2012.01.27 19:00 - Talking with our hands

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Sylectra Darwin. The comments are by Sylectra Darwin.

    Multiverse1 Resident: hi slyectra
    Multiverse1 Resident: and alf/
    Sylectra Darwin: Well hello Multiverse
    Multiverse1 Resident: is that sign language, you are using?
    Sylectra Darwin: sign language..no. :)
    Sylectra Darwin: Just the gestures that go with my AO.
    Sylectra Darwin: Sign language would certainly be more interesting
    Multiverse1 Resident: ha, just wondering
    Sylectra Darwin: I see Boxy over there, asleep in the grass
    Multiverse1 Resident: yes 16 meters
    Multiverse1 Resident: probably other occuppied, you?
    Sylectra Darwin: What do you mean?
    Multiverse1 Resident: curious, did you chose darwin as some metaphor or real? and I was just asking how are you.
    Sylectra Darwin: I'm well, thanks! How are you?
    Sylectra Darwin: I chose Darwin because it grounds my nature. :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: I'm ok too, was watching your AO, and it looks like me in real life.
    Sylectra Darwin: My father taught biology and earth science.
    Sylectra Darwin: hehe
    Multiverse1 Resident: I talk with my hands insesantly
    Sylectra Darwin: That seems like a good thing
    Sylectra Darwin: does it cause any problems?
    Multiverse1 Resident: Evolution, that is why I asked, simply didn't know if it was your real last name or such
    Multiverse1 Resident: Yes, my rapport is often taken brackishly or energated maybe.
    Multiverse1 Resident: Personal space and such
    Multiverse1 Resident: I can become quite annimated
    Multiverse1 Resident: It is 80 degrees in my apt. 35 outside and I've opened a window. The heat was malfunctioning, not it won't shut off! Helter Swelter!
    Sylectra Darwin: I see.
    Sylectra Darwin: Do you ever think your avatar also needs a very animated AO then?
    Sylectra Darwin: wow, very hot, sounds like
    Sylectra Darwin: I hope you don't have to pay for that heat
    Multiverse1 Resident: not important to me, is it to you?
    Multiverse1 Resident: is included
    Sylectra Darwin: I like to have some kind of natural movement
    Multiverse1 Resident: what a waste though
    Sylectra Darwin: Not sure whether I care about the typing animation gesture
    Sylectra Darwin: agree; a waste
    Sylectra Darwin: we pay for oil heat and it's very expensive
    Multiverse1 Resident: you can shut the typing off, you know
    Sylectra Darwin: we pay $300 per month year round on a payment plan just to heat the house for 5 months per year
    Multiverse1 Resident: yes used to have a tank
    Multiverse1 Resident: I live in new england
    Multiverse1 Resident: It's 36 degrees out, and I have the window open, go figure.
    Multiverse1 Resident: was thinking of that before actually
    Multiverse1 Resident: what are narrow comfort zone we abide in.
    Sylectra Darwin: True
    Multiverse1 Resident: thus the open window
    Multiverse1 Resident: comfort zones in heat, gesture, language, hmmm
    Multiverse1 Resident: narrow for each of us, until we interact. The "laws" of thermodynamics.
    Sylectra Darwin: Emerging out of your comfort zone.
    Multiverse1 Resident: I don't have an anti-comfort zone, at least not normally
    Multiverse1 Resident: but, walls are just an obstacle to be traversed
    Sylectra Darwin: Walls are just an obstacle to be traversed...what do you mean? Tell me more.
    Multiverse1 Resident: there are if any, very few "closed" systems
    Multiverse1 Resident: well your or my comfort zone, for example. If you create a zone, it infers containment.
    Multiverse1 Resident: or a wall
    Multiverse1 Resident: or many walls
    Multiverse1 Resident: depending on the system
    Sylectra Darwin: nods
    Sylectra Darwin: So how can interacting cause our comfort zones to change?
    Multiverse1 Resident: so, they are like a bump in the road.
    Multiverse1 Resident: it is interaction , in any regard
    Multiverse1 Resident: you are projected into the next trajectory
    Sylectra Darwin: Would my comfort zone become more limited or more broad if I encountered the right person, I wonder?
    Multiverse1 Resident: each of us wonders
    Multiverse1 Resident: I would be the "left" person in your example however.
    Multiverse1 Resident: want to try an experiment?
    Sylectra Darwin: Sure, what did you have in mind?
    Multiverse1 Resident: I want you to pick a point visible to you anywhere
    Multiverse1 Resident: now, pick a second point somewhere
    Sylectra Darwin: ok
    Multiverse1 Resident: I want you to tell me how many directions are possible from A to B?
    Multiverse1 Resident: Then hold your arm out strait to the right
    Sylectra Darwin: seems like just one since they are 5 inches apart in a straight line with nothing between.
    Multiverse1 Resident: the point at the end and the point at the beginning have every other point in common to them both
    Multiverse1 Resident: there is every possible direction from a to b
    Multiverse1 Resident: left and right are but 2 of them
    Sylectra Darwin: Sure, makes sense.
    Multiverse1 Resident: by seeing the straight line, or the "right" you have created the wall or bump
    Multiverse1 Resident: you then go to the next point in your journey from a to b
    Multiverse1 Resident: if you step "up" for the 1st step, then at some point in the future you will need to step "down to arrive at b
    Sylectra Darwin: along the bump, so to speak?
    Multiverse1 Resident: the bumps are not real, but only perceived.
    Multiverse1 Resident: we create the comfort zones wallss , do we not?
    Multiverse1 Resident: I know it's all jiberish, perhaps you can replace the log with an empty box?
    Multiverse1 Resident: was just pondering "directions" all day is all, and how many directions there trully are.
    Sylectra Darwin: It's true, we do.
    Sylectra Darwin: lol
    Sylectra Darwin: And then there are the kind that you give and the kind that you take
    Multiverse1 Resident: whatt do you mean by that? Can you clarify?
    Multiverse1 Resident: It's the flatland thing again. We see in a strsight line, as you saw the , what you felt quickest way from a to b.
    Sylectra Darwin: sorry, I got interrupted by a visitor
    Multiverse1 Resident: want to wrap myself in what you termed "comfort zone" now.
    Sylectra Darwin: Directions - the kind you give and the kind you take. :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: Finnally can breathe in here, down to 76 now, whew
    Multiverse1 Resident: oh, you are referring to imposing walls upon yourself or others.
    Multiverse1 Resident: Directions you can give or take
    Multiverse1 Resident: I am talking about the freeflow of directions instead. Kind of from the end rather than the beginning is all.
    Multiverse1 Resident: An "any" directional thing
    Multiverse1 Resident: by envisioning the line from a to b , you create a direction. I f you eliminate the time from a to b it is instantaneous.
    Sylectra Darwin: It was a play on words but also how you can choose a way that has more force based on your perception of whether it should have.
    Multiverse1 Resident: like when you said the "right" word, which caused my omni directional compass to come online
    Multiverse1 Resident: force, the velocity from a to be, when time is involved
    Multiverse1 Resident: energy expended also
    Multiverse1 Resident: great crowd here tonight hey?
    Multiverse1 Resident: lol
    Multiverse1 Resident: couldn't resist Sylectra
    Sylectra Darwin: lol
    Sylectra Darwin: yeah, sorry about the standing room only conditions
    Multiverse1 Resident: and is Boxy still around, or is he a square.
    Multiverse1 Resident: maybe he needs oil
    Multiverse1 Resident: like the tinmaan
    Sylectra Darwin: he's a square who's around.
    Sylectra Darwin: hee hee
    Multiverse1 Resident: what do you do for vocation in rl Sylectra?
    Sylectra Darwin: visit family
    Multiverse1 Resident: nice, just curious
    Sylectra Darwin: would love to visit breweries, that's what we do if we can fit it in
    Sylectra Darwin: and you?
    Multiverse1 Resident: we have a brewery bar in my city. The vats are Huge. I move things from point a to b. I am a logistics person.
    Multiverse1 Resident: shipping
    Sylectra Darwin: aha, that makes perfect sense
    Multiverse1 Resident: Slyectra, it has been a pleasant experience, conversing with you for this tyme. Thanx for your presence here this tyme period.
    Sylectra Darwin: Youre welcome, thank you as well!
    Sylectra Darwin: I must go for the evening
    Sylectra Darwin: See you again soon!
    Multiverse1 Resident: hope to see, meet or encounter you again

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