2012.01.19 19:00 – Chatting

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    2012.01.19 19:00 – Chatting

    The Guardian for this meeting was Paradise Tennant. Participants included stevenaia, Multiverse1, Luncinda

    stevenaia Michinaga: Hi Multi
    Multiverse1 Resident: Hi Stevenaia, I'm very glad, and surprisingly, not surprised, that you are here.
    stevenaia Michinaga: this is the time of the evening where being here sync's perfectly with my RL schedule
    Multiverse1 Resident: I just had the most amazing thing, pertinent to seeing things that are now invisible, but were not increments ago
    stevenaia Michinaga: ..listens
    Multiverse1 Resident: It is beginning to snow, here where I live
    Multiverse1 Resident: I just walked from my apt. to the store.
    Multiverse1 Resident: there is a very light coating of snow upon the ground
    Multiverse1 Resident: I could "see" the footsteps of those who just walked, moments ago before me.
    Multiverse1 Resident: those people had just stepped upon the slightest layer of snow you could see.
    stevenaia Michinaga: it is amazing how many invisible things we do believe in and how many we do not
    stevenaia Michinaga: laws of physics, yin and yang, Dao
    Multiverse1 Resident: I tried to "see" those individuals in each step. This is besides the 2 people, " human" that I encountered on my way and back. It was a 97 increment pause for me. You see, Stevenaia. I do.
    stevenaia Michinaga: footsteps w/o bodies
    Multiverse1 Resident: thank you bell, excellent timing!
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi Paradise
    Paradise Tennant: smiles fell asleep
    Paradise Tennant: how are you
    Paradise Tennant: sorry I am late
    stevenaia Michinaga: I was napping too
    stevenaia Michinaga: no problem we were keeping each other company
    Multiverse1 Resident: crashed, sorry
    stevenaia Michinaga: crashed happens
    stevenaia Michinaga: how was your nap? Mine was caused by, among other things yummy pasta and eggplant parm dinner, will put anyone to sleep
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Paradise Tennant: it was lovely very cold here tonight and windy .. was all wrapped up the duvet .
    stevenaia Michinaga: amazing how warm they will make you even on the coldest night
    Paradise Tennant: smiles what shall we talk of tonight .. sleep maybe if we talk of dreams .. luci will arrive
    stevenaia Michinaga: did multi crash again?
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: she still owes me a finish to my dream from last week
    stevenaia Michinaga: she always seems to appear around 8:00 SLT if only for a hello moment
    stevenaia Michinaga: wb Multi
    Multiverse1 Resident: Sorry, Stevenaia, call me Multi crash, this time period.
    Multiverse1 Resident: usually I can just re-log
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: this time I had to re=boot I need 97 increments, to re=aclammate.e
    Multiverse1 Resident: Hi Paradise!
    Multiverse1 Resident: The picture of the footsteps in the snow, shall live with me, until, the end of my days.
    Multiverse1 Resident: Thanx for listening Stevenaia!
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    Paradise Tennant: :)
    Paradise Tennant: we are nappy tonight ! still blinking here
    Multiverse1 Resident: Thank you, bell
    stevenaia Michinaga: my Tai Chi teacher was talking about the importance of inner and outer smiles tonight
    Multiverse1 Resident: you actually missed, a significant part of that.
    Multiverse1 Resident: smile as you will
    Multiverse1 Resident: how happy is you r smile?
    Multiverse1 Resident: tai chi
    Multiverse1 Resident: the movement, of the body and mind as one?
    stevenaia Michinaga: I seems to be able smile most of the time
    stevenaia Michinaga: some seem to live in eternal misery
    Multiverse1 Resident: so what did your teacher teach? or more importantly, what did you learn from what was taught that you absorbed, and can now reflect?
    Multiverse1 Resident: so seem as you see them
    Multiverse1 Resident: some seem as you see them
    stevenaia Michinaga: it was just a story at first how certain people would make it impossible to smile, and I think she was over it now, but as we do our standing meditation before we begin class she talked about breathing smiles into our organs and to our friend
    Multiverse1 Resident: and Paradise has a different view
    Multiverse1 Resident: 97 secs , yes
    stevenaia Michinaga: *your friends
    stevenaia Michinaga: and to your enemies
    Multiverse1 Resident: my rl friends, know me better than, myself
    Multiverse1 Resident: and they know of my speech and outlook on this world.
    Multiverse1 Resident: I Am Me, You are You, and We are We!
    Multiverse1 Resident: Can never argue with that statement.
    Multiverse1 Resident: please bell?
    stevenaia Michinaga: ding
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: I have MANY Enemies, They are of lesser number than my friends
    Multiverse1 Resident: far and few between
    stevenaia Michinaga: why do you have many
    Multiverse1 Resident: You make your own world, and I shall make mine.
    stevenaia Michinaga: I do not know if I do
    Multiverse1 Resident: no
    Multiverse1 Resident: not important, as is many things
    Multiverse1 Resident: I have MANY Multitudes of Friends.
    Multiverse1 Resident: but
    stevenaia Michinaga: I have just enough friends
    Paradise Tennant: like the idea of breathing smiles ;)
    Multiverse1 Resident: what I would seek for eternity
    Paradise Tennant: always try to smile a lot in rl too think it is good for you
    Multiverse1 Resident: exhale, para
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    stevenaia Michinaga: it is, physically and more
    Multiverse1 Resident: how much more then?
    Multiverse1 Resident: 97 increments, please
    Multiverse1 Resident: I have said that for 10,000 days , a least1
    Multiverse1 Resident: SORRY CAPS
    Multiverse1 Resident: AND EXCUSE ME BELL
    Multiverse1 Resident: I KNOW, YOU ARE MORE FORGIVING THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN this place.
    Multiverse1 Resident: caps off
    Multiverse1 Resident: yeah, button!
    Multiverse1 Resident: lol
    Multiverse1 Resident: I am Me, You are You, and We are WE!
    Multiverse1 Resident: please feel free, to interrupt
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: or to say " Shut up Multi1"
    stevenaia Michinaga: the multiverse channel is tuned in tonight
    Multiverse1 Resident: my friends do this. Usually, it will send me into, a 97 increment ,, pause
    Multiverse1 Resident: has for 17,000 days, at least
    Multiverse1 Resident: of the current, agreed upon colander
    Multiverse1 Resident: so, how's the cat being this evening?
    stevenaia Michinaga: not sure where the cat is, was using him for a pillow earlier when I napped
    Multiverse1 Resident: thank you, Stevenaia, the "bell"
    stevenaia Michinaga: hope I didn’t leave him outside, he was not waiting when I looked outside
    Multiverse1 Resident: invisible then
    Multiverse1 Resident: oh
    Multiverse1 Resident: bad master
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes, my cat is a bad master, treats us like slaves
    Multiverse1 Resident: foot prints, in the snow?
    Multiverse1 Resident: evidence that it has walked there before
    Multiverse1 Resident: to the current vision
    Multiverse1 Resident: lol
    stevenaia Michinaga: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPHuJ...layer_embedded
    Multiverse1 Resident: It is a vast and wonderful world indeed
    Multiverse1 Resident: hope I don't crash again, but, who really cares?
    stevenaia Michinaga: does not matter, reboot is nice
    Paradise Tennant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ntDY...&feature=share
    Paradise Tennant: this is cute
    Multiverse1 Resident: nice already. communication to the n'th degree, and I am only listening.
    Multiverse1 Resident: I see this so many times every of your incremental days. You simply would not understand
    Paradise Tennant: http://www.zapiks.fr/le-chien-le-plu...ol-du-mon.html
    Multiverse1 Resident: now I will take 97 increments and watch it.
    Multiverse1 Resident: maybe 237 increments this day
    Multiverse1 Resident: too many increments, each day!
    Multiverse1 Resident: on to Paradise
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Paradise Tennant: well I think will have to say good night . Thank you multi stev :) for the company .. :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi Lucinda
    Paradise Tennant: oh hiya luci how are you
    Lucinda Lavender: I am ok:)got all caught up in my movie tonight...:) The Help
    Multiverse1 Resident: Ha, this reminds me of a book. I believe it's called " Human Nature, Animal nature. Aristotle methinx
    Lucinda Lavender: meant to be here earlier
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: you are always welcome Luci
    Multiverse1 Resident: Hi Lucinda, when was earlier?
    Paradise Tennant: are you snowed in É
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi Foxtree
    Multiverse1 Resident: how many increments ago?
    Multiverse1 Resident: 97?
    Lucinda Lavender: oh perhaps an hour ago meant to be here
    Multiverse1 Resident: oh 60 then
    Foxtree Gorbunov: hi
    Lucinda Lavender: 60 minutes yes:)
    Multiverse1 Resident: foxtree?
    Lucinda Lavender: Hi Foxtree, Multi, Steve and Paradise
    Multiverse1 Resident: Am I blind?
    Paradise Tennant: hiya foxtree
    Multiverse1 Resident: oh yes, apparently so
    Multiverse1 Resident: Hi Foxtree
    Foxtree Gorbunov: Okay...How is ever one
    Multiverse1 Resident: i am alive methinx, and your " self"
    stevenaia Michinaga: I’m good, thanks, have you been here before?
    Multiverse1 Resident: 1st time here , perhaps?
    Foxtree Gorbunov: Okay Mult
    Multiverse1 Resident: Gorbunov
    Multiverse1 Resident: FgG then
    Multiverse1 Resident: FG
    Multiverse1 Resident: Phat Phingers
    Multiverse1 Resident: call me MT
    stevenaia Michinaga: bedtime for me, night all
    Paradise Tennant: one sec foxtree I will get a notecard that will tell you what this group is about
    Multiverse1 Resident: that was the intent of the name, afterall
    Foxtree Gorbunov: I know the feeling
    Foxtree Gorbunov: GN all
    Lucinda Lavender: night steve...
    Multiverse1 Resident: night Stevenaia
    Multiverse1 Resident: no import
    Multiverse1 Resident: hmm
    Multiverse1 Resident: , the fox has left the henhouse
    Lucinda Lavender: a departure yes
    Multiverse1 Resident: so can I ask, do either of you 2 know of the falcon here?
    Lucinda Lavender: I do not know of a falcon
    Multiverse1 Resident: Iand you , para/
    Multiverse1 Resident: ?
    Multiverse1 Resident: and you, Para?
    Paradise Tennant: sorry
    Multiverse1 Resident: phat phingers, again.
    Paradise Tennant: not sure what you mean
    Multiverse1 Resident: no, not a problem, just a simple question, that is all.
    Multiverse1 Resident: I wiill show you, if you want , but I will not tell of this. I promised someone here once. so, let me know, if you wish to see it
    Multiverse1 Resident: sorry, and thank you ,bell.
    Multiverse1 Resident: sshhh
    Lucinda Lavender: is the falcon nearby?
    Multiverse1 Resident: I am with him now. look for me in your map
    Multiverse1 Resident: I will send you a picture
    Lucinda Lavender: Luci looks at the map
    Lucinda Lavender: and wonders if the falcon is left by someone
    Multiverse1 Resident: This is the falcon, that has lived above all of your meetings thusfar
    Multiverse1 Resident: he has been here many days
    Lucinda Lavender: am being imaginative and thinking about how falcons might be used
    Multiverse1 Resident: I just came from there, however , I promised not to tell.
    Lucinda Lavender: usually they can be a trained bird
    Lucinda Lavender: ?
    Paradise Tennant: smiles .. sorry I am going to have to go . too sleepy to say much :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: Duh, look at the picture
    Paradise Tennant: again thank multi .. lucinda .. :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: Bye , me too methinx
    Lucinda Lavender: good night Paradise...
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Lucinda Lavender: dream sweetly
    Multiverse1 Resident: the falcon
    Paradise Tennant: nite nite sweet dreams
    Multiverse1 Resident: dream that you are awake then
    Multiverse1 Resident: but rest peacefully
    Lucinda Lavender: looking at photo
    Multiverse1 Resident: hmm
    Lucinda Lavender: slow internet
    Lucinda Lavender: most interesting
    Multiverse1 Resident: look rather closely, and you would see, that bird has watched over every appearance by you, in this place. A fact.
    Lucinda Lavender: a watcher
    Multiverse1 Resident: amazing what you don't see.
    Multiverse1 Resident: an observer, yes.
    Multiverse1 Resident: check it out some tyme
    Lucinda Lavender: multi are you up late?
    Lucinda Lavender: I will have to go soon...
    Multiverse1 Resident: Agatha could tell you, I am sure
    Lucinda Lavender: ah..perhaps so
    Multiverse1 Resident: say goodbye. Thanks for being present Lucinda
    Lucinda Lavender: sure...I have had several snow days in RL
    Multiverse1 Resident: nice typing skills
    Lucinda Lavender: me??
    Lucinda Lavender: I make many mistakes tho
    Lucinda Lavender: I am getting rested
    Multiverse1 Resident: foot prints, in the snow?
    Lucinda Lavender: a few yes
    Multiverse1 Resident: makes you wonder
    Lucinda Lavender: we will go from 27 degrees to 40 tomorrow
    Lucinda Lavender: and the many inches of snow will transform themselves
    Multiverse1 Resident: don't even go near there ,miss , please?
    Lucinda Lavender: in to a new form
    Multiverse1 Resident: ha
    Multiverse1 Resident: a new bell then
    Lucinda Lavender: the quiet before the flow
    Multiverse1 Resident: no flow, acually, no quiet, then , the flow.'
    Lucinda Lavender: just getting ready...
    Multiverse1 Resident: do you understand the bell? Lucinda
    Lucinda Lavender: yes
    Multiverse1 Resident: you're welcome, entity of bell
    Lucinda Lavender: just not feeling like being quiet I guess
    Multiverse1 Resident: who, you? thought you were sleeping.
    Multiverse1 Resident: typist
    Lucinda Lavender: not sleepy as of yet...energized by a movie...but must go for now
    Multiverse1 Resident: yet nothing comes from it.
    Lucinda Lavender: from what?
    Multiverse1 Resident: bye Lucinda, be safe and well!
    Multiverse1 Resident: say hello to the falcon
    Lucinda Lavender: ok and the same for you...safe and well...Hello falcon !
    Multiverse1 Resident: he watches over you.
    Lucinda Lavender: :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: sshh
    Lucinda Lavender: :)

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