2010.07.05 19:00 - Aspects of Time

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    The Guardian for this meeting was SophiaSharon Larnia. The comments are by SophiaSharon Larnia. This session was attended by Eliza back from Japan, Xeno, Myna and myself, later Stevenaia arrived, followed by Paradise and Bleu. The discussion seemd to flow about aspects of time.

    SophiaSharon Larnia: Hi Eliza :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi :), one sec... just now doorbell
    SophiaSharon Larnia: no problem :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: Hi Myna :)
    Myna Maven: Hi, waiting for things to appear.
    SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Myna!
    Eliza Madrigal: (back)
    Eliza Madrigal: My neighbor needs us to move cars to get a repair vehicle in... hah...
    SophiaSharon Larnia: ohh ok
    Eliza Madrigal: Hopefully not too big of an ordeal but they need to lower a huge something...
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: I'm here though. sorry about that
    SophiaSharon Larnia: :) I haven't seen for what feels like ages Eliza!
    SophiaSharon Larnia: how are you?
    Eliza Madrigal: :) It DOES feel like a really long time!
    Eliza Madrigal: I'm well though
    Eliza Madrigal: You?
    Eliza Madrigal: (sentences out of order obviously)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: Good! Looking at the computer screen very bleary eyed tho, atm :)
    Eliza Madrigal: sleepy from partying? I was smiling when I read that you were wearing a tophat to a folk festival
    SophiaSharon Larnia: oh Looks like Myna may have crashed
    Eliza Madrigal: yes, hope she makes it back
    Eliza Madrigal: Have you ever read her on the wiki?
    SophiaSharon Larnia: oh hehe yea
    SophiaSharon Larnia: I have, can't say I remember something off hand
    SophiaSharon Larnia: are you home now then??
    Eliza Madrigal: She writes beautifully, but I may remember that from the earlier phenom workshop at kira
    Eliza Madrigal: Yes :) I arrived home last night, and slept twelve hours!
    SophiaSharon Larnia: lovely
    SophiaSharon Larnia: wow! What a trip
    SophiaSharon Larnia: I do hope you will write about it!!!
    Eliza Madrigal: Indeed a wonderful trip!
    SophiaSharon Larnia: and tell us all!
    Eliza Madrigal: :) I'm sure not everyone would like to hear all that... but thanks. :) I think most of what I'd say, like how great Pema and Kiremimi are, everyone has a sense about already...
    SophiaSharon Larnia: smiles widely
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: And what a magical place... how it seemed to me a perfect balance of modernity and appreciation of historical contexts


    SophiaSharon Larnia: it seems that way in my imagination (during the 90 secs too ) :) How wonderful you saw that first hand.
    SophiaSharon Larnia: Hi Xeno :)
    Xeno Octavia: hi
    Eliza Madrigal: Yes, that I was there is not yet like a dream, but close :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: Have you been here before Xeno?
    Eliza Madrigal: meaning, it still feels like I'm there. :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: wow Eliza, yes
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Xeno, nice to meet you
    Xeno Octavia: twive -- i think
    Eliza Madrigal: WB Myna :)
    Xeno Octavia: twice that is
    Eliza Madrigal loves Xeno's hair
    SophiaSharon Larnia: ok :) And you know about the recorder and that we log our sessions?
    Xeno Octavia: TY is kinda kool
    Myna Maven: Crashed twice. Restarted the computer. See if I'll stay on now.
    SophiaSharon Larnia: Welcome back Myna
    Eliza Madrigal: Hope so Myna :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: I'm having a lot of lag here too
    Eliza Madrigal: yes, SL seems a little off
    Myna Maven: I had trouble at the last couple of PAB meetings. Wandered around Kira this afternoon however for a short time and had no problems.
    Xeno Octavia: why ii waited til 90 were over and i txt to be able to record
    SophiaSharon Larnia: :)) Xeno
    Eliza Madrigal: Interesting. Someone else asked me if had more trouble at the pavilion than otherwise
    Eliza Madrigal: :) Xeno
    SophiaSharon Larnia: I do more frequently here than other places
    Eliza Madrigal: good to note... I wonder why, on days when not crowded
    SophiaSharon Larnia: I've asked if it was the recorder, but I've been assured it was not :)
    Myna Maven: I don't use SL for anything other than this so can't make any comparisons other than Kira. But I was also the only one online at Kira this afternoon.
    Eliza Madrigal: hmm
    Xeno Octavia: ive had no probs coupla times were here
    Myna Maven: I can say that I've not used SL in quite a long while and that I didn't used to have as many crashes.
    Eliza Madrigal: What have you been up to Myna?
    Xeno Octavia: but yes Sl is abit verblngrd : ))
    Myna Maven: Life. :) And you?
    Eliza Madrigal: :) Same
    Myna Maven: (Nothing special right now.)
    Eliza Madrigal: Life in its ordinariness is often quite special
    SophiaSharon Larnia: something about that phrase is occurring to me in a lovely way... what are you up to? Life lol
    Eliza Madrigal smiles
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes Eliza :)
    Myna Maven: I feel a bit like a whale. Watching the fountain spout out above my head, looks like through it. Anyway, I had gone to Kira looking for the photo exhibit and then looked around elsewhere but never came across it.
    Myna Maven: So where is it hiding? :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: emerging above the water to breath
    Xeno Octavia: if in dome is kool show
    Eliza Madrigal: Oh, yes!
    Eliza Madrigal: Xeno you've seen the photos?
    Xeno Octavia: yes
    Eliza Madrigal: Ah! :)
    Myna Maven: Really, I went in the dome (or I thought I did) and didn't see it. It appeared empty. Will have to try again.
    Eliza Madrigal: Myna, let me give you a link to village hall. The dome is just outside of that
    Xeno Octavia: took a friend to see them too
    Myna Maven: Thanks, Eliza.
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yay :)
    Eliza Madrigal: That should be the spot, and if not just follow the walkway and you'll see it to the left :)
    Xeno Octavia: dome big kinda fuller-ite
    Myna Maven: Again, thanks. I'll drop by and take a look.
    Eliza Madrigal: I thought this particular project, and the session we had about it, were quite profound
    Xeno Octavia: so is temp not perm exhibit
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes
    Xeno Octavia: now that i think --most were from this yr


    Eliza Madrigal: "Art as Being" itself is quite new. This was the second exhibit only, and there will be another soon
    Myna Maven: What was the theme of the first exhibit?
    Xeno Octavia: other nite someone sed a yr
    SophiaSharon Larnia: it's just a few months old :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: the idea of it, the photographs been up a few weeks
    Eliza Madrigal: The first was quite simple, as I recall the theme of 'being'...
    Myna Maven: Okay.
    Eliza Madrigal: http://wiki.playasbeing.org/PaB_Art
    Eliza Madrigal: Play as being, as opposed to Art as Being, is over 2 years old...
    Eliza Madrigal: long time in SL years :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: lol I was typing that
    Eliza Madrigal giggles
    Xeno Octavia: ah i meant PaB
    Myna Maven: Thanks for the link.
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes :))
    Eliza Madrigal: Ah :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: I've been thinking a lot about the topic of time, due to the new sessions on time coming up
    Myna Maven: Was reading about that this afternoon.
    Eliza Madrigal listens
    SophiaSharon Larnia: I enjoy reading books of particle physics, theoretical anyway, and have to laugh a little at myself
    Xeno Octavia: SL time very inyressing
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes :)
    Eliza Madrigal: laugh at yourself?
    Xeno Octavia: how bout brian green
    Xeno Octavia: tho he stringy
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes, these theoretical concepts are all well and good, but thinking about what it means experientially
    SophiaSharon Larnia: experiences of time
    Xeno Octavia: yes why bother if cant apply
    SophiaSharon Larnia: I used the phrase yesterday 'I needed the distance of time'
    SophiaSharon Larnia: what struck me as odd
    Eliza Madrigal: Oh, that's an interesting phrase...
    SophiaSharon Larnia: distance being space
    Xeno Octavia: time equally distance
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hmm
    Eliza Madrigal nods
    Xeno Octavia: i use a 6D time/space
    Myna Maven: Travel is interesting for how it plays with one's feelings concerning time and geographical distance.
    Eliza Madrigal: Indeed! I left Japan at 4PM on July 4th, and arrived in Washington DC at almost 4 PM on July 4th. heheh
    Xeno Octavia: and travel effect on culture
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hahahah Elzia
    Eliza Madrigal: Ah, internal distance... yes
    Xeno Octavia: wow Eliza --u a traveler
    Eliza Madrigal: Not so much Xeno, just recently :)
    Myna Maven: :)
    Xeno Octavia: i in Japan long ago : ))
    Myna Maven: Things can seem literally a world away.
    Eliza Madrigal smiles
    Eliza Madrigal: mmm, yes
    SophiaSharon Larnia: even mental states a world away
    Myna Maven: Yes.
    Eliza Madrigal: I wonder what part of your reading on particle physics sparked you, Sharon..
    SophiaSharon Larnia: a lot, not very good at typing it here, builds on itself a bit :)
    Eliza Madrigal: :) was worth a shot
    Eliza Madrigal giggles... but I know those things are difficult to articulate
    SophiaSharon Larnia: and truthfully, kind of embarrassed to babble it here, I know so little
    Eliza Madrigal: I've read several books along the same lines, yet what I *know* amounts to a sliver....
    Eliza Madrigal: but a sliver, as it turns out, can be quite informative
    Eliza Madrigal: You never know :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: but the point was, the theories are one thing, it's my experience of time


    SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
    Xeno Octavia: can u apply it to tantric dance - [yes i peeked : ))]
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hmm
    SophiaSharon Larnia: In my mind, they seem to be in different camps
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: but that isn’t true really, just my perception
    SophiaSharon Larnia: the way I itemize the information when I'm thinking about it
    Eliza Madrigal: theory and experience you mean, or tantric dance and particle physics? :)))
    SophiaSharon Larnia: giggles
    Xeno Octavia: shiva natara jand ai take on in dance [FL] and is particle physics
    Eliza Madrigal: Florida? Hm, whereso?
    SophiaSharon Larnia: well, the dance of shiva I've pictured as the dance of particles
    Myna Maven: :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: dance of probabilities
    Eliza Madrigal: Ah, what a lovely image :)
    Xeno Octavia: i dont kno what is tantric dance in SL
    SophiaSharon Larnia: in SL it's a gathering with music :)
    Eliza Madrigal: yes, and sometimes very good music
    SophiaSharon Larnia: virtual probabilities
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes :))
    Xeno Octavia: i do have a friends sorta choreography for a triadic mandala dance --must be tantric-- end in orgasm!!
    SophiaSharon Larnia: laughs
    Eliza Madrigal smiles... not sure our time sessions will be that exciting but you never know...
    Xeno Octavia: is dance for six in SL
    Eliza Madrigal: hahah
    SophiaSharon Larnia: of course I got the dance of shiva imagery from a book, but once shown, like to think about it
    Eliza Madrigal: A wonderful image though, Sharon... am actually musing on what you've said...
    Xeno Octavia: some one at one meet here did giv andance anim run around an musicing
    Xeno Octavia: one must [for me3 anyway] take on shiva being in dance and use it --connecting to others
    Eliza Madrigal: Shiva and Shakti were my inspiration for the name of my alt : Lila Darkmatter
    SophiaSharon Larnia: smiles
    Eliza Madrigal: wonders if Xeno means....
    Eliza Madrigal: onigokko
    Eliza Madrigal: stop
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hahhaha
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Xeno Octavia: kool -- my usual dharma is lila yes thats it
    Eliza Madrigal smiles
    SophiaSharon Larnia: i also have one, but dont bring her to PaB :)
    Eliza Madrigal: intriguing...
    Xeno Octavia: lila yana that is --a school for societal evolution
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hmm
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes
    Eliza Madrigal: poor Sharon's alt... she's missing quite a lot
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: another thing Ive been reading a lot is primate sociology, and the two topics are a strange mix hahahah
    Eliza Madrigal: Oh My. You are the one who needs to do some writing!
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes, she doesn't like the recorder :)
    Eliza Madrigal giggles
    Xeno Octavia: yes yes i too the diff tween chimps and bonobos major
    SophiaSharon Larnia: and humans :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: throw in some Discordia and I'm set! lol!
    Xeno Octavia: yes bonobos set good example for humans --but they decides ta b chumps
    SophiaSharon Larnia: I'm not sure of your reference, but would be interesting to find out! :)
    Eliza Madrigal thinks of chaos themed sessions...
    Eliza Madrigal: Oh, wait. that's the default. hahah
    Xeno Octavia: lol which u an which ref ??
    SophiaSharon Larnia: your last sentence
    Xeno Octavia: mine on bonobos
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Stevenaia :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Steve :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: still with sparklers and flaming feet
    SophiaSharon Larnia: :D
    stevenaia Michinaga: Hi, eliza, you are back?
    Eliza Madrigal laughs... must have been quite a party
    Myna Maven: Hi, Steve.
    Eliza Madrigal: Yes :))
    SophiaSharon Larnia: July 4rth Eliza
    Xeno Octavia: hi steve o the burny feet
    stevenaia Michinaga: hmm, they haven't rezzed for me yet, but the party's are over
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eliza Madrigal arrived home for fireworks last night...
    SophiaSharon Larnia: what a time to travel Eliza, I would've slept 12 hours too !!
    Eliza Madrigal: as I drove into the community, the kids said they were for me to welcome me back :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: sucked into a vortex
    Eliza Madrigal: hehehe


    SophiaSharon Larnia: yay wb heheheh
    Eliza Madrigal: Yes, plays with time, or at least one's experience of time... quite a bit
    SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
    Myna Maven: Bye all. I believe I'll head over and take a look at the photos.
    SophiaSharon Larnia: Bye Myna :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Nice to see you Myna :) Enjoy
    stevenaia Michinaga: bye myna
    Xeno Octavia: kool meetingu Myna
    SophiaSharon Larnia: me too, I can't keep my eyes open
    Eliza Madrigal: Ah, night Sharon. Good to see you
    SophiaSharon Larnia: :) will read the log when i post it lol
    SophiaSharon Larnia: bye for now :))
    stevenaia Michinaga: night
    Xeno Octavia: ah g'nit Sharon
    SophiaSharon Larnia: nice to meet you Xeno
    SophiaSharon Larnia: night
    Xeno Octavia: yes and u
    Myna Maven: Darn, I've forgotten how to use the URL to teleport.
    Eliza Madrigal: Let me go over and tp you Myna...
    Myna Maven: I think I accidentally sent Eliza an offer to teleport. I'm trying
    Eliza Madrigal: then you can make a lm
    stevenaia Michinaga: just go north Myna
    Eliza Madrigal: then I'll return
    Eliza Madrigal: brb
    Xeno Octavia: i just flew til found --but i oletmer : ))
    Xeno Octavia: aye steve ur feets stoped burnin
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes, very hot feet the past few days
    Xeno Octavia: better rain kools em off --last nite koold firey works
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes, a very god weekend
    stevenaia Michinaga: good
    Xeno Octavia: r u longtime involved in PaB
    Xeno Octavia: hi Eliza bak
    Eliza Madrigal: :) Ty, Hello
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes, a few years
    stevenaia Michinaga: you new here
    Xeno Octavia: ah kool --thought were only here for 2
    stevenaia Michinaga: wb Eliza
    Xeno Octavia: i think so
    Eliza Madrigal: ty :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: if you ever had a chance to get one of those "Pillow top" beds... PaB is like laying on one of those those, always a perfect fit
    Eliza Madrigal: Oooooooohhh nice image Steve :))
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Rowan
    Xeno Octavia: i dont kno pillow top beds
    Xeno Octavia: hi Rowen
    Bleu Oleander: hi all :)
    Xeno Octavia: hi Bleu
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Bleu :))
    stevenaia Michinaga: they are very soft and every time you lay down you say awwww
    Xeno Octavia: Rowen kinda blau too
    stevenaia Michinaga: hello Rowan
    Rowan Masala: I'm not sitting on anyone, am I?
    Eliza Madrigal: hah, yes Xeno...
    stevenaia Michinaga: not yet
    Xeno Octavia: dont think so
    Eliza Madrigal: Not at all Rowan.. lovely skin
    Eliza Madrigal: blue and Bleu
    Rowan Masala: thanks - just released Alpha.Tribe
    Bleu Oleander: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Nice... I'm enjoying this tribal theme
    Eliza Madrigal: steve's tatoos fit right in
    Eliza Madrigal: and Bleu's hair...
    Bleu Oleander: love Alpha.Tribe
    Xeno Octavia: tribal theme
    Xeno Octavia: ??
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes, one of the more themed groups tonight
    Eliza Madrigal: :)


    Eliza Madrigal: just a little pattern I picked up on Xeno... nothing profound like 'time' :)
    Xeno Octavia: ; ))
    Eliza Madrigal: btw, what did you mean earlier by 6D, if I may ask?
    Xeno Octavia: space time is 6 not 4 for each point in space a point in time --so 3D time is past present and future andt he moment is now
    Xeno Octavia: body hangs in spac e mind in time --we all travel in time
    Eliza Madrigal: body hangs in space mind in time... hm, trying to wrap my thoughts around that. Is there more you might say?
    stevenaia Michinaga: Pila posted an interesting link about time and iChing, it's an interesting interview
    stevenaia Michinaga: http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...8418409679371#
    Eliza Madrigal: Thanks Steve! :::saves::::
    Xeno Octavia: mainly that the 'concept 'is mental but the experience if u live it is 'real'
    stevenaia Michinaga: brb, RL laundry
    Xeno Octavia: 'concept' that were
    Xeno Octavia: hi Para
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Paradise :)
    Bleu Oleander: hey Paradise :)
    Xeno Octavia: u very cloudy
    Xeno Octavia: but here now
    Eliza Madrigal: Ah, so if you see this you can perhaps drop time, in a way? or drop the linear sense of time?
    Rowan Masala: Hi Paradise :)
    Xeno Octavia: yes Eliza time a volume not a line
    Paradise Tennant: good evening all :)
    Eliza Madrigal: beautiful dress Paradise
    Bleu Oleander: hey Paradise love your new look :)
    Paradise Tennant: thanks will give you landmark .. eshira I believe
    Eliza Madrigal: My sensibility is similar I think Xeno... though of course changing. I don't have so much a since of 'points' but that linear time is mental/conceptual, yes...
    Eliza Madrigal: thank you Paradise :)
    Eliza Madrigal: or that points made into a line to 'make sense' is how we conceptualize...
    Eliza Madrigal: something like that. hahah
    Xeno Octavia: linear too limited point more for simply seeing volume of time equiv ta volume in space
    Eliza Madrigal: Ahh, yes... along the lines of quality/quantity
    Eliza Madrigal: (Steve must have a lot of laundry)
    Xeno Octavia: i got a message before that a meeting was half over --it in a differ4nt part of present tho now mostly in past
    Eliza Madrigal smiles
    Xeno Octavia: but i not think about been using it for yrs now
    Paradise Tennant: smiles :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: back
    Eliza Madrigal loves this topic
    Eliza Madrigal: WB Steve
    Eliza Madrigal: I think I'd better go though, still not quite caught up with sleep and such
    Paradise Tennant: smiles good nite eliza sweet dreams :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Nice to see everybody :)
    Bleu Oleander: nite Eliza
    Eliza Madrigal: Night :) Thanks
    Xeno Octavia: nite nite
    Eliza Madrigal: Bye for now, see you again Xeno
    Xeno Octavia: i shud probly b leaving too is late begetting


    Rowan Masala: night
    Rowan Masala: I need to go too. Goodnight, all
    stevenaia Michinaga: nice to meet you Xeno
    stevenaia Michinaga: night Rowan
    Paradise Tennant: good nite rowan :)
    Bleu Oleander: bye Rowan
    Xeno Octavia: and U nite all and u too bell : ))
    Paradise Tennant: nite xeno
    Bleu Oleander: bye Xeno
    stevenaia Michinaga: I've been expecting your skin to rezz for a while now, Bleu, then I realized clouds never rezz
    Bleu Oleander: ha!
    Paradise Tennant: lol
    Bleu Oleander: it's a painting
    Paradise Tennant: one you painted Bleu
    Bleu Oleander: actually not one that I painted
    stevenaia Michinaga: there was someone here last week who kept speaking of linear time... and I was perplexed as it made me ask (to myself) what are the other kinds of time, now Xeno speaks of volumetric time of sorts
    Bleu Oleander: from a painting my parents had, that I now have
    Paradise Tennant: smiles time in all shapes and sizes and likely dimensions to boot !
    stevenaia Michinaga: and many ways of seeing time
    Paradise Tennant: you know it seems everything is in the seeing .. and maybe the not seeing :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: and everyone sees differently
    Paradise Tennant: we do :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: the thousand words a picture evokes are never the same thousand words
    Bleu Oleander: how true :)
    Paradise Tennant: smiles said and understood as only an architect would !
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    stevenaia Michinaga: be it a picture, or observing time
    stevenaia Michinaga: of course I want everyone to see the same thing
    Paradise Tennant: well if time does not exist more like dreaming time :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: even my dreams are linear in time, just not sequential in space
    Bleu Oleander: can you say more about that steve
    stevenaia Michinaga: my dreams tend to take me places, but occur at normal linear time as I perceive it
    Paradise Tennant: hmm they do not jump around in time ?
    stevenaia Michinaga: move from place to place instantaneously, however
    stevenaia Michinaga: they all seem like today time
    Paradise Tennant: loves that about dreams so little time is wasted in commuting :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: nothing in the past of future
    stevenaia Michinaga: although for some reason I dreamed of a past client, but in the present
    stevenaia Michinaga: not sure that counts as time travel
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Bleu Oleander: hmm


    Paradise Tennant: I wonder it there are time travelers in our midst :) maybe taking notes or coming back to iron out wrinkles :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: figure one would spill the beans at some point
    Paradise Tennant: smiles might be big penalties
    Bleu Oleander: not doing too good a job at ironing out wrinkles :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes, but how would you know?
    Paradise Tennant: imagines time as a bundled wrinkled shirts :) flapping
    stevenaia Michinaga: I can do that easily
    stevenaia Michinaga: so when someone brings an iron, time becomes flat
    Bleu Oleander: ha!
    Paradise Tennant: likely needs a bit steam ! too !
    stevenaia Michinaga: I need to get off this laundry kick
    Paradise Tennant: lol
    stevenaia Michinaga: I;m done folding for the night
    Bleu Oleander: :)
    Paradise Tennant: laundry is kind of relaxing .. I like folding clean smelling clothes
    Paradise Tennant: very calming
    stevenaia Michinaga: for some, I prefer to have the experts fold
    Paradise Tennant: well I must be to bed .. eyes are very heavy .. and the dog is huffing ..apparently I am keeping him up :)
    Paradise Tennant: an expert fold is a lovely thing too:)
    stevenaia Michinaga: night paradise
    Bleu Oleander: nite you two!
    Paradise Tennant: smiles nite steve .. bleu :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: Paradise, If you are around on Wednesday, pls pick up my log
    stevenaia Michinaga: I have a meeting that may run late
    stevenaia Michinaga: unless you’ve already logged off... nevermind,, night Bleu
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)

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