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Rowan Masala was the guardian. Adelene's pop gun contributed to the conversation occasionally as well.
doug Sosa: he adelene
Adelene Dawner: hi :)
doug Sosa: hi.
Rowan Masala: oh! are there people here?
Threedee Shepherd: hi
Rowan Masala: I can't see anyone
Rowan Masala: did I sit on someone?
Adelene Dawner: You're ok, Rowan.
Rowan Masala: ah, I see you now, Adelene
Rowan Masala: and Doug
Rowan Masala: and Adams
doug Sosa: anothr beautiful dress.
Adams Rubble: Hello Doug, Adelene, Rowan, and Threedee :)
Adams Rubble: ty Doug
Adelene Dawner: ^.^ Hi, all.
Rowan Masala: Hello 3D
Adams Rubble: Adelene, I wanted you to know you helped me last night
Adelene Dawner: oh?
Adams Rubble: It wasn;t quite the way you were seeing it
Threedee Shepherd: Rowan, you are still only a pre-rez cloud on my screen
Adams Rubble: but you helped me begin to see my actions
Rowan Masala: hello, Pia
Adams Rubble: In my case from last week. It was very revealing :)
Adams Rubble: Hello Pia :)
Adelene Dawner: Good ^.^
Rowan Masala: yes, 3D, I didn't even know there were others here when I first came
Adelene Dawner: I had an interesting followup, though.
Rowan Masala: taking forever to rezz tonight
Threedee Shepherd: hi pia
Pia Iger: Hi, friends:-)
Rowan Masala: Adams, can you give us some background on what you and Adelene are discussing?
Adelene Dawner: I got to work today and discovered that I'd accidentally left the sink running all night from when I left something in it to soak - came about that close to flooding the bathroom. Oops.
Adelene Dawner: Oh...
Adelene Dawner: I spent yesterday 'running on autopilot' to see what'd happen if I did so - just letting whatever thoughts sufaced, surface, and not acting on them, just letting whatever actions happened happen instead.
Rowan Masala nods
Adams Rubble: and I have been watching my thoughts but never considered watching my actions
Threedee Shepherd: so the sink-overflow protector hole functioned?
Adams Rubble: when I looked back over last week, I was able to see weaknesses in a new detached light
Adelene Dawner: I don't think that sink has one. One of my co-workers found it when the water was about an inch or two from the top.
Threedee Shepherd: oooops
Adelene Dawner: Indeed.
Adams Rubble: whew!
Rowan Masala: someone was watching over you, then
Threedee Shepherd: POOR sink design
Adelene Dawner: Somethng like that, anyway.
Rowan Masala: Adams, what was different about the way you saw weakness?
Adams Rubble: Rowan, I saw the weaknesses were in my "self". I see that I can change them or avoid situations where they are evident
Rowan Masala nods
Rowan Masala: and what helped with that observation?
Adams Rubble: Adelene put the idea into my head to watch actions
Rowan Masala: ahh
Rowan Masala: hello Neela
Adams Rubble: Hello Neela :)
Pia Iger: there are two threads going on here. one from Adams, one from Adelene. want to follow up on both.
Neela Blaisdale: H Adams and Rowan
Pia Iger: Hi, Neela
Neela Blaisdale: And Adelene
Neela Blaisdale: There's Pia and Threedee too
doug Sosa: hi.
Rowan Masala smiles
Threedee Shepherd: hi
Rowan Masala: yes, a big group of guardians tonight
Neela Blaisdale: Hi Doug
Rowan Masala: Pia, you were saying you wanted to follow up on both...
Pia Iger: let's focus on Adams' first. She usually leave early.
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble gets tired at night
Rowan Masala nods, smiling
Pia Iger: but sounds like a big realization, Adams? of your actions.
Adams Rubble: Hello Mongo
Rowan Masala: Hello Mongo
Mongo McGinnis: hi
Neela Blaisdale: Hi Mongo
Rowan Masala: Mongo, I don't think we've met
Adams Rubble: Yes, it something new to observe
Rowan Masala: Are you new to this group?
doug Sosa: :)
Pia Iger: Mongo been here.
Popgun (drag onto yourself) whispers: Use Mouselook (press 'M') to shoot me.
Popgun (drag onto yourself) whispers: Choose 'Detach' from my menu to take me off.
Rowan Masala: k
Mongo McGinnis: have been to zen retreat bu not here on reg basis
Rowan Masala: There are the chimes
Rowan Masala: could we pause for 9 seconds, please?
Popgun (drag onto yourself): Could not find animation ''.
Rowan Masala: thank you
Neela Blaisdale: Hi pema
Rowan Masala: oh, welcome Pema
Pema Pera waiting for 9 seconds to say "hello" :)
Threedee Shepherd: hi pema
Adelene Dawner: 'lo Pema
Rowan Masala smiles
Adams Rubble: Hello Pema :)
Pia Iger waves.
doug Sosa: :)
Mongo McGinnis: lost a couple of people interested in zen tonight
Pema Pera: good seeing y'all!
Rowan Masala: lost a couple of people?
Pema Pera: didn't mean to interrupt you, Rowan, with the 9-sec !
Rowan Masala: glad you're here, Pema
Rowan Masala: what do you mean, lost them, Mongo?
Mongo McGinnis: talking to people over at hakarie
Mongo McGinnis: interested in buddhism
Pia Iger: seems we have difficulty of many people, several threads going on.
Rowan Masala: I think we can let it flow for a a bit, Pia, and see what happens :)
Mongo McGinnis: said to listen read and explore but do what they feel is right and goof for themselvles is the most important part
Mongo McGinnis: good not goof
Rowan Masala: perhaps one and the same
Mongo McGinnis: i tend to turn more people away that towards by saying do what they feel and think is right
Rowan Masala: I don't think that's you turning them away, MOngo
Rowan Masala: maybe that's a concept they need to grow comfortable with for a bit
Mongo McGinnis: i just usually get back negative not positive
Rowan Masala: so, we were talking about self-observation, specifically Adelene's suggestion to Adams that she observe actions as well as thoughts
Rowan Masala: Adelene, is that something you also do?
Mongo McGinnis: sounds great
Adams Rubble: Goodnight all. It was good to see you :)
Neela Blaisdale: Night Adams
Rowan Masala: ah, goodnight, Adams
Adelene Dawner: Yes, I always observe my actions.
Threedee Shepherd: nite adams
Mongo McGinnis: any good readings on karma
Neela Blaisdale: How did the topic of self observation come up
Mongo McGinnis: need to learn more
Adelene Dawner is having a lot of trouble following the conversation at the moment, sorry...
Mongo McGinnis: please fill us in soory for interferring
Rowan Masala: Oh, no. My fault for letting things run amok. Perhaps Pia can help us pull the threads together
Adelene Dawner: But self-observation came up at yesterday's meeting; I brought it up because I'd (rather randomly) wound up doing the experiment that I mentioned earlier of running on autopilot for a day and observing what actions happened if I disengaged my thoughts from my actions.
Rowan Masala nods
Pia Iger: yes, I am interested to know how the experiment went?
Adelene Dawner: It was interesting. I wound up doing a lot more things than I thought I would - I'd expected to be purely reacting to my surroundings but I wound up having a fairly normal day, actually.
Rowan Masala: and what did that tell you about your actions?
Adelene Dawner shrugs.
Adelene Dawner: There's more going on there than I thought - there are other triggers besides thoughts and my physical environment, I think. But I'm not sure.
Mongo McGinnis: i put myself out there alot and get negative results
Mongo McGinnis: and interesting concepts
Neela Blaisdale: Triggers for what Adelene?
Rowan Masala: 9 seconds, please...
Rowan Masala: thank you
Mongo McGinnis: breathe in and out wait
Mongo McGinnis: clear th mind
Adelene Dawner: Triggers for actions. Reasons for doing to happen.
Rowan Masala nods
Rowan Masala: how do you all trigger the 9 seconds for yourselves? and were you able to include those in your experiment, Adelene?
Adelene Dawner: (for that meaning of 'doing', which as Pema has mentioned is different from 'doing vs. not-doing')
Mongo McGinnis: wu wei?
Adelene Dawner: I actually don't do the nine-second meditations... my thoughts tend to run a bit too slowly for 9 seconds to be relevant to anything. I do get a few hours' worth of contemplation worked into most days, though.
Rowan Masala nods
Rowan Masala: Mongo, tell us about putting yourself out there
Mongo McGinnis: i tend to tal to poeple and express my views and ask them about theirs
Mongo McGinnis: they tend to exxpress themselves both positively and negatively
Mongo McGinnis: but interested on wht they think and say
Mongo McGinnis: i have been beaten down a few times
Mongo McGinnis: beccause of this
Mongo McGinnis: but it is all good
Pia Iger: interesting, I just heard in RL on Thur, someone did one day the exactly the same as Adelene, just do whatever comes naturally, she also said she accomplished a lot that day
Adelene Dawner: I didn't, especially, but I don't particularly value that, so...
Mongo McGinnis: ??? what do oyou mean
Neela Blaisdale: Goodnight all, have a good day tomorrow
Rowan Masala: Goodnight, Neela
Adelene Dawner: 'night, Neela
Mongo McGinnis: be well blessed be
Pema Pera: bye Neela!
Threedee Shepherd: 'nite
Neela Blaisdale: Bye
Mongo McGinnis: namaste
Pia Iger: bye, Neela.
Pia Iger: Adelene, I was responded to what you said 'I wound up doing a lot more things than I thought I would "
Adelene Dawner: Yes, more than I thought I would... but not more than I usualy would.
Mongo McGinnis: i tend not to talk about hings like this because i loose people and it sounds bad
Pia Iger: ok, it's clearer, Adelene.
Pema Pera: I'm sorry, but I'll have to leave now too. -- just wanted to drop bye before going out to brunch
Adelene Dawner: We're a pretty friendly/accepting/open-minded group, Mongo. I don't think you're going to upset anybody.
Pia Iger: bye, Pema.
Adelene Dawner: 'night, Pema.
Pema Pera: good seeing you all here!
Rowan Masala: be well, Pema
Mongo McGinnis: i usually do sorry
Rowan Masala: hello Tara
Mongo McGinnis: be well
Tara Farmer: BONJOUR
Tara's translator: BONJOUR
Adelene Dawner: No worries, Mongo.
Pia Iger: don't worry, Mongo,
Mongo McGinnis: hi ara anything on your mind
Tara Farmer: me?
Mongo McGinnis: anyone
Mongo McGinnis: why not you tara
Rowan Masala: I'm so sorry--could I ask someone else to keep the log for the remainder of the discussion? I'm not feeling well at all...
Tara Farmer: i see....well its my first night in my new home in france
Mongo McGinnis: nice how does it feel
Tara Farmer: and i didn't sleep at all
Pia Iger: ok, if there is anything more. Rowan. I will leave soon too.
Tara Farmer: lol
Rowan Masala: thank you Pia
Rowan Masala: goodnight all