The Guardian for this meeting was Moon Fargis. The comments are by Moon Fargis.
Moon Fargis: morning fael :)
Fael Illyar: morning :)
Fael Illyar: Morning Star :)
Moon Fargis: mornng star
Moon Fargis rises an eyebrow , 90 seconds?
Fael Illyar: Hi Pema :)
Moon Fargis: ahhh morning, or.. good night pema :)
Pema Pera: Hi Stargate, Moon, Fael!
Stargate Tone: Morning Moon, Fael and Pema
Moon Fargis: pema: i wasnt really able to check all emails but i saw
you are doing a Play as being flatrate as tarmel sugessted ?
Pema Pera: yes, that is the latest experiment
Moon Fargis: (fatrate might be a engleutsch word)
Pema Pera: and Storm implemented it in various ways: a second bell 90 seconds after the first one
Fael Illyar certainly isn't certain what the flatrate means here.
Pema Pera: with green lettering in the local chat window
Pema Pera: and also the fountain goes misty during those 90 seconds
Moon Fargis: (non stop without break, used in Adsl providers here, pay
a price and you can surf nonstop how long and often you want)
Moon Fargis: yes i just wondered ^^
Pema Pera: so the idea was to have a 1% time tax in RL and 10% in SL
Pema Pera: 9 sec in RL and 90 while we are here in a PaB session in SL
Pema Pera: for a while at least
Pema Pera: to see how that would go
Moon Fargis: hmhmm ok, how late is it for you atm ?
Pema Pera: 4 am
Moon Fargis: brrr
Pema Pera: did daylight saving time (Sommerzeit) start for you now?
Moon Fargis: yes ^^
Moon Fargis: hmhms yes now europe started to mess around with the time again
Moon Fargis: just pondered this night over this
Fael Illyar: Hi Qt :)
Moon Fargis: how human world build everything based on time
Pema Pera: Hi there Qt!
Moon Fargis: hi qt
Pema Pera: thanks, Moon :-)
Qt Core: springtime i suppose
Stargate Tone: Hello Qt
Pema Pera: :)
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Fael Illyar: It's again 11AM in Finland for 1AM meeting. No longer 10AM :)
Moon Fargis: yup^^
Qt Core: and it is 10 am here in Italy instead of 9
Moon Fargis: and still the tiredness s the same :)
Moon Fargis: cus we just play around with numbers here
Qt Core: how much these changes disrupt your internal clock ?
Moon Fargis: ohh for a sleeping bear like me.. verry much :)
Moon Fargis: but its still intresting to see.. that the humans, who are freely slaves to the time, mess around with their god
Pema Pera: :)
Moon Fargis: ahwel maybe its becasue they invented it
Qt Core: trying to deny it the god status ?
Moon Fargis: hehe..see, time is everywhere, without time we wouldnt be
here becasue noone could calculate the formulas who where needed for
all the comlex stuff happening in the pc, even for creating them ....
yes i ont see time as god personally but i see how people treat
themself that time is one, following its rules exactly as possible
Moon Fargis likes that binnng
Fael Illyar smiles.
Qt Core: your one hand typing reminded me more about directing an orchestra than typing ;-)
Pema Pera: :)
Moon Fargis: like a micrwave is ready :)
Qt Core: great work by storm i suppose
Pema Pera: yup
Moon Fargis: ˙·•| mmh *nods* |•·˙
Pema Pera: the original PaB bell was by Moon and Fael?
Qt Core: we were talking 12 hours ago about some visual and audio warning
Moon Fargis: yups
Pema Pera: yes, and this is the result of that discussion
Pema Pera: Moon, you know Momo, I guess?
Pema Pera: Michael Ende's book?
Qt Core: great response time for something IT related (sorry, jk)
Moon Fargis: momo.. hmm heard of it
Moon Fargis: but never read it
Qt Core: read many many years ago
Pema Pera: yes, Qt, indeed :-)
Pema Pera: ah, you were talking as if you were coming straight out of the book -- you may like it, Moon!
Qt Core: much more gentle and deep than the Never Ending Story
Moon Fargis: aha
Pema Pera: did you read the Never Ending Story or see the movie, Qt?
Qt Core: first the book (when no one knew about it
Pema Pera: I only read the book, didn't see the movie -- must be almost impossible to put all those ideas in a movie . . . .
Qt Core: don't even remember if i went to see the movie or waited for it to be aired on tv
Moon Fargis: well the movies where awsome.. even if i just saw 1 and 2
Pema Pera: I enjoyed both, read them both two years ago
Qt Core: i'm not a great movie watcher (at the cinema)
Moon Fargis: well the "nothingness" he described in the story , i
wonder if that has something todo with emptyness i buddhism ...
Pema Pera: I don't think so -- his nothingness was too nihilistic . . .
Pema Pera: indicating what happens when fantasy and reality get too much separated
Qt Core: maybe i'm just ignorant, is the emptyness in buddhism so negative ?
Moon Fargis: no ^^
Pema Pera: the fact that neither of the two can stand on its own may come closer to a notion of emptiness
Qt Core: ok, i feared i had misunderstood the little i get about buddhism ;-)
Moon Fargis: i just got reminded that basicly when we are in emptyness,
also all phantasy and illusions even imaginations are dropped
Moon Fargis: but then maybe the emptyness in buddhism doesnt reject it as the nothingness
Moon Fargis: it just fades away into a harmonic state
Qt Core: but always both and togheter
Qt Core: both stay or both go
Pema Pera: emptiness in Buddhism could equally well be called fullness . . . .
Pema Pera: it goes beyond the realm of concepts
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Moon Fargis: hmhm yes just thought about it, felt that nothingness is dark and emptyness is bright
Stargate Tone: oh
Stargate Tone: ah
Stargate Tone: sry
Stargate Tone: mixed up again with that word 'nothingless'...which is near like the emptyness in buddhism
Qt Core: which word is used in english in the book, empty or void ? in italian is the equivalent for nothing (nulla)
Stargate Tone: which also is light, but not as bright as the emptyness
Stargate Tone: btw Pema
Stargate Tone: english is your own language
Stargate Tone: how do you think about the word 'nothigless' ?
Stargate Tone: nothingless
Fael Illyar smiles about 'nothingless'.
Fael Illyar: clever :)
Pema Pera: (sorry, waiting for the 90 sec)
Pema Pera: yes, a nice word, nothingless :-)
Qt Core: it feel like jumping backward just thinking about it ;-)
Moon Fargis: ^^
Stargate Tone: said by the man in Egyp; highly educated in english;
genious person...tried to describe 'where' he felt himself to be
Stargate Tone: and...well...this nothingless I feel to be 'around'...but the emptyness is inside...
Stargate Tone: that emptyness, which also I'de like to call full
Qt Core: that almost define something dividing outide and inside.... ourselves ?
Stargate Tone: the own existence
Moon Fargis: hmm maybe both ^^
Stargate Tone: well; have never experienced that fullness around....
Moon Fargis just remembers how he munched away a box of candy and remembers fullness
Stargate Tone: well...might silence also be good word to describe the emptyness/full
Stargate Tone: maybe people could then also understand better, how little possibilities there's to any movement in that state...
Qt Core: it seem "less void" to me as it refer only to sound
Moon Fargis: hmm well emptyness, is also termless, everything is stll
there, but has no terms, no meaning, no purpose, no good or bad
Stargate Tone: can U FAel tell the word 'refere' ?
Pema Pera: yes, silence can come from emptiness and lead further into emptiness
Pema Pera: and emptiness refers to everything, indeed Qt, like the light of a movie projector
Moon Fargis: hmhm you can walk in emptyness and still can hurt your
foot when you run against something you called table back then
Pema Pera: refers to all of the movie
Qt Core: wonder how you will call it after hitting it ;-)
Stargate Tone: lol
Pema Pera: :)
Moon Fargis: well bascly when you are in a state of emptyness, you
wouldnt recognice it.. but when you are coming back ..this describes it
the best:
Moon Fargis: *mumblegrumble*
Stargate Tone: well; take that one can be aware of all earthly things in state of emptyness, but not move...
Pema Pera: yes, *
Stargate Tone: ah...may yes need somebody around to move ...
Moon Fargis: brb
Stargate Tone: ...silence is golden golden...lalllallallllalllaaaaaa
Stargate Tone: hearts
Moon Fargis: golden hmhm
Moon Fargis waves a "good morning " to pema :)
Stargate Tone: claps her hands *
Pema Pera: not yet morning here, Moon, but good :)
Qt Core: a good wake call especially if you had your eyes closed for the 90 sec silence ;-)
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Moon Fargis: hmhm wel we got better ones, shall i show you ?
Pema Pera: I like to keep them open, but either way is fine
Moon Fargis: who dares to click it ?:)
Pema Pera has a sense of foreboding
Pema Pera: or deja vu
Pema Pera: it sounds very much like Manhattan
Fael Illyar smiles.
Stargate Tone: -> Pema wonderful
Pema Pera: actually, I think I'm going to get some more sleep
Pema Pera: Had a long session with Threedee yesterday evening
Fael Illyar: Ah Moon, you scared him away :)
Moon Fargis: hehe
Pema Pera: only got two hours of sleep
Stargate Tone: Sweet dreams and good rest
Pema Pera: :-)
Fael Illyar: Good night Pema :)
Moon Fargis: good night pema :)
Pema Pera: thanks, Stargate!
Pema Pera: and good seeing you all here
Qt Core: 'night Pema
Pema Pera: bye everybody
Fael Illyar waves.
Qt Core: i have to go to some chaffeur duty
Moon Fargis: ah
Moon Fargis: ok have fun too :)
Fael Illyar: See you later Qt :)
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Qt Core: Ciao!
Stargate Tone: Ciao
Moon Fargis: ^^