The Guardian for this meeting was Moon Fargis. The comments are by Moon Fargis.
Moon Fargis: aahh
Moon Fargis: good morning star
Moon Fargis: ..silly me deactivated the onlnefriends noties
Stargate Tone: Good Morning Moon
Stargate Tone: ah; no silly
Moon Fargis: morning susi
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Stargate Tone: morning susi
Stargate Tone: specially when it's week end and friends has much probs to stay online
Stargate Tone: the blinking of them notices is huge
Stargate Tone: easier to open up the list now and then
Moon Fargis: hmhm
Moon Fargis: yes weekend is a special time
Moon Fargis: had a "patient" wich got its crisis always at weekends :)
Stargate Tone: that is the most bad time
Stargate Tone: in SL
Moon Fargis: yes people cant dissatract themself with work
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Stargate Tone: wb Moon
Moon Fargis: *mumblegrumble*
Stargate Tone: smiles *
Moon Fargis purrrrrrsssssssss
Moon Fargis: hi QT
Stargate Tone: Hello QT
Moon Fargis: how are you today , except late ?: )
Qt Core: not bad and quite excited about a new little museum i'll try to go to the inauguration today
Stargate Tone: what is there in this museum ?
Qt Core: it all started a few days ago when i got a strange newsletter form a nearby park
Qt Core: saying that today thney would open a antiairbombing refuge
Qt Core: quiote strange, i don't remember iitaly being on war with someone able to bomb uis
Stargate Tone: refuge
Qt Core: making it short some 2008 heavy rain unearthed the doors of some WWI shelter
Qt Core: so they converted them in a musem about WWII
Qt Core: (all this in a 5km range from my home)
Stargate Tone: *
Moon Fargis: cool
Stargate Tone: interesting...
Stargate Tone: s mind creates a thought ; if all them wars could be in museums...
Stargate Tone: maybe such time shall come 'one day'
Qt Core: they will even shut the light of and play some "bombing soundtrack"
Stargate Tone: ...oh...
Qt Core: we can only hope and try, Stargate
Stargate Tone: ah yes
Qt Core: maybe i'm naive but sometimes i think if something ugly as a
WWIII (with atomic bombing too) or some ecological world scale tragedy
may make us a wold nation or something like that (maybe i've only see
too much star trek)
Stargate Tone: wold
Qt Core: world
Stargate Tone: well....
Stargate Tone: I've been thinking quite long time, that the 'WWlll' is going on...
Stargate Tone: even it's not so easy to see cuz there's not bombs used...
Qt Core: i can see your point... it is not (yet) an unconfortable war
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Stargate Tone: ..there was this man in SL....from USA
Stargate Tone: he got scared of my sent hearts...
Stargate Tone: hearts
Stargate Tone: they are now light, as Fael created new, but they was not transparent and dark red
Stargate Tone: that man was a victim of this 'WWlll'
Qt Core: being scared by hearts ? one may find them sappy but scary ?
Stargate Tone: he told how he was scared even to go to the foodstore
Qt Core: oh
Stargate Tone: ah yes; he thought them to be some weapon
Stargate Tone: then he examined whole my home and noticed that there's no kind of weapons
Qt Core: and still he comes in SL where all is so vivid a d direct and based on shocking/surprising you ?
Stargate Tone: ...I realized that man to be not balanced and soon I talked with him much
Qt Core: brb, food on stove
Stargate Tone: ah; he immediately draw his own gun, but didn't shoot
Stargate Tone: but yes; he told how 'one can never know who's carrying a bomb'
Qt Core: strange he would think the 9 sec mist being some kindf of gas/poison/batteriological weapon!
Stargate Tone: ah yes
Stargate Tone: specially when several people meditating in the circle
Stargate Tone: 'brain power weapon'
Qt Core: silent... like being dead
Stargate Tone: can imagine
Stargate Tone: heyyyy
Stargate Tone: I have skill to imagine ...?
Stargate Tone: ...maybe some...
Qt Core: ;-)
Stargate Tone: or if that's only 'to become one' with that man...
Qt Core: i would suggest some real meditation .... and maybe a couple pills too ;-)
Stargate Tone: well...I have met only such person's who's not got any true help from them pills
Qt Core: and reading/listening/watching some more balanced news sources
Stargate Tone: and such that has got help getting rid of them
Stargate Tone: yes
Stargate Tone: well
Stargate Tone: one of my friends do specially help war victim persons to get help from SL
Stargate Tone: there's much such people like this man
Stargate Tone: but none of them helped I know that would've seek to meditation
Stargate Tone: but either living like the 'normal' life but knowing much of weapons and being armed all the time
Stargate Tone: or playing them war games; role games
Stargate Tone: and one of my friends teached me that it's possible to channel one's agressivity to virtual games...
Qt Core: oh yes
Stargate Tone: just that I cannot take SL to be any game...
Stargate Tone: there's huge much more 'virtual worlds' in people's mind in RL than SL is
Qt Core: the idea of "killing" a punching ball not to kill someone real
Stargate Tone: yea
Stargate Tone: but thinking for example this person's got shock for my hearts....
Stargate Tone: he didn't even try to log out....
Stargate Tone: he truly lived the hell again for a moment
Qt Core: when a teen i used to watch a quite violent anime, and i
always felt better after that despite the opposite opinion of many
Qt Core: (and education experts)
Stargate Tone: well...them opinions of adults are not completely wrong them either
Moon Fargis: ^^
Moon Fargis: Akira
Moon Fargis: hmm nice one
Stargate Tone: that was Qt your choice...
Qt Core: Hokuto no Ken
Moon Fargis: ahh
Qt Core: too old for Akira ;-)
Moon Fargis: ^^
Stargate Tone: and yes; I myself think that to play that way in SL woudn't be such help
Stargate Tone: but if one would find one's way for example to Hikari meetings or such
Moon Fargis: QT:
Qt Core: with newest games (SL included) being so realistic one may not notice the difference between virtual and real
Stargate Tone: well...what is there in SL that is not real ?
Qt Core: Moon (orrible)
Qt Core: ;-)
Moon Fargis: :)
Stargate Tone: that's why I dont take them wargames in SL to be any healing...
Stargate Tone: but sure that's my opinion
Qt Core: even games are real, but you should be able to realize that
they are just games, the more realistic they become the more difficoult
that become
Stargate Tone: ahhh...yes; know the 'secret' of some games; I was a 'Link'...Zelda 'fool'
Qt Core: even playing chess you are trying to kill your opponent, but
it quite hard to not notice the difference from, horses /towers and
Stargate Tone: lived 'in' them games even I knew them to be the game
Stargate Tone: ah yes; love chess too
Stargate Tone: even I can win normally only such person who seeks my plan...
Stargate Tone: as I never have one :)***
Qt Core: well, that is if you aren'r playing klingon chess, where killing your opponent is a valid winning move ;-)
Moon Fargis: ah my friends please excuse me for a second
Moon Fargis: ill be right back
Qt Core: np Moon
Stargate Tone: feel free
Stargate Tone: but yes; SL I take to be so true world
Stargate Tone: that even one person ones said that the only difference 'between' SL and RL is
Stargate Tone: that one cannot been killied in physic behind one's pc
Stargate Tone: but thinking for example that man can get the heart attack
Stargate Tone: and die beside the pc
Qt Core: i would say that there aren't ugly people here ;-)
Stargate Tone: SL is all kind of people just as there's in RL
Stargate Tone: if one can see all people to be beautiful
Stargate Tone: that is good thing
Qt Core: (speaking only about look)
Stargate Tone: ahhh
Stargate Tone: oh wow
Stargate Tone: well
Stargate Tone: you didn't see me as I was :)***
Stargate Tone: oh I was ugly :)***
Stargate Tone: as that was my try to 'be safe' :)****
Qt Core: and almost joking, i even saw a couple ugly av... but that is very rare
Stargate Tone: ah yes
Stargate Tone: well
Stargate Tone: here in PaB I met such Av that was made to be 'very ugly'
Stargate Tone: with many wounds and so...scars..
Stargate Tone: but I saw that to be beautiful cuz I felt that person to 'deal' with her scars in her soul....
Stargate Tone: as she had been able to create verrry 'ugly' Av...
Qt Core: i'm thinking that today's psycologist should ask thei patient to see their av ;-) it may help
Stargate Tone: oh yesssssssssssssssss
Stargate Tone: you are verrry right
Stargate Tone: verrrry right
Stargate Tone: hm
Stargate Tone: when one has been born to SL to 'play'....not to work....
Qt Core: thinking about mine i see it like myself without the many, many fat kg i bear ;-)
Stargate Tone: and that one has truly created one's AV by him/herself
Stargate Tone: well; fat is not soul or spirit
Stargate Tone: (btw; this my AV is the most created by Fael and he's an artist)
Stargate Tone: but I was not so huge ugly with my made either when I
decided that I may as well look good the uglyness didn't seem to
bring my wished resolt
Stargate Tone: and by time I started more and more to look pretty for my friends to look at
Stargate Tone: beauty is good thing too
Qt Core: i considered at the beginning to get, not the ugliest but the
most plain av as mi ideais you have to like me for what i say not what
i look
Stargate Tone: yes
Stargate Tone: and to me it was also the first priority and sure is still
Qt Core: and i even have the perfect av for that.. a plain basic construction cube ;-)
Stargate Tone: smiles *
Stargate Tone: ah
Stargate Tone: that I never noticed to try
Stargate Tone: but...well..all my friends noticed too that I am what I am no matter how I'de try to 'hide' behind some look
Stargate Tone: and....well....I am a woman and men are SL too...
Stargate Tone: ja vu again...
Qt Core: sometimes i think i tend to stick to the same outfit and even
more shape/skin more for recognize myself more than for other
recognizing me
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Qt Core: and not only as a pure location issue when i play too much with camera control
Stargate Tone: well; like also this Oona-Maaria who 'visited' Pab 'back then' being beside me in RL
Stargate Tone: as we both felt soooooo warm for you
Stargate Tone: even I didnt' zoom to your Av to be seen more clearly
Qt Core: !?
Stargate Tone: oh...
Stargate Tone: you dont remember ?
Stargate Tone: well...I do :)*
Stargate Tone: I'de also need ab a min...brb
Qt Core: ok
Stargate Tone: rehi
Qt Core: wb
Stargate Tone: ty
Moon Fargis: rehi
Qt Core: wb Moon
Moon Fargis: ok all done
Moon Fargis: QT
Moon Fargis: hikari, my sim got now extended
Moon Fargis: by another sim :)
Stargate Tone: brought that green hill painting to Qt
Moon Fargis: aahh
Moon Fargis: ^^
Moon Fargis: oh being called now in rl i think i retreat
Qt Core: nice, i really love sea, dawn and sunset here in SL
Stargate Tone: *
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Stargate Tone: so I also wish you good time Qt
Stargate Tone: hoping to meet again *
Qt Core: have a nice day
Stargate Tone: _/!\_