Wol Euler recovered this session from the autologging database.
Storm Nordwind: Ah you're here Fefonz!
Fefonz Quan: Hey Storm!
Storm Nordwind: I was just going to go offline but just wanted to say Hi
Fefonz Quan: Yes indeed, i missed the TSK due to a foolicsh misconsideration of clock change last weeke
Storm Nordwind: Well there were confusing elements in the emails
Ananda Zehetbauer: hi
Ananda Zehetbauer: somebody?
Storm Nordwind: Hi Ananda
Fefonz Quan: No, my mistake, we changed from SLT + 10 to SLT + 11 three days ago so i came one hour late :(
Ananda Zehetbauer: mmmm
Fefonz Quan: Hello Ananda
Ananda Zehetbauer: aggghhhhhh
Ananda Zehetbauer: hello!!!!
Ananda Zehetbauer: tell me how do you do to sit down?
Ananda Zehetbauer: fefonz?
Fefonz Quan: right click on one of the cushions
Storm Nordwind: And then select "Sit"
Fefonz Quan: then on the circle 'sit here'
Ananda Zehetbauer: I sould go a get a mouse...
Storm Nordwind: You might find that helpful in Second Life, for all sorts of things
Storm Nordwind slips away quietly to get his lunch :)
Ananda Zehetbauer: I guess I have to stay in the mean time..
Fefonz Quan: bonapetite Storm, nice seeing you
Storm Nordwind waves
Fefonz Quan: guess you have a mac Ananda?
Ananda Zehetbauer: yes
Ananda Zehetbauer: bell_?
Fefonz Quan: yes, that's always a problem with the right click there
Ananda Zehetbauer: you look like if you are playing an invisible piano
Fefonz Quan: someone here told me the solution once, but not using it i forgot. something with control-somehting
Ananda Zehetbauer: it's ok
Fefonz Quan: that's the typing animation i believe
Ananda Zehetbauer: I am waiting to meet people here later
Ananda Zehetbauer: about envionment
Ananda Zehetbauer: are you relaxing?
Ananda Zehetbauer: oh
Fefonz Quan: we have a meeting here every 6 hours, and we mostly discuss the nature of reality and other contemplative practices
Ananda Zehetbauer: i like that
Ananda Zehetbauer: nice birdies
Fefonz Quan: We also have a wiki where we record all our talks, so i should ask your permission to be included in
Ananda Zehetbauer: do not let me bother you Fefonz but I the hours of the meeting are which country hours?
Ananda Zehetbauer: I am in Portugal
Fefonz Quan: http://playasbeing.wik.is/
Ananda Zehetbauer: island hours?
Fefonz Quan: they are SLT times - 1,7,1,7
Ananda Zehetbauer: SLT times. New for me, I will find out
Ananda Zehetbauer: Thank you
Fefonz Quan: i would guess that your time zone is like London, so for you it is 9, 3,9,3
Ananda Zehetbauer: ahh....
Fefonz Quan: Second Life Time - goes with west coast USA time zone
Fefonz Quan: what time is it now for you?
Ananda Zehetbauer: 21:06 hours
Ananda Zehetbauer: and for you Fefonz?
Fefonz Quan: ok, so in your time we meet on 3am, 9am, 3pm, 9om
Fefonz Quan: i am one hour ahead of you now
Ananda Zehetbauer: yes
Wol Euler: hello fef, ananda
Fefonz Quan: Hey Wol!
Ananda Zehetbauer: fef!!!
Fefonz Quan: yes?
Ananda Zehetbauer: sorry
Ananda Zehetbauer: I am inexperienced
Wol Euler: really? but you're 852 days old, born in 2007
Wol Euler grins
Ananda Zehetbauer: hi
Ananda Zehetbauer: mmm...
Fefonz Quan: what's up Wol?
Wol Euler: lots of work. Not much else.
Fefonz Quan: I just missed the new TSK wokshop due to recent clock change here...
Wol Euler sighs. Is it that time of year again?
Fefonz Quan: yes, lots of work here too, which is a big change though
Fefonz Quan: yes it is. just before Yom Kippur (that was last monday) they changed it
Wol Euler: such nonsense. How much longer must we put up with this egregious idiocy?
Fefonz Quan: i am asking the same myself
Wol Euler: I would vote for any party, crossing all lines of allegiance, that promised to do away with daylight saving time
Fefonz Quan: infact i liked it to last longer, now i go out of work in the dark!
Wol Euler: sure
Wol Euler: the vast majority of us are not farmers, we do not rise with hte sun no matter what the season.
Fefonz Quan: exactly
Ananda Zehetbauer: what about farming?
Wol Euler: what about it?
Wol Euler: my aunts and uncles are farmers. They say their cows give 20% less milk for a week each time it changes.
Ananda Zehetbauer: ok no farming , I thought you talking about this, I was checking my email
Ananda Zehetbauer: I know no farmers realy
Ananda Zehetbauer: ok, pray tell what do you want to talk about
Wol Euler: ananda, take a seat, join us :)
Ananda Zehetbauer: I would love to sit if I could figure out how to do it without a mouse
Wol Euler: oh!
Wol Euler: tricky.
Wol Euler: veeeery tricky.
Ananda Zehetbauer: yeah
Ananda Zehetbauer: mmm...
Ananda Zehetbauer: wol
Wol Euler: mmm?
Ananda Zehetbauer: you come here for the reflexions on the nature of reality, as it is written in the card?
Wol Euler: most often, yes :)
Ananda Zehetbauer: wow!
Wol Euler: I also come here to meet friends and talk.
Ananda Zehetbauer: ok
Wol Euler: and sometimes, between sessions, just to sit and listen to the birds and circkets
Ananda Zehetbauer: i hear the birds, i like it
Wol Euler: though I usually sit on the roof to do that :)
Fefonz Quan: :)
Ananda Zehetbauer: I do not have a roof to sit on at home, but outside of my window dove come sometimes
Wol Euler smiles
Ananda Zehetbauer: yes, you are definity a classic sexy outfit
Ananda Zehetbauer: sorry, i did not say you are, i say you have
Fefonz Quan: and then, when the doves cry...
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: you and I engage in a kiss?
Fefonz Quan: exactly :)
Wol Euler laughs. Ah, fef, I've missed you.
Ananda Zehetbauer: I understand that you have to own / buy those gestures..
Fefonz Quan: yes, i am having a little hard time too having to miss so many sessions and workshops
Wol Euler: which gestures, ananda?
Fefonz Quan fefonz didn't buy anything
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey everyone
Ananda Zehetbauer: well somebody told me that some gestures you have to buy
Ananda Zehetbauer: hi!
Wol Euler: hello yakuzza
Fefonz Quan: hey, Yaku!!
Wol Euler: and yes, that is true.
Ananda Zehetbauer: I am not a rich gal
Wol Euler: there are built-in ones for free too, but without a mouse I don't think you can activate them
Wol Euler: you'll definitely need a mouse to get on in SL
Ananda Zehetbauer: I have to be quite as a mouse ;_)
Wol Euler chuckles
Ananda Zehetbauer: that came wrong
Wol Euler: and thank you for the compliment, I love this designer's outfits.
Fefonz Quan: where did you get your nice colorful outfit Ananda?
Ananda Zehetbauer: I made it myself
Wol Euler: cool.
Ananda Zehetbauer: thank you
Fefonz Quan: made is like 'programmed'?
Ananda Zehetbauer: how can i come closer to you all, see you faces closer?
Ananda Zehetbauer: no no
Wol Euler: very difficult without a mouse, alas
Wol Euler: easy with one...
Wol Euler shrugs. Sorry.
Wol Euler: hello doug
Ananda Zehetbauer: I will buy one
Ananda Zehetbauer: is doug here?
Wol Euler: oh, what happened? he was here.
Ananda Zehetbauer: i know doug
Wol Euler: ah :)
Ananda Zehetbauer: oh, my! he has got an aura?!!!!
Wol Euler: hello bertram, bolonath
Bertram Jacobus: helo al ... :-)
Ananda Zehetbauer: hi
Fefonz Quan: Hey Bert, Bolonath
Fefonz Quan: have you been here before bolon?
Wol Euler: wow, this is the day of people crashing on arrival.
Bolonath Crystal: namaste @ all :)
Fefonz Quan: Namaste bolonath! and welcome to SL, looks like you are wuite new here
Bolonath Crystal: i have been here two times, fefonz
Ananda Zehetbauer: this is certainly contemplative
Fefonz Quan: i see, thanks for letting me know.
Fefonz Quan: (i needed to ask since we record the conversation)
Bolonath Crystal: and excuse me for interrupting the silence
Fefonz Quan: never mind, we'll have another in 15 :)
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: Instant silence, just add nothing.
Bolonath Crystal: i have some technical troubles here. think i have to reboot, sorry
Fefonz Quan: (at worst case surely)
Bertram Jacobus: poor bolonath ! ... :-/
Fefonz Quan: Sometimes i feel we could use some rebooting in RL too
Wol Euler: yeah, really.
Wol Euler: and a "load previously saved version" command would be good too.
Bolonath Crystal: every experience counts. even an unpleasant one :)
Bertram Jacobus: i'm content at the moment. changes very quick in these days in my life ... ;-)
Fefonz Quan: soiunds nice Bert
Wol Euler: that's good :)
Wol Euler: good to be content
Bertram Jacobus: ty fef. today i made peace with the thought, that suffering is unbounded for example ... (!) ;-)
Bertram Jacobus: and wol. ty2 :-)
Bolonath Crystal: when we start to look at our experiences 'as they are' and not 'as i judge them', experiences are somehow always helpful in our path
Bertram Jacobus: but canbe VERY heavy bolonath now and then nevertheless...
Wol Euler: wb doug
Bolonath Crystal: yes, indeed
Bertram Jacobus: hello doug ! :-)
Ananda Zehetbauer: hi
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey doug
Bertram Jacobus: and very nice also ... :-)
Ananda Zehetbauer: where are the mahabs
Bolonath Crystal: hello doug
Wol Euler: beside the haratas?
Fefonz Quan: hi Doug!
Ananda Zehetbauer: if you walk there i follow
Bertram Jacobus: mahabs ? what is that please ananda ? :-)
Bertram Jacobus: and haratas ? i don't know, too... (?)
Wol Euler: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahabharata
Bertram Jacobus: ah
Wol Euler grins. A geeky joke, sorry.
Bertram Jacobus: oke :o)
Bertram Jacobus: no reason for sorry (!) i guess :o)
Bertram Jacobus: AND : you "only reacted" wol (?) :-)
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: true, I can blame Doug for that.
Wol Euler: (I guess Ananda was replying to an IM from him)
Bertram Jacobus: why do you guess that ? :-)
Wol Euler: oh, just an intuition.
Bertram Jacobus: uh
Wol Euler: since she knew him and seemed to disappear when he did
Bertram Jacobus: i'm very poor with intuition
Wol Euler: like starting from "I think therefore I am" and deducing the existence of income tax.
Yakuzza Lethecus: i am too sleepy for intuition :)
Wol Euler: awwwww
Wol Euler is in a silly mood this evening.
Bertram Jacobus: :-)
Bertram Jacobus: do you know the english title of thefilm der mit dem wolf tanzt, anybody ? ;-)
Wol Euler: Dances with Wolves
Bertram Jacobus: ah. great
Wol Euler: it was :)
Bertram Jacobus: they have so wonderful names, some indians
Bertram Jacobus: one is called "smiles a lot" - could be description of my chatwritings (?)...;o)
Bertram Jacobus: and yes : a very nice movie
Wol Euler nods and grins
Bertram Jacobus: native americans ?
Fefonz Quan: yes, when Kevin was Costner
Wol Euler: ah, those were the days.
Bertram Jacobus: nice man mr costner
Fefonz Quan: what is 'heilswegler' Bert?
Bertram Jacobus: i want to describe with that a person who tries to move on ways of love
Fefonz Quan: i see. guess it is German?
Bertram Jacobus: heil is salvation. i hope i translate that in a correct way
Bertram Jacobus: yes and weg is path
Wol Euler: yes, but not only surely. "Heil Dir, Sonne" as Brünnhilde sings.
Bertram Jacobus: but isn't that also salvation ? ;-)
Yakuzza Lethecus: And yaku sings "good night everyone" :)
Wol Euler: heheheh
Wol Euler: 'night yaku, take care
Bertram Jacobus: good nite yaku *respondig* :o)
Bolonath Crystal: nite yaku :)
Fefonz Quan: nite Yaku
Wol Euler: I always understood it as a joyful greeting (from the context, waking from decades of sleep)
Wol Euler: but there is something of surrender, of opening-to in it as well
Bolonath Crystal: in the word heilswegler i understand heil as the opposite of suffering
Bertram Jacobus: nicesaid bolonath:-)
Bolonath Crystal: that what remains when nothing is wrong
Bolonath Crystal: thx, bert
Bertram Jacobus: and wol : in brunhildes words - also a form of good wish ?
Wol Euler: nicely said, bolo.
Bolonath Crystal: thx, wol
Bertram Jacobus: ;-)
Wol Euler: perhaps I was seeing "salvation" too narrowly.
Bertram Jacobus: ups -i'm levitating ?
Bolonath Crystal: good sign :)
Wol Euler: stand and sit again, it happens.
Bertram Jacobus: wol always knows to help ! :-)
Fefonz Quan: and you managed to do that without singing 'Harre Harre, Harre rama"
Bolonath Crystal: :D
Wol Euler chuckles
Bertram Jacobus: hehe. yes. so many ways (!) ... ;o)
Bertram Jacobus: om mani peme hung for example ...;-)
Fefonz Quan: pema?
Bolonath Crystal: i recently read about swami ramakrishna. he states, that all pathes to what he calls god (but actually means full self realization) can lead to the same result
Bertram Jacobus: that's the tibetan form of the "mantra of chenrezig" (akas avalokiteshvara) (budda of compassion) ...
Bertram Jacobus: i consider that some people die unenlightened ...
Fefonz Quan: i see. is it the one from the heart sutra?
Bertram Jacobus: and don't know what happns then
Bertram Jacobus: no. the one from the heart sutra is gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhisoha -
Fefonz Quan: yes i know, i thought maybe this is the tibetan version. (chenerzig and avalokiteshvara also don't sound similar)
Bertram Jacobus: no. you're right. the one is the tibetan name, the other sanskrit
Wol Euler: ((sorry, in IMs about land reform))
Bertram Jacobus: nd the indian version of that mantra is very similar: om mani padme hum
Bertram Jacobus: also important wol (!) isn't it ? :-)
Fefonz Quan: yes. Friends, i think i will go to sleep, need to get up to work tomorrow
Wol Euler: goodnight, fef, take care.
Bolonath Crystal: nite fefonz :)
Wol Euler: you can tell us about leonard cohen next time :)
Fefonz Quan: Have a good evening all, good to see you and Namaste
Bertram Jacobus: ty fef for your kind being ... :-)
Fefonz Quan: Ah, it was Great!
Wol Euler: :)
Fefonz Quan: di i tell i went there?
Fefonz Quan: oh, i did. such a touching, emotional show
Bertram Jacobus: :-))
Bertram Jacobus: how nie
Bertram Jacobus: nice
Wol Euler: :)
Fefonz Quan: it ok for the first half, but then he sang Haleluya, and opened the sky, and it was a joyride from then on
Bertram Jacobus: hi frankie :-)
Bertram Jacobus: whaow
Frankie Tchailenov: hello...can I sit with u?
Bolonath Crystal: hi frankie
Bertram Jacobus: sure frankie ! :-)
Fefonz Quan: Hi Frankie
Frankie Tchailenov: lol sure....was born like 2 days ago
Wol Euler: bye fef
Wol Euler: welcome to second life, frankie
Bertram Jacobus: hehe. and just 90 seconds silence - sry pleae ...;-)
Fefonz Quan: Bye Wol, good night all (bows and leave)
Frankie Tchailenov: thanks....found this place bye searching for "philosophy"
Frankie Tchailenov: nice place
Wol Euler: we like it :)
Bertram Jacobus: yes. and bolonath is only a few days "older" i guess ;-)
Bolonath Crystal: right
Bolonath Crystal: 2
Bertram Jacobus: thatsdoube! ;-)
Bertram Jacobus: double
Frankie Tchailenov: whats the function of this place?
Wol Euler: well, in theory we are a meditation group.
Frankie Tchailenov: lol
Frankie Tchailenov: sorry
Wol Euler: in practice, we often just sit and talk, as happened today
Bertram Jacobus: thre s a notecard about that - i'll give it to you...
Frankie Tchailenov: ok cool....
Bolonath Crystal: and sometimes we enjoy the silence :)
Bertram Jacobus: yeah. todays 1 pm session is more or less over -sry ... ;-)
Frankie Tchailenov: very interesting fundament
Bertram Jacobus: and we have some in philosophy intrested persons here ...
Bertram Jacobus: :-))
Wol Euler: I'm sorry, I must go, it's getting late.
Wol Euler: goodnight all, take care.
Bolonath Crystal: om shanti, wol :)
Bertram Jacobus: bye wol. havea nice niteand time!
Frankie Tchailenov: I visited philosophy house.... but the pace of the chat is too quick....I need some time to reflect on peoples ideas
Bertram Jacobus: and frankie - we have to ask whether you agree that the talks here are posted at our wiki ?
Frankie Tchailenov: sure I dont mind
Bertram Jacobus: thankyou :-)
Frankie Tchailenov: Im the one that thanks
Bertram Jacobus: :-)
Bertram Jacobus: are you native english speaker ?
Frankie Tchailenov: no, its my second language after danish
Bertram Jacobus: ah. nice. we hav also somepeople fr skandinavia ... finlandfor exmple ... and i'm german ...
Bolonath Crystal: sry, i'm getting tired... gotta go to bed now
Bertram Jacobus: sry i have a difficult keyboard at the moment ... :-/
Bertram Jacobus: good nite bolo !
Bolonath Crystal: have a nice evening :)
Frankie Tchailenov: ok....sleep tight
Bolonath Crystal: om shanti
Frankie Tchailenov: my time is 23:34
Bertram Jacobus: here same:-)
Frankie Tchailenov: where are u
Bertram Jacobus: cologne,germany
Frankie Tchailenov: sehr gut
Bertram Jacobus: ty:-))
Frankie Tchailenov: have u been here for long
Bertram Jacobus: you mean, here in sl? :-)
Frankie Tchailenov: yeah
Bertram Jacobus: since some month ... at this place.
Frankie Tchailenov: ok...so did you play with any topic today?
Bertram Jacobus: oh yes. with some. lemme think ... :-)
Bertram Jacobus: with "suffering" for example ... ;-)
Bertram Jacobus: or "boundlessness"...;-)
Frankie Tchailenov: suffering...thats interesting
Frankie Tchailenov: boundlessness....tough word....in what context?
Bertram Jacobus: yes.the buddha starts his teachings with this aspect- (suffering)...
Bertram Jacobus: context : suffering ;-):nobeginnng, no end
Frankie Tchailenov: are u knowledable about Buddhas teachings?
Bertram Jacobus: yes. i learned some years about buddhas teachings
Frankie Tchailenov: I know very little
Bertram Jacobus: so much to know ! so many ways ! ... :-)
Frankie Tchailenov: we each have our own path right?
Bertram Jacobus: yes. i see that in the same way .-)
Bertram Jacobus: some is common, some individual
Frankie Tchailenov: that allows for play
Bertram Jacobus: yes.and more intersting then knowledge is realisation ...
Frankie Tchailenov: explain more about that concept
Bertram Jacobus: is it a concept ? i don't know ... -
Bertram Jacobus: for example - heart qualities are very important
Frankie Tchailenov: yes....so for example what is a heart quality
Bertram Jacobus: empathy ?compassion -
Frankie Tchailenov: ok Im with u
Frankie Tchailenov: why is it important?
Bertram Jacobus: love, real love, unconditioned, allincluding
Bertram Jacobus: because all beings want to be happy
Frankie Tchailenov: grattitude?
Frankie Tchailenov: so the goal is happiness?
Bertram Jacobus: andif one doesn't feel good, one is not happy. very simple said. "a bit" more heavy to realize ;-)
Bertram Jacobus: the goal ... may be experssed in so many ways
Frankie Tchailenov: lets me play in a provokative way ok?
Bertram Jacobus: understanding, feling is helpful -mind AND feeling ...
Bertram Jacobus: goon ! yes ! please :-)
Frankie Tchailenov: lets say we have a guy that have psycho tendensies
Bertram Jacobus: okay...
Frankie Tchailenov: he dont care about what we call moral
Frankie Tchailenov: so he is very happy when he hurt someone
Bertram Jacobus: i see what you mean. we wouldn't call that real happyness
Frankie Tchailenov: oh...how is that
Bertram Jacobus: because real happyness includes all aspects, al beings
Frankie Tchailenov: in what way
Bertram Jacobus: in every way
Frankie Tchailenov: hmmm....sounds like u mean in some political correct manner
Bertram Jacobus: is that and more
Bertram Jacobus: normally we know what happyness is
Frankie Tchailenov: by the way I hope you understand that Im being provokative not to be confused with disrespectfull
Frankie Tchailenov: ok... but Im confused about it because it seems like some sort of moral judgement
Bertram Jacobus: sure ! you said it ! :-) one method to examine. fine ! :-)
Bertram Jacobus: i heard fewdays ago:
Bertram Jacobus: moral wouldn't need reasons, but ethics did. so let's call it ethics ..
Frankie Tchailenov: ok
Frankie Tchailenov: but doesnt my happiness sometimes creates less happiness for other beings
Frankie Tchailenov: and so am I on a wrong path
Bertram Jacobus: i'm sorry. i'm tired now a bit too. appreciate the talk to you - come again if you like we start every 4 and 10 o clock our time - 1 and 7 sl time... :-)
Frankie Tchailenov: ok....I'll be back again tomorrow I think
Bertram Jacobus: not neccessairily i guess. but may be there is something or a lot to learn and to study to practise and to get used to...;-)
Frankie Tchailenov: I love chattin one on one..... gives me some time to reflect on what is being said
Frankie Tchailenov: but go and get some rest and I'll talk to you some other time :)
Bertram Jacobus: again : i appreciated the talk with you very much! ty ad have a nice time! may be meet you tomorow ! :-)
Frankie Tchailenov: bye
Bertram Jacobus: bye frankie :-)
Frankie Tchailenov: hey....before u go
Bertram Jacobus: yes ? :-)
Frankie Tchailenov: is there a place u can recommend....a place like this...not fast paced
Bertram Jacobus: oh. with talking people or nice surroundigs lke this?
Frankie Tchailenov: just a nice chat where people reflect on different topics
Frankie Tchailenov: I tried Phiosophy House....it was like a huge fight
Bertram Jacobus: ah yes. there are many groupslinked to this group, but others know them better i fear you must wait until tomorrow than others can help you better ... and try our wiki. may be that helps, too
Frankie Tchailenov: ok thanks Bertram, sweet dreams
Bertram Jacobus: ty bye again frankie:-))
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