Wol Euler: did you walk here?
Agatha Macbeth: NAW
Agatha Macbeth: tp'd to Bieup
Wol Euler: rahter than here?
Agatha Macbeth: I've lost the Lm
Agatha Macbeth: But it always takes time to rez anyhow
Wol Euler: folders are your friends :)
Agatha Macbeth makes a note
Wol Euler: hejheheh
Agatha Macbeth: Trouble then is I can't find the damn folders :(
Wol Euler: it helps if you give them descriptive names rather than just numbers :)
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, inventories eh
Agatha Macbeth: Yes, but I can't remember what I called them
Wol Euler nods. That is a problem, yes.
Agatha Macbeth: Just me
Agatha Macbeth: A mess on two legs
Wol Euler: I have a very visual memory, I can remember what the title looked like even if I am not sure of the worlds
Wol Euler: so I can scan for a graphic pattern
Agatha Macbeth: Groovy
Wol Euler: it was very useful in school and college :)
Agatha Macbeth: I'll bet
Agatha Macbeth: Right brain rather than left?
Wol Euler: I'd be able to remember that a sentence I wanted to quote was on the upper third of a right-hand page about a quarter of the way from the back of the book :)
Wol Euler: so I'd fix my eyes on that spot and flip the pages until I saw it
Agatha Macbeth: In a manga? ;-)
Wol Euler: would probably work just as well :)
Wol Euler: hello yaku
Agatha Macbeth: That starts at the back!
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey
Agatha Macbeth: Hi Yaku :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: ah, the girls are reading mangas :)
Wol Euler: reminds me of a Talking Heads song
Agatha Macbeth: Well this one is :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: so you both will have japanese anime avatars in the future ?
Wol Euler grins
Agatha Macbeth: I already have [grins]
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey qt :)
Agatha Macbeth: Buona sera QT
Wol Euler: hello qt
Qt Core: Hi All, 'sera Agatha
Agatha Macbeth: Can you see ok Wol?
Wol Euler: heheheh
Wol Euler: I really want to trim the bangs.
Yakuzza Lethecus: hi bleu
Agatha Macbeth: You remind me of an old english sheepdog
Wol Euler: that's how it feels too
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Bleu
Wol Euler: hello bleu
Bleu Oleander: hi all :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: the hud should be connected to the view at least when in mouselook
Wol Euler: eh?
Agatha Macbeth: ??
Wol Euler: wrong window?
Agatha Macbeth: Hopefully
Yakuzza Lethecus: when ur hair is over ur eyes ur not supposed to see anythign when you are using mouselook :D
Qt Core: Hi Bleu
Yakuzza Lethecus: that´s what i meant :)
Agatha Macbeth: Ah
Wol Euler: ah
Agatha Macbeth: Snap
Agatha Macbeth: Hiya Mick :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey mick
Wol Euler: hello mick
Qt Core: Hi Mick
Bleu Oleander: hi Mick
Wol Euler: works OK for me, yaku :)
Mickorod Renard: hello everyone
Mickorod Renard: howzzz it going?
Agatha Macbeth: A round of applause for the man himself
Wol Euler brushes a tear from here eye
Wol Euler: *her
Agatha Macbeth: Aww
Mickorod Renard: ?
Wol Euler: !
Wol Euler: leaving us.
Mickorod Renard: have i missed something@?
Agatha Macbeth: (Maybe he's staying on)
Wol Euler: we will be missing something
Mickorod Renard: I am not leaving u,,just havin a break of sorts
Wol Euler: good :)
Agatha Macbeth: You will be here in spirit Mick
Agatha Macbeth: And yer bike :)
Wol Euler: and the vague lingering smell of cigars
Mickorod Renard: its just that i am not getting around to posting logs until the night before the next one is due
Agatha Macbeth: Yep, that too
Mickorod Renard: he he he
Agatha Macbeth: And the pink tail
Mickorod Renard: and the scribe,,i have tried doin it for the last two months and never finnished them
Wol Euler nods. Scribing is much harder than it looks
Agatha Macbeth: Mm
Mickorod Renard: there is more too,,I seem to be in a state of flux re babies and things
Agatha Macbeth: Always a handful
Mickorod Renard: and the gardens here are getting out of control
Agatha Macbeth: Mine too :(
Agatha Macbeth: My hedges are a pain
Yakuzza Lethecus: may i ask who here is reading the scribes on a regular basis ?
Agatha Macbeth holds up her hand
Mickorod Renard: I have a resident arboriculter,,but that doesnt seem to help much
Wol Euler studies the cushion
Yakuzza Lethecus: scribes excluded :P
Agatha Macbeth: Oh
Agatha Macbeth: Ok
Qt Core: on a regular basis... not
Agatha Macbeth: Grab that log Mick! :p
Mickorod Renard: yes, i do the scribe but never get chance to read others
Yakuzza Lethecus: i read it one time when i wanted to know what they are actually doing, never again
Mickorod Renard: he he ,,yea,,arboriculture and log,,very witty
Agatha Macbeth: For me it's just a different perspective
Mickorod Renard: but u know,,i came on to sl by accident, I needed to sort myself out too, in the head,,it was some sort of fate that lead me here and it has done we very well. I dont know for sure but I have emerged from a sort of shadow I had took residence in
Wol Euler nods and smiles.
Agatha Macbeth: Well that's good to hear :)
Bleu Oleander: nice
Wol Euler: when the avatar is ready, the virtual world will appear :)
Mickorod Renard: So I thank you all,,for being such good pals
Mickorod Renard: he he
Agatha Macbeth gives Mick a hug across the pool
Mickorod Renard: thankyou
Agatha Macbeth: I have long arms...
Mickorod Renard: mmm lovely
Wol Euler: it's been quite exciting to watch that happening, Mick. I'm glad that this has helped.
Agatha Macbeth nods
Mickorod Renard: Pab has been inspirational in that its been a good platform to unravelling messy thoughts
Agatha Macbeth applauds that
Wol Euler: agreed
Agatha Macbeth: I seem to unravel one problem and find another
Bleu Oleander: isn't that life?
Agatha Macbeth: Sure is Bleu [sighs]
Mickorod Renard: much has been down to the respect that we show each other, and that we can be free to express ourselves together,,a sort of vent for couped up idea's
Agatha Macbeth: Are you posting the session Mick, or shall i do it?
Mickorod Renard: no, i will do it,,,,eventually
Agatha Macbeth: Ok
Agatha Macbeth: After you cout the trees :))
Agatha Macbeth: cut
Mickorod Renard: grin
Agatha Macbeth: And mow the lawns
Agatha Macbeth: And cut the hedges
Mickorod Renard: Ewan is one of ours isnt he?
Agatha Macbeth: And weed the paths
Wol Euler: he's been here before, yes
Agatha Macbeth: (I'll shut up)
Bleu Oleander: hi Ewan
Agatha Macbeth waves to Ewan
Mickorod Renard: he is passing by I think
Agatha Macbeth: Who could forget a name like that?
Mickorod Renard: just im'ed him
Agatha Macbeth: (He probably said 'go and get yer gardens done')
Mickorod Renard: grin,,they are looking good at the moment, but a bit dry
Agatha Macbeth: Mm, same here
Agatha Macbeth: But i prefer 'dry' to 'long' any day
Mickorod Renard: yes, i like lush though
Agatha Macbeth: Mm, with lots of tigers...
Mickorod Renard: I am sure the rainy season will start as soon as I break for summer hols
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, those Warwickshire monsoons
Mickorod Renard: there was one about 3 or 4 years ago
Agatha Macbeth: 'Soon comes the rainy season Sahib'
Mickorod Renard: he he he
Agatha Macbeth: Please mind the elephant droppings...
Mickorod Renard: is anyone off to somewhere exciting this summer?
Agatha Macbeth: Er...no
Mickorod Renard: I have nothing planned
Wol Euler: canada
Wol Euler: for the retreat in Halifaxs
Wol Euler: -s
Agatha Macbeth: Some are going to Nova Scotia I have heard :)
Mickorod Renard: oh yes,,whens that Wol?
Wol Euler: first week of AUgust
Bleu Oleander: many PaBers going?
Mickorod Renard: I cannot say I am envious Wol but I sit here feeling lustfull of the chance to have gone too
Wol Euler: :)
Agatha Macbeth: Careful, Mick's getting lustfull [sic] :)
Mickorod Renard: grin..its my hormones
Wol Euler: so come to Stuttgart in OCtober
Mickorod Renard: yes, i wud like that,,I must find out when half term is
Agatha Macbeth: Check out ze Bierkeller :)
Mickorod Renard: I think we should organise a retreat somewhere bizzare,,like hawaii or kathmandu
Agatha Macbeth: Or Scotland :)
Wol Euler: Hammarfest in Norway at midsummer
Agatha Macbeth: Why not
Mickorod Renard: thinks of biting midgies in Norway
Wol Euler: Fargo, North Dakota in midwinter :)
Agatha Macbeth: Wells Fargo?
Wol Euler: the Coen Brothers
Mickorod Renard: is that where the wells fargo comes from?
Agatha Macbeth fires her six gun in the air and yells YAHOOOOOOOO
Mickorod Renard: not the koan brothers?
Agatha Macbeth: (And kills a pidgeon)
Agatha Macbeth: The who?
Mickorod Renard: the beatles
Agatha Macbeth: I know the lues Brothers
Agatha Macbeth: Blues (even)
Wol Euler: you are sadly deficient in cinema history, dear Aggers. We must remedy this.
Agatha Macbeth: Eh?
Wol Euler: the Coen Brothers are famous and sucessful film makers
Wol Euler: auters, even
Wol Euler: *auteur
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, but he said Koan Brothers
Mickorod Renard: I was being silly
Wol Euler: ah, sorry, I missed a line or two back there. Scrub all that.
Agatha Macbeth: Cohen Brothers? :)
Mickorod Renard: ahhh that makes sense
Agatha Macbeth: 'It'll ride up with wear my boy'
Wol Euler: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coen_brothers
Agatha Macbeth: Already...
Bleu Oleander: raising arizona
Agatha Macbeth: God, they're older than I am...
Wol Euler: a whole roster of fabulous films.
Agatha Macbeth: Such as...
Yakuzza Lethecus: for example their last movie was discussed in mis en scene
Yakuzza Lethecus: ,,a serious man"
Agatha Macbeth: Must have missed it Yaku
Mickorod Renard: I recognise a few,,but not my taste of film
Mickorod Renard: I prefer harry potter
Agatha Macbeth: Maybe I should IM Gaya :p
Wol Euler: :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: mick: did you watch "no country for old men" ?
Yakuzza Lethecus: that was more popular for example
Mickorod Renard: I liked stuff like reproman,,and can u remember dead men dont wear plaid?
Mickorod Renard: no I dont think I have Yaku
Wol Euler: mmhmm, two great films
Bleu Oleander: Big Lebowski is my fav
Mickorod Renard: I am not sure I can remember many,,even though I have seen lots
Mickorod Renard: these modern ones are just full of violent effects
Wol Euler nods.
Agatha Macbeth: Dead men dont wear plaid? I do remember
Mickorod Renard: yes,,thats a fun one
Agatha Macbeth: Steve Martin?
Mickorod Renard: yes
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, got it
Agatha Macbeth: Ok, they're good
Mickorod Renard: nowadays i fall asleep in them after a few mins
Agatha Macbeth: In what?
Mickorod Renard: cinema's
Agatha Macbeth: Oh
Agatha Macbeth: I can never seem to find any these days
Agatha Macbeth: They have all been demolished
Mickorod Renard: what?
Mickorod Renard: ohh
Agatha Macbeth: Cinemas
Agatha Macbeth: Or turned into bingo halls
Mickorod Renard: yes
Agatha Macbeth: I was talking about this to gaya yesterday
Agatha Macbeth: Strangely enough
Mickorod Renard: I can watch sureal ones,,but those requiring listening to I cant do anymore
Qt Core: around here they grow like grass a few years ago in the form of multiple cinemas attached to malls
Agatha Macbeth: For me it's DVDs these days
Agatha Macbeth: I'm still ploughing through The Outer Limits and The water margin at the moment
Mickorod Renard: I like plays and theatre but my hearing is so poor I dont enjoy them now,,I love the ballet though,,there u get to see good chicks and nice music,,great visuals and no talking
Agatha Macbeth: Yep
Agatha Macbeth likes Swan Lake
Mickorod Renard: and,,,,its bad form to fall asleep during the ballet
Wol Euler: hehehe
Wol Euler: but everyone does!
Agatha Macbeth: Especially if you're a dancer ;-)
Mickorod Renard: he he he
Agatha Macbeth: Wake up Margot!!!
Agatha Macbeth: Or Rudolf...
Mickorod Renard: I think she is past waking up
Agatha Macbeth: Just shout louder
Mickorod Renard: he he
Agatha Macbeth: You're going to miss all this
Mickorod Renard: I am not leaving
Agatha Macbeth: You know what I mean
Mickorod Renard: just leaving you the work
Agatha Macbeth: Cheers!
Mickorod Renard: :)
Agatha Macbeth: And the WoK :)
Agatha Macbeth: That's a point...
Mickorod Renard: anyone seen Stim lately?
Agatha Macbeth: Will you still be coming to Kira?
Mickorod Renard: I would like to do dreams still
Agatha Macbeth: Yay
Wol Euler: I've spoken to Stim a few times, he's currently in a residential retreat thingy, tied up in RL
Mickorod Renard: I may be on more
Mickorod Renard: ohh,,thats nice
Mickorod Renard: ok,,we have 4 minutes to practice pab
Mickorod Renard: anyone any suggestions?
Agatha Macbeth: Practice makes perfect
Mickorod Renard: I saw some wonderful clouds this evening
Wol Euler smiles.
Agatha Macbeth: What is it with you and clouds?
Yakuzza Lethecus: finally we had ,,a little bit" of rain today
Mickorod Renard: around the edges,,instead of like fire they were ringed with rainbow colours
Agatha Macbeth: Whoa
Mickorod Renard: yea,,if i cud have i wud have took pickies
Agatha Macbeth: Again RL lags behind SL
Mickorod Renard: I may take up painting again
Agatha Macbeth: Good idea
Agatha Macbeth: Get the gardens done first tho ;-)
Mickorod Renard: when looking at your subject you take in so much more
Agatha Macbeth: I wonder if Leonardo ever said to Mona Lisa 'what the hell are you SMILING at???'
Mickorod Renard: I think there are ways people do the meditation without realizing..one day we must try and list them like we did when remembering group names,,music groups
Mickorod Renard: some say he painted himself as a woman
Agatha Macbeth: Yes, I heard that too
Agatha Macbeth: I'll try it myself one day [grinz]
Mickorod Renard: but he proberbly talked to himself anyway
Agatha Macbeth: Oh I do that!
Mickorod Renard: there we go,,u r half way there already
Agatha Macbeth: Round the bend?
Mickorod Renard: all great people are pressumed around the bend
Agatha Macbeth: I'm half way great then :)
Mickorod Renard: just incapable of being understood at that time
Agatha Macbeth: Nice to know
Agatha Macbeth: 'I'm not mad I'm a genius'
Bleu Oleander: there are exceptions .... :)
Agatha Macbeth: Yeah me...
Mickorod Renard: well,,I like to look at most things for their positive aspects
Yakuzza Lethecus: good night everyone
Mickorod Renard: some think I am mad for doing that
Bleu Oleander: nite Yaku
Wol Euler: 'night yaku, sleep well
Mickorod Renard: nite Yaku
Qt Core: 'night Yaku
Agatha Macbeth: Bye for now Yaku
Bleu Oleander: bye all :)
Wol Euler: bye bleu, take care
Mickorod Renard: nite nite bleu
Agatha Macbeth: C ya Bleu
Agatha Macbeth: (Sry, just replying to an email from Lia)
Mickorod Renard: I need to go now,,sort stuff out for tommorow,,get some kip etc
Agatha Macbeth: And do the garden ;-)
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: bye mick, and thank you for all the guardianing.
Mickorod Renard: I do need to ..i will water it now
Wol Euler: I hope you will continue to come by regularly
Qt Core: bye Mick
Agatha Macbeth: Indeed. Take care Mick, and watch out for the hoe :)))
Mickorod Renard: hey, i will still be around,,and i will step in when folks are not here etc
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, but step in what?
Mickorod Renard: bye guys
Agatha Macbeth: Bye Mick [waves]
Mickorod Renard: byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Agatha Macbeth: Bless 'im
Agatha Macbeth: Did he remember to claim the log after all that?
Qt Core: yes he did
Wol Euler: heheh
Agatha Macbeth: Ah good :)
Agatha Macbeth: Don't think I was like that
Agatha Macbeth: Much quieter...
Wol Euler: time to go, my dears.
Agatha Macbeth: Yep, me too...
Qt Core: don't even remember how i looked for the first av after the firtd onr
Agatha Macbeth: Probably very cute QT :)
Qt Core: ...
Wol Euler: I wish I'd kept my original av appearance, just for a laugh
Wol Euler: or for the historical record :)
Agatha Macbeth: Or both...
Wol Euler: anyway, must go. GOodnight all
Agatha Macbeth: Ciao Qt, va bene :)
Wol Euler: sorry sayddiee, I only friend people I've actually spoken to
Qt Core: 'night wol
Wol Euler: that's too fast for me
Wol Euler: that notecard tells you something about us
Wol Euler: enjoy your time in SL
Qt Core: bye all
Wol Euler: buona sera qt
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