2010.12.07 19:00 - Playgoda as famous as Delphi


    The Guardian for this meeting was Eos Amaterasu. The comments are by Eos Amaterasu.


    Rosecrucian Roeth: Hello Huntress
    Huntress Selenium: hi Rose
    Huntress Selenium: hi Eos!
    Rosecrucian Roeth: Hey, Eos.
    Eos Amaterasu: HI Rose and Huntress
    Eos Amaterasu: Have you been to Play as Being before?
    Huntress Selenium: I have
    Eos Amaterasu: Conversations here are logged, and then appear on the PaB wiki at http://wiki.playasbeing.org
    Rosecrucian Roeth: I have and I find it one of the more interesting, conversationaly speaking areas of SL.
    Eos Amaterasu: Is that okay with each of you?
    Rosecrucian Roeth: Which means?
    Huntress Selenium: it's fine by me
    Huntress Selenium: hi Crystal!
    Huntress Selenium: hi kirin
    Rosecrucian Roeth: I do not say anything here that I regret.
    Eos Amaterasu: Hi Crystall and kirin
    Kirin Writer: Hello
    Eos Amaterasu: Crystall and kirin, have you been to play as being before?
    Kirin Writer: Yes, ty
    Rosecrucian Roeth: Hello Krin and Crystal.
    Eos Amaterasu: Also, you should know that the chat here is logged to ouir wiki: is that okay?
    Crystal Alzael: yes, ty
    Huntress Selenium: kirin is a friend of mine; i invited her
    Crystal Alzael: yes, it is ok
    Crystal Alzael: ty
    Kirin Writer: True, I try to keep he from running wild in the streets
    Huntress Selenium: kirin, have I ever run wild in the streets?
    Huntress Selenium: uh, don't answer that
    Huntress Selenium giggles
    Kirin Writer smiles
    Eos Amaterasu: the basic state of "wild", as in un-fabricated, seems good
    Eos Amaterasu: but probably hard to be un-fabricated
    Huntress Selenium: Well, she thinks of me as this wild woman, cuz I don't wear clothes.
    Huntress Selenium rolls her eyes
    Eos Amaterasu: or to be open about our fabrications, which are also helpful and endearing
    Kirin Writer: in this instance "wild' refers to creating havok
    Huntress Selenium: moi? Create havok? You must be thinking of my sister, Rhiannon
    Huntress Selenium: I do sometimes live in a jungle sim, though
    Huntress Selenium: Surrounded by my sister Talunas
    Eos Amaterasu: Is there a Play as Beingy topic anyone would like to discuss?
    Kirin Writer: Eos, I was noticing your last name, are you familiar with Shinto?
    Eos Amaterasu: A little, yes. Amaterasu Omi Kami is who I am named after
    Eos Amaterasu: or rather, I couldn't resist choosing that last name when I first signed up for SL
    Kirin Writer smiles
    Kirin Writer: Is there room for kami, in SL?
    Huntress Selenium: I'm glad we can pick our last names for display; i wanted Selene, but was stuck with Selenium
    Eos Amaterasu: Amaterasu is the Japanese goddess of the sun, of the rising sun
    Eos Amaterasu: Eos is the greek dawn goddess
    Huntress Selenium: Jimmi Tennu
    Eos Amaterasu: There is an Amaterasu shrine here in SL
    Huntress Selenium: really?
    Kirin Writer: I guess the real question is, will our myths follow us here?
    Huntress Selenium: that's interesting
    Kirin Writer: I have been to it
    Huntress Selenium: kirin, our myths follow us everywhere
    Eos Amaterasu: plus we project our myths forward
    Huntress Selenium: So I identify with the Moon Goddess and you, Eos, with the Sun Goddess?
    Kirin Writer: How so?


    Huntress Selenium: Our myths are part of who we are; that's why I say they follow us everywhere
    Kirin Writer: I was asking about the projection of myth
    Eos Amaterasu: indeed. I think it's pretty much impossible to be without myths
    Eos Amaterasu: we also see the world through the lens of our default mythologies
    Huntress Selenium: Eos, could you explain what you mean by that?
    Eos Amaterasu: I have a sense of myself, which is the story of myself, and somewhat my personal myth
    Eos Amaterasu: that I carry along, and also share, and that colors how I experience the world
    Eos Amaterasu: it's the storyline I tell myself in ongoing internal narrative
    Huntress Selenium: That's your personal myth, Eos; I was thinking of our shared, cultural myths
    Eos Amaterasu: that's how I think of it, at least :-)
    Kirin Writer: Personal myth? are you refering to your perceptions?
    Eos Amaterasu: Perceptions, yes.
    Eos Amaterasu: But the shared, cultural myths are a big part of that
    Huntress Selenium: Wouldn't a myth be more a conception; and one underlying perception?
    Eos Amaterasu: Huntress being naked challenges ongoing story line about how to be, for example, in terms of "norms"
    Kirin Writer: Perhaps not, considering that most myth is ancient religion, and sometimes history
    Huntress Selenium: Norms need to be challenged, Eos
    Eos Amaterasu: I've found that I also make up my own myths: the story gets carried forward
    Huntress Selenium: And one sim owner put it well about my nakedness. I'm just naked, she said. Meaning the simiotics of female nudity is not there
    Eos Amaterasu: That's an ongoing and highly mythical meme, huntress
    Huntress Selenium: Eos, what is? A naked woman?
    Eos Amaterasu: (norms needing to be challenged)
    Eos Amaterasu: That's what youth is really good for :-)
    Huntress Selenium blushes at her misconception
    Kirin Writer: Some norms to indeed, require challenge. Those which cause harm, for example
    Eos Amaterasu: Yes, and often we don't even notice what those norms causing harm are
    Eos Amaterasu: It takes an effort to discover them
    Eos Amaterasu: and to undo them you may need to become a pain iin the ass
    Kirin Writer: Like the suffragettes of the ealry 20th Century in the US
    Eos Amaterasu: Yes
    Kirin Writer: We are still paying a price, for those particular, 'norms"
    Huntress Selenium: Yes, the Suffragettes; exactly. Or the notion these days that a man should dictate how a woman is to appear. I have a friend who is banned from a sim unless she submits her clothing to inspection by the sim admin; he has to approve what she wears
    Kirin Writer: By submitting, is your friend not accepting that Admin's right to do so?
    Huntress Selenium: Well, that is why she hasn't submitted
    Huntress Selenium: He wants her in his sim, but that is his price; she's not willing to pay it
    Eos Amaterasu: Sounds like love at second sight :-)
    Huntress Selenium: Well, they did date, and there was nothing more than friendship involved, she thought; but she's a stipper in rl, and guys often, when they date her, want to control her clothing
    Huntress Selenium: And then she found out he thought she was an ex of his in another avatar
    Huntress Selenium: SL relationships; you not only bring your baggage to them; but baggage from ppl you have never met
    Eos Amaterasu: complicated stories: Shakespeare could see those as play as being
    Eos Amaterasu: as could Mozart
    Huntress Selenium: oh, yeah, Shakespeare would have a field day with SL relationships
    Huntress Selenium: Comedy of Errors?
    Huntress Selenium: heh


    Kirin Writer: Oddly enough, I have refered to SL rzidents as "lesser gods"
    Kirin Writer: For we do have god like powers here
    Huntress Selenium: kirin, what do you mean by that?
    Eos Amaterasu: interesting - yes
    Huntress Selenium: oh, i see
    Eos Amaterasu: I think the story of that is just beginning, especially how it reflects back on and integrates with and changes RL
    Kirin Writer: We all choose our Second Lives, and yet, like greek dieties, we can't seem to control ourselves
    Eos Amaterasu: :-)
    Eos Amaterasu: "the gods must be crazy"
    Huntress Selenium: kirin, and maybe for similar reasons--Greek dieties had to interact with other gods and mortals
    Huntress Selenium: And their characters came out
    Huntress Selenium: Like Aphrodite, fighting on the side of the Trojans, getting hurt in battle, running home to Hera, who upbraided her. "Ur a goddess for heaven's sake; act like one" lol
    Eos Amaterasu: :-)
    Huntress Selenium: That's why I'm 'Huntress,' not "Aprodite,' no offense to Aphrodite
    Huntress Selenium: oh, she finally got out of her log out loop?
    Eos Amaterasu: wasn't that Minerva?
    Huntress Selenium: Minerva, or Athena, in Greek myth, fought on the side of the Greeks
    Huntress Selenium: Huntress was another name for Artemis, Appolo's sister
    Huntress Selenium: The Moon Goddess
    Kirin Writer: Makes no difference, the lesson is still there
    Huntress Selenium: yes, kirin
    Huntress Selenium: Aphrodite lacked courage, and couldn't take suffering
    Kirin Writer: it could not have been Athena though, too much pride
    Huntress Selenium: Although she was powerful enough to overcome suffering, if she but chose to
    Huntress Selenium: no, not Athena
    Huntress Selenium: It was Aphrodite
    Huntress Selenium: Why the goddess of love was involved with war, i don't know
    Huntress Selenium: She must have been a Democrat
    Huntress Selenium gently pokes kirin with her elbow
    Eos Amaterasu: "there's a thin line between love and hate"
    Kirin Writer: So will we one day be the myths of future members of virtual worlds
    Eos Amaterasu: See, I speak with lines from popular culture: that is living myth
    Huntress Selenium: kirin, yes, they will talk of us in the holodecks
    Eos Amaterasu: This place may become as famous as Delphi
    Kirin Writer: and will no doubt look in awe at the one who run screaming, for no real reason
    Huntress Selenium: now, that would be a hoot
    Eos Amaterasu: it's funny how some things/times become "the good old days"
    Eos Amaterasu: those were the days when gods walked in SL
    Huntress Selenium: yeah, i'm sure that for some people, the 30's are the good old days
    Eos Amaterasu: The 30's! Yikes!
    Huntress Selenium: War, depression, fascism, totalitariainism 'ah, yes, one grows nostalgic for the good old days.'
    Kirin Writer: Oh they are Huntress, but not for those things
    Kirin Writer: Life seemd simpler
    Huntress Selenium: oh, that's right, you grew up in the 30's, didn't you, kirin
    Huntress Selenium ducks as she waits for kirin to throw something at her
    Eos Amaterasu: maybe we think that in the good old days things were "more real" than they are now
    Eos Amaterasu: we were more alive, or something like that
    Kirin Writer: no child, but I do have some respect for the changes
    Kirin Writer: I didn't , as my grandmother did, have to cook over a wood stove
    Kirin Writer: or bear children, for economic reasons
    Eos Amaterasu: economic reasons?
    Huntress Selenium: Big families once were a support to one another


    Kirin Writer: Yes, Eos, when the US was mostly not mechinzed and was agricultural, children were wealth
    Kirin Writer: The more hands, the more land you could farm
    Eos Amaterasu: wealth as forward potential for sustainable survival
    Kirin Writer: that too
    Kirin Writer: don't forget infant mortality was higher also
    Eos Amaterasu: we are realizing now that non-renewable extracting from the earth decreases wealth
    Huntress Selenium: yeah, people had to have litters, really
    Kirin Writer: When was the last time you heard of somone dying of Scarlet Fever?
    Kirin Writer: but I lost 3 uncles and aunts to it
    Eos Amaterasu: now we need between 1 and 2 children per ... family?.... couple?... for sustainable survival
    Huntress Selenium: Clearly, there has been progress, kirin
    Huntress Selenium: omg, really?
    Huntress Selenium: That's in the history books for me; except for knowing you
    Kirin Writer: oh yes, huntress
    Kirin Writer: Yes, Eos
    Kirin Writer: Replace yourself
    Kirin Writer: the world cannot bear much more
    Huntress Selenium: Well, that's easy; you just open up a new account and--oh, ur talking the RW
    Kirin Writer: We live ina finite system
    Eos Amaterasu: in a way exploring just being, or experiencing just being, is wealth
    Huntress Selenium: kirin, well, that's true, but with nano technology, space exploration, cybernetics, we may not come to the limits for possibly millions of years
    Eos Amaterasu: feeeling the need to go elsewhere is poverty
    Huntress Selenium: oh, in that sense, yes, we will be faced with poverty by the end of the century; as we will have to go elsewhere, as a species, to survive
    Eos Amaterasu: but also just staying where you are could be ignorance or sloth
    Kirin Writer: You belive that a journey of a thouhsand miles begins with a sigle step?
    Eos Amaterasu: I believe that the origin is the goal
    Huntress Selenium: I beliee that a journey of a thousand lightyears begins with a single rocket
    Eos Amaterasu: "how can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all"
    Kirin Writer: while this is true literally , one cannot really know the world without experiancing it
    Eos Amaterasu: (more mythical thoughts)
    Huntress Selenium: Eos, happens all the time in SL lol
    Kirin Writer: lol Eos, "Firesign Theater"?
    Eos Amaterasu: yes!
    Huntress Selenium: omg, you guys are too old for me. Tht was in the 60's, wasn't it?
    Kirin Writer: We are all Bozo's on this bus
    Huntress Selenium wonders if she should get flowers to put in her hair
    Kirin Writer: yes Rh, the good old days
    Kirin Writer: lol
    Kirin Writer: Huntress
    Eos Amaterasu: "this is the safest room in the house. No one can hear us here." "What?" "this is the safest room in the house. No one can hear us here." "What?" "oh, never mind"
    Eos Amaterasu: :-)
    Kirin Writer: Just follow the yellow line
    Huntress Selenium: "What does a yellow light mean?" "Go slow?" "Okay. W H A T D O E S A Y E L L O W L I G H T M E A N?" "Go Slow" "Okay, "W H A T..."
    Huntress Selenium: Rev Jim on Taxi; closest to the '60's that I've been
    Eos Amaterasu: :-)
    Kirin Writer: I once knew people like jim, we called them 'burnt"
    Huntress Selenium: I don't even think I was a gleam in my granfather's eye back then
    Huntress Selenium: Yeah, they called him a "burn out" I think in the series
    Kirin Writer: too many drugs, in large dosage
    Kirin Writer: although, he would have made a great Taoist Saint
    Kirin Writer laughs
    Eos Amaterasu doesn't know Rev Jim
    Huntress Selenium: I did like one thing he said, though. When the Vietnam veteran said to him "While you were protesting the war and being a hippie, I was fighting to protect your freedom. What do you say to that?" "Thank you."
    Kirin Writer: he was played by the actor who was the Proffesor in 'Back to the Future"
    Kirin Writer: he seems to be , more or less a character actor
    Huntress Selenium: yeah, he was
    Huntress Selenium: I need to go, Eos, kirin. There's someplace i need to check out
    Eos Amaterasu: Ciao, Huntress!
    Kirin Writer: Take care Huntress
    Eos Amaterasu: I will go after the bell
    Huntress Selenium: caio, Eos
    Huntress Selenium: u 2 kirin


    Kirin Writer: Eos, is Dr. Demento still on somewhere?
    Eos Amaterasu: I don't know (Dr D is another piece of culture I missed)
    Eos Amaterasu: YouTube, probably
    Eos Amaterasu: After midnight here - good night, Kirin!
    Kirin Writer: he used to play the Firesign albums after midnight,way back when
    Kirin Writer: Good night , Eos
    Eos Amaterasu: :-)

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