2008.06.17 01:00 - Craving Quiet Time

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    Riddle was the guardian, that morning. He later sent me the following blog, with his comments.

    Today Adams, Stargate, Fael and I (Riddle) were in attendence.
    First the greetings and whether inside or outside discussion.

    Adams Rubble: Hello Riddle
    Riddle Sideways: good morning, be right in
    Adams Rubble: Are we meeting outside?
    Riddle Sideways: or out or in or out
    Adams Rubble: I am halfway :)
    Riddle Sideways: I am undecided
    Adams Rubble: Yes both have their advantages :)
    Adams Rubble: Funny, at first most of the meetings I attended were outside
    Adams Rubble: now most have been inside
    Riddle Sideways: lately I have been outside most
    Adams Rubble: Funny how that goes
    Adams Rubble: Are you the guardian this morning?
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Adams Rubble: A bit early for you :)
    Riddle Sideways: I get up early always
    Riddle Sideways: but I stay up late too :)
    Adams Rubble: Yes so do I. Actually I think I would like the times better from your zone
    Adams Rubble: The 7pm session is a bit late for me
    Riddle Sideways: I am the same as SL time
    Adams Rubble: Hi Sargate
    Adams Rubble: Stargate
    Stargate Tone: Hello
    Adams Rubble: yes Riddle
    Stargate Tone: Hello Adams and Riddle
    Riddle Sideways: hi star
    Stargate Tone: …we still can go in ?
    Riddle Sideways: ok
    Riddle Sideways: see, she will decide for us
    Adams Rubble: hehe
    Stargate Tone: thank heavens I never can do that ???

    we did some introductory chat about typos.

    Stargate Tone: sry; ??? was typo
    Stargate Tone: didnt’ mean to ask
    Stargate Tone: lol; normally I do not find the qestion mark at all .=)*
    Adams Rubble: I have troube with the apostrophe mark
    Riddle Sideways: typos are sooo um… ha can;t speel today :)
    Adams Rubble: hehe
    Stargate Tone: ***

    Then we jumped right in over our heads.

    Stargate Tone: well…
    Stargate Tone: there’s been such ‘thing’
    Stargate Tone: in my mind qutie a while
    Stargate Tone: but cuz I have so much probs to undertand other ppls fancy words
    Stargate Tone: as my english is very base
    Stargate Tone: but cuz of You Adams; I ‘ve tried to find a ‘good time’ to tell what’s on my heart
    Riddle Sideways: I am american and still don’t understand much english :)
    Stargate Tone: and cuz there’s now any deep topic
    Stargate Tone: Love You :)***
    Stargate Tone: I thought to ‘empty my heart’
    Adams Rubble: Thank you Star
    Stargate Tone: as…I truely have helped ppl whole my life like kind of odd phenimena
    Stargate Tone: anger; hate
    Stargate Tone: = child of sorrow
    Stargate Tone: nobody loving person can ever get rid of sorrow for good
    Stargate Tone: because of this:
    Stargate Tone: the energy in free Univers, which ‘collects’ ‘things’ for new life…
    Stargate Tone: that is Love…
    Stargate Tone: which human being do experience ‘included’ sorrow
    Stargate Tone: …so…who cannto cry enough for the sorrows one ‘collects’
    Stargate Tone: there’s the ’seed’ to anger *
    Stargate Tone: Thank You both beloved persons *
    Stargate Tone: That I was allowed to speak *
    Riddle Sideways: no, thank you
    Riddle Sideways: and please continue
    Stargate Tone: oh
    Stargate Tone: hm
    Stargate Tone: UGH :)*
    Stargate Tone: dont them indians say so meaning; I’m spoken :)=***
    Adams Rubble: Thank you Star
    Riddle Sideways: sorry, I meant can you explain a little more for I didn’t completely get your meanings
    Stargate Tone: just wanted to share what I know about the anger
    Stargate Tone: well
    Stargate Tone: one meaning
    Stargate Tone: that it has nothing to do with the fears…
    Adams Rubble: Riddle, we spoke about anger yesterday
    Adams Rubble: I think Star was adding to the discussion
    Stargate Tone: they are completely ‘an other story’….
    Stargate Tone: yes
    Riddle Sideways: ok, I was busy yesterday and have not read logs yet
    Stargate Tone: and…well…each one sure may have one’s own ‘vsison’…
    Stargate Tone: and indeed; I am so happy I could ‘empty’ my heart with You 2
    Adams Rubble: I don;t think the logs are posted yet. Pia asked Stim to expand on his June 7th words
    Stargate Tone: cuz indeed; You both are so beautiful *
    Stargate Tone: ..and…well…I still must not read much but ‘the local IM and cahts’
    Adams Rubble: I don’t think I can sum it up; I missed the second half of the 1pm session
    Adams Rubble: I did read Stim’s June 7 comments this morning
    Adams Rubble: but then I read a bunch of other things afterwards

    Fael (and Faenik) join us.

    Fael Illyar: Hello :)
    Stargate Tone: Hello Fael
    Adams Rubble: alas my mind is somewhat jumbled
    Riddle Sideways: thank you
    Riddle Sideways: hi fael
    Adams Rubble: Hi Fael
    Faenik loves wells!
    Fael Illyar: why is adams under the floor?
    Adams Rubble: Fael, we were talking about yesterdays discussions
    Adams Rubble: about anger
    Adams Rubble: under the floor ???
    Adams Rubble: aaaaah
    Riddle Sideways: her beautiful dress does not sit well
    Stargate Tone: so now Ur so angry that U went ‘under grouns’ ::=(((((
    Stargate Tone: lol
    Faenik is a hairy black ball with eyes and ears.
    Adams Rubble: i see me as OK
    Stargate Tone: I see so too
    Fael Illyar: now it’s better :)
    Riddle Sideways: and today is the first time I can see Faenik very well
    Riddle Sideways: contrast to yellow wings
    Stargate Tone: Riddle
    Fael Illyar: :)
    Fael Illyar: Anyway, what were you talking before I came?
    Stargate Tone: You have chooced so interesting name too
    Riddle Sideways: Anger / Love
    Stargate Tone: would You mind to tell about the reasons of Your this choice ?`
    Riddle Sideways: oh, Riddle is the misspelling of my real name
    Fael Illyar: Adams looks a bit scary with that … umm, is that a pickaxe?
    Stargate Tone: ooooooooooooohhhhhhhh
    Adams Rubble: yes, to get out of the floor
    Fael Illyar: oh :)

    which was rather funny, because Admas had a pickaxe in her hand and was typing which made the pickaxe wave threatenly.

    Stargate Tone: so was it kind of typo ?
    Riddle Sideways: back in the 60s I found that being a riddle fit my persona best
    Fael Illyar: Riddel?
    Riddle Sideways: Riddell
    Fael Illyar: ah :)
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Stargate Tone: that sounds very good *

    Then back to previous subject

    Riddle Sideways: but back to the digital… Anger / Love
    Stargate Tone: oh so good *
    Riddle Sideways: my thinking is…
    Riddle Sideways: in a digital / two sided coin world
    Riddle Sideways: we must have a strong opposite of Love
    Riddle Sideways: to support it
    Stargate Tone: Understand Your thinking *
    Riddle Sideways: can not have Love without Anger, sad, bad, evil
    Fael Illyar: umm, isn’t it usually hate and love?
    Riddle Sideways: yes, Fael
    Faenik loves wells!
    Stargate Tone: and I take that to be more than healthy as it’s the ‘mirror’
    Fael Illyar: having just one makes you unbalanced
    Stargate Tone: indeed; one do not use to ‘hate’ anymody who one do not care at all
    Stargate Tone: but one can ‘hate’ huge much the one do love huge much
    Stargate Tone: to observ…..to compare….anything; also Love
    Stargate Tone: to it’s opposite
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Stargate Tone: I take that to be more than heathy
    Riddle Sideways: the balance of two opposites
    Stargate Tone: as that indeed does not mean that one would need to ‘drive’ oneself to anger… :)***
    Riddle Sideways: somehow if we are balenced then we do not really have either
    Riddle Sideways: or huge amounts of both?
    Stargate Tone: it’s always possible to chooce Love, when one is in balance; just obdserving
    Stargate Tone: and to whom can one empty one’s heart the best way ?
    Stargate Tone: to them, who onde do trust
    Stargate Tone: to whom one do trust the most easy ?
    Stargate Tone: the one we love :)*
    Adams Rubble: I think we all find a person to whom we can do that Star
    Stargate Tone: …talking surely about the normal way of human behavier
    Stargate Tone: yes
    Stargate Tone: indeed
    Riddle Sideways: the ones that love us will hear our love
    Stargate Tone: **

    Then a turn in the conversation.

    Stargate Tone: hmmm….feel huge need to gossip…..
    Riddle Sideways: and hopefully hear our hate / anger sometimes too
    Stargate Tone: as the first time I came to the meeting
    Stargate Tone: there was two ppl ; they told that they met in RL
    Stargate Tone: I traveled to that moment to be with them
    Faenik: why not?
    Stargate Tone: ….yet…they didn’t seem to notice that themselves…..
    Stargate Tone: but almost each time I’ve been able to come here
    Stargate Tone: I look upon the bright ‘cloud’ I saw as there souls and spirits created
    Stargate Tone: …then angels are walking ‘by’…

    there was a very long silence.

    Riddle Sideways: well, that made me speachless
    Fael Illyar: yes, me too
    Fael Illyar: it sounds nice but … I don’t understand it, really.
    Stargate Tone: well…there spirits can be here even more stoonger if they were present with there AV
    Stargate Tone: wanted to share how I know , that there’s two such persons
    Stargate Tone: who are here often
    Faenik loves wells!
    Stargate Tone: and who’s spirits do create huge amount of Light and Love when ever they meat
    Riddle Sideways: I would not call it gossip though
    Riddle Sideways: you do not name them, so it is not gossip
    Stargate Tone: :)***
    Stargate Tone: well
    Stargate Tone: perons privacy
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Stargate Tone: thats’ the most holy thing
    Fael Illyar: Yes, it’s just telling us there are two people who love each other but don’t know it.
    Stargate Tone: and no matter ppl always are challenging other ppl to ‘brake’ it
    Adams Rubble: I wonder if Star is saying they are loving to everyone
    Stargate Tone: it’s the most supported matter by Univrse’s forcie and power
    Fael Illyar: hmmh, that’s possible too
    Stargate Tone: …seemed that they truely had not ‘met’ there ‘this side’….
    Stargate Tone: part….
    Stargate Tone: they - to my understanding - take themselves to ‘just to know’ each other…
    Adams Rubble: I guess not
    Stargate Tone: well…so hard to express
    Stargate Tone: as when they are present in the meeting
    Stargate Tone: they in a way ‘kill’ much of that cuz of the normal human behavie to have some’ role’
    Stargate Tone: in dirrerent kind of situations…events…
    Stargate Tone: well
    Stargate Tone: truely just wanted to ‘gossip’ for such beauty to exist inside the group here
    Riddle Sideways: thank you, it gives much to think through. I just would not call it gossip
    Riddle Sideways: more an observation
    Faenik: could be
    Stargate Tone: sry….jsut the word I know in english
    Stargate Tone: hm
    Stargate Tone: one of my truely special friends here in SL said once this,
    Stargate Tone: “One needs to learn your language”
    Stargate Tone: but he is turely special good friend
    Stargate Tone: …we were speaking about how I am ‘an experience’ :)****
    Fael Illyar: Oh, yes, you do need to learn people’s language. For everyone you talk to. Everyone talks a slightly different language, even if they call it English.
    Stargate Tone: even had this commersial in my mind; “If You need ; I can also listen ; * No problems at alll ? Oh man; You truely need my help :)***
    Riddle Sideways: and we come here to speak of things that are not put into words well
    Stargate Tone: …but…indeed….might that there ‘cloud’ been which gave us the silnce….
    Faenik is a hairy black ball with eyes and ears.
    Fael Illyar: Yes, the language stops mattering that much because the subject is itself hard already :)

    Then almost as quickly we stopped and lightened up.
    Starting to chat of SL things

    Stargate Tone: Love You
    Stargate Tone: Have Good Time
    Stargate Tone: stargate
    Fael Illyar: Bye Star :)
    Riddle Sideways: thank you star
    Riddle Sideways: and I love that exit
    Riddle Sideways: someday I hope to learn that
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Fael Illyar: you mean those hearts?
    Riddle Sideways: yes, exiting leaving hearts behind
    Fael Illyar: one of the simplest particle effects possible :)
    Riddle Sideways: you do it too, I think
    Fael Illyar: me? I leave particles when I leaev?
    Adams Rubble: I think I would want to leave turnips
    Riddle Sideways: :)
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Fael Illyar: anyway, if you find the heart picture you want to use somewhere, it’d take me a few minutes to make that.
    Fael Illyar: or turnips
    Adams Rubble: turnips are more practical
    Riddle Sideways: TY, I need to learn it too
    Fael Illyar: it’s not learning, it’s getting an item that can do it
    Riddle Sideways: being given soething is very special and learning something is more special
    Faenik: ????^^
    Fael Illyar: or making one, that would need learning
    Adams Rubble: is it a script?
    Fael Illyar: scripted attachment
    Adams Rubble: ah
    Fael Illyar gave you The Particle Laboratory, Teal (180, 73, 21).
    Fael Illyar: you’ll find what you need to learn to make one of those there
    Adams Rubble: there?
    Riddle Sideways: TY
    Adams Rubble: ah, thank you
    Fael Illyar: I think I’ll drop you 2 other places too
    Fael Illyar gave you Texture Tutorials, Livingtree (127, 99, 25).
    Fael Illyar gave you The Ivory Tower Library of Prim, Natoma (207, 170, 25).
    Adams Rubble: Thanks Fael
    Riddle Sideways: Thank you, those are what I was looking for this weekend
    Fael Illyar: nice to be of help :)
    Riddle Sideways: I needed a texture that wasn’t available
    Riddle Sideways: I am starting to learn how to get dressed
    Riddle Sideways: I am such a n00b
    Fael Illyar: it takes some effort to get yourself to look the way you want to :)
    Adams Rubble: yes. I never heard that word before
    Fael Illyar: you can try to either find freebies or then buy clothes.
    Fael Illyar: n00b is netslang for newbie
    Adams Rubble: Oh like me in PaB
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: and me
    Adams Rubble: I am a n00b
    Fael Illyar: often used in a bit of a derogatory way.
    Adams Rubble: Oh you are new in PaB too?

    Then these couple very nice statements.

    Fael Illyar: everyone is newbie in something, a lot of the time :)
    Adams Rubble: yes, of course
    Adams Rubble: I am a babe when it comes to Buddhism
    Adams Rubble: actually poor choice of word
    Riddle Sideways: ahhh
    Fael Illyar: http://freeformen.wordpress.com/ might be of some help looking for some clothing
    Adams Rubble: I am a child when it comes to Buddhism
    Fael Illyar: I refuse to describe myself with any word as related to Buddhism. :)
    Faenik: ah :)
    Riddle Sideways: TY, I just need my belt for my hakama
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: :D
    Fael Illyar: Although, if you’re looking for clothing for a Buddhist, it might not have what you’re looking for
    Riddle Sideways: anyway folks, I need to run to the next thing
    Riddle Sideways: thank you all
    Adams Rubble: OK, bye :)
    Fael Illyar: Ok, Bye Riddle :)

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