2008.08.07 07:00 - Enough About Me

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    xo Cal

    [p.s. - Dear Readers, this log had a set of comments which I deleted after reflection.  I would prefer we focus on the content of the discussion rather than my interpretation of them.  My conclusion is to consider this a learning process and I appreciate your patience.  See you soon.] 


    Fael Illyar: Hi Cal :)
    Caledonia Heron: hi Fael
    Fael Illyar: :)
    Fael Illyar just burst into laughing reading that "Who knows?" notice.
    Caledonia Heron: which notice is that?
    Fael Illyar: I'm hopefully looking at it
    Faenik: indeed?
    Fael Illyar: well, for sure now
    Fael Illyar: that Zen Buddhist part was the one :)
    Caledonia Heron: cute


    Caledonia Heron: so what's up?
    Fael Illyar: I somehow find myself at a loss of words trying to think of an answer.
    Caledonia Heron: ok, probably will be a quiet meeting then :)
    Fael Illyar: could be, unless someone else shows up.


    Caledonia Heron: I noticed you were here yesterday morning also yet did not "speak"
    Fael Illyar: I was in an IM. Would probably have been better to not come at all I suppose. I didn't expect that IM to last that long.
    Caledonia Heron: I understand. Yes, ironically part of the discussion was about people in meetings who are not present in the meeting :)


    Fael Illyar: Hello NubAndStub.
    Caledonia Heron: hi NubandStub :)
    NubAndStub Seetan: Hello
    Faenik: indeed?
    Fael Illyar: Hi Tahuti :)
    Caledonia Heron: Hi Tahuti :)
    NubAndStub Seetan: this place reminds me of vietnam
    NubAndStub Seetan: its relaxing
    Caledonia Heron: yes Nub, an Asian look and feel
    Tahuti Thor: hello everyone
    Caledonia Heron: nice to meet you both Nub and Tahuti
    Caledonia Heron: have you been to this discussion group before?
    Tahuti Thor: hi caledonia
    Tahuti Thor: yes
    NubAndStub Seetan: no
    NubAndStub Seetan: im a FNG
    Caledonia Heron: want to do the honors and describe what we're up to for Nub, Tahuti?
    Caledonia Heron: what is FNG?
    NubAndStub Seetan: its a military term for newbie
    Caledonia Heron: ok, I'll just guess the acronym :)
    NubAndStub Seetan: lol best bet
    Tahuti Thor: dunno......i usually follow the topic people choose to discuss


    Caledonia Heron: this is the playasbeing group Nub
    Caledonia Heron: we are doing a type of experiment
    Caledonia Heron: to try and understand the nature of reality
    NubAndStub Seetan: ok
    Faenik: ????^^
    Caledonia Heron: there is a suggested guideline ...to start the exploration
    NubAndStub Seetan: and what have you concluded up to this point?
    Caledonia Heron: there is no conclusion... a whole lot of discussion about people's experiences
    Caledonia Heron: the guideline begins with what's called the 9seconds
    Caledonia Heron: take 9 secs every 15 minutes of an hour say and relax, drop your surroundings, your focus and see what you experience
    Faenik: ah :)
    Caledonia Heron: the people who meet here have agreed to do that (or some variations on that) and come here and report back
    Caledonia Heron: so....here we are, reporting :)
    Fael Illyar: Well, it's not required to do that to participate though.
    Caledonia Heron: there is a wiki.... playasbeing.wik.is
    NubAndStub Seetan: great
    Caledonia Heron: that's true Fael, as I said, a suggested guideline
    Fael Illyar: it's more useful to give the whole link http://playasbeing.wik.is/ as you can click on it.
    Caledonia Heron: sure Fael, thanks so very much
    Caledonia Heron: anything else you'd like to add?
    Fael Illyar: at least from the chat history :)
    Caledonia Heron: yes, it's a matter of perspective
    Fael Illyar: Well, other than asking for permission to post nubs lines and SL name to the log, I can't see anything you forgot :)
    Caledonia Heron: correct Fael, Nub - may we include your comments in the log?
    NubAndStub Seetan: thats fine but i will probably mostly observe
    NubAndStub Seetan: if that's ok
    Caledonia Heron: yes of course - participate at whatever level you like
    NubAndStub Seetan: very well
    Faenik: indeed?


    Fael Illyar is suddenly surprised at her sudden unwillingness to describe things using the word "I".
    Caledonia Heron: I wonder why that is Fael?
    Tahuti Thor: ego-attachment reduction
    Fael Illyar: yes
    Caledonia Heron: so as I understand you are reducing your attachment to your ego
    Fael Illyar: been at it for a few days.
    Caledonia Heron: that means over the few days you use the word "I" less and less?
    Fael Illyar: No, not really. This is quite sudden.
    Caledonia Heron: ok - your comment "at it for a few days" made me think that....want to explain what you mean?


    Tahuti Thor: I concepts resurrect and proliferate attachment again
    Tahuti Thor: I, myself, me
    Faenik: ????^^
    Tahuti Thor: thats very good, it only took u a few days :)
    Fael Illyar: Well, it's kind of inconvenient since it's now difficult to think of things to say.
    Caledonia Heron: what is inconvenient?
    Caledonia Heron: the not using "I" makes it inconvenient to speak since you don't refer to yourself?
    Fael Illyar: Yes
    Caledonia Heron: [trying to get it, not trying to be a jerk :)]
    Fael Illyar: earlier attempt at that was simply avoiding using "I" ... mimicking Avastu.
    Fael Illyar: now it seems the thoughts are not coming.
    Caledonia Heron: that not using "I" is a more natural response as opposed to a mimic?
    Fael Illyar: yes
    Caledonia Heron: let me go ahead and ask the elephant in the room question - why are you doing that?
    Fael Illyar: it's a side effect of sorts, perhaps. Unexpected.
    Caledonia Heron: a side effect of the 9sec practice?
    Fael Illyar: Ah, no, putting down the ego wall.


    Fael Illyar: although, it being ego wall wasn't quite clear until this morning
    Tahuti Thor: u say things as usual. you are only dropping the pronouns (I, me, myself)
    Tahuti Thor: and u begin the sentence with verb
    Fael Illyar: Yes, "I" concept is creeping back
    Tahuti Thor: someone ask u where u going? you say, "going to store"
    Tahuti Thor: dont have to say "I am going to store"
    Faenik: why not?
    Caledonia Heron: why in the world not say that?
    Tahuti Thor: you can but our language if we are not careful will manufacture our egos
    Fael Illyar: Ok, I'm back to thinking with I concept here. Probably better not to creep Cal out any more than this :)
    Caledonia Heron: sounds like Buddha babble to me
    Tahuti Thor: certain words/concepts adds fuel to the fire (so to speak)
    Caledonia Heron: if it works for you go for it :)
    Tahuti Thor: you dont have to do it if u dont want to :)
    Caledonia Heron: that is certainly true Tahuti
    Fael Illyar: Anyway, I found this ego wall a few days ago.
    Caledonia Heron: I am not creeped out
    Caledonia Heron: that's somewhat pejorative
    Caledonia Heron: help me out here - what is an ego wall?
    Fael Illyar: Sorry, I'll try to keep from saying things rashly.
    Fael Illyar: ego wall would be the mental construct that makes you see yourself and the world as separate
    Caledonia Heron: ok, sure - that's pretty well defined in the literature


    Fael Illyar: So, a few days ago when I mediated, I was puzzled about feeling tired after it so I sat back down pondering about that.
    Tahuti Thor: im not sure its a mental construct as it is a mental state
    Caledonia Heron: and your conclusion Fael?
    Fael Illyar: somewhat instinctively, I'm not sure what did it but something pushed this thing I call ego wall down a bit.
    Fael Illyar: and I saw it and the effect
    Fael Illyar: tiredness was gone
    Caledonia Heron: sounds like a positive response
    Fael Illyar: I probably had it way too strong at the moment.
    Caledonia Heron: you get what you get - so the strength of it is right where it is, perfect where it is :)
    Caledonia Heron: that's not to say it's working well in context
    Fael Illyar: from my, ego, perspective, it wasn't.
    Fael Illyar: rather unenjoyable state.
    Caledonia Heron: the over-strength of it was unenjoyable?
    Fael Illyar: Yes, you feel rather isolated
    Faenik: ????^^
    Caledonia Heron: mmmm, I can see that it might
    Fael Illyar: unable to accept/see things from around you
    Caledonia Heron: unable to accept input?
    Fael Illyar: well, strictly speaking you see but it doesn't get through the surface.
    Tahuti Thor: o i c
    Tahuti Thor: mental agitation?
    Fael Illyar: I guess you could call the state depressed
    Caledonia Heron: or withdrawn perhaps?
    Fael Illyar: as good as any description I guess :)
    Caledonia Heron: to me depressed is more like no hope, withdrawn is like isolated ... but that's my interpretation
    Fael Illyar: it wasn't that strong I guess.


    Caledonia Heron: hi Claire :)
    Fael Illyar: Hi Claire :)
    Claire Beltran: Hi... I'm not here to talk, I'm afraid.
    Tahuti Thor: and u acted in a positive way to bring u back into a whole state?
    Claire Beltran: Just checking up on a few things...
    Tahuti Thor: and u dont kno exactly what u did?
    Claire Beltran: ^^;
    Caledonia Heron: ok, check away Claire :)
    Tahuti Thor: hi claire
    Fael Illyar: I know what I did well enough that I can put the ego wall up/down at will.
    Caledonia Heron: she's already gone I think :)
    Fael Illyar: apparently quite completely too.
    Caledonia Heron: interesting ...
    Fael Illyar: although that complete removal of the wall was a bit accidental.
    Fael Illyar: if it was complete
    Caledonia Heron: lots of great breakthroughs are accidental .. in fact, kind of the nature...you broke through!! :)
    Fael Illyar: Yes, true :)
    Fael Illyar: I've been experimenting consicously and unconsciously for a few days and it seems the more I get the wall down, the more at peace I am.
    Faenik: why not?
    Caledonia Heron: lol, oh Faenik, you're so funny sometimes :)
    Caledonia Heron: more peace is a good thing Fael, in my book anyway :)


    Tahuti Thor: this path is very abstruse.....and to organize your thoughts correctly so you can tackle things and comprehend dem in way to communicate to other people
    Tahuti Thor: is very difficult to do
    Caledonia Heron: agreed Tahuti - in fact the communication of our experiences is a large part of our pab effort... so thanks for sharing your experience
    Fael :)
    Fael Illyar: Well, it was rather short :)
    Fael Illyar: but, you're welcome :)
    Caledonia Heron: are there other elements we should be aware of?
    Fael Illyar: at the moment no.
    Tahuti Thor: when that events happens again , see if u can nail down what u did
    Fael Illyar: I somehow feel like I should be able to make it happen again.
    Fael Illyar: although, doesn't seem to be easy.
    Caledonia Heron: that sounds correct - although it might not look exactly the same - more like it could be a variation and then variations on that so that eventually you have a catalog of experiences and you know them all to be of that family
    Fael Illyar: possible :)
    Tahuti Thor: did u concentrate the mind a little so the mind will be calm
    Caledonia Heron: my comment is based on my own experiences I have had within the context of the 9sec experiment .... all the experiences are not the same per se but of the same nature, in a related way the same ballpark
    Tahuti Thor: and not wander is all directions?
    Fael Illyar: I'm not sure I understand your question
    Tahuti Thor: did u focus the attention of the mind on a single object, to quiet down its agitation?
    Fael Illyar: it seems a lot of progress I make is subconscious somehow. I then learn to do it consciously a bit later.
    Fael Illyar: no object
    Caledonia Heron: the membrane is permeable :)
    Faenik loves wells!


    Tahuti Thor: object does not have to be form
    Tahuti Thor: could be a mental object of some sort
    Caledonia Heron: lol, is there any other kind of object? :)
    Fael Illyar: well, I've had the feeling of extending something from the sides of my head when I lower the wall
    Caledonia Heron: now that's interesting
    Tahuti Thor: material and mental objects
    Caledonia Heron: can you describe what that is Fael?
    Fael Illyar: near my ears to be exact but it's not very easy to define what it is. Certainly not physical :)
    Caledonia Heron: can we try ... tease it out a little bit?
    Caledonia Heron: this really interests me ....
    Caledonia Heron: like energy maybe?
    Fael Illyar: for some reason I get the feeling the color should be golden, hazy, misty.
    Caledonia Heron: yes, ok, nice descriptive :)
    Faenik is a hairy black ball with eyes and ears.
    Tahuti Thor: extending from side of head = opening up your mind ?
    Caledonia Heron: I think the description of how these things manifest in our imagination and our bodies is fascinating and on point to our efforts to describe what's happening during our explorations
    Fael Illyar: Well, a few times I had the idea of it starting to extend from the sides of the head to both sides but end up coming out of all directions.
    Caledonia Heron: wow


    Tahuti Thor: imagination is dangerous
    Caledonia Heron: I can share that I had an experience, a physiological experience of a plume of energy rising from the middle of my body to the top of my head
    Fael Illyar: but that image I just described has been fading.
    Tahuti Thor: u should jus keep meditating and not think bout things too much
    Caledonia Heron: I think imagination is fabulous
    Tahuti Thor: no it can mislead
    Caledonia Heron: to imagine, daydream, make new things, create things out of nothing
    Caledonia Heron: mislead?
    Fael Illyar: well, it does come naturally to us.
    Caledonia Heron: yes, a part of being, an integral part
    Caledonia Heron: the sensation I described about a plume of energy rising was a response to thinking about how to see from an enlightened perspective ... like being outside oneself, and drawing up the energy from the land, from everything around and then it coming to the middle of my body, to the navel and then rising up up up like a plume of energy to my throat, my eyes like it wanted to come back out into the world where it had come from in the first place
    Caledonia Heron: so it is very interesting to me to hear your description of a golden hazy mist in relation to your being experiment :)
    Faenik: ????^^
    Fael Illyar: I wasn't thinking of it as an experiment but I suppose that works too. It's more like diving in the deep end learning to breathe and fast.
    Caledonia Heron: lol, sure :)
    Faenik: ????^^
    Fael Illyar: Well, that sort of fits
    Caledonia Heron: indeed :)


    Fael Illyar: I'm doing things fast but feels like it'd be forcing to change the speed in either direction.
    Caledonia Heron: I'd say go with it
    Caledonia Heron: it doesn't matter what speed it is
    Caledonia Heron: it's you :)
    Fael Illyar: I suppose :)
    Caledonia Heron: well, that's what it's going to be anyway
    Caledonia Heron: might as well go the direction it's going in :)
    Fael Illyar: wb Tahuti :)
    Tahuti Thor: ty
    Caledonia Heron: ah :) hey there :)
    Tahuti Thor: cord came out lol
    Caledonia Heron: lol
    Faenik: could be
    Caledonia Heron: hate it when that happens :)
    Fael Illyar: That's something of a guiding principle for me. Go with the flow, perhaps guiding a bit.
    Tahuti Thor: objective : to comprehend the present moment
    Caledonia Heron: big plus, using forward momentum :)


    Tahuti Thor: imagination is full of thoughts and memories that are NOT n the present moment
    Fael Illyar: Yes, quite so
    Fael Illyar: although, they are but not really :)
    Tahuti Thor: so imagination gets u into trouble if u rely on it too much
    Fael Illyar: more like they can be but don't need to be
    Caledonia Heron: they are who you are at that moment, so by definition they are the moment
    Tahuti Thor: so never deviate too much from present moment
    Fael Illyar: imagination is fine if you see it for what it is.
    Caledonia Heron: "they" being imaginative thoughts :)
    Caledonia Heron: "never"? a loaded word there :)


    Tahuti Thor: ok. like some people hold grudges.....if someone was bad to u 4 months ago ......and today they are nice to you (4 months later)
    Tahuti Thor: do u want to bring in the present moment what happened 4 months ago?
    Caledonia Heron: that is not the present imo, that is a memory.... imagination is more like a factory of new thoughts, an engine of what could be,.... if anything it is the future
    Tahuti Thor: no
    Fael Illyar: any thought is now
    Tahuti Thor: imagination is never new
    Fael Illyar: it might be of past or future
    Fael Illyar: but the thought is now
    Tahuti Thor: imagination and memory is the same
    Tahuti Thor: imagination is your memory only that it is pointed in the future
    Caledonia Heron: whatever you're doing now is now, imo
    Caledonia Heron: maybe sometimes it is Tahuti
    Fael Illyar: the past is a story.
    Caledonia Heron: agreed Fael, it's all story I think


    Tahuti Thor: there are no new thoughts......its only your mind arranging it in new patterns
    Tahuti Thor: and we call it a new thought
    Tahuti Thor: like a unicorn is an imaginative character
    Tahuti Thor: but thats really only a mixture of bird wings and a horse
    Fael Illyar: the horn is missing :)
    Faenik loves wells!
    Tahuti Thor: yes and the horn :)
    Fael Illyar: (yes, not important)
    Tahuti Thor: a rhino maybe lol
    Caledonia Heron: I hear you Tahuti - my construct is different
    Tahuti Thor: mind only knows the past
    Tahuti Thor: how can it go into the future
    Caledonia Heron: it does, that's how it is, can't explain how
    Tahuti Thor: thats your imagination
    Caledonia Heron: sure :)


    Fael Illyar: perhaps, but how do you know it's not your idea that "it's imagination" that is the imagination?
    Fael Illyar: well, or both for that matter
    Caledonia Heron: I don't
    Tahuti Thor: well i reran this subjective experiment over n over
    Tahuti Thor: and came up with same result


    Caledonia Heron: it's where art and poetry and beauty live, the descriptive, the how we make each other humble with the beauty of our contributions, the imagined then made real makes an aesthetic of beauty
    Fael Illyar: the mind can do what it can, arguing about it doesn't change it :)
    Tahuti Thor: emotions have a huge effect on imagination
    Tahuti Thor: though is more aware of present than emotions are
    Tahuti Thor: emotions have intelligence but sometimes they are unrealistic
    Faenik is a hairy black ball with eyes and ears.
    Caledonia Heron: ok, I see your points
    Tahuti Thor: so beauty is one of those emotive words
    Tahuti Thor: to a thought, beauty and ugly are alike
    Caledonia Heron: I can tell you that when I hear a musician put his being into that moment, or see a piece of art that brings me to the brink of tears, or anything expressed as an authentic thing....it is an expression of the being, the nature of being, how we connect to each other and it is imagined and it comes from the imagination
    Caledonia Heron: and I am humbled and grateful
    Caledonia Heron: for that moment
    Tahuti Thor: it is a pleasant experience :)
    Caledonia Heron: for that contribution
    Caledonia Heron: it's not about pleasant
    Caledonia Heron: it's about connection
    Caledonia Heron: relationship to being
    Caledonia Heron: for me anyway :)


    Tahuti Thor: im only suggestnig that to see our subjective experiences closely
    Faenik: could be
    Tahuti Thor: we have to keep our emotions calm and tranquil
    Caledonia Heron: you can hold what you know and what you feel as separate, non-competing, complementary things
    Caledonia Heron: you can be apart from them, step apart from that
    Caledonia Heron: and the beauty you experience is a great gift
    Caledonia Heron: to yourself
    Caledonia Heron: to others when you are able to express it
    Tahuti Thor: :)
    Fael Illyar: Yes, knowledge and being can be held separately and simultaneously.
    Caledonia Heron: yes, very empowering :)
    Tahuti Thor: enough for me :)
    Fael Illyar: yet, you can't tell each from the other :)
    Tahuti Thor: now must meditate
    Caledonia Heron: me too - have to take the kiddo to piano :)
    Fael Illyar: Have a good meditation :)
    Tahuti Thor: have a nice day
    Fael Illyar: Ok, have fun Cal :)
    Caledonia Heron: thanks for talking about this :)
    Fael Illyar: See you both later :)
    Tahuti Thor: bye :)


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    Viewing 2 of 2 comments: view all
    Originally written on 22:36, 07 Aug 2008
    Ouch, this is sort of painful to read. Especially because I was there, somewhat aware of what was happening and didn't manage to resolve any of it. (and even helped cause some of it).
    It's interesting, how playing with this wall makes me unable to concentrate much on anyone else but "me", even when "I" is gone. Ah, the irony.

    The way the conversation between Tahuti and Cal looks to me is that both seemed to be arguing about something but not really talking to each other. Instead talking to some imaginary versions of each other. I suppose that's fitting, since the topic was imagination. It wasn't too enjoyable to watch though. Would be nice to know a good way to handle this sort of cases.
    Posted 02:53, 9 Apr 2010
    Originally written on 00:26, 08 Aug 2008
    Thanks for your comments Fael. It's interesting you picked up arguing, I heard lecturing. It did not appear to me you were an observer. Some of the discussion was really engaging and I think we should focus on that.
    Posted 02:53, 9 Apr 2010
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