The Guardian for this meeting was Bleu Oleander. The comments are by Bleu Oleander.
In this session we shared reports around Pema's unfolding book, Exploring the Magic of Time, and specifically this week: reports from 2010.12.3
Bleu Oleander: :)
Pema Pera: Hi Bleu, and hi Riddle and hi Bruce!
Riddle Sideways: Morning Bruce and Blub
Bleu Oleander: hi Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Hello, Pema, Bleu, and Riddle.
Bleu Oleander: hi Maxine
Pema Pera: hi Maxine!
Bruce Mowbray: Hello, Maxine and Eliza.
Riddle Sideways: Hi Maxine
Bleu Oleander: hi Eliza
Maxine Walden: hi, Pema, Bleu, Bruce, Riddle, good to see you all
Maxine Walden: on this last of of Time meeting for a month...
Riddle Sideways: Hi Eliza
Bleu Oleander: hey Eliza-blue
Pema Pera: hi Eliza!
Pema Pera: yes, the end of the year :)
Maxine Walden: :) yes
Eliza Madrigal: :) Hi Riddle, Bleu, Pema, Maxine, Bruce :)
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Yaku.
Pema Pera: hi Yaku and Sharry
Eliza Madrigal: :) Hi Yaku and Sharry
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Sharry.
Bleu Oleander: hi Yaku, Sharry
Eliza Madrigal: And Hi Baeric
Sharry Ragu: Hello all :))
Maxine Walden: hi, Yaku and Sharry
Riddle Sideways: Tiem ends at Channukah?
Bleu Oleander: hi Baeric
Baeric Constantine: hello all
Riddle Sideways: *time
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Baeric.
Pema Pera: hi Baeric
Maxine Walden: hi, Baeric
Pema Pera: hey, Fef !!!
Eliza Madrigal: what a year for timespaceawareness! @ Bleu ;-) :::beaming:::::
Bleu Oleander: hi Fef :)
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Fef :))
Bleu Oleander: :))
Maxine Walden: hi, father Fef
Maxine Walden: :)
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Adams :)
Pema Pera: hi Adams, we're getting a full house today!
Riddle Sideways: yes!!! Hi Father Fef
Maxine Walden: hi, Adams,
Baeric Constantine: rubyist?
Bruce Mowbray: Hello, Adams.
Pema Pera: coding in Ruby
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, new-papa Fef.
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey adams and fef
Fefonz Quan: Hello everybody :)
Baeric Constantine: that language is still alive?
Pema Pera: very much so :)
Adams Rubble: Hello everyone. I can't stay long unfortunately
Baeric Constantine: great
Bleu Oleander: hey Adams :)
Maxine Walden: nice to see you for any amount of time, Adams
Pema Pera: glad you could drop by, Adams!
Baeric Constantine: brb
Sharry Ragu: hi Adams :))
Maxine Walden: extraordinary reports, just reading Riddle's three reports...
Pema Pera: yes!
Pema Pera: would anybody like to volunteer to post the chat log?
Eliza Madrigal: the reports were interactive this week :)
Pema Pera: thanks a lot, Blue!!
Eliza Madrigal: Thank you Bleu
Bleu Oleander: sure!
Riddle Sideways: maybe, just maybe Riddle went a little over-board
Pema Pera: oh no, I love the amount of detail and attention and expressiveness that you put in, Riddle!
Bleu Oleander: yes, really enjoyed your reports Riddle!
Eliza Madrigal enjoys overboard :)
Maxine Walden: deeply agree, Riddle
Pema Pera: (that he went overboard, Maxine?)
Pema Pera: hi Darren!
Riddle Sideways: :)
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Darren :)
Bleu Oleander: tripple flip dive overboard :)
Sharry Ragu: over-board or embraced Riddle?
Darren Islar: hi everyone :)
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Darren.
Bleu Oleander: hi Darren
Darren Islar: sorry I'm late
Sharry Ragu: Hi Darren :))
Maxine Walden: haha, no deeply agree about the value of the detail and attention he paid to the reports :)
Pema Pera: :-)
Maxine Walden: hi, Darren
Pema Pera: Maxine, I also enjoyed the vivid way in which you indicated how Space and Time and Awareness are all so inextricably entwined.
Riddle Sideways: went looking for a 3-axis graph and got lost for hours in gooogle images collection
Bleu Oleander: so raises a question .... is there a boundary called "overboard"?
Maxine Walden: ah, thanks, Pema, seems that with the upcoming short break the 'connectedness' of the strands of the tapestry, the 'togetherness' 'wished' to be expressed
Baeric Constantine: that would surely depend on what overboard entails, how its defined, and when would it occur...
Baeric Constantine: For a boundary to exist, one would need to define that boundary, and then define overboard, and see how they match up, if they match up, and how would that interact with our lives...
Maxine Walden: seems everyone was so creative in his/her report. Love Bleu's tableau and abstraction, so dynamic
Bleu Oleander: ty Maxine
Riddle Sideways thinks society might difine on-board and over board edge rules
Maxine Walden: :)
Riddle Sideways: yes, simple spacing and capitalization made lots of differences
Bleu Oleander: when playing with Timespaceawareness is there an "on-board" and /or an over-board?
Maxine Walden: and Eliza's beautiful depiction, searching, not needing to search...
Pema Pera: And I also enjoyed Eliza's expression of how naturally everything falls into place
Pema Pera: yes, Maxine :)
Maxine Walden: yes!
Bruce Mowbray ponders falling out . . . of Cosmos. . . and wonders where the rules are for that.
Adams Rubble: bye everyone :)
Maxine Walden: bye Adams
Eliza Madrigal smiles
Bleu Oleander: bye Adams
Bruce Mowbray: Bye, Adams.
Riddle Sideways: bye adams
Eliza Madrigal: searching and finding as one... is the sense I played with perhaps
Bleu Oleander: me too Eliza
Eliza Madrigal: so was delighted to read others sort of losing their edges too... fluidly
Pema Pera: :)
Baeric Constantine: if fluidly - how is that sort of?
Maxine Walden: that came across to me, Eliza, and yes, Bleu felt that in yours as well
Pema Pera: yes, it seems to spread
Maxine Walden: as if dancing rather than speaking...
Pema Pera: contagious? :)
Eliza Madrigal: well fluidity and yet resting...
Riddle Sideways: the waters flow and yet are at rest
Riddle Sideways: btw - is there ice on the pond today?
Baeric Constantine: a fluid interaction with your environment whilst being at peace with that environment, perhaps?
Eliza Madrigal: conspiracy of the gust of wind that tosses one out into the sea, and the waves, and the stillness that pulls one beneath...
Riddle Sideways: image of a little wave in the middle of the ocean
Maxine Walden: think there is ice, Riddle,
Pema Pera: :-)
Maxine Walden: Pema's little wave...
Riddle Sideways: "Little Wave" by Pema
Darren Islar is looking for his ice skates
Maxine Walden: :)
Baeric Constantine: To walk the rough seas, standing still, motionless, yet fluidly interacting with all about.
Pema Pera is feeling littler and littler
Maxine Walden: nice, Baeric
Baeric Constantine: ty
Maxine Walden: Littler and litterler, Pema, as awareness is enhanced?
Pema Pera: :)
Bruce Mowbray: So, Time and Space are states of Being within Awareness - rather than measurable entities?
Riddle Sideways wonders if your children story is auto-biographical
Pema Pera: I think they are all more or less on a similar footing, Bruce, all three
Eliza Madrigal: mmmm
Pema Pera: could be, Riddle
Pema Pera: water-biographical
Eliza Madrigal laughs!
Pema Pera: aqua-biographical?
Baeric Constantine: I don't one can exclude the measurability of them, Bruce
Fefonz Quan: be-ographical
Sharry Ragu: in the sense that you can meausre your awareness perhaps?
Baeric Constantine: space may not be measureable, as such, but time certianly is.
Baeric Constantine: As for measuring awareness... not sure that can be measured
Riddle Sideways: when one of the 3 variables was excluded, so as to explore the other 2 more deeply. It would scream "Hey, I am more important..."
Baeric Constantine: Not sure awareness can be measured either
Maxine Walden: :), Riddle....'...dont leave me out...'
Darren Islar: :) Riddle
Fefonz Quan: how do you measure time Baeric?
Darren Islar: that is what seperation can do yes
Eliza Madrigal: we measure just so there is something to overspill perhaps :)
Baeric Constantine: Initially with a clock, Fefonz
Darren Islar: then space can be measured to
Baeric Constantine: how, Darren?
Riddle Sideways is thinking about each of us measuring the awareness of the others here
Darren Islar: square meters
Baeric Constantine: How Darren?
Eliza Madrigal: haha Riddle
Bruce Mowbray: The "worlds" and "gods" of metaphysics and mythology are points of awareness -- but measurable in space and time?
Baeric Constantine: that is area, Darren.... not space.
Riddle Sideways: how much does new baby aware of
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Fefonz Quan: but your clock is just measuring movement and label tehem as 'time'
Darren Islar: but I'm not sure if that is the way time and space are meant here
Darren Islar: okay, then you also take the hight
Fefonz Quan: new baby is aware of a lot of things :)
Sharry Ragu: measuring my own in relation to time and space Riddle.. I cannot measure anothers experience
Baeric Constantine: The passage of time is a strange concept, I do very much agree
Darren Islar: or let's say it is the part of time and space we can measure I suppose
Baeric Constantine: I did not desire to focus on the measurements but simply to say we should not exclude them
Fefonz Quan: strangely, when we measure time we frequently mesure space, movement, velocities etc.
Darren Islar: which suggest that there are parts of awareness that can be measured too
Darren Islar: right Fonz :)
Fefonz Quan: can we measure non-awareness? like when i am asleep?
Riddle Sideways: probably measure Awareness by when and where
Bruce Mowbray: Our "measurements" are metaphors - - that we habitually take as literal.
Riddle Sideways: true
Darren Islar: maybe we do so in pshychology, measuring the change in behaviour to a stimulance and putting it in a statistic
Darren Islar: I'm not a great believer of statistics though :)
Sharry Ragu: I think time and space condences when we are further from our awareness or in tune with being
Riddle Sideways: lies, damn lies and statistics
Fefonz Quan: but ina way awareness seems more binary than quantitative - either you have it, or you don't.
Baeric Constantine: I don't think we are 'non-aware' while sleeping, we are not conscious of our awareness while sleeping, perhaps.
Maxine Walden: parallel strands of conversation maybe: as I took off my headphones, the 'traffic' of the day seems to intrude; which suggests that being here at the fountain, in our conversation, is a 'parallel world' of a sort, one which is circumscribed by focussed attention or what I choose to be aware of... for me the notion that Awareness may circumscribe many simultaneous 'worlds' is interesting
Fefonz Quan: that sounds a little paradoxical to me Baeric - so 'awareness' exists 'out there' even when we are not concious?
Baeric Constantine: time is relative to each being.
Darren Islar: (I never seem to fit in those statistics :( )
Riddle Sideways: very good, maxine
Sharry Ragu: hmmm.. nice observation Maxine
Baeric Constantine: the mind never sleeps, Fefonz
Fefonz Quan is not sure what that means Baeris
Darren Islar: interesting point Maxine
Bleu Oleander: nice Maxine :)
Fefonz Quan nods to maxine. but in a way, for awarenes - everything are 'worlds' - RL, SL, stories, fantasies etc.
Bruce Mowbray: "Sleeping" is dropping some points of reference (the sum of which we call "awake") -- but then we discover other points of reference (which we call "dream.")
Darren Islar: maybe that depends on the 'level' of awareness
Baeric Constantine: without being confrontational, Fefonz, but its sometimes good to be less philosophical, and more human... the mind is that which resides in the skull.
Fefonz Quan: Sure Bruce, let's talk about dreamless sleep obviously.
Maxine Walden: agree, Fef, maybe just appreciating that
Baeric Constantine: It has been said that one cannot have dreamless sleep....
Baeric Constantine: medical science that is
Fefonz Quan: but one can have sleepless dreams :)
Sharry Ragu: hehe
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Baeric Constantine: yes
Baeric Constantine: day dreaming huh
Fefonz Quan: I am not sure medical science has something scientific to say about awareness.
Baeric Constantine: I am not sure it doesn't
Bleu Oleander: :)
Maxine Walden: perhaps there are widening circles of awareness within Awareness, just as there are circles of ice in the fountain
Fefonz Quan: in order for it to say someting, we should accept that awareness is just a by product of firing neurons
Bruce Mowbray doubts that awareness/mind has a specific address, zip code, phone number. . . and surely is not inside my skull.
Sharry Ragu: or ripples in water Maxine ?
Maxine Walden: :), yes, Sharry
Darren Islar: ah yes :)
Fefonz Quan (nods solently to Bruce)
Baeric Constantine: awareness has got to reside within your being or else it is not your awareness.
Darren Islar: (to maxine and sharry that was)
Darren Islar: your awareness? hmmmm.......
Bruce Mowbray: Only as a metaphor is awareness "mine."
Riddle Sideways: did we just approach "there is Awareness even when we are not aware of it"?
Baeric Constantine: are you inferring it is not yours, Darren?
Baeric Constantine: If so whose is it?
Fefonz Quan: it seems your cause it is different than mine Daren
Baeric Constantine: @Fefonz: Surely this ". in order for it to say someting, we should accept that awareness is just a by product of firing neurons" ignores that we are more than just the sum of our parts?
Darren Islar: just wondering Baeric
Sharry Ragu: oh Riddle... hehe :))
Baeric Constantine: kk :)
Maxine Walden: could it be that Awareness, even our own awareness, reaches beyond our individual boundaries, or may do so?
Darren Islar: maybe we are all part of a bigger awareness
Darren Islar: :) riddle
Eliza Madrigal: awareness as sensitivity... yes @ Maxine
Baeric Constantine: it may radiate outwards, and reflect inwards, but it requires a point of origin.... that point is within us.
Bruce Mowbray: I hear a dog barking half a mile down the road. . . so my "awareness" has a radius of at least half a mile. . .
Baeric Constantine: therefore is has a zip code - so to speak
Sharry Ragu: I think it may do Maxine.. an example is a knowing that turns into a realisation once discovered??
Darren Islar: I need to disagree on that Baeric
Darren Islar: I think it is the other way around
Pema Pera: yes, Bruce, all that every experience is part of awareness
Baeric Constantine: no need, Darren, only want
Darren Islar: no nee
Darren Islar: need
Baeric Constantine: you have something requires fulfilment ?
Bruce Mowbray: So, if I "hear" voices from around the globe. . . then my awareness is at least that "large." - - (all metaphoric, I suspect).
Darren Islar: right Bruce
Pema Pera: well, if you start with awareness having you, rather than you having awareness, the whole picture is already turned upside down, Bruce
Darren Islar: or it is neither Pema
Bruce Mowbray: Oh yes! I as hoping that I didn't have to have a head big enough to contain all of that awareness -- better for it to contain me.
Eliza Madrigal: mmm.... >whew< no pressure then to 'be' aware as a doing
Maxine Walden: having the image of each of our 'awarenesses' is like a little radio turning into fequencies radiating from a larger Awareness, perhaps our own tuning capacity demarcates our capacity for awareness
Bruce Mowbray: agrees with Eliza -- no 'pressure' at all, nor urgency.
Pema Pera: all those expressions are approximations, Darren
Riddle Sideways: again, very good maxine
Darren Islar: sure Pema, just wondering about this 'origin'
Sharry Ragu: nice metaphor Maxine.. we pick which ripple to ride in on :))
Darren Islar: it was meant as a question actually
Baeric Constantine: Whether you wish to disagree or not, awareness emanates from within us, it does come to us from an external source... that is not to say that external sources do not impact our awareness, it does... similarly, our behaviour is altered through interaction with our environment, and our environment impacts our behaviour, not to mention that some of our behavioural patterns are inherent with us.... so too with awareness. It still remains ours, irrespective.
Baeric Constantine: does not necessarily come to us*
Fefonz Quan agree Baeric has a opint here
Fefonz Quan: point
Fefonz Quan: though it is not our as in 'i control it hence it;s mine'
Maxine Walden: Baeric may be expressing a clearly felt certainty
Eliza Madrigal 's sense is that it is everywhere and always and our part may be simply to be sensitive to dropping what we put in between... our 'our' usually...
Baeric Constantine: We may exercise some control, Fefonz, but not entirely, but that would depend on what amounts to control.
Baeric Constantine: the moment we interact with another, our awareness is altered, modified
Fefonz Quan: even while playing as Being, each of us 'perceive' Being from a different point of view
Baeric Constantine: extended even?
Pema Pera: yes, Eliza, Awareness as a facet of Being is quite different from what we normally call (our) awareness
Pema Pera: but we only have two minutes left . . .
Baeric Constantine: indeed, Fefonz, and that causes awareness to grow, does it not?
Bleu Oleander: two minutes of awareness left :)
Sharry Ragu: lol
Riddle Sideways: in this space :)
Darren Islar: I hope longer Bleu :)
Bleu Oleander: hehe
Baeric Constantine: two minute warning....
Fefonz Quan: let's drop that time(ing)
Sharry Ragu: :D
Baeric Constantine: lol - too measureable?
Pema Pera: well, thank you all for a wonderfully inspiring half year!
Pema Pera: And I look forward to continue in January
Baeric Constantine: wow
Riddle Sideways: yes, thank you all
Fefonz Quan: thank you Pema! looing forward to part 2
Baeric Constantine: half year? its only been a few minutes
Bleu Oleander: another wonderfully inspiring half year ahead Pema?
Darren Islar: so do I Pema :)
Sharry Ragu: thank you for your patience and inclusion :))
Baeric Constantine: I have to agree with Sharry
Baeric Constantine: thank you
Maxine Walden: yes many evolutions, and wonderfully inspiring
Eliza Madrigal: Thank you so much for your writings, Pema, and for these sessions which are late for you
Bleu Oleander: thank you Pema for providing the 'space' for this exploration!
Eliza Madrigal: much appreciated
Riddle Sideways: and 11 chapters!!!
Bruce Mowbray: THANKS, Pema.
Pema Pera: it's wonderful that we can share talking about what is normally considered un-talk-about-able :)
Sharry Ragu: :D
Pema Pera: and I'm very touched by your continuing enthusiasm!
Darren Islar: nes english word :))
Darren Islar: *new
Baeric Constantine: love the word Pema :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: pema, you´re indefatigable :)
Darren Islar: did somebody put on the tap ?
Pema Pera: it's midnight here . . . I do get a bit tired, Yaku!
Eliza Madrigal: Night Pema :)
Bleu Oleander: bye Pema, take care:)
Pema Pera: so I'm afraid I won't stay much longer
Darren Islar: :) sleep well Pema
Sharry Ragu: be well Pema :))
Yakuzza Lethecus: night pema :)
Sharry Ragu: /na
Pema Pera: cheers, everybody!
Sharry Ragu: Namaste
Maxine Walden: I had better go as well. Be well, all.
Eliza Madrigal: Bye to those who must be going, many thanks
Darren Islar: bye Maxine
Maxine Walden: Happy end of year celebrations for everyone
Pema Pera: bfn
Yakuzza Lethecus: bye max
Sharry Ragu: ã‹¡
Sharry Ragu: thank you too Maxine
Yakuzza Lethecus: bye everyone who´s leaving
Riddle Sideways: bye all those
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