani Gabardini: i am not sure what version i am supposed to be on
Delani Gabardini: which one is it
Fael Illyar: v 1.0
Delani Gabardini: that one did not work
Fael Illyar: the gesture itself isn’t versioned though
Delani Gabardini: so i used v0.89
Moon Fargis: ah
Delani Gabardini: /ccs
Moon Fargis: yes this is too old
Moon Fargis: try atleast this one :)
Delani Gabardini: /ccs
Moon Fargis: and activate the ccs-start gesture
Delani Gabardini: i did nothing happens
Faenik: why not?
Moon Fargis: hmm
Delani Gabardini: /ccs
Fael Illyar: SL is having problems again, that might complicate things too
Delani Gabardini: yes lots of problems lately
Delani Gabardini: ok - I am off
Delani Gabardini: bye my friends
Fael Illyar: Bye Delani :)
Delani Gabardini: /gasg
Delani Gabardini: isen have a good and safe trip
Isen Enzo: k
Delani Gabardini: bye
Isen Enzo: see you
Isen Enzo: bye all.
Fael Illyar: Bye Isen